Question about watch file (original) (raw)

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get a correct debian/watch file for my package. The upstream source is from sourceforge[1] but it has a white space in the path[2]. I'd like to get the lastest source from "uget (stable)" but under the normal case I only get the source from "uget (developing)".

Normal case:


In this case I only get the lastest "uget (developing)" source.

I was trying with:

version=4 [\040\](\)(.*)

But I only get all files from "uget (stable)" and whenever I wanted to be more specify I couldn't be able to get the lastest version.

Do you know if it's a special case? I'd glad if you can help me. Thanks.

[1] [2]

Best regard, Elías Alejandro

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