Allakh-Yun' fold belt, Sakha, Russia (original) (raw)
ⓘ Albite
Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ 'Andorite'
Formula: AgPbSb3S6
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Ankerite
Formula: Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Arsenopyrite
Formula: FeAsS
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits*. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6) 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Berthierite
Formula: FeSb2S4
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Bismuth
Formula: Bi
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Bismuthinite
Formula: Bi2S3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Boulangerite
Formula: Pb5Sb4S11
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Bournonite
Formula: PbCuSbS3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Chalcopyrite
Formula: CuFeS2
ⓘ Chalcostibite
Formula: CuSbS2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ 'Chlorite Group'
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Diaphorite
Formula: Ag3Pb2Sb3S8
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Dickite
Formula: Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Dolomite
Formula: CaMg(CO3)2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Famatinite
Formula: Cu3SbS4
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ 'Freibergite Subgroup'
Formula: (Ag6,[Ag6]4+)(Cu4 C2+2)Sb4S12S0-1
ⓘ Galena
Formula: PbS
ⓘ Gold
Formula: Au
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits*. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6) 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Gold var. Electrum
Formula: (Au,Ag)
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
ⓘ Joséite-A
Formula: Bi4TeS2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Joséite-B
Formula: Bi4Te2S
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Kutnohorite
Formula: CaMn2+(CO3)2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Löllingite
Formula: FeAs2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Maldonite
Formula: Au2Bi
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Meneghinite
Formula: Pb13CuSb7S24
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Miargyrite
Formula: AgSbS2
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Molybdenite
Formula: MoS2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Muscovite
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Muscovite var. Sericite
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Owyheeite
Formula: Ag3Pb10Sb11S28
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Polybasite
Formula: [Ag6Sb2S7][Ag9CuS4]
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
ⓘ Pyrargyrite
Formula: Ag3SbS3
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Pyrite
Formula: FeS2
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits*. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6) 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Pyrrhotite
Formula: Fe1-xS
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Quartz
Formula: SiO2
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Scheelite
Formula: Ca(WO4)
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Siderite
Formula: FeCO3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Siderite var. Manganese-bearing Siderite
Formula: (Fe,Mn)CO3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Siderite var. Pistomesite
Formula: (Fe,Mg)CO3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Silver
Formula: Ag
ⓘ Silver var. Native Amalgam
Formula: (Ag,Hg)
ⓘ Sphalerite
Formula: ZnS
ⓘ Sphalerite var. Cleiophane
Formula: ZnS
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Stephanite
Formula: Ag5SbS4
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Stibnite
Formula: Sb2S3
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ 'Tennantite Subgroup'
Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)As4S12S
Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits*. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6) 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277
ⓘ 'Tetrahedrite Subgroup'
Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)Sb4S12S
Genkin, A. D., Bortnikov, N. S., Cabri, L. J., Wagner, F. E., Stanley, C. J., Safonov, Y. G., ... & Gamyanin, G. N. (1998). A multidisciplinary study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology, 93(4), 463-487.
Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits*. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6) 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277
ⓘ 'Tetrahedrite Subgroup var. Silver-bearing Tetrahedrite'
Formula: (Cu,Ag)6[Cu4(Fe,Zn)2]Sb4S13
Bortnikov, N. S., Gamyanin, G. N., Alpatov, V. A., Naumov, V. B., Nosik, L. P., & Mironova, O. F. (1998). Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Nezhdaninsk gold deposit (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia). Geology of Ore Deposits C/c of Geologiia Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, 40, 121-138.
Chernyshev, I. V., Bortnikov, N. S., Chugaev, A. V., Gamyanin, G. N., & Bakharev, A. G. (2011). Metal sources of the large Nezhdaninsky orogenic gold deposit, Yakutia, Russia: Results of high-precision MC-ICP-MS analysis of lead isotopic composition supplemented by data on strontium isotopes. Geology of Ore Deposits, 53(5), 353.
ⓘ Volynskite
Formula: AgBiTe2
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ 'Wolframite Group'
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.
ⓘ Zinkenite
Formula: Pb9Sb22S42
Bortnikov, N.S., Gamyanin, G.N., Vikent’eva, O.V., Prokof’ev, V.Y., lpatov, V.A., and Bakharev, A.G. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(2), 87-128.