BRITE-CA 1, 2 (BRITE-Toronto, BRITE-Montreal / CanX 3E, 3F) (original) (raw)

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CanX-3 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiments), also known as BRITE (BRIght-star Target Explorer), is a mission planned to make photometric observations of some of the brightest starts in the sky in order to examine these stars for variability. The observations have a precision at least 10 times better than achievable using ground-based observations, and it is packaged inside a CanX-class nanosatellite.

The Principal Investigator for the BRITE mission is Emeritus professor Anthony F. J. Moffat D�partement de physique, Universit� de Montr�al. Prof. Jaymie Matthews (University of British Columbia), Prof. Stefan Mochnacki and Prof. Emeritus Slavek Rucinski (University of Toronto) are also part of the Canadian BRITE team. The Austrian Co-Principal Investigator is Professor Werner W. Weiss, University of Vienna.

The design is a 20 cm cube, chosen to accommodate the main telescope. It leverages a number of technologies qualified on CanX-2 and incorporates SFL's high-performance attitude control system, using reaction wheels developed in collaboration with Sinclair Interplanetary.

The two canadian satellites are copies of the Austrian BRITE satellites UniBRITE (CanX 3A) and TUGsat 1 (BRITE-Austria). One has an instrument sensitive to a blue (BRITE-Montreal) and the other with a camera optimized for a red wavelength range (BRITE-Toronto).

BRITE-CA 2 (BRITE-Montreal) failed to separate from the launch vehicle.

Nation: Canada
Type / Application: Astronomy / Technology
Operator: UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies)
Contractors: UTIAS
Configuration: Gryphon Bus (GNB)
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Mass: 10 kg
Orbit: 613 km × 738 km, 97.9� (#CA1)
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
BRITE-CA 1 (BRITE-Toronto, CanX 3E) 2014-033L 19.06.2014 Do LC-370/13 Dnepr with Deimos 2, KazEOSat 2, Saudisat 4, TabletSat-Aurora, BugSat 1, AprizeSat 9, AprizeSat 10, UniSat 6, BRITE-CA 2, Hodoyoshi 3, Hodoyoshi 4, Perseus-M 1, Perseus-M 2, Flock-1c 1, ..., 11, POPSAT-HIP 1, QB50P1, QB50P2, PACE, TigriSat, ANTELSAT, Lemur 1, NanoSatC-Br 1, Duchifat 1, PolyITAN 1, DTUSat 2, AeroCube 6A, AeroCube 6B
BRITE-CA 2 (BRITE-Montreal, CanX 3F) 2014-033AP 19.06.2014 Do LC-370/13 p Dnepr with Deimos 2, KazEOSat 2, Saudisat 4, TabletSat-Aurora, BugSat 1, AprizeSat 9, AprizeSat 10, UniSat 6, BRITE-CA 1, Hodoyoshi 3, Hodoyoshi 4, Perseus-M 1, Perseus-M 2, Flock-1c 1, ..., 11, POPSAT-HIP 1, QB50P1, QB50P2, PACE, TigriSat, ANTELSAT, Lemur 1, NanoSatC-Br 1, Duchifat 1, PolyITAN 1, DTUSat 2, AeroCube 6A, AeroCube 6B / failed to separate from upper stage


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