TabletSat-Aurora (original) (raw)

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TabletSat-Aurora [SPUTNIX]

The Russian start-up company SPUTNIX designed and built the TabletSat-Aurora (ТаблетСат-Аврора) technology demonstrator and earth observing satellite.

The satellite features SPUTNIX's TabletSat-2U-EO bus, which feautures following systems:

The spacecraft is fitted with panchromatic photo- and video- camera operating in 430 � 950 nm spectral band as the primary payload to perform imagery of Earth surface with a ground resolution of 15 m and a swath width of 47 km.

Nation: Russia
Type / Application: Earth observation, technology
Operator: SPUTNIX
Contractors: SPUTNIX
Configuration: TabletSat-2U-EO bus
Power: 6 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries
Mass: 25 kg
Orbit: 583 km × 617 km, 97.99�
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TabletSat-Aurora 2014-033H 19.06.2014 Do LC-370/13 Dnepr with Deimos 2, KazEOSat 2, Saudisat 4, BugSat 1, AprizeSat 9, AprizeSat 10, UniSat 6, BRITE-CA 1, BRITE-CA 2, Hodoyoshi 3, Hodoyoshi 4, Perseus-M 1, Perseus-M 2, Flock-1c 1, ..., 11, POPSAT-HIP 1, QB50P1, QB50P2, PACE, TigriSat, ANTELSAT, Lemur 1, NanoSatC-Br 1, Duchifat 1, PolyITAN 1, DTUSat 2, AeroCube 6A, AeroCube 6B

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