Main Ridge Complex, Murmansk Oblast, Russia (original) (raw)
Main Ridge Complex, Murmansk Oblast, Russiai
Regional Level Types | |
Main Ridge Complex | Complex |
Murmansk Oblast | Oblast |
Russia | Country |
Latitude & Longitude:
67° North , 35° East (est.)
Estimate based on other nearby localities or region boundaries.
Reference for age:
Smol’kin, Valery F., and Artem V. Mokrushin. 2022. "Paleoproterozoic Layered Intrusions of the Monchegorsk Ore District: Geochemistry and U–Pb, Sm–Nd, Re–Os Isotope Analysis" Minerals 12, no. 11: 1432.
Mindat Locality ID:
Long-form identifier:
The Main Ridge Complex of the gabbro-anorthosites stretches out by 80 km to the near north-south at a width of 1–2 to 15–20 km and separates the Central Kola Block from the Belomorian Block (Belt). It is composed of several massifs, i.e., the Monchetundra and Chuna–Volche–Losevye–Medvezhye tundras.
List of minerals for each chemical element
Localities in this Region
Murmansk Oblast
Murmansk Oblast
Other Regions, Features and Areas that Intersect
Eurasian Plate
- Baltic Shield
- Kola CratonShield
- Murmansk Oblast
- Kola PeninsulaPeninsula
- Losevye–MedvezhyetundraComplex
- Monche-TundraTundra
- VolchetundraComplex
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