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(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology .................................... 32 Sidebar: First Discovery of Adamite at Ojuela................................ 43 Sidebar: Purple...find in the San Judas chimney, Level 6, of the Ojuela mine. Houston Museum of Natural Science collection;
Hoffmann, Victor Joseph (1968) The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico, University of Arizona. Thesis/Dissertation
The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico Item Type text; Dissertation-Reproduction...MINERALOGY OF THE MAPIMl' MINING DISTRICT, DURANGO, MEXICO by Victor Joseph Hoffmann A Dissertation...Mineralogy of the Mapimi Mining District,______ Durango, Mexico______________________________ be accepted...samples from the mines and offered information on the mine locations and their access. Mr. Salvador Davila...Smithsonian Institution from both the collections of Ojuela mine specimens obtained by Foshag in 1934 and from
Johnson, Paul Willard (1965) A Field Guide to the Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Gembooks, Mentone, CA. Book
K FIELD GUIDE to the GEMS and MINERALS of MEXICO (Exclusive of Baja California) A guide to the...Information............ Driving in Mexico................... Trailcring in Mexico ............. 5 6 6 7 8 8........ A Word to the Wise ............. Jade in Mexico......................... Manto and Chimney Deposits...Eulalia District....... El Potosi Mine............. San Antonio Mine....... Cusihuiriachic District....... Minerals of Ojuela Mine .... . Velardena District........................ Durango ...............
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
anc MINERALS OF MEXICO 7 | : = Pras #0 AaprTTARE ; MINERALS OF MEXICO William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy— Collectors and collecting— Mexico. 2. Mines and...and mineral resources— Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This book...Jalisco; D. Santiago Ramirez’s La Riqueza Minera de Mexico, and his translation of Dana’s Tratado de Mineralogia...a. ie = Maes Lie Auadado = ae MINERALS OF MEXICO Vv Oona tA. IMPORTANT MINING DISTRICTS
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
"'<' ~/ BOUNDARIES U A Mo<'« u~ o V :¾ MEXICO r - ·•-.. ·-··-··-··-·· < •• ....... V S TATES...org/details/mineralsofmexico0000panc MINERALS OF MEXICO • ERALS OF ~XICO M ______ William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy-Collectors and collecting-Mexico. 2. Mines and mineral...mineral resources-Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This boo i...i.. is deJicated tu the people of Mexico and to the three people who directly affected me and this project
(2011) Mexico VI. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 42 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Trucco mining district, Taxco de Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico .................................... .401 by J...mineral localities: The Refugio mine, Municipio de Choix, Sinaloa, Mexico ................................Famous mineral localities: Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico .............................................Ferry ~alace of Jlline_s The Palace of Mines in Mexico City .................................... .497...Smithsonite, 4 cm wide, from the Refugio mine, Choix, Sinaloa, Mexico. William Dameron collection; Jesse Fisher
(1970) March - April 1970. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 1 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
just recently and we have made ar­ rangements to mine all that may be in the deposit. At the present we...$6.00 per year in the United States, Canada and Mexico. A ll other countries, $7.00 per year. Copyright...of 2x5” and 5x7” size; an outstand­ ing Wheatley Mine anglesite group showing glassy, clean-cut, one-inch...Franklin, N.C.; bournonite and tetrahedrite, Herodsfoot mine, Cornwall; campylite, Drygill, Cumberland; gold...material. Most frequently, the manage­ ment of a mine or quarry is not at all interested in mineral specimens
(1983) January - February 1983. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 14 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
by R.S.W. Braithwaite Graphite from the Lead Hill mine, Ticonderoga, New Y o r k ........................Sage Lotharmeyerite, a new mineral from Mapimi, Durango, M e x ic o ..................................................................... 53 Notes from Mexico by W. D. Panczner ...............................advertising 602-299-5274 COVER: AMETHYST from Guerrero, Mexico. The crystal measures about 9 cm; Olaf Medenbach...amethyst, see Bill Panczner’s new column, Notes from Mexico, on page 57 of this issue. EDITORIAL: Mineralogie
Paris, Travis A. (2011) Tennessee Mineral Locality Index. Rocks & Minerals, 86 (4) 300-329 doi:10.1080/00357529.2010.517132 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Figure 1 (top left). Calcite, 5.5 cm high, Elmwood mine, Smith County. Terry Huizing specimen, Jeff Scovil...Figure 2 (above). Fluorite, 13.1 cm wide, Elmwood mine, Smith County. Francis Benjamin specimen, Jeff Scovil...Figure 3 (left). Fluorite, 2.5 cm on edge, Elmwood mine, Carthage, Smith County. Terry Huizing specimen...specimen and photo. Figure 4 (right). Cumberland mine, Smith County. Travis Paris photo (2004). Figure 5 (far...barite specimens at the Elmwood zinc mine in middle Tennessee. This mine, opened in 1975, and other nearby
Hazen, Robert M., Grew, Edward S., Origlieri, Marcus J., Downs, Robert T. (2017) On the mineralogy of the “Anthropocene Epoch”. American Mineralogist, 102 (3) 595-611 doi:10.2138/am-2017-5875 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
indirectly (e.g., alteration of mine tunnel walls; weathering products of mine dumps and slag). A second human...occurrences Number of localities I. _Mine_-associated (“post-_mine_”) minerals Formula Type locality; other...Dandy mine, Paradox Valley, Montrose County, Colorado Metadelrioite 2 SrCa(VO3)2(OH)2 Jo Dandy mine, Paradox...Finistère, France Schuetteite 15 Hg3O2(SO4) Ocean mine dump, San Luis Obispo County, California Smrkovecite...Ni5(CO3)4(OH)2·4–5H2O 132 North mine, Widgiemooltha, Australia B. Alteration phases associated with mine tunnel walls Adolfpateraite
Korbel, Petr, Novak, Milan (1999) Minerals Encyclopaedia. Rebo Productions. Book
Crystals up to 140mm (5½ in) long occurred in the Ray mine and in Bisbee, Arizona, USA. Very fine spinel-law...Dendritic aggregates from Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico, reached up to 150 mm (6 in). Crystals and aggregates...100 mm (4 in) long, come also from the San Genaro Mine in Huancavelica and Uchucchaqua, Peru. New finds...Dorado, California, US.A. Gold, 68 mm, Eagle's Nest Mine, California, US.A. Gold gold on it. Typical aggregates...many localities in California, USA (Colorado Quartz mine, Nigger Hill and others). Fine leaf gold comes from
(1928, July 14th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 126 (2) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
Hundred Million i Dollar Gunes Latest nie Caan Heed Ce Mine ate and County Taxation in Comment and Criticism...News Overcoming Electrical Difficulties at a Salt Mine 65 44 | Societies, Addresses and Reports By L...STAUFFER 71 Book Reviews In an Adit Heading at _Ojuela_—Averaging 714 Feet Per Month for 5,000 Feet By...Fox Electric Operation for Hoists An Electrified Mine Boarding House Kitchen Notes on the Internatiénal...including postage. United States possessions, Canada, Mexico, and the countries of Central and Cable Address:
11 meionite 114 melanite 78 melanochalcite 24 melanterite 59 melilite 85 meneghinite 18 mercury 4 mesitite...most famous deposits of silver are in the North Mexico, American continent, the western United in...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...brown opaque octahedrons in clay at Destricella Mine near Raddusa (Enna) in Italy. A brief mention should
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
meionite 114 melanite 78 melanochalcite 24 melanterite 59 melilite 85 meneghinite 18 mercury 4 mesitite...most famous deposits of silver are in the North Mexico, Plates of gold on quartzite. California American...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...brown opaque octahedrons in clay at Destricella Mine near Raddusa (Enna) in Italy. A brief mention should
(2016) Colombian Emeralds!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
crystal with calcite, 6.5 cm, from the Cosq uez mine, Colombia; found in 1998. Scott Rudolph collection............................................... 22 Mine Exploitation (or not) Today ......................occurrences (abandoned), The Nemoc6n mine is primarily a salt mine refitted as a tourist attraction; it...is the Muzo mine proper, and 12 km north of that lies the almost equally famous Cosquez mine; both of these...by the Penas Blancas mine, 10 km north of Cosquez, and in 1997 the La Pita mine, between Muzo and Cosquez
Korbel, Petr, Novák, Milan (2001) The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals. Grange Books. Book
Crystals up to 140mm (5'A in) long occurred in the Ray mine and in Bisbce, Arizona, USA. Very fine spincl-law...Dendritic aggregates from Batopilas, Chihuahua, .Mexico, reached up to 150 mm (6 in). Crystals and aggregates...100 mm (4 in) long, come also from the San Gcnaro Mine in Huancavclica and Uchucchaqua, Peru. New finds...many localities in California, USA (Colorado Quartz mine. Nigger Hill and others). Fine leaf gold comes from...110 mm (47.6 in) long were very rare in Ground Hog mine, Gilman, Colorado, USA. The largest known sheets
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
11 meionite 114 melanite 78 melanochalcite 24 melanterite 59 melilite 85 meneghinite I 8 mercury 4 mesitite...59 zippeite 62 zircon 77, 78, 78 zoisite 88 THE MINE LKINGDOM All physical bodies in Nature can be...or slightly rotated Vitreous. Like glass 3 THE MINE Class I: native ·elements Chemical elernents found...North American continent, in various regions of Mexico, the western United States (especially the Co1nstock...especially near Ki1nberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimber/ite
(1979) May - June 1979. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 10 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Articles Famous mineral localities: the Taewha mine, K orea...........................................The Collector’s Library, part III: Minerals of Mexico .................................................with mimetitefrom the San Francisco mine near Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. The large crystal is 28 mm across...Himalaya mine, Mesa Grande, California Tourmaline Queen mine, Pala, California Pala Chief mine, Pala, California...Ledge mine, Washington, California Benitoite Gem mine, San Benito Co., California U.S. Borax mine, Boron
(2005, April) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 96. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
near CITE 13ratthagcn, ANAL 1098 Ojucla Mine, Mapimi, Mexico ADAMITE 88 Unusual rich yellow vitreous...cleavage Ti0/2 Mn S 1.5cm£4 5mm£2 ANATASE Virtuous Lady mine,Devon 26 ALBITE Kragcro Norway 6 single dark blue...mass Cc Ca Y Al Fe SiO 2x2 £12 lx2 £6 Dark Star Mine,Ravalli County, Montana U,S_A ANCYLITE Cc Rich pinkish...ANDALUSITE Ultcvis,Norlh Sweden ALLANITE Ce Dastnas Mine Sweden J 009 variety VTR.IDCNE (Mangan rich variety)...Brittany, France ALLOPllANE New East Whcal Russell mine, Devon ,England 52 501 Rich pinkish mass in dark
(2016) May - June 2016. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
EUCLASE with Albite, 11.2 cm, from the La Marina mine, Muzo District, Boyaca Department, Colombia. See...DENVER MART EXPO HALL ROOMJ53 BARITE 20.3 CM XIEFANG MINE , GANZHOU PREFECTURE , JIANGXI PROVINCE , CHINA...1751 was funded mainly by donations from wealthy mine owners and from simple mining families. Modem times...when the area was also being referred to as Bana ("Mine"), and in 1228 when the name Argentifodina ("Silver...runoff from the mine dumps); this was later combined with the word Banska meaning "mine." The name Banska
(2017) July - August 2017. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 48 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
tgressman@comcast.net Famous Mineral Localities: The Soudan mine, Vermilion Range, St. Louis County, Minnesota ....Wallace Famous Mineral Localities: The Old Gunnislake mine, Callington District, Cornwall, England ..........red hematite inclusions, 4.5 cm, from the Soudan mine, Vermilion Range, St. Louis County, Minnesota. Don...FineMineral.com AQUAMARINE ON MUSCOVITE Chumuru Mine, Nagar, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Northern...Bill went off to college at the University of New Mexico but, despite tremendously enjoying his mineralogy
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43... at the Questa mine, Taos co., New 1994. Abernathyite K2[(UOJ 2l(AsO_J2]•6HzO Mexico, at Kellogg, Shoshone...Harding Co .. South Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald...weakly = = l = = = = brerete, Zacatecas, Mexico. In small crystals at Jachymov, Bohemia, Czech...mainly in crystals to 5 cm at the Himmelsftirst mine, Freiberg, both Saxony, Germany. In the subtropical
(1999) January - February 1999. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 30 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
gratifying. One young mineralogist, a former student of mine, said that although he had never met Mike, he had...inerals for Collectors. Specializing in A rizona, Mexico & W orldw ide Classics. We Buy Collections. Crystal...fortunate ruler in charge when Cortez conquered Mexico (1519-1521) and Pizarro conquered Peru and what...they paid unto their masters. The veins of these mine are of such quality that the ore will not melt with...17 years earlier by Bartolome Medina at Pachuca, Mexico. The process involves the cold amal­ gamation of
(1984) January - February 1984. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 15 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
.... 5 by C. S. Stolburg Minerals of the Pereta mine, Tuscany, Italy ..................................and M. Tazzini Alteration minerals of the Cetine mine, Tuscany, It a ly ................................ Sabelli and G. Brizzi Siegenite from the Buick mine, Bixby, Missouri .................................years he was Resident Geologist at the Copper Queen mine until Phelps Dodge Cor­ poration closed all the...transferred to Ajo as Mine Planning Engineer and later promoted to General Mine Foreman. He left Ajo in
(1987, Spring) UK Journal of Mines and Minerals 2. Rockbottom Publications Journal (issue)
Allan Winrow 23 Levant Mine Trevor Wolloxall 24 Smallcleugh, Melanterite Steve Uttley 27 Micro Minerals...Minerals from Dyfngwm Mine S. &D. Rust 28 Mineral News Keith Hammond 32 FRONT COVER Dons Digest...section has been included, whats new, recent finds/mine closures/new mines etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .... evaporation gave chunky little crystals of melanterite, the iron sulphate. It must therefore be siderite...Fig 1. It is possible to park in front of the old mine buildings where there are two car parks. G~ A