HAMMER (IOD-HAMMER, IOD 6) (original) (raw)

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HAMMER 1 (IOD-HAMMER, IOD 6) [Open Cosmos]

IOD-HAMMER or IOD 6 is a British 6U-CubeSat built by Open Cosmos and carrying an aerth observation payload which will focus on monitoring the Atlantic coastal and maritime areas.

The Atlantic Constellation is a flagship global project for the development of a constellation of small satellites for Ocean, Earth and Climate monitoring. The UK is aiming to join Portugal and Spain in contributing to from this innovative data-sharing network.

Once in orbit, HAMMER will join the OpenConstellation, adding hyperspectral imaging capabilities and greater diversity of data to the shared, global constellation.

Nation: UK
Type / Application: Technology
Operator: Catapult, Horizon Technologies
Contractors: Open Cosmos (satellite); Horizon Technologies (payload)
Configuration: CubeSat (6U)
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
HAMMER (IOD-HAMMER, IOD 6) 2024-043BC 04.03.2024 Va SLC-4E Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with MethaneSAT, Jackal X-1L-001, 002, Aries 1, Quark-Lite, Gluon, LizzieSat 1, MuSat 2, ICEYE X36, X37, X38, GHOSt 4, 5, �uSat 44, YAM 6, Rose, Fifi, Riri, Loulou, Lynk Tower 05, 06, Optimus OTV 2, Pyxis, Scout 1, ContecSat 1, HORACIO, Hubble 1, 2, EWS-RROCI 2, Pony Express 2A, 2B, BRO 12, 13, HAMMER, LaCE 1, 2, OrbAstro TR2, SONATE 2, Tiger 7, 8, AEROS MH-1, IRIS F1, Lemur-2 184, 185, M3, PY4 1, ..., 4, Veery 0E, ONDOSAT-OWL 1, 2

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