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The FictionMags Index

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Western Story Magazine [v80 #3, August 18, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • The Bright Face of Danger [Geraldi_] • Max Brand • na 47 • Handcuffed in the Desert • Christopher B. Booth • ss 58 • Pillar Mountain [Part 3 of 6] • John Frederick • sl 78 • Painters of the West • Anon. • nf 79 • When Hardrock Softened • Seth Ranger • ss 85 • A Reservoir for Irrigation Purposes • Anon. • nf 86 • Wasted Salt [Part 5 of 6] • George Washington Ogden • sl 105 • Sheep for Road Making • Anon. • nf 106 • Highways Old and New: Trails of the ’49ers • Edna Erle Wilson • ar 110 • In Sierran Camp • E. E. Harriman • pm 111 • Bedded Cattle • Johnston McCulley • ss 119 • Shorty, Yellow Calf and Sparrow Legs ["Shorty" McKay_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 126 • Soft Steps on Snow • Herbert Farris • ss 132 • Birds of the West and North America: The Marsh Hawk • Anon. • nf 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • News from the Far North • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v80 #4, August 25, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • Rivals of the Range • Robert J. Horton • na 48 • Hunting Big Game by Motor • Anon. • nf 49 • Because He Listened In • W. C. Tuttle • ss 53 • The Canadian Indian Turns to the Plow • Anon. • nf 54 • Pillar Mountain [Part 4 of 6] • John Frederick • sl 77 • Birds of the West and North America: The Red-shouldered Hawk • Anon. • nf 78 • Music and Savage Beasts • Roland Krebs • ss 83 • The Disappearing Mistletoe • Anon. • nf 84 • Wasted Salt [Part 6 of 6] • George Washington Ogden • sl 108 • Almost Roped • Christopher B. Booth • ss 117 • A Midnight Rescue in the Yosemite • Anon. • nf 118 • The Old Border Towns • Marshal South • pm 119 • Any Old Dog Will Do • Austin Hall • ss 126 • After Mr. Jack Rabbit • Anon. • nf 127 • Oh, Yuh Dummy • Ray Humphreys • ss 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • Raise Your Own Onions • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v80 #5, September 1, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • Dupe of the Desert [Part 1 of 3] • George Gilbert • sl 17 • Birds of the West and North America: The Tree Sparrow • Anon. • nf 18 • Cooped! • Harley P. Lathrop • ss 28 • Exploding Log • Anon. • nf 29 • Branded “N.G.” • Kenneth Perkins • na 58 • Trouble from a Submarine Forest • Anon. • nf 59 • By Hook or Cook • Ray Humphreys • ss 66 • King of His Kind • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 76 • The End of a Desperate Grizzly • Anon. • nf 77 • Pillar Mountain [Part 5 of 6] • John Frederick • sl 97 • The Trappers and the Trapped • Anon. • nf 98 • Thicker than Water • Adolph Bennauer • ss 111 • The Flying Huntsman • Anon. • nf 112 • The Song of the Wagon Boss • Bob Hall • pm 113 • Old Trusting • Hugh F. Grinstead • ss 119 • A Use for the Ladybug • Anon. • nf 120 • What the Gat-getter Got • Dee Murto • ss 126 • Eeeeee-Haaaaw! • Frank Triem • ss 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v81 #4, October 6, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • Sancho Knew His Sheep • Cherry Wilson • nv 28 • Wolf in Fox Clothing • Roland Krebs • ss 34 • Birds of the West and North America: The Peabody Bird • Anon. • nf 35 • The Maverick Gal • Robert Ormond Case • nv 51 • An Indian Relic in Dispute • Anon. • nf 52 • Six Foot Two • Roy W. Hinds • ss 59 • In Memory of Fort McPherson • Anon. • nf 60 • The Island in the Desert [Part 3 of 7] • Jackson Gregory • sl 80 • Horse Thief? Sure • E. C. Lincoln • ss 88 • The Rescue of a Marooned Collie • Anon. • nf 89 • The Giant Sequoia • Edwin Kingsley Hurlbut • pm 90 • Riders for Fortune [Part 4 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 110 • Off the Other Foot • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 120 • “Yellowstone Red” • Anon. • nf 121 • Rangeland Aristocrats: The Galloways • Ira D. Mullinax • ar 122 • The Wooden Wealth of the West • Anon. • nf 123 • A Dog of the Snows • Austin Hall • ss 130 • Music of the West • Anon. • nf 131 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 133 • Where School Comes to the Scholar • Anon. • nf 134 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 137 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 139 • The Hermit Returns • Anon. • nf 140 • Western Woods: Cottonwood • D. C. Hubbard • ar 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v81 #6, October 20, 1928] (Street & Smith Corp., 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF: from ToC]

Western Story Magazine [v82 #1, October 27, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • Silver Trail [Part 1 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 21 • Early-rising Loggers • Anon. • nf 22 • Poor Lo Falls Lower • Roland Krebs • ss 27 • An Indian War Memorial • Anon. • nf 28 • The Trouble Dodger • Johnston McCulley • na 66 • Arsenic Is Not Good for Cows • Anon. • nf 67 • Saved by a Song • Clinton Dangerfield • ss 79 • Birds of the West and North America: The Barn Swallow • Anon. • nf 80 • Tramp! Tramp! • Robert Ormond Case • ss 93 • Centenarian Apple Tree • Anon. • nf 94 • The Island in the Desert [Part 6 of 7] • Jackson Gregory • sl 113 • Coyotes and Watermelons • Anon. • nf 114 • Pioneer Towns of the West: Columbus, Nebraska • Duane Clark • ar 115 • What’s to be Done with the Buffalo? • Anon. • nf 116 • When Chance Took the Whip • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 122 • A Woman of Mexico • Anon. • nf 123 • The Old Ranger • Cristel Williams • pm 124 • Highways Old and New: The Oregon Trail • Edna Erle Wilson • ar 129 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 132 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 135 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 138 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v82 #2, November 3, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • Thunder Moon Goes White • George Owen Baxter • na 47 • When the Mocking Bird Calls • Anon. • nf 48 • Where Buzzards Roost • E. C. Lincoln • ss 56 • Silver Trail [Part 2 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 76 • The Scented Trail • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 87 • Rapid Growth of Alaska Crops • Anon. • nf 88 • The Island in the Desert [Part 7 of 7] • Jackson Gregory • sl 110 • Birds of the West and North America: The Purple Finch • Anon. • nf 111 • Starving Steers • Harley P. Lathrop • ss 120 • The Aztec’s Corn-meal Loaf • Anon. • nf 121 • Where the Gila Monsters Creep • Harvey Kelly Wilson • pm 122 • Shorty’s Squealers [_"Shorty" McKay_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 130 • Prairie Dogs Put to Flight • Anon. • nf 131 • Pioneer Towns of the West: Billings, Montana • Duane Clark • ar 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 135 • The Whale and Perfume • Anon. • nf 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v82 #3, November 10, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • West of the West [Part 1 of 5] • George Gilbert • sl 19 • An Illinois Game Preserve • Anon. • nf 20 • Horns of Adventure • Raymond A. Berry • ss 30 • Indian Paganism Preserved on Reservations • Anon. • nf 31 • Treasure of the North • A. E. Apple • na 72 • Modern Scalp Warfare • Anon. • nf 73 • The Gallopin’ Kid’s Horseshoe [_Gallopin’ Kid_] • Christopher B. Booth • ss 80 • Face the Gun! • Edward Leonard • ss 88 • Horned Owls on the Rampage • Anon. • nf 89 • Silver Trail [Part 3 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 109 • The Ever-treeless Prairies • Anon. • nf 110 • Pages from the Old West: The Foot Race at Jacksonville • Larry Reddington • ar 115 • What the Well-dressed Cowboy Will Wear • Anon. • nf 116 • My Castle in the Hills • Cristel Hastings • pm 117 • So This Is the West! • S. Omar Barker • ss 126 • Skis for Montana Planes • Anon. • nf 127 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 130 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 133 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 136 • Birds of the West and North America: The Mallard • Anon. • nf 138 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v82 #4, November 17, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • The Mountain Man • Robert J. Horton • na 42 • Birds of the West and North America: The Snow Bunting • Anon. • nf 43 • Moose or Men • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 53 • Exit the Wild Horse • Anon. • nf 54 • West of the West [Part 2 of 5] • George Gilbert • sl 70 • Roping Lions for a Living • Anon. • nf 71 • What Made the Pinto Jump • Ray Humphreys • ss 76 • Ancient Relics Found in Arizona • Anon. • nf 77 • Silver Trail [Part 4 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 100 • Steers Stampede in Kansas City • Anon. • nf 101 • My Pal • Gerard Holmes • pm 102 • Turned to Stone • Frank Triem • ss 109 • Hardships for Horses • Anon. • nf 110 • Rangeland Aristocrats: Aberdeen-Angus • Ira D. Mullinax • ar 115 • You Can’t Without Water • Leslie Gordon Barnard • ss 122 • Marvels of Arizona • Anon. • nf 123 • Followed • Mel Watt • ss 126 • Pioneer Sugar • Anon. • nf 127 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 130 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 133 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 136 • When the Sour Dough Steps Out • Anon. • nf 138 • Missing • Anon. • cl