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Sokol, E. V., Gaskova, O. L., Kokh, S. N., Kozmenko, O. A., Seryotkin, Y. V., Vapnik, Y., Murashko, M. N. (2011) Chromatite and its Cr3+- and Cr6+-bearing precursor minerals from the Nabi Musa Mottled Zone complex, Judean Desert. American Mineralogist, 96 (4) 659-674 doi:10.2138/am.2011.3487 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and Cr6+-bearing precursor minerals from the Nabi Musa Mottled Zone complex, Judean Desert Ella V. Sokol...This extremely rare mineral was found at the Nabi Musa locality (Judean Desert, Israel), in a peculiar...thermodynamic modeling, and mineralogical analyses of the Nabi Musa rocks (XRPD, EMPA, SEM, FTIR, and optical microscopy)...consequence of the highway construction across Nabi Musa hill in 2006, the buried veins filled by Cr6+-substituted...locality, newly discovered in the Mottled Zone: Nabi Musa hill 5 km southeast of the Maale Adummim area
Sokol, E.V., Kozmenko, O.A., Kokh, S.N., Vapnik, Ye. (2012) Gas reservoirs in the Dead Sea area: evidence from chemistry of combustion metamorphic rocks in Nabi Musa fossil mud volcano. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 53 (8) 745-762 doi:10.1016/j.rgg.2012.06.003 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
chemistry of combustion metamorphic rocks in Nabi Musa fossil mud volcano E.V. Sokol a,*, O.A. Kozmenko...31 March 2011; accepted 15 July 2011 Abstract Nabi Musa located at the northern tip of the Dead Sea at...Melting foci have been discovered in two craters of Nabi Musa volcano, with numerous veins of paralavas having...The suggested mixing models predict that the Nabi Musa paralavas result from combustion metamorphism...quartz arenite. The history of mud volcanism at Nabi Musa began with small eruptions that mobilized gas
Seryotkin, Yurii V., Sokol, Ella V., Kokh, Svetlana N. (2012) Natural pseudowollastonite: Crystal structure, associated minerals, and geological context. Lithos, 134. 75-90 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2011.12.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
rock-forming mineral in Ca-rich paralava veins of Nabi Musa fossil mud volcano (Dead Sea area). Pseudowollastonite-bearing...natural pseudowollastonite. Pseudowollastonite from Nabi Musa dome is stoichiometric CaSiO3 and belongs to the...pseudowollastonite-bearing paralava found at Nabi Musa fossil mud volcano in the Dead Sea area. These...Tul-i-Marmar Wo Fe-MgWo Wo Wo Darreh Harrachi Nabi Musa F.3029 F.3084 21 12D 12C YV197 45.11 0...Ti-Adr = Ti-andradite, Ttn = titanite, Tob 10 Å = tobermorite 10 Å; Wo = wollastonite. Mineral symbols according
Gross, Shulamit (2016, June) Petrographic atlas of the Hatrurim Formation. Report GSI/05/2016. Geological Survey of Israel Report (issue)
NKVD) security clearance. In 1946 Shulamit moved west to Moscow State University, and re-started her Ph...Bentorite. A new mineral from the Hatrurim area, west of the Dead Sea, Israel. Isr. J. Earth Sci., 29:...Ti-andradite Di Diopside Mll Melilite Tob Tobermorite Dol Dolomite Myt/May Mayenite Trt Truscottite...amoeboid crystal on the left; the latter with a tobermorite inclusion at its center. The gehlenite crystals...the upper part and on the left are secondary tobermorite – an alteration product. 5. A schorlomite–rich
Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny V., Galuskina, Irina O., Kusz, Joachim, Stasiak, Marta, Krzykawski, Tomasz, Dulski, Mateusz (2019) Qatranaite, CaZn2(OH)6 · 2H2O: a new mineral from altered pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Daba-Siwaqa, Jordan. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31 (3) 575-584 doi:10.1127/ejm/2019/0031-2833 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
spurrite is replaced by secondary hydrosilicates (_tobermorite_-like) and thaumasite; sphalerite is replaced...cement phases such as ettringite, thaumasite, tobermorite, afwillite and jennite (Martin et al., 2016)...CaFe2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Am. Mineral., 99...Comment on “Combustion metamorphism (CM) in the Nabi Musa dome: New implications for a mud volcanic origin...Kozmenko, O. (2010): Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: New implications for a mud volcanic origin
Williams, P. A., Hatert, F., Pasero, M., Mills, S. J. (2014) New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2014, CNMNC Newsletter No 21. Mineralogical Magazine, 78 (4) 797-804 doi:10.1180/minmag.2014.078.4.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
2014-032 Dzierżanowskite CaCu2S2 Near Nabi Musa, Judean Desert, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel (31º46’N...2014 Tobermorite group A new nomenclature scheme has been approved for minerals in the tobermorite group...·2H 2 O]·(Ca·5H 2 O); tobermorite has been redefined as two minerals: tobermorite [Ca4Si6O17·2H2O]·(Ca·3H2O)
Geller, Y.I., Burg, A., Halicz, L., Kolodny, Y. (2012) System closure during the combustion metamorphic “Mottled Zone” event, Israel. Chemical Geology, 334. 25-36 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.09.029 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
well as several Ca–Si ±Al hydrates (such as tobermorite). Garnet (mainly andradite or its Ti variety...Ca3TiFe3+AlO8 Thomsonite NaCa2Al5Si5O20·6H2O Tobermorite Ca5Si6(O,OH)18·5H2O Volkonskoite Ca0.3(Cr3+,Mg...Prograde Perovskite Prograde Zeolite Retrograde Tobermorite Retrograde Smectite Retrograde Pyroxene Prograde...Formation rocks, (Sokol et al., 2010 from the Nabi Musa area) and in larnite and calcite–spurrite rocks...Magazine 75, 2549–2561. Shaw, S.H., 1947. Southern Palestine, geological map on a scale of 1:250,000 with explanatory
Galuskina, Irina O., Galuskin, Evgeny V., Pakhomova, Anna S., Widmer, Remo, Armbruster, Thomas, Krüger, Biljana, Grew, Edward S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dzierażanowski, Piotr, Murashko, Mikhail (2017) Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group (sapphirine supergroup) mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel– natural analogue of the SFCA phase. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29 (1) 101-116 doi:10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2589 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
concerned a few grains in gehlenite hornfels at the Nabi Musa locality, Judean Desert (Sokol et al., 2011)....ettringite, calcite, apophyllite, afwillite, tobermorite and other unidentified Cahydrosilicates, commonly...(Záček et al., 2015); 5 – gehlenite hornfels, Nabi Musa (Sokol et al., 2011); 6–8 Dorrite: 6 – gehlenite...CaFe2O4: a new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Am. Mineral., 99...and Cr6þ-bearing precursor minerals from the Nabi Musa Mottled Zone complex, Judean Desert. Am. Mineral
Juroszek, Rafał, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Krüger, Hannes, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Siwaqaite, Ca6Al2(CrO4)3(OH)12·26H2O, a new mineral of the ettringite group from the pyrometamorphic Daba-Siwaqa complex, Jordan. American Mineralogist, 105 (3) 409-421 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7208 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ettringite group from pyrometamorphic rocks of Nabi Musa, West Bank, reaches 0.36 atom per formula unit (apfu)...sides of the Dead Sea Transform Fault in Israel, West Bank, and Jordan (Fig. 1). They belong to the large...pyrometamorphic Mottled Zone complexes along the Israel-West _Bank_-Jordan borders (left, modified after Techer et...calcium silicate hydrates: afwillite, jennite, tobermorite, apophyllite; sulfates: gypsum, minerals of ...CaFe2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. American Mineralogist
Sokol, Ella, Kokh, Svetlana, Sharygin, Victor, Danilovsky, Victoria, Seryotkin, Yurii, Liferovich, Ruslan, Deviatiiarova, Anna, Nigmatulina, Elena, Karmanov, Nikolay (2019) Mineralogical Diversity of Ca2SiO4-Bearing Combustion Metamorphic Rocks in the Hatrurim Basin: Implications for Storage and Partitioning of Elements in Oil Shale Clinkering. Minerals, 9 (8) 465 doi:10.3390/min9080465 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1.3 1.8 tr 0.3    0.7 1.9 Tobermorite Tobermorite tr tr tr Foshagite, Hem   tr...mainly found at the top of the Mesozoic sequence west of the Dead Sea rift, in Negev and Judean Deserts... hydrocarbon gases, and micro-oil mostly to the west, toward the Mediterranean Sea [72]. Consequently... and ettringite, with lesser percentages of tobermorite, jennite, afwillite, and hydrogarnets). Photographs...Photographs ettringite, with lesser percentages of tobermorite, jennite, afwillite, and hydrogarnets). Photographs
Sokol, E. V., Kokh, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Thiery, V., Korzhova, S. A. (2014) Natural analogs of belite sulfoaluminate cement clinkers from Negev Desert, Israel. American Mineralogist, 99 (7) 1471-1487 doi:10.2138/am.2014.4704 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
gypsum, and ettringite, with lesser amounts of tobermorite, jennite, afwillite, and hydrogarnet; Table 2)...well as identify minor amounts of secondary tobermorite and gibbsite. The obtained phase compositions...Alteration products Al(OH)3 after ye’elimite, Tobermorite (tr) Locality Paleolithic “factory” on the eastern...Magnesioferrite, Barite Gibbsite after ye’elimite, Tobermorite (tr) Paleolithic “factory” on the eastern slope...and gave way to Al(OH)3 formed in their place. Tobermorite is present in trace amounts and is identified
Vapnik, Yevgeny, Palchik, Vyacheslav, Galuskina, Irina, Banasik, Kamila, Krzykawski, Tomasz (2018) Mineralogy, chemistry and rock mechanic parameters of katoite-bearing rock from the Hatrurim Basin, Israel. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 147. 322-330 doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.06.020 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
fluorapatite with minor jennite, a mineral of the tobermorite group – plombièrrite and 205 ettringite. Two...content of fluorapatite; minor phases include: tobermorite, afwillite, gypsum and 208 unidentified zeolites...hydrosilicate-Ca-Fe-Ni, barite 211 BaSO4, tobermorite, afwillite, cebollite Ca5Al2(SiO4)3(OH)4 (?)...bearing rock: katoite, fluorapatite, calcite, tobermorite, afwilite, mineral of ettringite- 224 thaumasite...(Goryanov, 2016). 243 244 The main bands of tobermorite in the Raman spectrum at 670 cm-1 and in the
Seryotkin, Yurii V., Sokol, Ella V., Kokh, Svetlana N., Sharygin, Victor V. (2019) Natural bentorite—Cr3+ derivate of ettringite: determination of crystal structure. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 46 (6) 553-570 doi:10.1007/s00269-019-01022-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
gypsum, afwillite, truscottite, fluorapatite, tobermorite, calcite, and vaterite. It occurs as almost monomineralic...though found (­ CrO4)2−-bearing ettringite in the Nabi Musa area in Judean Desert (Sokol et al. 2011). Later...Bentorite. A new mineral from the Hatrurim area, west of the Dead Sea, Israel. Isr J Earth Sci 29:81–84...and 6+ ­Cr -bearing precursor minerals from the Nabi Musa Mottled Zone complex, Judean Desert. Am Mineral
Kolodny, Yehoshua, Burg, Avihu, Geller, Yona I., Halicz, Ludwik, Zakon, Yevgeni (2014) Veins in the combusted metamorphic rocks, Israel; Weathering or a retrograde event?. Chemical Geology, 385. 140-155 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.07.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ca4Al6O12(SO4) Low-T (hydrated, recarbonated) Tobermorite Jennite Ettringite Bentorite Thaumasite Portlandite...ett—ettringite, jen—jennite, vat—vaterite, tob— tobermorite, apo—apophyllite. 232 (230 Th/232Th) Sample...ett—ettringite, jen—jennite, vat—vaterite, tob—tobermorite, apo— apophyllite. (230Th/238U) ±2σ (234U/238U)...its formation is enhanced by the presence of tobermorite (McConnell, 1960; Taylor, 1961). Thus its presence...alkaline waters and the formation of ettringite, tobermorite and jennite. Particularly, Shao et al. (2013)
Warchulski, Rafał, Gawęda, Aleksandra, Kupczak, Krzysztof, Banasik, Kamila, Krzykawski, Tomasz (2020) Slags from Ruda Śląska, Poland as a large-scale laboratory for the crystallization of rare natural rocks: melilitolites and paralavas. Lithos, 372. 105666pp. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105666 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1300-1400°C. The exceptions here are the paralavas from Nabi Musa with low Al contents, for -p which the liquidus...3030, F.3029, Darreh Harrachi sample F.3084, Nabi Musa samples 21, 12D, 12C, YV-197 from Seryotkin et...(wollastonite + schorlomite + fluorapatite + Cr-spinel + tobermorite(?); garnetite G-4-2v: schorlomite + melilite
Khoury, H. N. (2015) Uranium minerals of central Jordan. Applied Earth Science, 124 (2) 104-128 doi:10.1179/1743275815y.0000000005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and the highlands overlooking the Dead Sea to the West (Fig. 1). Department of Geology, The University...along the Jordan Rift, which is located *60km to the West of the Daba – Siwaqa area (Bender 1968; Powell 1989;...fluorapatite, ettringite, thaumasite, afwillite, tobermorite, zeolites, Zn, Cd sulphide/ selenite and Cr-smectite...CO3-F-apatite, K-apophyllite, Cr-smectite, Quartz _Tobermorite_-11A, apophyllite, plombierite, Opal-C Calcite...Ellestadite Brushite CSH and cash phases Afwillite Tobermorite(s) Jennite Tacharanite Katoite Bultfonteinite
Galuskina, Irina O., Pekov, Igor V. - Eds. (2019) New Mineral Species and Their Crystal Structures. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03897-689-9 Book
Portlandite, thaumasite, hydrocalumite, afwillite, tobermorite, CaCO3 polymorphs, and zeolites belong to the...CaFe2 O4 : A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Am. Miner. 2014...BaCa6 (SiO4 )2 (SO4 )2 O, from Israel and the Palestine Autonomy, South Levant, and from South Ossetia...thiocuprate from Jabel Harmun, Judean Desert, Palestine Autonomy, Israel. Miner. Mag. 2017, 81, 1073–1085...carbonate-silicate xenolith was revealed at the north-west slope of the volcano within dacite lava. This xenolith
Chukanov, Nikita V., Chervonnyi, Alexandr D. (2016) Infrared Spectroscopy of Minerals and Related Compounds. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25349-7 Book
minerals are oyelite, hydrogarnet, xonotlite, tobermorite, bultfonteinite, apophyllite, and prehnite. Holotype...Locality: Qaqarssuk carbonatite complex, southern West Greenland (type locality). Description: Yellow-brown...Locality: Loe Warren Zawn area, St Just district, West Penwith, Cornwall, UK. Description: Aggregates of...calcio-olivine), quartz, aragonite, calcite, jennite, tobermorite, and ettringite. Holotype sample. Triclinic,...Description: White aggregate from the association with tobermorite, plombierite, apophyllite, and calcite. Holotype
(2010) 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010 Budapest, Hungary. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series Vol. 6. University of Szeged Journal (volume)
that locates at Himeji Castle, Hyogo Prefecture, west of central Japan [2] (Fig. 1). The pond in the garden...SiO4 tetrahedra by sulfate is known e.g. in tobermorite structure, where the charge compensation compensation...phreatomagmatic, maar-forming rift-edge eruption in west Ambrym. It appears that the eruption was initiated...zeolites from Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (West Hungary) Kónya, P.1* & Szakáll, S.2 Geological Inst...rock-grout interface. The precipitation of C-S-H (tobermorite), and also ettringite in some cases, is responsible