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George Adamson Baba ya Simba (Father of Lions)

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George Adamson with Elsa the Lioness
He raised Elsa from a cub and taught her to live wild.

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Elsa when younger checking out a bird.

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Elsa when more mature not quite as interested in a bird.

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TRUST and Friendship .... Elsa and George Resting Together

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George and Elsa at the River

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George and some sweet lion friends.

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This little lion is trying to lend a 'helping paw' to fix the Land Rover.

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George Adamson working on his stalled Land Rover.
It takes a truly unique and rugged individual to live such a tough life
of total dependency on only your own knowledge and your own nerve.

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George at his remote bush camp, 'Kampi ya Simba in the Kora Reserve in Kenya, East Africa. Keeping his weapon ready for poachers. George was an expert marksman.
The photo above is taken in his dining hut which had a thatched roof and dirt floor.

Elsa receives 'double' hugs from George and George's
friend/assistant Makede while they all take a break.

George with Boy the Lion
After Boy and his dear friend Girl starred in the award winning movie Born Free
it was agreed they would be released to the wild and George set about training them
as he had done with his beloved Elsa.

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George relaxing with 2 of his many Lion friends.

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George walking with Boy and Christian.
George said these were some of his happiest days.
Kora at this time was still wild and peaceful with few humans to destroy it.

GP_GeorgeAndCub8.jpg (15581 bytes) George with orphaned cub. Photo taken at his bush camp in the Kora Reserve called "Kampi ya Simba" (Swahili for Camp of the Lions) Virginia_Bill_3LionCubs_BW.jpg (32670 bytes) Virginia McKenna & Bill Travers Husband & Wife AND Kindred Sprits. Both were very close friends of George.

GP_KampiYaSimbaFromAir1.jpg (21445 bytes) 'Kampi ya Simba" from the air. Kora Reserve(Now National Park) in Kenya, East Africa GP_GeorgeGarrethMessHut2.jpg (23529 bytes) Gareth Patterson and George (right) in mess hut at 'Kampi ya Simba."

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George Adamson with Girl the Lioness on rocky outcropping.

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George Adamnson feeding Sam, Girl's cub

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George with a little lion cub....
Ouch! Those little nails are sharp!!!

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George Adamson walking with Girl the Lioness.

Tim Lapage and George Adamson
When asked what paperwork was being exchanged, Tim replied,
"He was handing me a document to fly up to Naivasha to give to Joy as I remember."
Thanks to Tim Lapage Safariexperts for this photo.

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George Adamson with his good friend Bill Travers at George's bush camp in Kenya.
Bill(Actor & Conservationist) portrayed George in the classic movie BORN FREE.
Bill's wife Virginia McKenna played George's wife Joy Adamson.

Professor Ratan Lal Brahmachary and George Adamson.
George wrote in his newsletter dated January 1989,
"My old friend Professor Brahmachary from Calcutta, is
staying at Kampi ya Simba for a couple of months holiday ...."

Jock Rutherford, A M Harthoorn(Veterinarin), George & Joy.

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George Adamson

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George Adamson
Photo kindly provided by Virginia McKenna.

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George Adamson with his beloved lions. Photo taken by his good friend actor/conservationist, Bill Travers.

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George Adamson at Kora

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Terrance Graham Adamson
2-22-07 to 4-4-86
George's brother Terrance only left Africa once in 60 years!
His engineering expertise was responsible for the airstrip at Kora.

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George (left) and his brother Terrance
The two brothers were very close.

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George Adamson - 1972
You may notice that George has on his East African Wilflife Society tie!
Always thinking of wildlife and animals! (See entire photo below which includes Joy and Actors.)

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1972 - George Adamson, Susan Hampshire(actress), Joy Adamson and Nigel Davenport(actor)
(Hampshire and Davenport starred in the 2nd movie about Elsa the Lioness titled Living Free.)
The 1st movie Born Free was followed by Living Free which many persons found disappointing.
Living Free was unfortunately not as realistic and the actors certainly did not have genuine affection for animals
as did Bill Travers and his real life wife, Virginia McKenna who both starred in the very popular movie Born Free.

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Virginia McKenna, George Adamson, Bill Travers and Joy Adamson
Virginia and her real life husband Bill Travers played the roles of Joy and George in
the award winning movie BORN FREE.
Both Virginia and Bill had a genuine affection for the animals and both of them
dedicated themselves to fighting the battle to reduce the suffering inflicted on animals by humans.

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The lions loved to climb on the roof of George's Landrover.

Interesting LANDROVER note:
Within months of the first Land Rover being made, in April 1948 they
started appearing in colonial Africa. First to get their hands on them
were the British District Commissioners, District Officers
and then white hunters.

Conservationist George Adamson took
delivery of only the fourth Land Rover to be imported to East Africa!
His vehicle is said to still be alive in Nairobi, but not ticking.

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Garreth with George Adamson
Gareth was the person that rescued George's three lion
cubs, Batian, Furaha and Rafiki after George was murdered.
He writes about the experience in his book titled
After 8 years Gareth revisited Kora Reserve in 1998
Article by Gareth - Kora Revisited

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Great FRIENDS - George Adamson(left) and Bill Travers With them is one of Bill and Virginia's dogs, Shadow. Photo taken in 1984 at the home of Bill and Virginia in Dorking, Surrey England.
George stayed with Bill and Virginia for a month to recuperate after having a cataract operation.

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George Adamson, Bill Travers and Shadow (This is a close-up view of the photo shown above.)

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George1982_Color_KYS_Cr_TU.jpg (18884 bytes) George Alexander Graham Adamson
Sadly George Adamson was murdered in Kenya, East Africa by Somalian bandits when he went to the rescue of a young European tourist in the Kora Reserve. He was a unique and wonderful gentleman who devoted his life to helping wildlife and to protecting the unique environment in which they lived. He lived a rugged life style in a bush camp with only a few modern conveniences. He was a Hero to the end .... giving his life to save another!

Read about George Adamson ..... a truly unique 'Gentleman' Read About The 'Father of Lions'

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List of Books, Videos and Articles .... Information

George Adamson BLOG article....Read This
Very Interesting

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George with Christian and lionesses

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Born Free 'the Music' Click Here for Lyrics and Midi

Tribute to Elss the Lioness

View photos from the book BORN FREE
View photos from the book LIVING FREE
View photos from the book FOREVER FREE
You may 'click' on any photo on the above pages to make the photo LARGE .

BORN FREE - Book about Elsa the Lioness - To Order

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Photos Page 1 Photos Page 2 Photos(KampiYaSimba) Page 3 Photos Page 4
Photos From Virginia DVD/Audio/Books Bibliography Elsa Tribute
Read About George Joy Adamson Books Born Free Lyrics & Midi