Mojave Domain, North America Plate (original) (raw)

Mojave Domain, North America Platei

Regional Level Types
Mojave Domain Domain
North America Plate Tectonic Plate

Other/historical names associated with this locality:


Lateral- extensional orogen
Older crustal component >2.0; crustal growth ages 1.84, 1.78–1.76 Ga; includes Elves Chasm gneiss.

Localities in this Region

This page contains all mineral locality references listed on This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so you can add to our database. This locality information is for reference purposes only. You should never attempt to visit any sites listed in without first ensuring that you have the permission of the land and/or mineral rights holders for access and that you are aware of all safety precautions necessary.


Lund, K., Box, S. E., Holm-Denoma, C. S., San Juan, C. A., Blakely, R. J., Saltus, R. W., ... & Dewitt, E. H. (2015). Basement domain map of the conterminous United States and Alaska (Data Series 898, p. 48). US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey.