Porto Managu, Bosa, Oristano Province, Sardinia, Italy (original) (raw)

Porto Managu, Bosa, Oristano Province, Sardinia, Italyi

Regional Level Types
Porto Managu Bay
Bosa Commune
Oristano Province Province
Sardinia Autonomous Region
Italy - not defined -

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

40° 20' 16'' North , 8° 25' 15'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Mindat Locality ID:


Long-form identifier:



Name(s) in local language(s):

Porto Managu, Bosa, Oristano, Sardegna, Italia

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Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

6 valid minerals.

List of minerals arranged by Strunz 10th Edition classification

Group 2 - Sulphides and Sulfosalts
Covellite 2.CA.05a CuS
Sphalerite 2.CB.05a ZnS
Chalcopyrite 2.CB.10a CuFeS2
Group 4 - Oxides and Hydroxides
Pyrolusite 4.DB.05 Mn4+O2
Group 8 - Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates
Cyrilovite 8.DL.10 NaFe3+3(PO4)2(OH)4 · 2H2O
Group 9 - Silicates
Laumontite 9.GB.10 CaAl2Si4O12 · 4H2O

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