ChapterC (original) (raw)





Ages shall honor, in their hearts enshrined, thee,
Southwood Smith(C3), Physician of Mankind
Bringer of Air, Light, Health into the home
Of the rich Poor of happier years to come

Leigh Hunt

Diplomats: Campbell Scarlett, C12; Sir George Baillie Hamilton, C31; Thomas Tod, C32
Military: Count Mario Gigliucci, C20; John Sinclair, C41; James Hughes, C93; Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, C79
Peninsula, Waterloo Participant: Hughes, C93
Naval: Charles Montague Walker, C96; James Stuart Brisbane, C98; Frederic Dickonson, C104
Medicine: Thomas Southwood Smith, C3; Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, C94; James Craigie, C99
Historians: Robert Davidsohn, C1; Bartolomeo Malfatti, C36; Adolfo Mussafia, C27
Artists: Adolfo Belimbau, C17; Friedrich Adolph Arnold, C55; Carlo M�ller, C75; Charles Moore C
Archeologist: James Millingen, C63
Swiss: Wagniere, C6; Guerber, C9; Gonin, C10,C11, C106; Emataz, C23; Kubli, C25; Stupan, C26; Dalgas, C39; Duplan, C40,C42; Giseppe, C46,C60; Pult, C50, Engert, C66, Duffay, C67; Ciarner/Tscharner, C73, C91, C95; de Jeanneret, C80; Thomequex, C84, C85,C86, Hooffstetter, C87; Castelmur, C89; Genand, C100, Vieusseux, C101
Russian: Poliakov, C8; Comparetti, C18; Ivanov, C74
American: Jarves, C5; Masons, C24, C32; Livingston, C38; Gallier, C49

Mappa con le coordinate delle tombe

marrone, intervento conservativo sul ferro
rosso, tombe danneggiate, intervento di ripristino
azzurro, tombe, intervento di pulitura

Paragraph that distills the archival material into a portrait, the story of each person.


Belle Arti description: [Misure/Measurements: Marmo/Marble: Altezza/Height; Lunghezza/Length; Profondita/Depth; Pietra serena: A: L: P: Recinto/Frame: Marmo o Pietra Serena con Ferro/Iron: A: L: P: ]/ INSCRIPTION ON TOMB/ Archival materials retrieved from:1828-1844 = the earliest Register of Burials in the Swiss Cemetery.
Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts:
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli = Expense entries for funerals where here the total is given, while the accounting in the Register also carefully lists in that total the costs for the coffin, its lining, the grave, the crepe and gloves for the bearers, the carriage for the pastor, etc.
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli e Francs
III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs. This register is the only one indicating the zone of burial. Its A comprises Sectors A,B, its B comrpises Sectors E,F, its C corresponds with Sectors C and D.
Quittance receipts, Q plus number.
Guildhall Library Records, etc./
Orbituaries supplied by the Webbs, etc.
1873 Chronological Register in French, then Italian/#/Cognome/Nom/Age/Patria/Domicile/D�c�s/Enterrement/Remarques
1877 Alphabetical Register in Italian gives following information in columns:
[Flyleaves] Cognome/ Nome/ Paternita` / Patria/ Data della Morte/ Eta/ Tomba
[Surname/ Christian name/ Father's Christian name/ Country/ Date of death/ Age/ Tomb number]
Mediterranean culture has the woman retain her maiden surname, northern European culture has her renounce it in favour of her husband's surname. We attempt to follow cultural practices so: Mediterranean women being listed under their maiden surnames; English and American wives having their maiden names given in brackets before their husband's surname/
Notes and Queries (N&Q) then extant tomb inscriptions, published 100 years ago by Lieut. Col. G.S. Parry, 'Inscriptions at Florence in the Protestant Cemetery'.
Further information from descendants, etc.
Schede di Belle Arti, 1993-1997
Trizzino: Universit� degli studi di Firenze, Prof. L. Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, 2006/7
Web materials, also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU, holdings

At the top centre of the Cemetery beneath the cypress trees of Arnold B�cklin's five paintings of the Island of the Dead and Sergei Rachmaninoff's music for it, stands a great column of marble, constructed, transported and erected by Pietro Bazzanti before internal combustion engines, which is surmounted by a cross of lilies and roses, copying that in the Piazza San Giovanni, all in honour of the Rosicrucian King of Prussia, Frederick William IV, who loved landscape gardening, who protected Protestants in Catholic countries and who visited here, when half-paralyzed, in 1858. Students seeking the Etruscan tomb beneath the mound tell us that under the central path leading to the column and cross are skeletons, graves which were covered over to allow for his regal entry.

Frederick William IV of Prussia in his studyNow first take the path to the left (towards the Duomo) of the Column and Cross of the King of Prussia. At its beginning is:
C1/ 2024/ *ROBERT DAVIDSOHN/ GERMANIARobert Davidsohn was the great historian of medieval Florence, who had come from Gdansk and spent a lifetime working in archives, compiling volume after meticulous volume in German to be translated into Italian. When he died in 1937 it was too dangerous to be known as Jewish. But now admirers place stones on his tomb in the Jewish custom. His wife, an opera singer, lived to be 100. I used his volumes in writing my Twice-Told Tales: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri, finding that every archival reference he made was true.*


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 9/1937// 1947. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco, rialzata su basamento in granito lucido. Intervento di pulitura e sostituzione lettere in piombo mancanti, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2010. [M: A: 7; L: 68; P: 188.5 ; P.s.: A: 14.5; L: 89; P: 200.] 2024/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: PHILIPPINE COLLOT/ VED. DAVIDSOHN/ 1847-1947/ 2024/ ROBERT DAVIDSOHN/ GERMANIA/ COMM. DOTT. PROF./ ROBERT DAVIDSOHN/ 26.4.1853-17.9.1937/ 2024/�=Prof. Tim A. Osswald, University of Wisconsin Madison/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU & PE C2/ 1189/ EMILY SOUTHWOOD SMITH/ ENGLAND
Emily Southwood Smith resided in Florence where she established a school and was friends with Giuseppe Mazzini. This is extracted from his granddaughter's 1898 book on Thomas Southwood Smith: 'The beauty of Italy thus came before him with full freshness at the age of seventy, and he returned strengthened and invigorated. The following year my grandfather lost his wife. She died at The Pines, at Weybridge, after a short illness, in the summer of 1858. Two years later he was able to carry out his cherished hope of returning to Italy, and we went to Florence, where his daughter Emily had been living for some years. She welcomed us to the rooms she had secured in an old palace beyond the Arno � to the artistic Italian surroundings of which she had added something of the atmosphere of an English home. His delight in the art and nature of Florence and its environs was intense, and the beauty of land and sky seems to make a fitting setting for the end of such a life as his. He stood on the old jeweller's bridge, one autumn evening late in November, and watched the sun go down behind the western hill of the rushing Arno; and the sunset of his own life came soon after. Perhaps he had lingered too long gazing at this beautiful scene; for a chill, producing rapid bronchitis, took him from us on the 10th December 1861. Towards the end, when he knew he was passing away, after other gentle loving words, almost his last were � with a sweet triumphant smile � " Draw up the blind and let me see the stars ; for I still love the beauty." At the cemetery at Porta Pinti are some sombre gates with, over them, the words "ils se reposent de leurs travaux, et leurs oeuvres les suivent." Those black gates opened one sunny December morning and showed a sloping avenue of marble tombs, tangles of pink and of white China roses in full flower falling over them, and at the end a tall white cross shining in the sunlight against the blue Italian sky, � fit type of the black gates of death, which had rolled back to let him pass into the Eternal Light beyond. There we left him in completest trust, our "Knight Errant," after his life's warfare'.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1872. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco inciso crollato per la caduta di un cipresso, basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena molto erosa e frammentata. Intervento di ripristinato, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 80; L: 45; P: 7.9; P.s.: erosa e rotta.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi e romani:SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ EMILY/ DAUGHTER OF D. SOUTHWOOD SMITH/ DIED DECEMBER 8 1872/ - / WITH THEE IS THE FOUNTAIN/ OF LIFE IN THY LIGHT SHALL WE SEE/ LIGHT/ PSALM XXXVI V.IX/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Emilia Southwood Smith, l'Angleterre/ See Smith/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 514, A/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 442 Burial 10/12, Rev Tottenham, via Montebello, 38/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Southwood Smith/ Emilia/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Dicembre/ 1872/ Anni 62/ 1189**/** N&Q 10 Emily, d. of Dr Southwood Smith, ob 8 Dec 1872. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Pastore Luigi Santini tells us that 'he was a well-known medical doctor who promoted public health reforms and good works supported by the Anglo-Florentine community. His tombstone, sculpted by John Hart, inscribed with verses by Leigh Hunt (the terse poet of early English Romanticism), is near that of Theodore Parker, many of whose philosophic ideas he shared'. He was a Unitarian minister and Edinburgh-trained physician, head of the London Fever Hospital, deeply concerned about poor housing and its connection with disease, especially for children working in mines and factories. He was colleague to Jeremy Bentham, enbalming him at his request, and escorted Lord Normanby and Charles Dickens through London's slums, teaching them about poor housing conditions and their connection to ill health. Associated with Leonard Horner, who was to have been buried in the 'English' Cemetery beside his wife, A15/ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER, in Sector A, he had B80/ FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE write Michael Armstrong Factory Boy, and B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING write Cry of the Children, both of whom are buried in Sector B. He was Octavia Hill's grandfather and guardian, raising her. She continued his work, introducing housing reform in slums. When we have a Roma with tuberculosis we hold alphabet school here beneath the Column and Cross out in the open, rather than in the Library. We find that Roma in Romania are forced by their poverty to live sometimes 12 to one room or 28 to two rooms, with no windows and with tuberculosis in the family, especially amongst the children, which is now becoming resistant to drugs. To install windows would be cheaper and better than to pay later for hospitals and medicines. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes;B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3**/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti,F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, Joel T. Hart?)
The University of London's 'auto-icon' of Jeremy Bentham, embalmed at his request by Thomas Southwood Smith, Bentham being the University's founder.

Harper's Monthly engraving


Scultore: Joel Tanner Hart: Signature on neck of bust: J.T.HART. Sec. XIX, post 12/1861. Ambito toscano. Obelisco in marmo su basamento in marmo a pianta quadrata e inciso. [M: A: 398; L/P: 105.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e non, numeri arabi e romani: In Memory of SOUTHWOOD SMITH, Physician/ who through the promotion of sanitary/ reform in the principles of which he was/ the first to discover and through other/ philanthropic and literary labours was/ distinguished as a benefactor of Mankind/ Born at Martock, Somersetshire, England/ Dec 21, 1788, Died at Florence/ Dec 10, 1861// + THEN SHALL THE RIGHTEOUS SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN IN THE KINGDOM/ OF THEIR FATHER/ MATTHEW XII v.43// [Below Joel T. Hart's sculpted portrait medallion] / Ages shall honor, in their hearts enshrined, thee, SOUTHWOOD SMITH, Physician of Mankind/ Bringer of Air, Light, Health into the home/ Of the rich Poor of happier years to come/ Leigh Hunt/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Southwood Smith, l'Angleterre/II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 577 + Francs 31.36/ Q 490: 300 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 301, Rev O'Neill, bronchitis/ Nottinghamshire Guardian, Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, Exminer, Manchester Times, etc./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Southwood Smith/ M.D./ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Dicembre/ 1861/ Anni 73/ 761/ N&Q 9. Southwood Smith, physican, who through promotion of sanitary reform, the principles of which he was the first to discover and through other philanthropic and literary labours, was distinguished as a benefactor of mankind; b. at Martock, Somerset , ob. 10 Dec 1861 at Florence/ DNB/NDNB/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', spiritage.html has New Spirit of the Age, ed. Hengist Horne and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and other materials, TAU.

Ernesto C�nsolo was an Italian musician born in London, 1864, dying in Florence in 1931. He studied with G. Sgambati and C. Reinecke. He was a concert pianist who taught advanced classes in Chicago, Geneva and Florence. He also composed and edited classical music, including Beethoven's Sonatas for Ricordi. Their teenage son pre-deceased them, dying in WWI. The three family members were laid here following the Cemetery's 1877 closure so these burials are of their cremated remains.

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 11/1917// 1958. Ambito toscano.

Vaso in rame, intervento conservativo Daniel Dumitrescu, anno 2008. [M: Rame/Urna: A: 69; circum: 87; Rame Vase: A: 22; Ferro: 26. Travertine: A: 78; L/P: 36; lastra in travertino: A: 7; L: 40; P: 26. R: Travertino: A: 23; L: 100.1; P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ERNESTO CONSOLO/ 1864-1931/ TI BENEDIRO' E TU/ SARAI/ BENEDIZIONE/ GENESI XII 2/ ANNA CONSOLO/ CRAMER/ 1863-1958/ GERARDO CONSOLO/ ITALIA / GERARDO CONSOLO/ ASPIRANTE II ALPINI/ CADUTO PER LA PATRIA/ 1.4.1899-6.11.1917. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Now take the path to your left at the Column and Cross of the King of Prussia past the modern Consolo tomb:


Elizabeth was the daughter of Major Oliver Swain and Amy his wife of New Bedford. Jackson Jarves was American Consul in Florence, journalist and an art collector of Primitives, responsible for Yale's collection, in this being like Walter Savage Landor, Edward Wilson, Augustus Wallis, Bernard Berenson, etc. He died in 1888 in Switzerland. The marriage was not a happy or faithful one.

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1861. Ambito toscano. Stele scolpita posta su basamento in pietra serena, sul fronte violette, basamento gravamente eroso, recinzione con motivo ornamentale in ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008.

Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 160; L: 80.8; P: 51.5; P.s.: erosa ; RF: A: 40; L: 190; P: 80.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LIBBY/ ELIZABETH RUSSELL SWAIN JARVES/ WIFE OF JAMES JACKSON JARVES/ OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS/ DIED IN FLORENCE 1861/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Elizabeth A. Jarves, New Bedford, Etats Unis d'Amerique, fille majeure de Oliver Sivani [for Swain] et de Amy sa femme/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 300/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 597 + Paoli 40/ Q 475: 320 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jarves/ Elisabetta N./ Oliviero/ America/ Firenze/ 27 Agosto/ 1861/ Anni 40/ 752/ N&Q 1. Elizabeth Russell Jarves, wife of Jas Jackson Jarves, of Boston, Mass., obit 1861/ For James Jackson Jarves, see Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring, passim, and his Italian Sights and Papal Principles. Wife of James Jackson Jarves, Boston/ �=researcher, Margo Galt**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Margot Galt, <CBVe.html#Galt>

A Swiss banker, who contributed to the building of the Victorian fa�ade to the Duomo and whose stemma is placed there. His partner in the silk business, D5/ EDOUARD PREVOST, from whom he became independent to enter his banking business, is buried in Sector D, likewise Prevost's mother (D130/ ELISA PREVOST PATRY). MAQUAYS (D1, E74), PAKENHAMS (E118), KERRICHES (D143, D144) and HASKARDS (B55, F83) are the other banking families in the Cemetery. A stillborn child of this family is buried in Sector A, A4/ MANFRED WAGNIERE. Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' has WagniereFamilyHistory.pdf, noting their relationship to Madame de Sta�l and that Frederick Wagni�re became Governor of the Bank of Italy. We find Q 49: 490 Paoli, Q 60: 1000 Paoli, Q 75: 1200 Paoli, Q 100: 1432.10 Paoli, Q 119: 700 Paoli, Q 121: 500 Paoli, Q 132: 560 Paoli, Q 153: 500 Paoli, Q 162: 1000 Paoli, Q 192: 1000 Paoli, Q 204: 600 Paoli, Q 215: 400 Paoli, Q 234: 1000 Paoli, Q 248: 600 Paoli, Q 258: 700 Paoli, Q 268: 500 Paoli, Q 281: 1000 Paoli, Q 319: 500 Paoli, Q322 1000 Paoli, Q 331 1000 Paoli, Q 358: 500 Paoli, Q 372: 500 Paoli, Q 391: 1000 Paoli, Q 395: 1500 Paoli, Q 414: 500 Paoli, Q 415: 500 Paoli, Q 423: 840 Paoli, Q 430: 840 Paoli, Q 456: 1643 Paoli, Q 456/2: 403.44 Paoli, Q 477: 1680 Paoli, Q 500: 1613.50 Paoli, between Adolphe Du Fresne (D9), Louis Gilli (D63-66), Edouard Pr�vost (D5), as 'Ispecteur du Cimiti�re', and Fr�d�ric Wagni�re, as treasurer for the Cemetery's funds.

Cippo e lastra. Scultore, Francesco Matteri, Signature:

MATTEISec. XIX, post 12/1857. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito con libro e lastra in marmo bianco, intervento di restauro conservativo Scuola per l'Arte e il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli anno 2002, anno 2007. [M: Cippo: A: 135.5; L: 82; P: 59.3; M Lastra: A: 14; L: 81.5; P: 146.5; Basamento in mattoni; A: 10.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: PIERRE WAGNIERE/ NE A FEY EN SUISSE/ LE 29 JANVIER 1806/ MORT A FLORENCE/ LE 27 DECEMBRE 1857//[inscription that follows on the book no longer readable since the marble has been cleaned with compressed glass powder]. . . CHRIST . . ./ . . . / EPIL DE S. PAUL CHAP I VERS XXI/ VENEZ A MOI VOUS QUI LES TRAVAIL/ ES ET CHARGES ET JE VOUS SOULGERAIT/ S. GIOV. CHAP XI VERS XXVIII/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Pierre Sim�on Wagni�re, Fey, Canton de Vaud, en Suisse, Negociant � Florence, fils de Jean Samuel Wagni�re, et de Julie Wagni�re, n�e Laurent/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 577/ Q 135: 500 Paoli/ Q 289: 300 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wagni�re/ Pietro Simone/ Gio: Samuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 27 Dicembre/ 1857/ Anni 52/ 630/Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/�=Roger & Paula Goyins. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU .


His mother may be Maria Mogni Mounier Schiarine, whose tomb is now lost. The sister and her husband place this small tombstone. In the next generation there are an Oscar and Bianca Mogni Mounier and the family seems to be connected with railroads and train engines.

SCHIARINE MARIA MOGNI MOUNIER/ ITALIA Mogni nei Mounier/ Maria/ Marco/ Italia/ Firenze/ 20 Marzo/ 1869/ Anni 49/ 1042**/** Schiarine Maria Mounier n�e Mogni**//** Mounier nata Mogni/ Maria/ Marco/ Italia/ Firenze/ 20 Marzo/ 1869/ Anni 49/ 1042. III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 248.

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1842. Ambito toscano. Piccolo monumento in marmo bianco mancante di una parte, inciso sul fronte. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 38.5; L: 32; P: 23.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi CE MONUMENT EST ELEVE A LA CHERE MEMOIRE DU BIEN AIME OSCAR MOGNI MOUNIER/ NE LE 25 SEPTEMBRE 1842/ MORT LE 18 JANVIER 1869/ PAR SA SOEUR E SON BEAU FRERE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Oscar Mounier./ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 236/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mounier/ Oscar/ Luigi/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Gennaio/ 1869/ Anni 26/ 1034

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. C7/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Tomba a croce orizzontale. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Tomba in pietra serena, iscrizione illeggibile. [P:s: A: 27.5; L: 73.5; P: 204.]Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2010.

The beloved Russian ballerino and choreographer of the Teatro Comunale, who, dying in Paris, asked to be buried in Florence.

Piramide. Sec. XX, post 10/1996.Ambito toscano. Piramide in marmo con lettere d'oro. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 51; L: 50; P: 60.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in russo e italiano in lettere capitali e corsivo, e numeri arabi: Poljakov/ Evgenij/ Evgenia / 27.4.1943-24.10.1996/ EVGHENI POLYAKOV/ COREOGRAFO BALLERINO MAITRE DE BALLET// EVGHENI POLYAKOV// GENIE COREOGRAFO BALLERINO/ MAITRE DE BALLET DA MOSCA DOVE NACQUE/ PORTO' IN FRANCIA E IN ITALIA/ LA GRANDE ARTE DELLA DANZA/ E LA SUA RARA PREZIOSA UMANITA'/ RIPOSA ADESSO NELLA SUA FIRENZE/ VIVO NEL CUORE DEGLI AMICI/ CON AMORE E NOSTALGIA/ A LUI UNITI PER SEMPRE/ Talalay: 1945 - Parigi 1996, coreografo, ballerino; Bibl: E. Polyakov, S. Stagni, Altre coreografie (Firenze: Edizioni Novalis, 1996); M. Talalay, Pamjati Evgenija Poljakova, in Russ,kaja Mysl', 4149 (14.11.1996), S. 17; M. Talalay, 'Florencija prosaetsja s maestro, in Russkaja Mysl', 4161, 13-02.1997, S. 16, La Firenze dei Russi (foto di M. Agus, testi di L. Tonin e M. Talalay), Firenze, Edizioni Polistampa, 2000, pp. 44-45**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Поляков Евгений, Москва 1945 � Париж 1996, D24I [танцовщик, хореограф].

His stemma gives the bear emblematic of Berne in Switzerland. Because his body is brought from Rovigo the Cemetery lacks the usual information concerning him, such as his death date, his father's name, his mother's maiden name, his profession, etc.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post ?. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco scolpito con stemma di Berne (orso). Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 136; L: 69.5; P: 27; P.s.: A: 9; L: 116; P: 75.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JEAN SAMUEL/ GVERBER/ DU BERNE/ N. 158/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Guerber/ Giovanni/ Samuele/ Svizzera/ Rovigo/ / / 158**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Born in Geneva, a retired shop-keeper living at Pignone near Florence, he was the President of the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence and also of this Cemetery, in which he had to first bury his own son 26 years earlier than his own burial, C106/ JEAN DAVID MARC GONIN.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1854. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito ad imitazione di una lira in origine sormontato da una croce (non superstite). Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 170; L: 88.5; 31-8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JEAN PIERRE GONIN/ NE A GENEVE LE 24 AVRILE 1783/ MORT A FLORENCE LE 12 JUILLET 1854/ LE JUSTE A DES GRAND NOMBRE MAIS L'ETERNEL LE DELIVRE DE TOUS [Psalm 34.19]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Jean Gonin, Gen�ve, domicili� a Pignone pr�s Florence, ancien negociant, ag� de 72 ans, fils de Pierre Gonin/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 250/ Q 137: 185 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gonin/ Giovanni/ Pietro/ Svizzera/ Pignone/ 13 Luglio/ 1854/ Anni 71/ 544. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is a member of the important Swiss family which essentially founded the so-called 'English' Cemetery. His father was named Jean, his mother Louise, her maiden name Lafond, and they are from French-speaking Geneva in Switzerland.

Croce.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo su finte rocce in marmo. [M: A: + 162; L: 75; P: 7; rocce: A: 21; L: 73.5; P: 134.3.]Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANTOINE GONIN// NE A FLORENCE 17 JUIN 1819/ MORT 15 JAN 1873// HEUREUX LES MORTS QUI MEURENT AU SEIGNEUR CAR ILS SE REPOSENT DE LEURS TRAVAUX ET LEURS/ OEUVRES LES SUIVANT. AP. 14.13./ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Antoine Gonin, Gen�ve, Suisse, fils de Jean Gonin, et de Louise, n�e Lafond/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 316, C/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gonin/ Antonio/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Febbraio/ 1872/ Anni 54/ 1199**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Now we turn back to see the centre row of tombs


entry for Peter Campbell Scarlett. These are the child and wife, who joins her son two years later, of Peter Campbell Scarlett, diplomat, whose father was James Scarlett, Lord Abinger, guardian of Edward Barrett Moulton Barrett, both families being from Jamaica and slave owners. Abinger worked for the abolition of slavery in Parliament. The Villa Galli may be the Torre Galli which has a Wikipedia entry.

Urna posta su una colonna.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1850. Ambito toscano. Scultore: Francesco Mattei, Firma: F.MATTEI Urna cineraria scolpita posta su sostegni a zampa di leone poggianti su colonna con stemma e urna cineraria classica con ramoscelli, recinto in marmo, pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 163; L: 67.5; P: 50.5; P.s. A: 30.5; L: 43; P: 42.2; RPSMF: A: 43; L: 170.5; P: 161.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE HON./ FRANCES/ SOPHIA MOSTYN SCARLETT WHO DIED AT THE/ VILLA GALLI SEPTEMBER 23 1850/ AGED 24/// HARK HOW THE SACRED CALM WHICH BREATHES AROUND/ BIDS EVERY FIERCE TUMULTUOUS PASSION CEASE/ IN STILL SMALL ACCENTS WHISPERING FROM THE GROUND/ A GRATEFUL EARNEST OF ETERNAL PEACE/ FO 79/139+79 passim; Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 139, wife of Hon Peter Campbell Scarlet, HM's Sec of Legation at the Court of Tuscany, Burial 29-09/ Morning Post, Standard/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Scarlett (Campbell)/ Francesca Sofia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 27 Settembre/ 1849/ Anni 23/ 414/ +/ [urn on top of column of her son's memorial]/ NDNB entry for Peter Campbell Scarlett/ Henderson/ See Scarlett/ // LAWRENCE PETER CAMPBELL SCARLETT/ ENGLAND/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF LAWRENCE PETER CAMPBELL/ ELDEST SON OF THE HONOURABLE/ PETER CAMPBELL SCARLETT HER/ BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S SECRETARY/ OF LEGATION IN TUSCANY AND/ OF FRANCES SOPHIA MOSTYN HIS WIFE/ BORN ON THE 1 OF JAN 1846/ AND DIED ON THE 16TH OF OCT 1847/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 120, Death 01-01, Burial 23-10, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Scarlett (Campbell)/ Lorenzo Pietro/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Ottobre/ 1847/ Mesi 18/ 376/ N&Q 8. Lawrence Peter Campbell, s. of Peter Scarlett Campbell, H.B.M. Secretary of Legation in Tuscany, and of Frances Sophia Mostyn his w., b. 1 Jan 1846, ob. 16 Ot 1847/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda _._Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


There are no documents in the archives concerning this post-1877 burial of ashes.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 3/1919.Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo sormontato da un'urna posto su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 32; L: 49; P: 25; P.s. A: 47; L: 42; P: 24; RP.s.: A: 8; L: 100.5; P: 150.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:ERNESTO PULITI/ CUOR D'ORO/ ANIMA RETTA E SINCERA/ 8 SETT 1857 20 MARZO 1919 **.**Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


There is only one later entry for the cinerary urns of the Lessona family from Cremona.

Urne e lastra entro recinto con catene in ferro e colonnini. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX-XX, post 6/1887// 1994. Possibile intervento di pulitura. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2012.
C28M/ Lessona/ Carlo/ [M: A: 81; L: 49.5; P: 29; RP.s.F: A: 49; L: 202; P: 202.]
C27M/ Lessona/ Mario/ [M: A: 68; L: 54.5; P: 38.5; RP.s.F: A: 49; L: 202; P: 202.]
[C28L/ Lessona Olivieri/ Renata/ 1994/ [M: A: 2; L: 54.2; P: 38.5; RP.s.F: A: 49; L: 202; P: 202.]]
C28M/ Lessona/ Silvio/ [* (later hand, later in volume) Lessona/ Silvio/ / Italia/ Cremona/ 3 Giugno/ 1887/ Anni 82/ 1046/ [�=Avv. Carlo Lessona, Firenze]/ [M: A: 71; L: 55; P: 38; RP.s.F: A: 49; L: 202; P: 202.]

Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C17/ 2021/

Adolfo Belimbau, artist, born in Cairo, grew up in Provence and Livorno, painted attractive young women. One of his sitters, perhaps a niece, went to Hollywood where she dubbed films into Italian, gave her possessions to the family of Susan French, including her portrait, then returned to Florence with leucaemia.

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 4/1936// 6/1939. Ambito Toscano. Urna posta su basamento in marmo bianco, marmo scolpito.Possibile intervento di pulitura. Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANNA BELIMBAU/ GENNAIO 1859-28 APRILE 1936/ 2021 [Urn] / [M: A: 80; L: 54.2; P: 31; RMF: A: 128; L:79; P: 199.] D28M 2026/ **ADOLFO BELIMBAU/ ITALIA/**Lastra.

Possibile intervento di pulitura. Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: ADOLFO BELIMBAU/ PITTORE/ 16 DICEMBRE 1846 - 14 GUIGNO 1939/ 2026/ [M: A: 10; L: 63; P: 118; RMF: A: 128; L:79; P: 199.] Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/�=Susan French. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


She married, unhappily, Domenico Comparetti, the great Catholic medievalist. Mikhail Talalay notes that she was a feminist and educator, daughter of the banker Lev Anisimovic Rafalovic, her mother a Polyakov, and that Samojlovna, the wife of her uncle Rafalovic Ljubov', is buried in the Allori Cemetery. Bibl.: Storia di Elena, a cura di E. Frontali Montali, Torino, La Rosa, 1980; M.A. Manacorda, 'La breve illusione pedagogica di Elena Comparetti' in L'educazione delle donne: Scuola e modello di vita femminile nell'Italia dell'800, a cura di S. Soldoni, Milano, Angeli, 1989. She is of the family of Don Lorenzo Milani Comparetti, likewise an educator.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1918. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, con lettere romane in ottone [M: A: 18; L: 60; P: 80.]Iscrizione sepolcrale in italiano in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo:ELENA COMPARETTI/ RAFFALOVICH/ ODESSA 1842/ FIRENZE 1918/ [Comparetti/ Elena/ /Italia/ Firenze/ 29 Novembre/ 1918/ / 760 Later Hand]/ [Wife to prof. Domenico Comparetti] Talalay: Odessa 1842-1918; femminista, pedagoga, figlia del banchiere Lev Anisimovic Rafalovic e di Elena Jakovlevna Poljakova, moglie del filologo pisano Domenico Comparetti; nel Cimitero 'Agli Allori' si trova la tomba della moglie dello zio Rafalovic Ljubov' Samojlovna/1825-1883, HII11/ �=Valeria Milani Comparetti.Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Компаретти, урожд. Рафалович, Елена Львовна, Одесса 1842 � Флоренция 1918, D28L [педагог].
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU & PE

The two Counts Gigliucci are the sons of Clara Novello, the English singer of the great music publishing family. Her father, Vincent Novello, was an Italian who married an Englishwoman. Clara Novello opened the 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition her voice filling the whole vast hall without electronic support, B32/ HIRAM POWERS' 'Greek Slave' being placed at the centre of that Crystal Palace. Mary Somerville in her autobiography gives a fine account of listening to Clara Novello, in old age, still singing exquisitely. The counts in turn marry two sisters, daughters of the Jewish Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Charles Mozley. Garibaldi was frequently a visitor to Clara and her son, Count Mario, who fought for him during the Risorgimento. Clara (like Eleanora Duse) had to resume her singing career to support her family when their property was lost. Based in Fermo, except when in exile, their Florentine residence was the Villa Rosa which now houses Syracuse University in Piazza Savonarola, Florence. The American University paid for the restoration of these tombs, whose pietra serena was crumbling into sand, by Alberto Casciani, and Aureo Anello contributed the work of Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu conserving the iron and brass railings around them. A further monument for this family is to be found in the Santissima Annunziata.

The musical Novello family Edith Margaret Gigliucci
John Gibson, R.A. Royal Academy of Arts, LondonUrne. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 12/1909// 1/1937. Ambito toscano. Urne in pietra serena, scolpite con stemma e gigli, recinzione in ferro e ottone.Intervento di restauro conservativo Meridiana Restauri di Alberto Casciani, 2008; intervento conservativo su ferro e ottone Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008//[Stemma]/Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:EDITH MARGARET/ MOGLIE DEL CONTE MARIO GIGLIUCCI/ NATA LIVERPOOL IL 26 AGOSTO 1847/ MORTA IN FIRENZE IL 16 NOVEMBRE 1909/ / CHARITATEM/ DILEXIT [Ephesians 2.4]/ C20/ CONTE MARIO GIGLIUCCI/ ITALIA/ ENGLAND Intervento conservativo sulla pietra serena Meridiana Restauri di Alberto Casciani, 2007; intervento conservativo su ferro e ottone Dumitrescu, 2008. [P.s.: A: 63; L: 176; P: 64; RP.s.F: A: 67; L: 192; P: 192.][Stemma]/ CONTE MARIO GIGLIUCCI/ PATRIZIO FERMANO/ NATO A FERMO IL 19 NOVEMBRE 1847/ MORTO A FIRENZE IL 13 GENNAIO 1937/ RECTE ET SUAVITER/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ �=Kathleen Novello Cashman. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', Clara Novello's Reminiscences, ed. by her daughter, Contessa Valeria Gigliucci, with a memoir by Arthur D. Coleridge (London: Edward Arnold, 1910), TAU.


The two Counts Gigliucci are the sons of Clara Novello, the English singer of the great music publishing family, who in turn marry two sisters, daughters of the Lord Mayor of Liverpool. Their Villa Rosa is now owned by Syracuse University in Florence. The forsythia on the arch is always the first to flower, even in December-January, in the Cemetery. See above for the fuller account.

Urne. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 12/1906//2/1920. Ambito toscano. Urne in pietra serena scolpite con stemma e gigli, recinzione in ottone e ferro, arco in ferro. Intervento di restauro Meridiana Restauri di Alberto Casciani, 2008

; intervento conservativo sul ferro e sull'ottone Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008// [Stemma]/ Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, MOGLIE DEL CONTE GIOVANNI GIGLIUCCI/ NATA A LIVERPOOL IL 4 AGOSTO 1841/ MORTA A FIRENZE IL 12 FEBBRAIO 1920/ ET LAUDENT EAM IN PORTIS OPERA TUA/ D30L/ C22/ CONTE GIOVANNI GIGLIUCCI/ ITALIA/ ENGLAND/ Intervento di restauro conservativo Meridiana Restauri, 2008; intervento conservativo su ferro e ottone Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008/ [P.s. A: 67; L: 173; P: 65; RP.s.F: A: 68; L: 192; P: 192.] [Stemma]/ **CONTE GIOVANNI GIGLIUCCI/ PATRIZIO FERMANO, NATO A FERMO IL 18 NOVEMBRE 1844/ MORTO A FIRENZE IL 6 DICEMBRE 1906/ VIRTUTE ET FIDE BENE QUI LATUIT BENE VIXIT/**Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/�=Kathleen Novello Cashman. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Now turn left, towards the Duomo.

French-speaking Swiss immigrant from Geneva to Florence, part of its vibrant Swiss community.

Colonna spezzata.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1876. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo scolpita con tralcio di edera, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena, pietra serena molto erosa. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 238; Circum: 133; L/P: 73; RP.s. erosa A: 80.5; 209.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DAVID CHARLES EMATAZ DE GENEVE/ 1849-1876/ HEUREUX CEUX QUI PROCURENT LA PAIX CAR IL SERONT APPELES ENFANTS DE DIEU/ S. MATT. CHAP.V.9/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Emetaz/ Carlo David/ Pietro Mos�/ Svizzera. Firenze/ 4 Giugno/ 1876/ Anni 34/ 1360

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

These are cremated remains following the 1877 closure of the Cemetery. Alfred Bishop Mason, B.A. 1871. Bulletin of Yale University, Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University Deceased during the Year 1932-1933, pp. 14-15, also member, Skull and Bones, Phi Beta Kappa, lawyer for railroads, and writer. Mary Knight Mason, Wikipedia entry, pianist, music educator and composer. Certainly the widow's burial, during the war years. would have been carried out at a difficult 'Tea with Mussolini' time.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1944. Ambito toscano.Lastra in marmo bianco incisa rialzata su basamento in pietra. [M: A: 6; L: 113.2; P: 190.5; P.s.: A: 26; L: 129.8; P: 208.6.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: ALFRED BISHOP MASON/ 1851-1933/ MARY KNIGHT MASON/ 1857-1944/ "BIRTHLESS AND DEATHLESS AND CHANGELESS/ REMAINETH THE SPIRIT FOREVER"/ 2022/ Baghavad Gita quotation. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
This member of Florence's Swiss community has actually been born in exile as well as died here. Her father and brother are buried side by side in Sector D (D2/ EMANUELE KUBLI, JEAN-JACQUES KUBLI), both of them shopkeepers.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1837. Ambito toscano. Croce infissa su finte rocce in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro, Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 182; L: 70; P: 52; P.s.F: A: 47; L: 92; P: 210.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ADELINA U. KUBLI/ NATA A FIRENZE/ DI 10 MARZO 1837/ MORTA DI 5 MARZO 1876/ 1351/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kubli/ Adele/ Gian Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Marzo/ 1876/ Anni 38/ 1351/ See father's, brother's tombs, Sector D**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
His brother or, more likely, sister, buries him here. He is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione area of Switzerland. Other Stupans in the cemetery are: D53, Nicolo Enrico Stupan; D54, Barbla Stupan; D55, Orsolina Stupan; D57 Anna Cla Stupan Bazzell; E114 Ann and Annina Stupan. The grandmother's stone is inscribed in Rumantsch.


Sculptor G.BONDI.F. Sec. XIX, post 9/1877. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, scolpito con rose, gigli, margherite, recinto in marmo. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 113.5; L: 59; P: 24.8; P.s.: A: 23; L: 64.5; P: 31; RM: A: 6.5; L: 89.1; P: 204.6.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: NATO IN SENS SVIZZERA/ E MORTO A FIRENZE/ LI 15 SETTEMBRE 1877 IN ETA/ DI ANNI 46/ TU MORISTI ALLA VITA/ MA SOPRAVIVI ALL'AMORE/ DI QUANTI TI CONOBBERO/ ALL'OTTIMO FRATELLO POSE QUESTA MEMORIA/ C.S./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stupan/ Giovanni/ Niccol�/ Svizzera/Pelago/ 15 Settembre/ 1877/ Anni 46/ 1407**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C27/ 2011/ ADOLFO MUSSAFIA/ TRIESTE/ REGINA MUSSAFIA/ AUSTRIA Adolfo Mussafia, from a Jewish family in Trieste, Professor in Vienna, was a great scholar of Dante and his teacher, Brunetto Latino, and for this chose to be buried in Florence rather than under Austrian hegemony, his wife arranging for her ashes from Vienna to be buried with his in death and his papers given to the University of Florence. It is most appropriate that he and Robert Davidsohn now lie so close to each other. He has an entry in Wikipedia. His descendant, Professor Leopoldo Stefanulti, who looks exactly like the medallion portrait of Adolfo Mussafia on his tomb, arranged for its repair and cleaning by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes;B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3**/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; C27/ Adolfo Mussafia; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti,F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, by Joel T. Hart?)


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 6/1905// 3/1915. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco scolpito, tondo con la sua effige (apice naso mancante o eroso) posto su quattro colonne in marmo grigio e lastra in marmo bianco (piccole parti distaccate), sul fronte e tergo e sui due fianchi laterali ghirlande e festoni, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura sul marmo (richiesta da parte di un discendente. [M: A: 72; L: 91.8; P: 52.5; A Colonne: A: 119.5; Circum: 49; L/P: 24.5; M Base: 17.6; L: 123.3; P: 82; RP.s.: A: 43.5; L/P: 201.]/Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi e romani: ADOLFO MUSSAFIA/ N. A SPALATO, IL 15 FEBBRAIO 1834/ M. A FIRENZE IL 7 GIUGNO 1905 / LA MOGLIE INCONSOLATA/ REGINA MUSSAFIA/ AUSTRIA/ DELLA VEDOVA REGINA MVSSAFIA MORTA A VIENNA IL XV/ MARZO M.D.CCCC.XV. QVI PER SVO VOLERE FVRONO DEPOSTE LE CENERI IL SUSSEGVENTE XI APRILE/ 2011/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**/�=**Leopoldo Stefanulti. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU & PE

****C28/ BERNARDUS JASINK/ HERMANCE PETRONILLE VAN KARNEBEEK/HOLLAND This Dutch husband and wife had cinerary urns placed here in 1937. He was a writer, studying Buddhist spirituality. Her father was President of the League of Nations.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1937. Ambito toscano. Urna nella parte superiore in marmo bianco e incisa, posta in una cornice in granito sopra lastra in marmo colorato, seconda urna in rame (trafugata e restituita), recinto in granito. [M: Urna: A: 28; L: 44; P: 24; Cornice.: A: 130; L: 88; P: 27; R Granito lucido: A: 11; L: 115; P: 181] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. C29A/ CAV. DOTT. ERNESTO DELLA TORRE/ ITALIA/ C29B/ 2025/ AMINA OSTROGOVICH DELLA TORRE/ ITALIA
This noble Milanese family also has two burials in Sector E (E97/AGRIPPINE DELLA TORRE, ANGIOLO DELLA TORRE). Again, these are burials of ashes carried out after the Cemetery's 1877 closure, the second burial more likely being of the married daughter.

Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. **C27I/ C29A/ CAV. DOTT. ERNESTO DELLA TORRE/ ITALIA/C29B/ 2025/ e AMINA OSTROGOVICH DELLA TORRE/ ITALIA/ Tomba.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1/1917// 12/1966. Ambito toscano. Tomba in pietra serena scolpita a rilievo, sul coperchio scarabeo e due stelle (Stella di Salomone e Stella di Davide ai lati). [P.s.: A: 75; L: 93.2; P: 75; RP.s.: A: 19; L: 125.5; P: 201.5]Iscrizione incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:**CAV. DOTT. ERNESTO DELLA TORRE/ FIRENZE 8 GENNAIO 1917/ 2025//AMINA OSTROGOVICH DELLA TORRE/ 5 DICEMBRE 1966/ 2025/ C30/ 773/ HONOURABLE FRANCES HERBERT/ ENGLAND/WALESHer mother, Justina Maria (Stepney) Head, a baronet's daughter, marries a second time having two sons. The Hon. Frances Herbert's husband, the Hon. George Herbert, a vicar in Norfolk, had died in 1825 at the age of 36, leaving seven children, six of them daughters, whose names we do not know, the two eldest of whom erect this large marble cross. Sarianne Browning writes of Robert staying at Highclere. See the Wikipedia entry for 'Earl of Carnarvon', which notes that her husband's ancestral home is the setting for Downton Abbey.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1862. Ambito toscano. Croce posta nella parte retrostante di una lastra in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, iscrizione con lettere in piombo.Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: + 178; L: 70; P: 40; M Lastra: 16.5; L: 64.5; P: 179.5; M Lastra:: A: 15; L: 67.2; P: 184.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ THE HONORABLE FRANCES HERBERT/ WIDOW OF/ THE HONORABLE GEORGE HERBERT/ FOURTH SON OF HENRY FIRST EARL OF CARNARVON/ ONLY DAUGHTER AND HEIRESS OF FRANCIS HEAD ESQ/ OF ST ANDREW'S HALL NORFOLK/ DIED AT FLORENCE 2 FEBRUARY 1868/ THIS CROSS WAS ERECTED AS A/ TRIBUTE OF GRATEFUL AFFECTION/ BY HER TWO ELDEST DAUGHTERS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Francesco Herbert, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 1100/

Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 307, Burial 04/02, age 81. Rev O'Neill, paralysis and congestion/ Obituary, Examiner, Era, her mother named as Mary Justine, daughter of Sir T. Stepney, Bt/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Herbert/ Francesca/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Febbraio/ 1862/ Anni 81/ 773**/** N&Q 4**.** The Hon. Frances Herbert., wid. of the Hon George Herbert, 4th son of Henry, 1st Earl of Carnarvon, only d. and heiress of Francis Head, Esq, of St Andrew's Hall, Norfolk, ob 2 Feb, 1862. Erected by her two eldest daughters. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
His father was Charles Baillie-Hamilton, Lord Binning, he was grandfather of George Baillie-Hamilton, 10th Earl of Haddington. He precedes Lord Normanby as H.B.M. Minister Plenipotentiary, who would have Giuseppe Poggi build Villa Normanby. His niece Emily Eleanor Baillie Hamilton married Conte Giorgio Geneys, the son of Admiral Conte de Geneys, Kingdom of Sardinia, Peter Scarlett (C12) doing the honours for the Legation. JLMaquay, Diaries 4/9/1850 'Sir Geo. Hamilton dies this morning, at 2 o'clock he was well as usual.'

Sepolcro. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1850. Ambito toscano. Sepolcro in pietra serena, pietra molto erosa, sul coperchio croce in marmo, incastonate sul fronte e tergo due tabule in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura sul marmo. [M: Lastra con croce: A: 7.5; L: 56.5; P: 143.5; 2 lapidi identiche: M: L: 114; P: 38; P.s. A: 118; L: 172.5; P: 85.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi ripresa sui due fianchi del sarcofago: TO.THE.MEMORY/ OF/ SIR. GEORGE. BAILLIE. HAMILTON. K.C.H./ HER. BRITANNIC. MAJESTY'S. MINISTER. PLENIPOTENTIARY/ AT. THE. COURT. OF. TUSCANY/ HE. DIED. AT. FLORENCE. THE THIRD. OF. SEPTEMBER 1850/ AGED. 51/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 245, paid by Dennison/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 148: KGB, Burial 06-09, Rev Gilbert for Rev Robbin]/ Maquay Diaries: 4 Sep 1850/ Illustrated London News 1850: 'Obituary of Eminent Persons Recently Deceased includes Sir George Baillie Hamilton KCH British Minister at Florence died at the Villa Normanby, Florence from a rupture of a blood vessel in the chest - Thomas Thistlethwayte Esq of Southwick Park, Hants'/ 'K.C.H'= Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order**/** Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hamilton/ Giorgio/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Settembre/ 1850/ / 440/ +/N&Q 3. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton, K.C.H., H.B.M. Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Tuscany, obit. 3 Sept, 1850, a. 51/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, De Geneys material, TAU.
He dies the year following C31/ SIR GEORGE BAILLIE HAMILTON, both being Scots and diplomats in the Florentine Legation.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1851. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, recinzione in ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Intervento di pulitura sul marmo e di consolidamento sul ferro, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012**.** [M: A: 100; L: 55; P: 20; P.s. Lastra: A: interrita; L: 78.5; P: 175.5; RF8: A: 76; L: 101; P: 190.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ THOMAS TOD/ ELDEST SON OF JOHN TOD ESQ/ OF EDINBURGH/ AND ATTACHE TO HER BRITANNIC/ MAJESTY'S LEGATION AT THE/ COURT OF TUSCANY/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 26TH DAY OF APRIL 1851/ AGED 42/ PRO RG 33/117-327; Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 157 Burial 29/04 Rev Robbins (E101)/ Obituary,Times, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tod/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Aprile/ 1851/ Anni 42/ 456**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Wikipedia entry. Professor of Linguistics at the European University Institute, Fiesole. It was happenstance rather than by design that these two Scottish Sinclairs came to be buried so near to each other in a foreign land. See John Sinclair (C41). At his funeral his son by his first marriage, arrayed in kilt and sporan, played the bagpipes. His two children by his second marriage carefully tend his grave. I was so charmed by the Italianate 'EDIMBURGH' I asked that it not be changed.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XXI, post 3/2003. Ambito toscano.

Blocco in marmo inciso. [M: A: 22; L: 60; P: 40.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOHN McHARDY SINCLAIR/ EDIMBURGH/ 14.6.1933/ FLORENCE 13.3.2003. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
The father, a teacher of music, has brought his family from Canterbury, Kent, to Florence and set up business as a printseller and bookshop. The Webbs list 5 siblings: Beatrice, Ernest, Eva, Francis, Percy; Alyson Price notes that Susan Horner's Diary gives, 'Called at Goodban's to inquire if he had a copy of Mrs Barbauld's hymns in Italian.' [23 January 1862]. His father is also mentioned in William Dean Howell's An Indian Summer [1885], 'He ordered books for her from Goodban's' (Chapter 8).

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1877. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo posta su basamento di finte rocce in marmo, sul fronte mazzolino di margherite, recinto in marmo.Possibile intervento di ripristino sul recinto. [M: + A: 102; L: 50.5; P: 8; roccie: A: 66; L: 55; P: 40; R: A: 92; L: 44; P: 206.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: / I THE LORD/ DO KEEP IT/ LEST HURT IT/ I WILL KEEP IT NIGHT AND DAY/ ARTHUR VICTOR GOODBAN/ DARLING CHILD OF EDWARD & ROSE GOODBAN/ 1396/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 513 Burial 14/05, Age 2 years 6 months, Rev Tottenham; Baptism GL23775 N� 240 born 15/10/74, father Edward printseller formerly of Canterbury Kent, mother Rosanna Sarah, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Goodban/ Arturo Vittorio/ Eduardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Maggio/ 1877/ Anni 2/ 1396/ N&Q 7. Arthur Victor, s. of Edward and Rose Goodban, b. 15 Oct. 1854, ob. 15 May 1877.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C35/ 2003/ MARIA MALFATTI/ LUISA MALFATTI/ ITALIAWe have no archival records, apart from this in marble noting that these two Milanese women chose cremation, one in 1895, the other undated, at a time when this was a radical choice in Catholic Italy. Are they Bartolomeo's wife and sister or daughter? All their monuments in this family cluster are large and highly visible from the street.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1895. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata con ghirlanda posta su basamento in marmo bianco, recinto in marmo.

Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 250; L: 68.5; P: 69.5; RM: A: 7.5; L: 130; P: 135.] Iscrizioni sepolcrali incise in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARIA MALFATTI/ SPLENDE/ LUCE PURISSIMA/ D'ANIMO E DI MENTE/ DAL XXVI OTTOBRE MDCCCLXIII/ AL VII DICEMBRE MDCCCLXXXXV/ ORA ANGOSCIAMENTE RIMPIANTA/ CRESCERE FIORI ALLA SUA CORONA/ POTEVA SOLTANTE MORE IMMATURA/ 2003/ LUISA MALFATTI D.D./ ELLA NON TORNERA' A ME;/ MA IO VADO A LEI/ 2 SAM. 12.23/ NATA IN MILANO MORTO IN FIRENZE/ FU ARSA PER SUA VOLONTA' ESPRESSA/ 2003 . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The Enciclopedia italiana notes of Bartolomeo Malfatti that he was an Italian geographer, historian and ethnologist, born in Trento in 1828, dying in Florence in 1892. He taught first in Milano at the Regia accademia scientifica e letteraria di Milano and from 1878 in Florence at the Istituto di stud� superiori di Firenze. He did not publish greatly but was the first Positivist geographer concentrating on historical and toponomastic geography. He was particularly interested in the relations between the Church and the Roman Empire.

Scultore: I. Bondi, Signature:

I.BONDI. Sec. XX, post 1/1892. Arco scolpito a formare una cornice, la cornice racchiude un'urna cineraria innalzandosi su un basamento in marmo bianco, recinto in marmo bianco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 224; L: 109; P: 65.6; RM: A: 7.5; L: 115; P: 64.8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: QUI/ LA FAMIGLIA DESOLATA/ POTE DEPORRE LE CENERI DI BARTOLOMEO MALFATTI/ PROFESSORE NEL R. ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI/ IN FIRENZE/ STORICO GEOGRAFICO POLIGRAFO/ NEL PREGIO DELLE OPERE SUE/ NEL DOLORE INSANABILE DI CHI NE CONOBBE L'ANIMO E NE PROVO L'AMORE SOPPRAVIVERE/ PAX UNITI IN VITA UNITI IN MORTE// NATO IN MORI DI TRENTO A XXV FEBBRAIO MDCCCXXVIII/ MORTO IN FIRENZE A XV FU ARSO PER SUA VOLONTA ESPRESSA A XVIII GENNAIO MDCCCLXXXXII/ 2021/ 2001/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Here the marble (1866-1895) gives us our only archival documentation concerning this burial of ashes following the Cemetery's 1877 closure. Is he the son of Bartolomeo Malfatti? The broken column signifies he has died too young. This cluster of family tombs is imposingly visible from the street.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1895. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata con ghirlanda posta su basamento in marmo bianco, recinto in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 253; L/P: 70; MR: A: 4; L/P: 134.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: ALLA MEMORIA CARISSIMA/ DI/ PAOLO MALFATTI/ DOTTORE IN SCIENZE NATURALI/ NEI FIORI DELLA GIOVINEZZA/ RAPITO AGLI STUDI DILETTI/ ALL'AMORE DEI SUOI/ CHE IN LUI PIANGONO/ PER SEMPRE TRONCATE/ LE PIU NOBILI SPERANZE/ NATO IN MILANO ADDI XI GENNAIO MDCCCLXVI/ MORTO IN LIVORNO ADDI II MAGGIO MDCCCLXXXV/ FU ARSO PER SUA VOLONTA ESPRESSA IN FIRENZE/ 2002 . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C38/ HENRY BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON/ AMERICAWikipedia entry on father. He was son of Judge Henry Brockholst Livingston, a Justice on the United States Supreme Court from 1806 to 1823, and Catherine Seamen Kortright. Mary Thomas Seaman's 1928 Seaman Genealogy on Catherine Seaman Kortright as the second wife to Judge Henry Brockholst Livingston. Jeffrey Begeal notesthat Henry Brockholst Livingston, Jr. married Marian Magdalen Gribaldo of Turin on 17 January 1874 in Florence, Italy (Consular records of James Lorimer Graham, E12). Therefore he was born in Washington, D.C. circa 1819, according to the age he gave to Graham on the wedding certificate from the Consulate Office. The New York Times described him in 1878 as driving a team of 12 matched bay horses through the streets of Florence, caparisoned in gold, a widower of 60, a classical scholar, of independent wealth with no need to practise a profession. His obituary was then published, New York Times, 21 July 1892. Apart from the marble indicating where his ashes lie we have no burial entry for him in our Cemetery's archival records. Urna.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1892. Ambito toscano. Sec. XIX, post 1892. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 197; L/P: 120.5.] Urna in marmo su zoccolo in marmo nella parte retrostante di una lastra in marmo bianco, marmo sporco.Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali in piombo: ALLA MEMORIA DI ENRICO BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON/ Obituary, New York Times, 1892/N&Q 6. Enrico Brockholst Livingston, n.d. (In Italian)/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/�= Jeffrey Begeal, Fred Bartle. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

These two young children of Gustave Dalgas, engineer, President of the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence (1869-1888), and historian of the Cemetery, are buried beneath a most beautiful marble made-to-look-like-wood cross. Dalgas was actually the son of the Danish Consul in Livorno, Christian Dalgas. He married Heloise Yarak there, worked with railroads in Tuscany, moving to Florence with his family: (We remember that a Yarak is the mother of JOHN MAURICE WALKER, D75.) This daughter is named after her mother and grandmother.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce su finte rocce, fiore scolpito in marmo, sul fronte due lapidi con iscrizioni in lingua italiana in lettere romane, recinto in marmo con finte rocce. Possibile intervento pulitura. [M: A: 280; L/P: 100; RM: A: 18; L: 173; P: 201.] LOUISE LAURE SOPHIE ALICE DALGAS/ SVIZZERA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: LUISA ALICE/ FANCIULLINA DI XXXI MESI/ TUTTA GRAZIA TUTTA AMORE/ DEI GENITORI TANTO MISERI/ CONFORTO DELIZIA INEFFABILE/ DA FIERO MORBO COLTA/ MORIBONDA GRIDO TRE VOLTE ADDIO/ ALLA MADRE DESOLATA/ E IN CIELO SI RIUNI/ AL DILETTO FRATELLO RODOLFO/ LA SERA DEL xiv FEBBRAIO MDCCCLXXII/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Louise Laure Sophie Alice Dalgas, fille de Gustave Dalgas e de H�loise, n�e Garak/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 191, C/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dalgas/ Luigia/ Gustavo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 14 Febbraio/ 1872/ Mesi 30/ 1159/ RODOLPHE GUILLAUME DALGAS/ SVIZZERA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: RODOLFO GUGLIELMO/ FANCIULLO/ SOAVE D'AFFETTI E DI . . . EMEIANTE/ NATO A FIRENZE IL VII MARZO MDCCCLXIII/ RAPITO/ IL XIX GENNAIO MDCCCLXXII/ A /GUSTAVO E ELOISA DALGAS/ GENITORI DOLORATISSIMI/ CUI SOCCORE/ PERDUTA TANTA SPEME/ LA FIDUCIA DI LUI CHE DISSE/ LASCIATE I PARGOLI VENIRE A ME/ SAN LUCA [18.16]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: fils de Gustave Dalgas e de H�loise, n�e Gasak/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 2371, C/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dalgas/ Rodolfo Guglielmo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 19 Gennaio/ 1872/ Anni 9/ 1154/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Much later the mother of Jean Louis Fran�ois Duplan, also from the Genand family, now widowed, is buried beside her son by a surviving son or daughter.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1870. Ambito toscano. Croce con bracci trifogliati in marmo posta su basamento in marmo e pietra serena. [M: + A: 1305; L: 63.7; P: 8.5; P.s.: A: 24.5; L: 53; P: 44.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BIEN HEUREUX SON CEUX QUI ONT/ FAIM ET SOIE DE JUSTICE CAR ILS/ SERONT RASSASIES [Matt. 5.6]/ FREDERIQUE DUPLAN NEE A VEVEY LE 22 AVRIL/ 1800 DECEDEE LE 30 JUILLET 1871// A MA MERE/ 1102/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Fr�d�rique Duplan Veuve, Vevey, Canton de Vaud, fille de Philippe Genand/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 334/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Duplan nata Genand/ Vedova Federica/ Filippo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 31 Luglio/ 1870/ Anni 70/ 1102/ Genand Vedova Duplan/ Federica/ Filippo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 31 Luglio/ 1870/ Anni 70/ 1102**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This young Scottish soldier, the seventh burial in the Cemetery, his tomb originally against the medieval wall, likely died of tuberculosis in Florence. It is an extraordinary coincidence that the later John McHardy Sinclair (C33) also came to be buried nearby.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1828. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco inciso, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 64; L: 50; P: 5; P.s.: A: 20; L: 58; P: 16.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ LIEUT JOHN SINCLAIR/ ROYAL BRITISH ARTILLERY/ SON OF/ L.S. SINCLAIR ESQ LATE LIEUT COLONEL OF THAT CORPS/ DIED 25TH JUNE 1828/ AGED 23/
N�7 Le vingt-sept du mois de Juin, mil huit cent vingt huit, John
Sinclair Sinclair, sujet de S.M. Britannique, mort � Florence, le vingt
cinq Juin, mil huit cent vingt huit, � l'�ge de vingt-un ans
a re�u les honneurs de la s�pulture dans le Cimetierre de l'Eglise
R�form�e Evangelique, en pr�sence du r�v�rend Taylor, Chapelain
de la L�gation Anglaise, d'Horace Hall, et de Carlo Vitali. En foi
de quoi j'ai sign�
Auguste Colomb Pasteur~/
Obituary, Aberdeen Journal, second son of J.S. Sinclair, Esq, late of the Royal Artillery/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Sinclair/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Giugno/ 1828/ Anni 21/ 7/ N&Q 5. Lieut. John Sinclair, Royal Artillery, 2nd son of J.S. Sinclair, Esq; late Lieut Col. in that Corps, ob. 25 Jun 1828. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

We have already had C100/ JULES FRIEDERIC GENAND buried nearby. Jean Louis Fran�ois Duplan is a merchant from the French-speaking Canton de Vaud in Switzerland.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1853. Ambito toscano.

[M: A: 131.2; L/P: 59; RP.s.: A: 14.5; L: 82; P: 204.8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FRANCOIS DUPLAN/ NE LE 24 JUIN 1820/ MORT LE 15 MARS 1853/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Jean Louis Fran�ois Duplan, bourgeois de Cossenay et d'Ouchy, Canton de Vaud, Suisse, Commis negociant, fils de Benjamin Jean Fran�ois Louis Duplan, et de Fr�derique Philippane, n�e Genand, sa veuve. 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais'/ Q 56: 200 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Duplan/ / / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Marzo/ 1853/ Anni 28/ 501**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. C25E/ C43 / UNKNOWN Indecipherable lapide.


Elizabeth and Gorges Marcus D'Arcy-Irvine painted in Florence Gorges Marcus D'Arcy-Irvine in old age. Daughter of Judge D'Arcy, of the Earldom of Holderness, which became extinct with her death, Webbs note she made a codicil to her 1822 Will in 1827, witnessed by Lord Blessington, Dr Kissock and Rev Taylor (National Archives). Her descendant Miles D'Arcy Irvine has shared much information and supported the restoration of the tomb by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu. Their daughter, F24/ EMILY D'ARCY IRVINE, who painted a portrait of Letita D'Arcy Irvine, is in Sector F. Other children marry into Italian nobility, the Incontri (who also intermarry with the Reader family), the Bossi Pucci. One realizes that Jane Austen's hero, Darcy, with his vast acres and annual rents, is similarly Irish, though Austen does not say so. Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1830. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in mattoni, marmo sporco, rispetto alla posizione originaria obliqua, incisa con stemma e iscrizione. Intervento di consolidamento e pulitura, Alberto Casciani e Daniel-Claudiu Dumitescu. [M: A: 2; L: 87.5; P: 203; zoccolo in mattoni: A: 335/50.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisain lettere capitali: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELIZABETH JUDGE D'ARCY IRVINE/ WIFE OF GORGES D'ARCY IRVINE/ . . . /

N� 30 Le vingt six Mars mil huit cent trente un,
Mme. D'Arcy-Elizabeth Judge d'Arcy Irvine, femme
Irvine. de George Marcus d'Arcy Irvine, de
Castle Irvine, Comt� de Fermanagh, en
x et dix mois Irlande, ag�e de soixante trois ans x, d�c�d�e
� Florence le vingt-trois du meme mois,
a �t�e ensevelie dans le Cimeti�re de l'Eglise
Evang�lique. Chs Recordon~

III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 258/ Q 107: 418 Paoli/ Obituary, Morning Post, Belfast Newsletter/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: D'Arcy Irvine/ Elizabeth Judge/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Marzo/ 1830/ Anni 64/ 30/ N&Q 20. Eliz. Judge, w. of George Marcus D'Arcy Irvine, Esq, of Castle Irvine, Fermanagh, b. 23 May 1766, ob. 23 March 1830, a. 63/ See D'Arcy, Irvine**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Next, you may examine the tombs that are off the paths.
He is male, though the Swiss burial entry in French records him as feminine.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1831. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, forma ornamentale incisa con globo alato, lastra spezzata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 25; L: 80; P: 52.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ FRANCIS WEMYSS HOWE/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE MAY 21ST 1831/ AGED 19 GEARS [sic] AND SIX MONTHS/ THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH/ TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD/ JOB CAP 1 VERSE 21/
N� 49 Le vingt-trois Mai mil huit cent trente
Howe et un, Francis Wemyss Howe, ag�� de
dix neuf ans, d�c�d�e � Florence, le vingt-
deux du m�me mois, a �t� ensevelie dans le
Cimeti�re de l'Eglise �vang�lique.
Chs Recordon Past~
See 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Howe/ Francesco Wemyss/ / / Firenze/ 22 Maggio/ 1831/ Anni 19/ 48**/** N&Q 33. Francis Wymess Howe, ob. 21 May 1831, a. 9 yrs 6 mths. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Again a coffee bar owner from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione area of Switzerland.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1861. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sulla lastra. [M: A: L: P: ; P.s.: A: L: P: ; R: A: L: P:] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSANO LE OSSA DI NICCOLO TONES/ GIUSEPPI NATO A CELINO NEL CANTONE GRIGIONE/ MORTO A PISTOIA IL DI 29 NOVEMBRE 1861/ IN ETA DI ANNI 31 LA SUA AFFLITTA CONSORTA/ O.VI.P./ ANIMA MIA . . . DIO/ SOLO PERCIOCCHE LA MIA SPERANZA/ PENDE DA LUI/ SALM LXII.5/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: 1861, 20 Novembre, Nicola Tones Ciseppe [correction faite par moi], Celino (Engadine, Grisons, Suisse), cafetier, fils de Giuseppe Ciseppe, et de Domenica n�e Starlai, sa femme/ See Gisepp/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 252.55/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cisepp/ Niccolo Giona/ Giuseppe/ Svizzera/ Pistoia/ 20 Novembre/ 1861/ 31/ 759**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Charlotte Wardle, of Hartsheath Park, Hersedd, Yr Wyddgr�g, Flintshire, Wales, married to Edward Morgan, jun., of Golden Grove, Flintshire, Wales, dies in Florence ten days after giving birth to a son, who survives: Lieutenant-Colonel George Augustus Morgan, b. 11 Apr 1828, of Gwylgre, Llanasa, Flintshire, Wales. N&Q, 100 years ago, saw this tomb in Sector C: N&Q 34. Charlotte, w. of Edward Morgan, Esq. of Golden Grove, Flintshire, d. of Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle Esq. of Hartsheath, Flintshire, ob (sic) 31 Apr 1828. She is the daughter of Elizabeth Wardle (C78) and Gwillym Lloyd Wardle (C79) buried in this sector. Is she also related to Charlotte Morgan Whyte (see C69), or to John Woodley Morgan (A96)?

Urna sopra colonna.Morgan nei Wordle/ Carlotta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Aprile/ 1828/ / 3/ Obituary, Johnston's Oxford Journal, Morning Chronicle.
N� 3 Le vingt cinq Avril, mil-huit-cent-vingt-huit, Charlotte Morgan,
Morgan n�e Wardle, femme de x x x Morgan, sujet de S.M. le Roi de l'En-
n�e -gleterre, domicili�e a Florence, dec�d�e dans cette ville le vingt
Wardletrois Avril, mil-huit cent vingt huit, a re�u les honneurs de la s�pul-
ture dans le cimetierre de l'Eglise Evangelique, en presence de
Carlo Vitali et de moi soussign� Auguste Colomb Pasteur~

From Cornwall, he seems to have been a cruel master of his 300 employees making straw hats for they murdered him. His tomb is replete with grim symbols. His uncle in Sector E, E111/ CHARLES EDE, who is the brother to his father Captain John Ede, appears to have an entirely opposite character, married, much beloved by his family.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1863. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, forma complessa, sul fronte clessidra alata e ourobouros alato in marmo, presenza di crosta nera su ali e clessidra. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 145.5; L: 85.5; P: 51.5.]

Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ DENZIL EDE/ LATE OF LISKEARD IN CORNWALL/ WHO DIED THE 21ST DAY/ OF NOVEMBER 1863 AGED 23/ N� 39/ See 1828-1844/ FO: 79/55: murdered Sunday previous to date of despatch 25/11, employed 300, making straw hats**/** Obituary, Gentleman's Magazine/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ede/ Denzel/ / Inghilterra/ S. Colombano/ 21 Novembre/ 1830/ Anni 25/ 39/ [marginal note, assassinato]/ N&Q 19. Denzil Ede, of Liskeard, Cornwall, ob. 21 Nov 1863, a. 23. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' TAU , Oliva Rucellai, La paglia: intrecci svizzeri a Firenze . Firenze: Polistampa, 2001.

Wikipedia: James Gallier from Ireland to America, architect, who dies with his wife in the hurricane wreck of the paddlesteamer Evening Star, on voyage from New York to New Orleans, 1866. Their daughter may have died from diptheria. The surviving child, James, would also be an architect.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1852. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, sul fronte boccioli, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 66; L: 36.5; P: 8.2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ NINA/ THE INFANT DAUGHTER OF JAMES & CATHERINE GALLIER/ OF NEW ORLEANS UNITED STATES/ OF AMERICA WHO DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 10 OF MAY/ 1852/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Nina Gallier, la Nouvelle Orl�ans, Etats Unis d'Amerique, fille de James Gallier, et de Catherine, sa femme/Q: 185 Paoli/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 330/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 171, Burial 12/05, Age 6 months, Rev. O'Neill**/** Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gallier/ Nina/ Giacomo/ America/ Firenze/ 10 Maggio/ 1852/ Mesi 5/ 478

/ N&Q 14. Mina, inf. d. of James and Cath. Gallier of New Orleans, ob. 10 May 1852. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His heirs place this stone shaped like a pyramid which recalls two generations of the family from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione area of Switzerland, while another Fiorino Pult (A75) is buried at 17 in Sector A in 1850.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1832. Ambito toscano. Piramide in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 93; L/P: 62; P.s.: A: 65; L/P: 87.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A FIORINO DI FIORINO PULT/ DE SENT/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL 4 MARZO 1832/ NELL'ETA DI ANNI 27/ GLI EREDI P./ N. 58/ See N� 60 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pult/ Fiorino/ [Fiorino] / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 4 Marzo/ 1832/ Anni 27/ 58**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


It is possible that her family is from Auchtermuchty.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1832. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo inciso in lettere romane e numeri arabi. [M: A: 2; L: 107; P: 63.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO/ THE MEMORY/ OF/ CHARLOTTE CHRISTIE/ BORN JUNE 3RD 1815 / DIED APRIL 28TH 1832/ 61/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Older sibling of GL20990 N� 4 Hannah baptized 02/08/25, father, John gentleman, mother, Caroline, Rev Neat/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cristie/ Carlotta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Aprile/ 1832/ Anni 17/ 61/N&Q 18. Charlotte Christie, b. 3 June 1815, ob. 28 Apr 1832**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

In 2002 we were almost able to read the inscription, in 2009 we cannot do so. We learn that the Grand Duke authorized the use of continuous paper and the machine ordered for this came from the Donkin firm, Henry Donkin being sent to install it and that he stayed at San Marcello for several years as its technician. His wife dies following childbirth, likely from puerperal fever from unwashed hands.

Urna su colonna.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1844. Ambito toscano. Urna posta su pilastro poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 105; Circum: Urna: 84.5; L/P: 41; P.s.: A: 36.5; L/P: 74; RP.s.F: A: 45; L: 156; P: 180.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi illeggibile: HERE ARE LAID THE REMAINS OF MARGARET LOUISE WIFE OF HENRY DONKIN ESQ DIED AT SAN MARCELLO AGED 22 THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N�� 71: wife of Henry Donkin, died San Marcello, Burial 09-12, Rev Robbins (E101); Baptism GL23774 N� 90 Margaret Sarah Julyan b 03/12/44 at San Marcello bp 24/04/45, Rev Robbins (E101) suggests mother died from childbirth**/** Obituary, Times, Newcastle Courant, her father the late John Dunn of Durham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Donkin/ Margherita Luisa/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Dicembre/ 1844/ Anni 22/ 299**/** N&Q 25. Margaret Louisa, w. of Henry Donkin, Esq, ob.5 Dec 1844, a. 22, two days after having given birth to a daughter**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


From Potsdam in Prussia he dies in Florence, his brother mourning him.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1842. Ambito toscano. [M: L: 59; P: 41; P.s.: A: 173; L: 64.5; P: 25.5.]

Tabula in marmo incisa incastonata in stele in pietra serena. Iscrizione in ebraico e tedesco in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HIER RUHET/ HEINRICH JONAS/ GEBOREN ZU POTSDAM/ GESTOREN ZU FLORENZ/ DEN 20 FEBRUAR 1842/ HERVORP AGEND DURCH HERZENSGUTE/ UND TIEFES WISSEN/ RUHT ER ENTFERT VON SEINEM IHN/ LIEBENDEN BRUDER/ FRIEDE SEINER ASCHL/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jonas/ Enrico/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 20 Febbraio/ 1842/ / 237**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

In this instance we are told he has died of tuberculosis at 34. The clergyman who officiates is from the noble Yelverton family, for which see the three huge tombs in Sector B, B1-3. Benjamin Mill's widow seems to marry JAMES HUBAND, D24, who is a coachman, two years later.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1834. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco interrata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 7; L: 77.2; P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi. SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF BENJAMEN MILLS/ . . . THIS CITY/ DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ SEPTEMBER 6 MDCCCXXXIV/ AGED 35 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 22: age 34, consumption, Burial, 8-6, Rev Yelverton/ Marriage of widow? to James Huband 09/01/36 GL23773/4 N� 19/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mills/ Beniamino/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Giugno/ 1834/ / 98**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


He is a painter from Saxe, Germany.

Die SternsingerLastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1862. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa, forma ornamentale. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: Interrito; L: 50; P: 102.] Friedrich Adolph Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Fr�deric Adolphe Arnold, Saxe, peintre, fils de Christian Fr�deric Arnold et de Jeanne Fr�deriqua, n�e Klauffagel/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 36. Arnold/ Federigo Adolfo/ Christian F./ Germania/ Firenze/ 28 Settembre/ 1862/ Anni 31/ 807**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.



Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata e interrata, iscrizione illeggibile. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura.. [M: A: 2.5; L: 50; P: 93.5; P:s: A: 4; L: 65.5; P: 97.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2010.

He is from Warwickshire countryside, near Stratford-on-Avon and, though only 24, remembered for his faithful services, implying he is a coachman or manservant to an English family. The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868): "EATINGTON, (or Ettington), a parish in the Kington division of the hundred of Kington, county Warwick, 5 miles S.E. of Stratford-on-Avon, its post town, and 6 N. of Shipston-on-Stour. It is situated on the river Stour, and contains the hamlets of Fulreddy, Lambcote, and Thornton. There are several quarries of blue limestone. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Worcester, value �154, in the patronage of E. J. Shirley, Esq. The church, dedicated to St. Thomas-a-Becket, stands in Lower Eatington, and was erected in 1802."

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1835. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco incisa rialzata su basamento in pietra. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2.5; L: 150; P: 75.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ JOHN KEY/ OF EATINGTON WARWICKSHIRE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ THE 3 NOVEMBER 1835/ THIS STONE IS PLACED/ OVER HIS REMAINS IN GRATITUDE/ FOR HIS/ FAITHFUL SERVICES/ N.127/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 45 Burial 4/11, Rev Hutchinson, out of sequence with Rev Gabbett, of Eatingdon, Warwick/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Key/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Novembre/ 1835/ Anni 24/ 127/ N&Q 15. John Key of Eatington, Warw. ob. 3 Nov 1835. Stone placed in gratitude for faithful service. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She has died at the Villa Vespucci. The _Liverpool Mercury_obituary notes she is the daughter of the late Joseph Harris, Esq., of Lady-wood, near Birmingham. Webbs' genealogy:"Joseph Harris was born at Owlpen, Gloucestershire, 1728'. 'Mary and Joseph Harris were married before 1758. Children were: Ann Harris, Elizabeth Harris, Hester Harris, Jane Harris, Joseph Harris, Mary Harris, Thomas Harris'.If the second Joseph Harris named his daughter in turn Anne we may have found our burial". Notes and Queries found this tomb a hundred years ago in Sector B, between the tombs of Coffin and Chute, not C, meaning the slab has been moved since.We could repair and replace it correctly.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1830. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco spezzata. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2; L: 75; P: 153.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANNE HARRIS/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ APRIL 3 1830/ N.XXXII/
N� 32 Le cinq Avril mil huit cent trente, Anne Jane Harris Harris , fille de Joseph Harris, agee de quarante neuf ans, decedee le trois du meme mois, a la Villa Vespucci, a ete ensevelie dans le Cimetiere de l'Eglise Evan= =gelique. Chs Recordon/
Liverpool Mercury/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Harris/ Anna/ / [In later pencil, Ing]/ Firenze/ 3 Aprile/ 1830/ Anni 49/ 32/ N&Q 247. Anne Harris, ob. 3 Ap., 1830**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
He is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione Canton of Switzerland and has many other relatives buried in this Cemetery. His father is domiciled in Pistoia. By profession he runs a coffee bar.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1852. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra, interrato in parte. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2; L: 51; P: 193.5; P.s.: Interrato.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GIOVANNI GISEPP/ NATO/ IL 4 MARZO 1847/ MORTO/ IL 7 GIUGNO 1852/ IL SIGNORE L'AVEVA DATO IL SIGNORE L'HA TOLTO/ BENEDETTO IL NOME DEL SIGNORE/ IOB I.V.21/ 481/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Pistoie, Jean Giuseppe (Joseph), Zelin, Canton des Grisons, Suisse, Cafetier, fils de Nicolas Joseph, domicili� a Pistoie, et de Elise, n�e Melchior, sa femme/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 100/ Q 24: 30 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cisepp/ Giovanni/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Prato/ 17 Giugno/ 1852/ Anni 4/ 481/ See Cisepp, Jonas, Tones**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


She has been the English servant since she was 24 to ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, who was married to Serafino Lanzoni. Anna Roffy's Croydon residence is thus more than thirty years ago. We witness amongst many of these tombs the great affection and respect their masters and mistresses paid to servants under their roof: CHARLES CROSBIE, A20to MARY DUVALL, A80; the friends of the late WILLIAM READER, A23to HENRY AUSTIN,E34; FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80, THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE , B85,and HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), C77, toELIZABETH SHINNER,C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, toANNA ROFFY, C61; SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL,E58, toJAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni toMARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1835. Ambito toscano. Croce infissa su pilastro quadrato in marmo bianco, pilastro inciso, eroso e sporco. [M: A: + 62.5; M: A: 136; L/P: 40.7; P.s.: A: 35.5; L/P: 67.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA MEMORIA DI ANNA ROFFY/ NATA A CROYDON/ PRESSO LONDRA/ MORTA FIRENZE/ IL DI 19 FEBBARIO/ 1835/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 30: 30 years servant to Signora Lanzoni in Florence, Burial 21-2. Rev Peacock**/** Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rofy/ Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Febbraio/ 1835/ Anni 54/ 110

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C62/ 112

Fargau is a Schleswig-Holstein German placename.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1835. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 83; L: 60.5; P: 22.5; P.s.: A: 21; L: 72; P: 43.5.] Iscrizione illeggibile. Giovanni Fargau/ N� 91 1828-1844/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Forgau/ Giovanni/ / Germania/ Firenze/ Maggio/ 1835/ Anni 54/ 112

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Wikipedia entry: James Millingen 'wasa Dutch-English archaeologist, now known as a numismatist, the second son of Michael Millingen, a Dutch merchant who had emigrated from Rotterdam to Batavia, and then settled in Queen's Square, Westminster. James was born there on 18 January 1774; the physician and writer John Gideon Millingen was a younger brother. James was educated at Westminster School, and attracted the attention of his father's friend and neighbour, Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode, who encouraged him to study numismatics. In 1790 the family migrated to Paris, and. James became a clerk in the banking house of M. Van de Nyver, a connection of his mother. After the events of 10 August 1792, Mrs. Millingen with her two sons left for Calais, but the elder Millingen brought them back to Paris. James obtained a post in the French mint. There he became acquainted with Monger, the director, a well-known mineralogist, while he made the acquaintance at the Royal (or National) Library of the director, the Abb� Courcy Barth�lemy, and of the geographer Barbi� du Bocage, and also came to know Charles Athanase Walckenaer, De Non, D'Aumont, and other archaeologists. Late in 1792 Millingen was arrested as a British subject by a decree of the National Convention, and confined first in the prison of the Madelonettes, then in that of the Luxembourg, and finally in the Coll�ge des �cossais, where he remained till the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July 1794). At the Coll�ge des �cossais he became acquainted with two fellow-prisoners, Charles Este, son of the Rev. Charles Este (1753�1829), and Sir Robert Smith of Beerchurch Hall, Essex. On obtaining his liberty Millingen settled in Calais, but subsequently became a partner in the banking house of Sir Robert Smith & Co. in the Rue C�ruti, Paris. The concern failed, and Millingen was thrown on his own resources. An asthma sufferer, he resided in Italy, where he compiled works on coins, medals, Etruscan vases, writing in French and Italian. He bought antiquities, and supplied most of the major museums of Europe with specimens of ancient art. He frequently offered his purchases to the trustees of the British Museum. For some time he lived at Rome and at Naples, where he made the acquaintance of Lady Blessington, but latterly settled at Florence, paying occasional visits to Paris and London. A civil list pension of 100_l_. a year was granted him, and he was royal associate and later honorary member of the Royal Society of Literature, fellow of the Societies of Antiquaries of London and of France, correspondent of the Institute of France (18 January 1833), and member of other learned academies of Europe. Millingen, when on the eve of moving from Florence to London, died of a severe catarrhal affection on 1 October 1845. His son, Julius Michael Millingen, became Lord Byron's physician.

GL 23773/4 N� 82: Archeologist, Burial 03-10, Rev Robbins (E101), severe catarrhal infection/ Millingen/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Ottobre/ 1845/ Anni 70/ 315/ DNB.


We know her husband John is from London and that they have children and friends. Are they domiciled here or has she come for her failing health?

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1839. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, lastra rotta. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 3; L: 66.7; P: 138.1; P.s.: A: 16; L: 74.5; P: 144.2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF ELIZABETH CRAFT WIFE OF JOHN CRAFT NATIVE OF LONDON LAMENTED BY HER AFFECTIONATE HUSBAND CHILDREN AND FRIENDS DEPARTED THIS LIFE 11 SEPTEMBER 1839 AGED 55 YEARS N� 185/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4, Burial 13/09, Rev Tennant (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Craft/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Settembre/ 1839/ / 185/ N&Q 16. Elizabeth, w. of John Craft, of London, ob. 11 Sept 1839, a. 55

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
He dies young and unmarried at Signa, his brother Henry's tomb lost. The Webbs add: 'Edward (d. 1833) and Henry Brind (d. 1866). Edward's tomb you have recorded as damaged, Henry's as lost. They were, almost certainly, brothers. Henry is stated to be the son of Walter Brind, who died in 1832, a silk merchant and ribbon manufacturer in Paternoster Row in the City of London. Among his numerous children were an Edward born 22 October 1800 and a Henry born 31 January1807. In January 1825 Henry applied to enrol in the Artillery and Engineer Seminary of the East India Company, but whether he actually went to India or for how long I don�t know. We know for certain that he was in Florence in 1839, from two pieces of evidence:(a) that he subscribed for a year to Vieusseux on 15 May (b) that the Gazzetta di Firenze on 29 June announced that the Luton hatter, Thomas Waller, had appointed him, 'an English gentleman now living in Florence', as his representative in all his Tuscan business concerns. It seems quite possible that Thomas Waller had a business relationship with Walter Brind, who may have supplied him with ribbons for his bonnets. The only other scrap of evidence about Henry's Florentine life I have is that in 1855 he subscribed to the Relief Fund for sufferers from the Crimean War. His death certificate says simply that he was a 'merchant'. As for Edward, there is no knowing whether he was in Tuscany on business, on holiday or for the sake of his health. There is a short will in the National Archives, made by an Edward Brind who is obviously Walter Brind's son, made in 1831, which says that he is in good health but mindful of the uncertainty of life, which might mean that he was about to go abroad. It was proved on 24 June 1833, about a month after the death of 'our' Edward Brind. Strictly speaking it can't be 100% certain that the individual who made that will was the individual who died in Signa, but it looks very likely. The name is not all that common'.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1833. Ambito toscano.

Lastra rotta, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 73.5; P: 146.2; P.s.: A: 16.5; L: 87.1; P: 175.4.]Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE/ MEMORY OF/ EDWARD BRIND/ DIED AT SIGNA/ 24th MAY 1833/ AGED 35 YEARS/ MUCH ESTEEMED AND/ REGRETTED BY ALL/ WHO KNEW HIM/ 75/ See N� 76 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N�60 about 34, Burial 26-5, Rev Hutton/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 184. Brind/ Edoardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Maggio/ 1833/ Anni 35/ 75/ N&Q 17. Edward Brind, ob. at Signa, 24 Mar 1833, a. 35. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C66/ 1327/

This young widow is from the Grigione, Switzerland.See, for other family members, amongst Lost Tombs,

A three-year-old child whose father is a baker and whose mother is a Marguth. Another child they have is Orsula J�sler below.
Barbara Josler, Zenatz, dans le Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Jean Josler, boulanger, et Marguerite, n�e Marguth, sa femme/ J�sler/ Barberina/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 20 Luglio/ 1851/ Anni 3/ 461.

An eight-year-old girl from the Grigione who is given a free burial.
Nanette Josler, Senath, Canton des Grisons en Suisse, fille de George Josler, et de Bubette, n�e Weingartner, sa femme// gratuit/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 35/ Q 54: 25 Paoli/ J�sler/ Nanetta/ Giorgio/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 8 Febbraio/ 1853/ Anni 8/ 500.

A sixteen-month-old baby whose parents are from the Grigione. See her sister, Barbarina J�sler, above, her mother Orsula Tascher J�sler below.
J�sler/ Orsola/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 21 Giugno/ 1850/ Mesi 16/ 431/ Ursula Josler, Jonals, dans le canton des Grisons, ag�e de 16 mois, fille de Jean Josler et de Dame Marguerite, n�e Marghuth// Grigione. See Tascher, Marguth/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 180.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo su basamento in marmo, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 100; L: 33; P: 2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale sui bracci della croce e sul basamento incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARGHERITA ENGERT// M. 31 AGOSTO 1875/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 252/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Engert nata J�sler/ Vedova Margherita/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 31 Agosto/ 1875/ Anni 33/ 1327/ Margherita J�sler Vedova Engert/ Margherita/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 31 Agosto/ 1875/ Anni 31/ 1327/ +. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


She is from a French-speaking region of Switzerland, likely Geneva.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1875. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 75; L: 35.5; P: 7.1; P.s.: A: 26; L: 49.3; P: 18.2.] Iscrizione in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: VICTOIRE DUFFAY/ NEE LE 25 FEVRIER 1825/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE/ LE 1 DECEMBRE 1875/ VEILLEZ DONC: CAR VOUS/ NE SAVEZ POINT/ A QUELLE HEURE VOTRE/ SEIGNEUR DOIT VENIR [Matt. 24.42]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: +/Duffay/ Vittoria/ Luigi/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 2 Dicembre/ 1875/ Anni 50/ 1335**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The burial entry is for a German woman, but the tombstone for a man.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1844. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, marmo spezzato e frammentato. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2.5/14; L: 67.5; P: 137.5.] Hugen G. Schmid/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schmid/ Eugenia/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 28 Gennaio/ 1844/ Anni 27/ 278/ [gender error]

. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Peter Butler notes that the family was from Ireland but owned property in Devon. Robert Whyte was required to change his name to Robert Moyser in 1826 in order to inherit further property in Yorkshire. His wife Mary Whyte Moyser died in 1833 in Florence. He himself died in Devon 1846. See C69B/ EDWARD MARCUS WHYTE, below, who is an 18 year-old grandson whom she only knew for six months and who comes to share her tomb. His father, her son, was Edward Robert Marcus Whyte who married Alice Maria Owen in 1830. They lived at Hotham House, East Yorkshire. Alice died in childbirth in 1835, leaving two children, Edward Marcus and Charlotte. Edward Robert Marcus Whyte then married F30/ FLORENCE (FLETCHER WALKER) WHYTE at the Legation in Florence under Abercrombie. He became insane in England in 1847 and remained in asylums until his death in 1859, his family remaining safely separated from him in Florence. The Webbs note Walker, Baldelli, Whyte, Riddell, Fleetwood Wilson, Chichester family connections.

National Archives: Will and codicil of Edward Robert Marcus Whyte of Hotham House, York, his father. Discussion on by descendants. His stepmother, F30/ FLORENCE (FLETCHER WALKER) WHYTE, who is a Walker, daughter to C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER and C97/ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER of this Sector, is buried instead in Sector F. He is thus related to the Walker, Baldelli, Moyser, Fletcher, Fleetwood Wilson, Chichester families, Peter Butler noting that the Whyte family was from Ireland (Dublin and Newtown), owning extensive property in Devon, and in Yorkshire, including Mappleton, this last inherited with the condition the family name be changed to Moyser. While his sister no longer has a tomb:

710/ CHARLOTTE MORGAN WHYTE/ ENGLAND/ Charlotte Whyte, l'Angleterre, fille de Edouard Whyte et de Alice Marie Whyte/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 905 + monument Paoli 40/ Q 425: 428 Paoli/ GL23777/1 N� 284 Burial 07/11 Rev O'Neill, d of Edward M. Whyte and Alice Maria of Hotham Hall Yorks/ Whyte/ Carlotta M./ Edoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Novembre/ 1860/ Anni 25/ 710/
Is Charlotte Wardle Morgan (C47) related to this young woman?

Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F.

Sec. XIX, post 9/1833. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con globo alato condiviso con Edward Whyte. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 110; L: 133.5; P: 68.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF /MARY MOYSER/ WHO DIED ON THE 4 SEPTEMBER 1833/ IN THE 55TH YEAR OF HER AGE/ WIFE OF ROBERT MOYSER ESQRE/ OF THE COUNTY OF YORK/ N. 82/See N�83 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 9: Burial 7-9, Age about 50, Rev Hutton/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moyser/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Settembre/ 1833/ Anni 52/ 82/ N&Q 13. Mary, w. of Robert Moyser, Esq, co of York, ob.. 4 Setp 1833, a. 55. Beside his paternal grandmother, Edward Marcus Whyte, b. 24 Mar 1833, ob. 10 May 1852/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ �=Walker, Butler, Folliott, Brooks. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. // Sarcofago in marmo bianco inciso e scolpito, condiviso con Mary Whyte Moyser. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 110; L: 133.5; P: 68.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BENEATH ARE LAID BESIDE HIS PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER/ THE REMAINS/ OF/ EDWARD MARCUS WHITE ESQ/ BORN 24TH OF MARCH 1833 DIED 29TH OCTOBER 1851/ THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD [Job 1.21]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 161 Burial 31/10, Rev Swan (paternal grandmother Moyser)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Whyte/ Edoardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Ottobre/ 1851/ Anni 18/ 465**/** N&Q. See above entry/ **�=**Walker, Butler, Folliott, Brooks. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Piramide. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Piramide in pietra serena in frammenti, in cima sfera andata perduta. La tomba richiama la tomba di Robert Hart posta nel settore F. I

ntervento di ripristino, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu. [M: A: 73; L/ P: ? ] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2010.

Elizabeth Shinner is mentioned in C77/ HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW)�s will, made on 10 July 1846. She wrote: �To Shinner maid servant the sum of 30� my gold watch and whatever wearing apparel my sister Theodosia Garrow may not wish to retain.� Maquay Diaries: 8/10/1852: �Mrs Burdett was to have spent today in the country with us but the death of her friend Mrs Tom Trollope�s favourite maid obliges her to remain with her.� She receives a first-class funeral from the Trollopes, 572 Paoli being spent. We remember other Trollope servants, Hester Rust and William Abbott, who traveled with them to America and back. See for the relations of masters and mistresses to servants: CHARLES CROSBIE,A20to MARY DUVALL, A80**;** the friends of the late WILLIAM READER, A23to HENRY AUSTIN,E34; FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80, THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE , B85,and HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), C77, toELIZABETH SHINNER,C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, toANNA ROFFY, C61; SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL,E58, toJAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni toMARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2. Is the clergyman who buries her married to B102/ GEORGIANA CLEMENTINA (TULK) SLOPER, who dies in Florence in 1854?

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1852. Ambito toscano. Cippo in pietra serena inciso. Intervento conservativo sulla pietra serena (nel tempo tende a sgretolarsi e sfaldarsi) Opificio delle Pietre Dure/ [P.s.: A: 124;L: 67.5; P: 18.]

Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi dipinti in nero, Opificio delle Pietre Dure: TO/ THE MEMORY OF/ ELIZABETH SHINNER/ WHO DIED/ OCT. 1852/ SHE WAS FOR MORE THAN/ TWENTY YEARS THE FAITHFUL/ SERVANT AND ATTACHED FRIEND/ OF THOSE WHO LAID HER BODY/ HERE/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 572/ Q 34: 295 Paoli/ GL23774 N� 176 Burial 09/10, Rev M Sloper/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Shinner/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Ottobre/ 1852/ Anni 41/ 488/ See Sector B, Garrow, Trollope**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See, for Hester Rust and William Abbott, <ironchain.html>

C72/ 328/

There are at least two Peregrine Bowens of Bristol with Quaker connections, ship shares and much wealth. The smallness and simplicity of his gravestone is in keeping with the manner of Friends. Marie Marchese, his descendant, is in Australia.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1845. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di pulitura. Lastra in marmo bianco. [M: A: 2; L: 53.5; P: 39.8; P.s.: A: 8; L: 82.2; P: 48.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ PEREGRINE BOWEN ESQ/ OF BRISTOL ENGLAND/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ AT FLORENCE/ THE 29 DAY OF DEC 1845/ AETAT 66/ Records, Guildhall Library, London:

GL237774 N� 90, Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 175. Bowen/ Pellegrino/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Dicembre/ 1845/ Anni 60/ 328**/�=Marie Marchese.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


He is a baker, who took ill and died within twenty-four hours, whose wife and three daughters mourn him, and who is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione Canton of Switzerland. See also Elisa Ciarner, C73, Roberto Ciarner, C95.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 611//1859. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzato rialzata su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di consolidamento, Gheorghe Petrache, anno 2009. [M: A: 2; L: 61.5; P: 146.5; P.s.: A: 17; L: 80; P: 156.]Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: PIU CHE SU QUESTO MARMO/ ETERNA E SCOLPITA/ NEI CUORI INGENUI DI TRE FIGLIE/ LA MEMORIA DI LUCA CIARNER/ NATIVO DI TRANS IN SVIZZERA/ SPOSO E PADRE/ PER OGNI CRISTIANA E DOMESTICA VIRTU/ OTTIMO INCOMPARABILE/ COLTO DA REPENTINO MORBO/ IN SOLE ORE VENTIQUATTRO/ FU TOLTO A VIVENTI IL 28 NOVEMBRE 1859/ NELL ETA DI ANNI 51 E MESI 3/ LA MOGLIE DOLENTE DI TANTA PERDITA/ INSIEME CON LE FIGLIE/ Q.M.P./ 61/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Luc Tscharner (Ciarneer), Trans dans le Canton des Grisons en Suisse, Boulanger, fils de Gaudenz Tscharner er de Marguerite, n�e Tscharner (Marca)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tscharner/ Luca/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Novembre/ 1850/ Anni 51/ 445**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


A young doctor at the Imperial Russian court.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1838. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa, marmo sporco.

Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2/27; L: 75; P: 136.] Ivanov Ivan Ivanovic/ Talalay: Firenze, 19(7).12.1858, di anni 26, Epitaffo: kollezskij registrator/ pridvornogo Rossijskogo Imperatorskogo stata/ lekarskij pomosnik/ Medico della Corte Imperiale di Russia, N� 177, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ivanoff/ Giovanni/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 19 Dicembre/ 1838/ / 177**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Иванов Иван Иванович, � Флоренция 19(7).12.1858, 26 лет, № 177, D22H, коллежский регистратор придворного Российского Императорского штата лекарский помощник.


He is from the Canton of Berne, a Swiss painter of the Maremma: Viaggio pittorico nelle Maremme Toscane e all'Isola dell'Elba disegnato da Carlo Muller... inciso e pubblicato da Fortunato de Fournier, Firenze, 1835, thus a posthumous publication.

Stele. Scultore: Francesco Mattei, Signature:

F.MATTEI.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1832. Ambito toscano. Croce infissa su stele scolpita con medaglione in marmo bianco e incisa, marmo sporco, posta su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. [M: A: 194; L: 97.8; P: 39.5; P.s. erosa: A: 41.5; L: 101; P: 4.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CARLO MULLER/ PITTORE PAESISTA/ EDUCATO DA SE STESSO ALL'ECCELLENZA NELL'ARTE SUA/ NACQUE NEL CANTONE DI BERNA L'ANNO 1764/ MORIVA DI SUBITO NELLA MAREMMA TOSCANA/ INTESO QUIVI A RAFFIGURARE/ I BELLI ASPETTI DELLA NATURA/ L'ANNO 1832/ See N� 64 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: M�ller/ Carlo/ / Svizzera/ Pitigliano/ 23 Maggio/ 1832/ Anni 64/ 62/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See digital copy at C76/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA
Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Tomba inglese originario di York, lastra in marmo, marmo molto sporco, iscrizione illeggibile. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 73.6; P: 152; P:s: A: 5; L: 77.5; P: 156?] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2010.


She is the stepdaughter of B108/ JOSEPH GARROW, B85/ THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE's half sister, they both being buried in Sector B. Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.150-152, noting their mother was formerly a Miss Abrams and Jewish, who first married a naval officer, Fisher, her second husband being Joseph Garrow, whose own mother was East Indian. He notes that Harriet died of smallpox. C71/ELIZABETH SHINNER is mentioned in Harriet Fisher�s will, made on 10 July 1846. She wrote: �To Elizth. Shinner maid servant the sum of 30� my gold watch and whatever wearing apparel my sister Theodosia Garrow may not wish to retain�. They are buried close to each other.On such relations, seeCHARLES CROSBIE, A20 to MARY DUVALL, A80;the friends of the late WILLIAM READER, A23 to HENRY AUSTIN,E34**; FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80,THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE ,B85,and HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW),C77, to**ELIZABETH SHINNER, C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, toANNA ROFFY, C61; SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL,E58, toJAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni to MARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1848. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo con tabula in marmo bianco incastonata in una cornicein marmo con venature rosa posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 82.5; P: 44.2; Veined Marble:: A: 58.5; L: 97; P: 7.3; P.s.: A: 29.5; L: 71; P: 20.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER/ STEP DAUGHTER OF JOSEPH GARROW/ OF BRADDONS TORQUAY DEVON ESQ/ WHO DIED UNIVERSALLY REGRETTED/ AT FLORENCE NOV 12 1848/ AGED 37 YEARS/ FOR ONE SO LOVING AND DUTIFUL/ OF GENEROUS COMPASSIONATE AND/ SELF DENYING LET US NOT WEEP AS THOSE WHO HAVE NO HOPE FOR/ WE KNOW THAT OUR BELOVED/ HAS RECEIVED HER REWARD/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 26: Burial 14-11, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fischer/ Enrichetta Teodosia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Novembre/ 1848/ Anni 37/ 393/ N&Q 27. Harriett Theodosia Fisher, stepd. of Joseph Garrow of Braddons, Torquay, ob. 12 Nov 1848, a. 37**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Olive Baldwin and Thelma Wilson, 'Tom Trollope's Mother-in-Law', <garrows.html>, also TAU .
The tomb for her daughter, Charlotte Wardle Morgan, who died in childbirth in 1828, was already at C47. NDNB entry her for husband, C79/ COLONEL GWYLLYM LLOYD WARDLE, who is buried eleven years earlier near where her tomb came to be. He had been notoriously unfaithful to her while she remained faithful to him. The couple were living in Florence following political and financial disgrace.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1844. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo bianco scolpito con farfalla e inciso.Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 151.5; L: 87; P: 53; P.s.: A: 14; L: 112; P: 78.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ ELLEN ELIZABETH WARDLE OF WERNFOUR/ NORTH WALES/ WIDOW OF GWYLLYM LLOYD WARDLE/ OF HARTSHEATH/ DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 22 JANUARY 1844/ IN HER 77 YEAR/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 60 Burial 24-01 Age 77 years, 4 months, husband of Hartsheath, Flint, Wales, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wardle/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Gennaio/ 1844/ Anni 77/ 277/ N&Q 29. Ellen Elizabeth Wardle of Wernfour, N. Wales, wid. of Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, of Hartsheath, ob. 22 Jan 1844, a. 77**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Obituaries discuss his involvement in the case of Prince Frederick, Duke of York, Commander in Chief of the British Army, and Mrs Anne Clark. See Wikipedia, which notes that Daphne Du Maurier, her descendant, writes about her in Mary Anne. He and his wife were living in Florence due to debt and political disgrace. An address, Colonel Wardle to his Countrymen, urging Catholic emancipation, was circulating in 1828, dated 'Florence, 3 Nov 1827, and citing the happy condition of Tuscany. Their daughter Charlotte marries Edward Marcus Whyte, then dies in childbirth, her tomb also this Sector C, as noted in Notes and Queries, 100 years ago. His widow, ELLEN ELIZABETH WARDLE (C78), will be buried near him, eleven years later, their daughter Charlotte already there in 1828 (C47).

Sarcofago. Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.FMarmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1833. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, scolpito con ape e inciso. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 93.3; L: 140; P: 79; P.s.: A: 50; L: 144.6; P: 83.7.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HERE LIE THE REMAINS OF/ COLONEL GWILLIM LLOYD WARDLE/ ESTEEMED AND HONOURED BY HIS COUNTRY/ HIS MERITS AS A PUBLIC MAN WILL BE/ BETTER UNDERSTOOD FROM THE HISTORY OF/ ENGLAND THAN THEY CAN BE FROM AN/ INSCRIPTION HERE/ HE DIED ON THE 30 NOVEMBER 1833/ N� 86 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 11, formely Lieut Col in Br army, age 72, Burial 3-12, Rev Hutton/Obituary, Times, Liverpool Mercury, Standard, etc., formerly MP for Okehampton, Devon/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wardle/ Gwyllym-Lloyd/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Novembre/ 1833/ Anni 72/ 85/ N&Q 26. Col. Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, ob 30 Nov 1833/ _DNB/NDNB entries/Belle Art 1993-1997 scheda**/�=**Mai Roberts,, Arlene and Brian Williamson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

An elderly Swiss woman from its French-speaking part. The following relative whose tomb is now lost seems to be named after her.

SOPHIE JEANNERET PERRIN/ SVIZZERA/ Jeanneret nei Perrin/ Sofia/ / Svizzera/ Pebriolo/ 29 Dicembre/ 1872/ / 1192/ morte a Petrola, Sophie Perrin n�e Jeanneret, Neuchatel, Suisse// Petrolo/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 340, 5.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1846. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra, marmo molto sporco.

Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 63; P: 134; P:s: A: 22; L: 73; P: 144.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitli e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE FRANCOISE HENRIETTE SOPHIE DE JEANNERET/ NEE . . ./ MORTE 23 AVRIL 1846 / . . . / Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jeanneret nei Rochefort/ Sofia/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 23 Aprile/ 1846/ Anni 70/ 336**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

These are the remains of supposed relatives of William Shakespeare, former custodians of the English Cemetery, Edward Claude Shakespeare Clench, born in Brighton, 30/9/1889, died in Florence, 16/9/1974, Beatrice Shakespeare Clench, born in Liverpool, 21/6/1886, died in Florence 9/6/1976. There are no direct descendants to William Shakespeare.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 6/1976. Ambito toscano. Lastra in travertino con lettere in ottone:. [A: 17.5; L: 58; P: 88.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali: BEATRICE SHAKESPEARE/ AND CLAUDE SHAKESPEARE CLENCH/ LAST DESCENDENTES [sic]/ OF/ WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

London Archives: Thomas Vyse and Sons, Leghorn [Livorno, Italy] merchants and straw hat manufacturers based at 30 Ludgate Hill, and subsequently 3 Cripplegate Buildings and 76 Wood Street. Their residence was at Herne Hill, Surrey, within greater London. Brother and sister, C83/ FLORENCE ANN VYSE, are buried together.

Urna su colonna. Scultore P.BAZZANTI Sec. XIX, post 2/1840. Ambito toscano. / Urna su colonna posta su basamento di forma quadrata inciso, quest'ultimo poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 182; Circum: 103; L/P: 55.2; P.s.: A: 39; L/P: 102.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: N.19 3/ SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ FREDERICK VYSE/ SON OF THOMAS VYSE OF LONDON/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE IN FLORENCE/ FEBRUARY THE 28 1840/ 193/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 4 Burial 02-03 Rev Tennant(E101)/ Campion & Weekly Herald, Times, giving residence as of Herne-hill Abbey, Surrey**/** Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Vyse/ Federigo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Febbraio/ 1840/ Anni 23/ 193/ N&Q 26. Frederick, son of Thos. Wyse, of London, ob 28 Feb 1840**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827 -present. See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' TAU , Oliva Rucellai, La paglia: intrecci svizzeri a Firenze . Firenze: Polistampa, 2001.

London Archives: Thomas Vyse and Sons, Leghorn [Livorno, Italy] merchants and straw hat manufacturers based at 30 Ludgate Hill, and subsequently 3 Cripplegate Buildings and 76 Wood Street. Their residence was at Ferne Hil, Surrey, within greater London, but also they are established in Florence. The infant sister is to be joined by her brother, C82/ FREDERICK VYSE, eleven years later. The family is clearly importing straw hats, made by the Swiss in Florence, into England. See also C48/ DENZIL EDE. The roots of a cherry tree had dislodged the marble tomb, the problem now rectified by a Roma stonemason.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1829. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco scolpito e inciso. Intervento di ripristino, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 72.5; L: 110; P: 66.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ A BELOVED CHILD/ FLORENCE ANN VYSE/ WHO DIED OCT 21 1829/ AGED 16 MONTHS/ N.22/
N� 22 Le vingt-trois Octobre mil-huit-cent-vingt-neuf
Wyse Anna Wyse (Florence), �g�e de quinze mois
fille de Thomas Andrews Wyse et de Mary J. Fisher, de Londres, a �t� enter�e dans le Cime= ti�re de l'Eglise �vang�lique.
Chs. Recordon Pasteur~
Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL237774 N� 4 Burial 02/03 Rev Tennant (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wyse/ Anna Fiorenza/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Ottobre/ 1829/ Mesi 15/ 22/ N&Q 24. Florence Ann Vyse, ob. 21 Oct 1829, a. 15 months**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' TAU , Oliva Rucellai, La paglia: intrecci svizzeri a Firenze . Firenze: Polistampa, 2001.
In the original burial entry she is clearly female. We find that this family intermarried with the Gonin family, explaining the closeness of these two families' tombs:


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1842. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo illeggibile, basamento in pietra serena condiviso con Louise Thomequex. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 102; L: 54; P: 20; P.s.: A: 13; L: 175; P: 58.] Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thomequex/ Giovanni/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 14 Dicembre/ 1842/ Anni 53/ 255**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
N� 144 bis
255 Dame Jenny Thomequex n�e Gonin morte � Florence
�g�e de 53 ans, le 14 D�cembre 1842, a �t� enseveli dans
le cimeti�re del'Eglise �vangelique-r�form�e de Florence
le 15 du m�me mois
Me Droin Pasteur~
Because the three identical tombstones of this family are no longer legible nor are their entries very complete it is difficult to understand their immediate relationship to each other.

Her original tombstone, discovered by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, is on the reverse of the tombstone, now repaired, of B60/ JENNY (MOREL) WALTON in Settore B.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1835. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo illeggibile, basamento in pietra serena condiviso con Giovanni Thomequex. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 102; L: 54; P: 20; P.s.: A: 13; L: 175; P: 58.] Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Louise Thomequex/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thomequex/ Elisa/ / Svizzera/ Montevarchi/ Settembre/ 1835/ / 123**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He has a shop selling straw hats and is from Geneva.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1844. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo illeggibile posto su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 106; L: 57; P: 22.3; P.s.: A: 14; L: 102; P: 58.7.] Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Isaac Pryame Thomequex, Gen�ve en Suisse, negotiant en chapeaux de pailles/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thomequex/ Pyram Isacco/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Febbraio/ 1844/ / 280**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C87/ 80/

Anne Amelie Megit Hooffstetter is the lone Englishwoman in this Swiss family from the Canton of Bern, who also intermarry with the Heinzmanns from Bavaria. See Charles Hooffstetter, B13. They have as well a presence in Livorno. Robert Hawtin notes that the English Megit family is connected to the Merry and Foster families.

This young couple die a month apart from each other and within a year of their marriage to each other.
Merry/ Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Luglio/ 1857/ Anni 38/ 615/ Ann Merry, Angleterre/ GL23777/1 N� 237 Burial 04/07, Rev Gilbert; Marriage GL20776 N� 132 18/08/56 William Merry to Ann Foster at HBM (Normanby), Rev Gilbert, fever/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 615/�=Robert Hawtin.

WILLIAM MERRY/ ENGLAND This young couple die a year after their marriage and are given expensive funerals.
Merry/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Giugno/ 1857/ Anni 35/ 613/ William Merry, Lincolnshire en Angleterre/ GL23777/1 N� 235, Burial 04/06, Rev O'Neill, fever; Marriage, see above entry/I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 615/ �=Robert Hawtin.

Piramide su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1845. Ambito toscano. Pilastro quadrato con piccola piramide in marmo bianco incisa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 92; L/P: 40.5; P.s.: A: 34; L/P: 64.2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:AMELIE MEGIT/ HOOFFSTETTER/ NEE LE 2 MAI 1780/ MORTE LE 2 AOUT 1833 / <HoofstetteraamD24H.jpg>// Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Anna Amalia/ /Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Agosto/ 1833/ Anni 53/ 80/ Webbs: her daughter Julia will be buried by Rev Hall in Livorno, 6/10/45/ Gabriel Walter Megit buried by Rev Knapp 01/08/33/

�=Robert Hawtin/ CHARLES HOOFFSTETTER/ SVIZZERA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CHARLES HOOFFSTETTER/ NEE [sic] LE 22 AVRIL 1779/ MORT LE 28 OCTOBRE 1834/ <HoofstettercD24H.jpg>// / N� 89 1826-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hooffstetter/ Carlo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 24 Settembre/ 1834/ / 102/ JULIE HOOFFSTETTER/ SVIZZERA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JULIE HOOFFSTETTER/ NEE LE 7 AOUT 1816/ MORTE LE 3 OCTOBRE 1845/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Florence, fille de Charles Hooffstetter de Buren dans le Canton de Berne et de Anne Amelie n�e Megit/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hooffstetter/ Giulia/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 3 Ottobre/ 1845/ Anni 29/ 316**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This large tomb mentions other members of the Bavarian family, Christian's two sons, in Australia and America, all of them remembered in their German language, here in Italian Florence. Christian Heinzmann is a shopkeeper in Florence. From Australia we have learned that Gustave Bernard Heinzmann died 28/6/1906 (born Florence 1833), and is buried in the Albany Old Cemetery, Western Australia. See C102/ CARL JULES HEINZMANN. Amongst those who lack tombs are the following family members:

ELVIRA HEINZMANN/ GERMANIA/Elvira/ Cristiano/ Germania/ 15 marzo/ 1837/ Mesi 4/ 156// Bavi�re/

ELVIRA HEINZMANN/ GERMANIA/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', loose documents on death and funeral.

GEORGE HEINZMANN/ GERMANIA/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 555.

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX/XX, post 5/1852// 6/1906. Ambito toscano. Scultore: Francesco Mattei, Firma, F.MATTEI/Stele in marmo scolpita e incisa, recinto in marmo bianco. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 164.5; L: 115.5; P: 45; P.s.: A: 31; L: 115.5; P: 45; RMF: A: 45; L: 178; P: 66.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CHRISTIAN HEINZMANN/ GEB D I JUNI 1795. GEST D 25 MAI 1852/

[GUSTAVE HEINZMANN/ ITALIA/AUSTRALIA/] IN MEMORIAM/ GUSTAVE HEINZMANN FLORENCE 6.ii.1833-ALBANY AUSTRALIE 28.VI.1906/ [FRANZ HEINZMANN/ ITALIA/AMERICA?/]FRANZ HEINZMANN/ FLORENCE 18.IX.1834-COLON A[M]ERIQUE 18.IX.1894/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Jean Cretien ou Cristan Heinzmann, Wunsedal, Royaume de Bavi�re, Negociant, fils de Barthelme Heinzmann et de Elisabeth, sa femme/ 479/ Heinzmann/ Jean Chr�tien de Wunseidel / 57/ Bavi�re/ San Marco Vecchio/ 5 Juin/ 7 Juin/ Q18: 290 Paoli/ 1852-1859 'Registre des S�pultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 555/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Heinzmann/ Gio: Cristiano/ Bartolomeo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 15 Maggio/ 1852/ Anni 57/ 479**/**Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/�=Chris Betteridge, Brian Croker. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is 19 and from the Rumantsch-speaking region of the Grigioni in Switzerland. We find in Florentine cemeteries, created by the same stonemasons, whether for Catholics, Jews or Protestants, the same motifs, the Champollion and Rosellini-inspired hieroglyphs we noted earlier, and also the clasped hands, such as in the old Hebrew Cemetery outside Florence's wall glimpsed in the view from Bellosguardo painted by John Brett, a husband and wife, both from the priestly caste, are shown with similar clasped hands. Though Cecilia here is clearly unmarried.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1853. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito, sul fronte fiore e colomba, in alto mani congiunte, recinto delimitato da colonnini, colonnini spezzati. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 103; L: 58; P: 15; P.s.: A: 78; L: 84.5; P: 38.2; RP.s.: A: 35; L: 113; P: 175.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A CECILIA CASTELMUR DI SAMANDEN/ CANTONE DE GRIGIONI IN SVIZZERA/ NATA IL 27 GIUGNO 1834/ ESTINTA IL 12 NOVEMBRE 1853 IN FLORENCE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Cecile Castelmur, Samaden, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Jean Castelmur et de Catherine, n�e Pidermann, sa femme/ Q 92: 310 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Castelmur/ Cecilia/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Novembre/ 1853/ Anni 19/ 519/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her family name is Lowland Scots, but her father is domiciled in London. She dies, unmarried, in Florence, and is buried in a tomb sculpted as an obelisque like that for a fellow Lowland Scots, Thomas Fraser (F101).


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1851. Ambito toscano. Piramide incisa e scolpita con leone tra un cipresso e un alloro sormontata da una croce. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 205.2; L/P: 80.5; R Colonne in marmo; RP.s: Ferro mancante: A: 50; L: 207; P: 113.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELISA RUTHERFORD/ DAUGHTER OF THE LATE/ JOHN RUTHERFORD/ OF LONDON/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ 15 DECEMBER 1851/ IN THE 58 YEAR OF HER AGE [Leone tra cipresso e alloro]// THE LORD IS ON HIGH// BLESSED ARE THE DEAD/ WHO DIE IN THE LORD [Rev. 14.13]// HER RECORD IS ON HIGH/ GONE BEFORE NOT LOST/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 163, Burial 17/12, Rev O'Neill/ Morning Post, late of Upper Clapton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rutherford/ Elisa/ [John]/ Inghilterra. Firenze/ 15 Dicembre/ 1851/ Anni 58/ 467/ +/ N&Q 22. Eliza, d. of the late John Rutherford, of London, ob. 15 Dec 1851, a, 58/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Again a baker, and again a Ciarner/Tscharner, from the Grigione Rumantsch-speaking region of Switzerland (see Elisa Ciarner, C73, Luca Ciarner, C95).


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1850. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, lastra incisa. Intervento conservativo Gheorghe Petrache, anno 2009. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 76; P: 146.5; P.s.: A: 17; L: 80; P: 156.]

Roberto di Luzio Tscharner/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Robert Tscharner, Trans dans le Canton des Grisons en Suisse, Boulanger, ag� de 39 ans 4 mois, fils de Luca Tscharner et de Catherine, n�e Battaglia/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tscharner/ Roberto/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Dicembre/ 1850/ / 446**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. C92/ 404/ MARIANNE UNWIN/ ENGLANDShe dies at Pisa, unmarried, at the age of 29.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1849. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa.[M: A: 13.7; L: 73; P: 147.3; P.s.: A: 13.5; L: 81.8; P: 154.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARIANNE UNWIN DAUGHTER OF JOHN UNWIN ESQ/ AND ROSAMUND HIS WIFE/ BORN OCT 14 1819 DIED AT PISA APRIL 3 1849/ MATT. v3.8.Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero: Unwin/ Unwin/ Maria/ Inghilterra/ Pisa/ 22 Aprile/ 1849/ 404/ N&Q 21. Marianne Unwin, d. of John Unwin, Esq. & Rosamond, b. 14 Oct, 1814, ob. at Pisa, 3 Apr 1849. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Unable to be present at Waterloo due to his wounds this Welshman participated in all the other Peninsula battles against Napoleon, resulting in this very lengthy inscription. He died in Poggibonsi. His brother, William Lewis, Lord Dinorben, the philanthropist, who founds a school for girls and was an M.P. , , orders the finely sculpted tomb, echoing that of A77/ MAJOR MICHELANGELO GALEAZZI. The family had great wealth from owning the largest copper mine in Europe.

Sarcofago. Sculptor: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature:

P.BAZZANTI.F.Sec. XIX, post 11/1845. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago su basamento in marmo bianco, incisi, marmo sporco, presenza di crosta nera.Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M Sarcofago: A: 54; L: 122.5; P: 61.5; M Tomba: P.s.: A: 63; L: 128.5; P: 75.5; Ps Basamento: A: 30; L: 143; P: 91.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: [Sul sarcofago] SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ COLONEL JAMES HUGHES CB/ THIRD SON OF THE REVEREND EDWARD HUGHES KINMEL/ PARK IN THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH AND OF LLISDULAS IN THE COUNTY/ OF ANGLESEA HE DIED ON THE 29TH DECEMBER 1845/ THIS MEMORIAL IN TOKEN OF HIS GREAT AFFECTION WAS ERECTED/ BY HIS ONLY SURVIVING BROTHER WILLIAM LEWIS LORD DINORBEN/ [Between Cypress Leaves and Reversed Torch and Laurel Leaves and Sword/tra foglie di cipresso e torce rovesciate, foglie di alloro e spada] COLONEL HUGHES ENTERED THE ARMY AT AN EARLY AGE AS CORNET IN THE 16TH LANCERS/ HAVING BEEN PROMOTED INTO THE 15TH HE ENTERED IN THAT REGIMENT/ IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN UNDER THE COMMAND OF LT GEN MOORE HE WAS WITH/ THE ADVANCED GUARD AT THE ESCURIAL AND PRESENT AT THE DIFFERENT AFFAIRS/ WHICH WERE HAD DURING THE RETREAT AND AT THE MEMORABLE ACTION OF/ CORUNNA WHERE THE BRAVE SIR JOHN MOORE FELL EARLY IN 1813. THE COLONEL/ JOINED THE ARMY IN SPAIN COMMANDED BY THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON HE/ WAS PRESENT AT THE BATTLE OF MORALES AND HAD THE GOOD FORTUNE/ TO COMMAND THE 18TH AT THOSE OF VICTORIA, NIVELLE, NIVELLE AND HORTHES/ ON THE 28TH OF MARCH 1814 AT THE HEAD OF ONE SQUADRON OF THIS/ DISTINGUISHED REGIMENT HE CHARGED AND DROVE A FRENCH REGIMENT/ OF DRAGOONS UNDER THE GUNS OF ST CYPRIAN AND ON THE 18TH APRIL/ FOLLOWING HE ATTACKED AND CARRIED THE BRIDGE OF CROIX D'ORADE/ DEFENDED BY VIAL'S DRAGOON WHILST THE OPPOSITE BANKS WERE/ LINED WITH DISMOUNTED CARBINIERS. THIS SUCCESS SECURED THE/ COMMUNICATION OF THE ALLIED COLUMNS AND OPENED THE ROAD TO TOLOUSE/ THE COLONEL WAS SEVERELY WOUNDED IN AN AFFAIR AT ELLITE/ FOR HIS SEVERAL SERVICES HE WAS REWARDED WITH DISTIN/GUISHING CROSSES/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 88: Col James Hughes of the late 18th Regiment Royal Dragoons, died 29-11, Burial 04-12, age 63, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hughes/ Colonn: Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Poggibonsi/ 25 Novembre/ 1845/[63] / 325/ N&Q 11. Col. James Hughes C.B. 3rd s. of the Rev Edward Hughes, Kinmel Park, Denbigh, and of Llisdulas, Anglesey, od. 29 Dec 1845. Erected by his only surviving brother, Wm Lewis, Lord Dinorben/ Waterloo Committee/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See <waterloo.html>


He is German, Prussian even, but with a tombstone in English. Elsewhere, we learn that the family of Peter Carl Theodor Aders, who was born in 1780 in Elberfeld, intermarries with the English Spence family (A9/ KATIE ISABEL SPENCE, A10/ BEATRIX FANNY MARY SPENCE, Fiesole, Terresina Spence, etc.)

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1846. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Intervento di consolidamento, Gheorghe Petrache, anno 2009. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 67.5; P: 142; P.s.: A: 105; L: 79; P: 149.2.]

Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF CHARLES THEODORE ADERS/ OF ELBERFELD WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ JUNE 30TH 1846/ AGED 67 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Charles Th�odore Aders, Aix-la-Chapelle, dans le Royaume de Prusse, 70 ans/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 10. Aders/ Carolo Teodoro/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 30 Giugno/ 1846/ Anni 67/ 339**/** N&Q 12. Charles Theodore (Aders?), of Berfeld, ob. 30 June 1846, a. 67. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


See also Luca Ciarner C73, Roberto Ciarner, C95, of this family from the Grigione.

Louise Orsola Tscharner, Jenatz (Grisons) fille de Luigi Tscharner et de Anne Tscharner, n�e Marguth/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 410/ Q 416: 145 Paoli/ Tscharner/ Luisa Orsola/ Luca/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Settembre/ 1860/ Anni 14/ 706.

He is a Captain in the Royal Navy. C97/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKERand Charles had eight children. See Sector F for F30/ FLORENCE (FLETCHER WALKER) WHYTE, their daughter, F13/ FLORENCE EVELYN JULIA FLEETWOOD WILSON, their granddaughter, this Sector for C69/ EDWARD MARCUS WHYTE their grandson, the family being connected to the Moysers, Whytes, Fleetwood Wilsons and Chichesters.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1833. Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo, recinto in pietra serena, ferro mancante. [M: A: 72.5; L/P: 40.5; P.s.: A: 34; L/P: 69.5; RP.s.: A: 56; L: 272.5; P: 181.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ CAPTAIN C.M. WALKER R.N./ BORN 3 FEB 1780/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ 9 JULY 1833/ N. 76/ See N� 77 1828-1844/ Q363: 116 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 7 Age 52, Burial 13-7, Rev Hutton/ Obituary, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Walker/ Carlo Montague/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Luglio/ 1833/ Anni 53/ 76/ N&Q 21. Capt. C.M. Walker, R.N. b. 5 Feb 1780, ob. 9 Juy 1833**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
C97/ 665/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER/ SCOTLANDGlenriddell is in Roxburghshire, Scotland. She outlives her husband, C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER , by a quarter of a century, following bearing him eight children. One of these, Arthur de Noe, is arrested in 1851 as a Protestant evangelical with Rosa Madiai and Pietro Guicciardini during the Austrian occupation and crackdown. Their daughter Henrietta Gertrude married first E30/ ROLAND JAMES MCDOUALL, son of a laird, and second, Count Antonio Baldelli, and was described in the Times as a woman of remarkable personality and exceptional beauty, a friend of Walter Savage Landor (A29). F30/ FLORENCE (FLETCHER WALKER) WHYTE married the widower Robert Edward Marcus Whyte. Harriet Horatia married Fleetwood Wilson, of whom the Anglo-Celt, publishing the wedding details noted that he was late of the 8th Hussars and of Knowle Hall in the County of Warwick. He had connections with the Barbadoes, their daughter being F13/ FLORENCE EVELYN JULIA FLEETWOOD WILSON. While her grandson, C69/ EDWARD MARCUS WHYTE, child of Florence Fletcher Walker Whyte and Robert Edward Marcus Whyte, is with his other grandmother, C69/ MARY WHYTE MOYSER, in this Sector. Peter Butler and Webbs have much material on family tree, baptisms and marriages of children, grandchildren, partly gleaned from Sir Guy Arthur Douglas Fleetwood Wilson, Letters to Somebody: A Retrospect, Cassell, 1922.

Anna Maria Riddell Walker, 1813


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1859. Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo bianco in stato di degrado, urna mancante. [M: A: 73.5; L/P: 39.5; P.s.: A: 39; L/P: 59 erosa; R: A: L interrito: P: 183.] Possibile intervento di consolidamento sul basamento. Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY/ OF/ ANNA MARIA RIDDELL/ BORN 31 AUGUST 179 . . ./ . . . D 21 FEBRUARY 18 . . . / DAUGHTER OF/ . . .TER AND MARIA RIDDELL/ . . . F GLENRIDDELL N.B./ WIDOW OF/ . . . PTAIN C.M. WALKER/ Anna Maria Walker, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 550/ Q 349: 273 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N� 264 Burial 23/02 Rev O'Neill/ Morning Chronicle, Hampshire Advertiser/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Anna Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Febbraio/ 1859/ Anni 67/ 665**/** N&Q 2. Anna Maria, b. 31 Aug 1791; ob. 21 Feb 1859; d. of Walter and Maria Riddell, of Glenriddel, N.B., wid. of Capt. C.M. Walker R.N./**�=**Walker, Foliott, Brooks, Butler. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


JLMaquay, Diaries 26/12/1833 'Poor Captain Brisbane shot himself on Monday and was buried on Xmas day . . . deranged.' Son of Sir James Brisbane Commodore Royal Navy, C.B., his rank at his youthful death being Captain. His father died in New South Wales, Australia, and was responsible for the naming of Brisbane.

Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1833. Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini a pianta quadrata, ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 73; L/P: 41;; P.s.: A: 19; L/P: 66.5; RP.s.: A: 42; L: 147; P: 275] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JAMES STUART BRISBANE/ COMMANDER ROYAL NAVY/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ 23 DEC 1833/ AGED 30/ N. 89/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N�14: capt RN, age 26 or 30, Burial 25-12, marginal note, Rev. Hutton/

Maquay Diaries: 26 Dec 1833/ Obituary, Ipswich Journal, Jackson's Oxford Journal/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 187. Brisbane/ Stuart/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Dicembre/ 1833/ Anni 30/ 89**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

JLMaquay, Diaries 29/1/1833 'a Mr Craigie, English, shot himself last evening.' His brother-in-law, who buries this Scottish, not English, surgeon, laid out Glasgow's Botanical Garden, the 'Bot.Gard' of the inscription. One wonder whether Stewart Murray has married his sister or is his wife's brother, more likely the former. It is an imposing tomb, not a small one by any means. A later James Craigie Murray will graduate from Glasgow University.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1833. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo bianco di forma rettangolare. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 177; L: 109; P: 55; P.s.: A: 15; L: 140; P: 85.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JAMES CRAIGIE SURGEON/ BRIT. R.N./ BORN AT GLASGOW 1754/ DIED AT FLORENCE 1833/ THIS SMALL TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMORY/ MARKING THE PLACE OF HIS INTERMENT/ IS ERECTED BY HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW STEWART MURRAY BOT.GARD./

See N� 70 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N��1: Death 29-01, Burial 31-01, Rev Hutton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Craigie/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Gennaio/ 1833/ Anni 46/ 69/ [marginal note]/ Maquay Diaries: 29 Jan 1833/ N&Q 22. James Craigie, b. at Glasgow, 1784, ob. 9 July 1833. Erected by his brother-in-law, Stewart Murray. Bot.Gard./ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Again, Swiss shopkeepers in Florence, in this case where one sees intermarriage within the same family. The Genands usually intermarry with the Duplans, all from the French-speaking Caton de Vaud.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1861. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo con bracci trifogliati posta su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 85.2; L: 54; P: 52; P.s.: A: 43; L/P: 43.] Iscrizione illeggibile: Jules Friederic Genand/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Fr�d�ric Genand, Vevy, Canton de Vaud, en Suisse, Commis n�gociant, fils de Samuel Genand, et de Fanny Genand, n�e Genand/
Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Genand/ Federigo/ Samuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Maggio/ 1861/ Anni 31/ 784**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is Jean Pierre Vieusseux (F48)'s brother, likewise born in Oneglia in the Piedmont region, and has been a shopkeeper.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco con profilo curvilineo con lettere in piombo rialzata su basamento in pietra. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 12; L: 66.3; P: 136; P.s.: A: 12; L: 788.5; P: 148.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: CI GIT/ PAUL VIEUSSEUX/ NE LE 13 AOUT/ MORT LE 15 OCTOBRE 1847/ Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Paul Wieusseux, Oneglia dans le Pi�mont, n�gociant, ag� de 61 ans, fils de Pierre Vieusseux et de Fran�oise Marie, n�e Vieussseux/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Vieusseux/ Paolo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Ottobre/ 1847/ / 375**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

C102/ 593/

CARL JULES HEINZMANN/ GERMANIAThe nine-year-old boy has rosebuds sculpted on his tombestone. The tomb of C88/ JEAN CHRISTIAN HEINZMANN, Carl Jules Heinzmann's father, is nearby, giving two other of his sons. This Bavarian family intermarries with the Swiss/English Hooffstetters.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1859. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito con bocciolino, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena, ferro mancante. [M: A: 83.5; L: 46; P: 17; P.s.: A: 40; L: 58; P: 25; RP.s.: A: 43; L: 78.5; P: 155.] Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Charles Jules Heinzmann, fils de Cr�tien Bartheleme Heinzmann, de Wunseidel, royaume de Bavi�re, et de H�l�ne Catherine Assunta, n�e Hoffstetter, sa femme/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Heinzmann/ Carlo/ Cristiano/ Germania/ Firenze/ 4 Marzo/ 1856/ Anni 9/ 593/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in italiano e francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CARLINO HEINZMANN/ AGE DE 9 ANS/ ELISA HEINZMANN AGE DE 19 ANS/ ELISA ADELAIDE HEINZMANN/ GERMANIA/Eglise Evangelique-Reform�e de Florence R�gistre des Morts: Elisa Heinzmann, Wunsiedel en Bavi�re (n�e a Florence en Toscane), fille de Cr�tien Barthelemy Heinzmann et de H�l�ne Catherine Assunta, nee Hofstetter (Hoofstetter)/ N� 41 (where Charles Hoofstetter is uncle, 57, 1828-1844/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 499/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Heinzmann/ Elisa Adelaide/ Cristiano/ Germania/ Firenze/ 18 Settembre/ 1859/ Anni 19/ 681**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. C103/ 378/ ANNE SMITH/ ENGLAND
She is the daughter of a Leeds, Yorkshire, mill owner. She probably came to Florence due to tuberculosis.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco, basamento con lastre in marmo. Intervento di consolidamento, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 66.5; L: 135.5; P: 16; P.s.: A: 8; L: 78; P: 147.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANNE SMITH/ YOUNGEST DAUGHTER/ OF WILLIAM SMITH ESQ/ OF ALLERTON HALL, GLEDHOW, NEAR LEEDS, YORKSHIRE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ 21 NOVEMBER 1847/ [SLEEP IN PEACE?] / 378/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 121: Burial 23-11, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Obituary, Leeds Mercury/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Smith/ Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Novembre/ 1847/ Anni 26/ 378/ ++/ N&Q 31. Anne, youngest d. of William Smith Esq. of Allerton Hall, nr Leeds, ob. 21 Nov 18(4?)7, a. 26/ Laurel L. Walters. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' has The Memoirs of William Smith (1785-1868) of Leeds, Yorkshire , ed. Laurel Walters, TAU


He was a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, who died at 48. His sister Maria marries Sir Charles-Ethelston Nightingale, Bart., of Kneesworth Hall, and they will name their third child Frederic Dickonson in turn.

Urna su colonna. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 5/1833. Ambito toscano.

Urna posta su colonna in marmo poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, colonna incisa.Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 174.5; Circum: Vase: 140; Colonna: 106.5; P.s.: A: 23; L: 81.2; P: 81.5.] / Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF LIEUTENANT FREDERIC DICKONSON/ OF THE BRITISH ROYAL NAVY/ SECOND SON OF THE LATE/ THOMAS LACY DICKONSON ESQ OF/ WEST RETFORD HALL IN THE COUNTY OF/ NOTTINGHAM WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ ON THE 3 OF MAY 1833 AGED 48 YEARS/ See N� 75 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N� 5, Burial 05/05, Rev Hutton, suicide/ Obituary, Morning Post/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dickonson/ Federico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Maggio/ 1833/ Anni 45/ 74/ [marginal note]/ N&Q 30. Lieut. Frederic Dickonson, R.N., 2nd son of Thomas Lacy Dickonson, Esq. of West Retford Hall, Notts, ob. 3 May 1833, a. 48/ Henderson/ Belle Arti 1993 scheda**.** Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Theodore Haupt's first wife, Virginia Hooffstetter Haupt, daughter of Charles Hooffstetter (B13) and Anne Amelie Hooffstetter (C87).Her parents are TEODORO HAUPT, for whom we have no tomb, and ANNA SIDONIA WERNER HAUPT, F75. See also VIRGINIE (HOFFSTETTER) HAUPT: [Virginia Haupt, n�e Hoffstetter, femme de Theodore Haupt, originaire de Freiberg, Saxe, Ingenieur, fille de Charles Hofstetter, De Buren, Canton de Berne, en Suisse, et de Anne Amelie Meget, son epouse/ Q 99: 310 Paoli/ Haupt nata Hooffstetter/ Virginia/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 21 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 39/ 524/], from whom we find that this child is named.

Virginie Josephine Haupte, Freiberg, Saxe, fille de Th�odore Haupte et de Anne Sidonie, n�e Verner// Saxe/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 599/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 114.65/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 114.05/ Haupt/ Virginia/ Giuseppina/ Teodoro/ Germania/ Firenze/ 29 Novembre/ 1864/ Anni 2/ 891.

The Cemetery's first burial of the fifteen-year-old son of the Swiss Church's President (C10/ JEAN PIERRE GONIN). Pietro Bazzanti sculpts him as he would have been at 18, while Solomon Counis (D13), who comes to be buried across from him, paints him as he would have been at 22, a painting owned by his descendants who now reside in Paris. John Roddam Stanhope similarly painted his daughter as if she had lived to maturity (B10/ MARY SPENCER STANHOPE).
2008 2010 Solomon Counis, portrait of Jean David Marc Gonin at 22

Colonna sormontata da una testa e busto (erma). Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti: firma: P.BAZZANTI.F/Sec. XIX, post 1/1828. Ambito toscano. Busto su colonna (ritratto) in marmo bianco. Intervento conservativo sul marmo, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 5/2010. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e ripristino. [M: A: 185; L: Circum: 84; L/P: 34.8; P.s.: A: 34; L/P: 71.8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa sulla colonna in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JEAN DAVID MARC GONIN/ NE A GENEVE LE 28 AVRIL 1812/ MORT A FLORENCE LE 17 JANVIER 1828/ JEUNE ET . . . D'AVENIR/ DONT LA TOMBE SOUARIT DANS . . . /N� 1/
N� 1 Le dix neuf Janvier, mil-huit-cent-vingt huit John Gonin
Gonin fils de Jean Gonin Pr�sident de Consistoire et de Louise
n�e Lafond, n�
mort � Florence, le dix sept Janvier, mil huit cent vingt huit
a re�u les honneures del la Sepulture en pr�sence de Louis Wolf,
Giacomo Bizenzi, Louis Recordon et de plusieurs autres membres
du Consistoire . --- . En foi de quoi j'ai sign�
Auguste Colomb Pasteur~
Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gonin/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 17 Gennaio/ 1828/ / 1**/** Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ �=Didier Berthet. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

5 N&Q Now Lost Tombs

N&Q 32. ________?, artist, of London, ob. 1832, a. 37.

CHARLES MOORE/ ENGLAND Cette fosse a du nouveau scavi au N� 419// See N� 691828-1844/ Obituary, Times, of Rathbone Place, Oxford Street/ Moore/ Carlo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Ottobre/ 1832/ Anni 32/ 67//

N� 69 Le vingt trois Octobre mil huit cent trente
Moore deux Charles Moore anglais age de
trente deux ans mort le vingt et un du
meme mois a ete enseveli dans le cimetiere
de l'Eglise �vangelique r�form�e de Florence
en foi de quoi j'ai sign�
G. Emile Demole Pastr~
It seems that he was reburied elsewhere, but neither has survived. N&Q may have placed him as an artist from London in Sector C, between C103, Anne Smith and C45,Francis Wemyss Howe_N&Q_ 35. Anne, wid. of [Pierre Noble, Esq?] of Cheshunt, Herts
+ANNA AUBER/ ENGLAND Auber/ Anna / / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Dicembre/ 1844/ Anni 87/ 301/ GL23774 N� 72, widow of Peter Auber of London, Burial 12/12 Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Henderson

[Between C45, Francis Wemyss Howe and C83,Florence Anne Wyse]

N&Q 38. Penelope Newhill Hepburn Law, wid. of Arthur Hepburn Law, of ___, Scotland, of 25 April 1833, a. 63.
She is from Jamaica, the widow of Captain Arthur Law of the 40th Regiment, of Pittilock, whom she had married, 1789, in Edinburgh, and where he died, 1815. N&Q, 100 years ago, saw this tomb in Sector C. Could this be C7?
Law/ Penelope/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Febbraio/ 1833/ / 71/ GL 23773/4 N� 3: widow of Capt Arthur Law of Pittilock, Burial 27-02, Rev Hutton, dies insensible in a few hours of severe illness/ See N� 72 1828-1844
N� 72 Le vingt-sept fevrier mil huit cent trente
Law trois Penelope Law anglaise morte le
vingt-cinq du meme mois a ete ensevelie
dans le cimetiere del'Eglise evang�lique
reform�e de Florence
en foi de quoi j'ai sign�
G. Emile Demole Pastr~C7/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Tomba a croce orizzontale. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Tomba in pietra serena, iscrizione illeggibile. [P:s: A: 27.5; L: 73.5; P: 204.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-. 2010.

N&Q 39. Henry ______, son of Elizabeth [Saundies?], of ___, Isle of Wight, ob. 9 March 19899 (sic), a. ___ mths.

HENRY SANDERS/ ENGLAND/ Sanders/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Marzo/ 1829/ Mesi 4/ 15. Obituary, Times
N� 15 Le ving-cinq Mars, mil-huit-cent-vingt-neuf, Henri Sanders
Sanders �g� de quatre mois, fils de Samuel Sanders, Anglais, mort le
vingt-trois Mars, mil-huit-cent-cinq neuf, a re�u les honneurs
de la sepulture dans le Cimeti�re de l'Eglise Evangelique en
pr�sence de Mrs le R�v�rend Taylor, et Docteur Kissack. En foi
de quoi j'ai sign�
Auguste Colomb Pasteur~
N&Q, 100 years ago, saw this tomb in Sector C. A four-month-old child, son of Samuel Sanders, Fernill, Isle of Wight.

Now you are ready to see the tombs in Sector D, beginning with that for Hugh Macquay at the top, followed by the row of Swiss tombs.



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