Re: License and copyright in generated code from wsdl2h in gsoap package (original) (raw)

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On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 21:03 +0200, Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:

Khalid Aziz wrote:

So the generated code not only automatically gets placed under GPL, it also gets its copyright assigned to someone else.

I don't know this tool at all. Does it only transform your input into code, or is some code written by this Robert van Engelen also inserted? For example, startup code or some standard library?

This tool generates C code from XML file. So in a way, this tool is generating all of the code in its output which can be considered to have been written by Robert van Engelen since he wrote the tool.

This is indeed similar to gcc, which adds code from libgcc (or libstdc++) to your program. But gcc has an exception that permits you to use whatever license you want to the output.

This refers to linking one's final binary with gcc libraries and the startup code. If one were to use gcc to generate assembly code from C code without linking it with libgcc or libstdc++, gcc does not require the resulting assembly language code to be licensed under GPL.

-- Khalid

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