Re: Gcc-7 help needed to upgrade r-cran-igraph (original) (raw)

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On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 01:32:59PM +0200, Fabian Klötzl wrote:

On 07.09.2017 12:06, Andreas Tille wrote:

Uhmm, yes, I missed this. Adding Build-Depends libxml2-dev helped ...

Thanks for helping me reading

It is always the little things. ☺

Anyways, seems like the detect for libxml2 is flawed. Might be worth opening an issue upstream.

Probably not. I patched the CRAN's own pkgconfig out since I do not see any need to package r-cran-pkgconfig. If I provide all Build-Depends Debian's own pkg-config does a proper job.

Kind regards



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