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Schwartz, Michael O. (2000) Cadmium in Zinc Deposits: Economic Geology of a Polluting Element. International Geology Review, 42 (5) 445-469 doi:10.1080/00206810009465091 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of cad­ mium sulfides (greenockite or hawleyite). The abundance of greenockite in the supergene alteration...galena/sphalerite pairs (Vlasov, 1966). Cadmium sulfide (greenockite) is a common mineral in the supergene alteration...usually absent from hypogene zinc mineralization. Greenockite usually is accompanied by zinc carbon­ ate (smithsonite)...hexagonal β-ZnS (wurtzite) and hexag­ onal β-CdS (greenockite). The rare cubic α-CdS (hawleyite) (Weiner and...which is the most abundant natural phase, and greenockite are used. Substituting sphalerite by wurtzite
(1945, August) Economic Geology Vol. 40 (5) Society of Economic Geologists Journal (issue)
Geologists CONTENTS Sphalerites from Western Canada H.V. Warren and R. M. Thompson 309 The Abyssal...00 a year for eight numbers. To subscribers in Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, and countries in Central... WESTERN No. 5 CANADA: R. M. THOMPSON. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Map ot Mining Divisions, British...are indebted to the National Research Council of Canada, under whose egis some of this work was undertaken...BELT TiN OFLOCATION GENERALIZED AND OIVISTONS MINING SHOWING MAP COLUMBIA BRITISH OFPROVINCE wuw zee
Traill, R. J. (1970) A Catalogue of Canadian Minerals. Paper 69-45. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
PAPER 69-45 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES A CATALOGUE OF...MINERALS R. J. Traill ' GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA CANADA PAPER 69-45 A CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS...n's Printer, Ottawa from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa and Canadian Government bookshops...to change without notic e Queen ' s Printer for Canada Ottawa 1970 A CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS...has elapsed since T . Sterry Hunt in Geology of Canada, 1863 , presented the first descriptive list of
Sabina, A. P., Traill, R. J. (1960) Catalogue of x-ray diffraction patterns and specimen mounts on file at the Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 60-4. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
SURVEY OF CANADA Ann P. Sabina and R. J. TraiU Price 50 cents 1960 GEOLOGICAL OF SURVEY CANADA CANADA...SPECIMEN MOUNTS ON FILE AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA By Ann P. Sabina and R . J. Traill DEPARTMENT...DEPARTMENT MINES AND OF TECHNICAL SURVE Y S CANADA 85651-1 .. CATALOGUE OF X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS...SPECIMEN MOUNTS ON FILE AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CF CANADA A reference file of approximately 650 X-ray diffraction...established in the X-ray laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada. Presented in this paper is a list of the patterns
Hazen, Robert M., Grew, Edward S., Origlieri, Marcus J., Downs, Robert T. (2017) On the mineralogy of the “Anthropocene Epoch”. American Mineralogist, 102 (3) 595-611 doi:10.2138/am-2017-5875 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
biological processes. Since the advent of human mining and manufacturing, particularly since the industrial...Keywords: Mineral evolution, archeology, new minerals, mining, philosophy of mineralogy, sociology of mineralogy...time associated with the advent of near-surface mining and smelting technologies in classic times (e.g... at least in part, to human activities such as mining or quarrying. If such substances are formed purely...movements of rocks and sediments as a consequence of mining operations and the construction of cities, waterways
MacIntyre, D.G. (2005) Geological Report on the Hudson Bay Mountain Properties, Aumega Discoveries Ltd. Corporate Document
REPORT ON THE HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN PROPERTY OMINECA MINING DIVISION WEST CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA NTS 093E/14W...Aumega’s Hudson Bay Mountain property surrounds mining leases that cover the Glacier Gulch deposit. Although...in the property. These mineral tenures surround mining leases and mineral tenures that cover the Glacier...physiographic region of the Province of British Columbia, Canada on National Topographic System map sheet 093L 14W...property (Figure 2). The property is in the Omenica Mining Division. Figure 1. Location of the Hudson Bay
Smith, F. G. (1955) Structure of zinc sulphide minerals. American Mineralogist, 40 (7-8) 658-675 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
F. G. Srrrrn, Unit'ersity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Ansrnacr The topological relations between cubic...Ulrich & Zacharaisen(1925) give cell dimensionsof greenockite(CdS) which give a tetrahedral cf a rutio of 0...Pine Point, N.W.T., Canada Pine Point, N.W.T., Canada Pine Point, N.W T., Canada White band Brown band...Freiberg, Saxony Freiberg, Saxony Gasp6, Quebec Keno Hill, Yukon Leadville, Colorado Llallagua, Bolivia Liailagua
Berry, L. G., Thompson, R. M. (1962) X-Ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: the Peacock Atlas. GSA Memoir 85. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem85 Report (issue)
Ontario, Canada and R. M. THOMPSON The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada NEW YORK...and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC); Mines Branch, Ottawa, Canada; E. D. Taylor, Ottawa; Frank...identification of minerals by means of x-rays, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans., 35, [4], 105-113 —— (1947): Indexed...pattern given by gold from the Klondike River, Yukon Cell edge by Owen & Yates (Phil. Mag., 15, 472...4 2496Q (Cu/Ni)—East Gold mine, Bowser River district, Portland Canal area, B.C. Composition close
(1960) Bibliography of North American geology, 1957. Bulletin Vol. 1095. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1095 Report (volume)
I.M.E., Mining Geology Geophysics Div. Ann. Mtg., Min. Br. Abs.-American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical...Metallurgical Engineers, Mining, Geology,. and Geophysics Division Annual Meeting, Mining Branch Abstracts....New York. A.I.M.E. Trans.-American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions...Publications in Geological Sciences. Berkeley, Calif. Canada Geol. Survey Bull. ; Econ. Geology Ser. ; Geophysics...Geophysics Paper; Mem. ; Paper; Prelim. Ser. Map-Canada Geological Survey Bulletin ; Economic Geology Series;
(2003) References and appendix for the volume. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 48 (3-4) 209-230 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
[Variscan eruptive rock of Jáchymov/Joachimsthal ore district (In Czech)]. – Sbor. geol. Vìd, Geol., 7: 7–31...Fe-rich sphalerite in Jáchymov/Joachimsthal ore district (In Czech)]. – Èas. Mineral. Geol., 10, 4: 403–410...oblasti [Tectonic of Jáchymov/Joachimsthal ore district (In Czech)]. – Sbor. geol. Vìd, Geol., 10: 39–82...Bay U-Ni-Ag-Cu deposits, Northwest Territories, Canada. – Econ. Geol., 68: 635–565. 377 Vinogradova, R...hydrotermálním ložisku Jáchymov [Evaluation of mining activity of Jáchymovské doly (state corp.) in
(1965) Bibliography of North American geology, 1950-1959. Bulletin Vol. 1195. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1195_2 Report (volume)
13. British Columbia ores, zoning: Geology in Canada: Hume, G. S., Gunning, H. G., 5. California, southern...the future: Just, E. ing: Burwell, E. B., Jr., 4. Mining geology, retrospect and Index fossils: Stephenson...United Alaska, evaluation of soil and States and Canada: Levorsen, permafrost conditions: Frost, A. I....Ordovician: Bowen, O. E., Jr. , 5. Clark, T. H., 10. Canada, arctic, physiography, Rocks, minerals, and man:...Hagar, L. L., 11. D. J. Rocky Mtn. geosyncline in Canada: Colorado Plateau: Wengerd, Warren; P. S., 4. S
Torró, Lisard, Melgarejo, Joan, Gemmrich, Laura, Mollinedo, Diva, Cazorla, Malena, Martínez, Álvaro, Pujol-Solà, Núria, Farré-de-Pablo, Júlia, Camprubí, Antoni, Artiaga, David, Torres, Belén, Alfonso, Pura, Arce, Osvaldo (2019) Spatial and Temporal Controls on the Distribution of Indium in Xenothermal Vein-Deposits: The Huari Huari District, Potosí, Bolivia. Minerals, 9 (5) 304 doi:10.3390/min9050304 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in Xenothermal Vein-Deposits: The Huari Huari District, Potosí, Bolivia Lisard Torró 1,2, * , Joan Carles...stannite and chalcopyrite. Distribution on the district scale of In suggests an input of Minerals 2019...resources are reported in Bolivia, Peru, China, Japan, Canada, and Russia [9–20]. A major indium province is...concession for exploitation to the Huari Huari Ltd. mining cooperative. Current monthly production is at 10...spatial distribution of indium on the mineralized district scale at Huari Huari. 2. Geologic Setting 2.1
(1970) Bibliography of North American geology, 1966. Bulletin Vol. 1266. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1266 Report (volume)
Quebec, Division des Pecheries. Quebec, Quebec, Canada. Adv. Sci. - The Advancement of Science. of Science...Department of Geology Bulletin. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Albertan Geographer - The Albertan Geographer...Geography, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Am. Antiquity- American Antiquity. Society for...Arctic Institute of North America. Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Washington, D. C. Arctic Inst. North America Tech...Tech. Paper Paper. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Arctic Institute of North America Technical Arizona Acad
Sabina, Ann P. (2007) Rocks and minerals for the collector : Ottawa to North Bay and Huntsville, Ontario; Gatineau (Hull) to Waltham and Témiscaming, Quebec. Miscellaneous report 48. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 48 Ottawa to North Bay and...Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report...Queen in Right of Canada 2007 Catalogue No. M41-8/48E ISBN 0-660-19556-9 Available in Canada from the Geological...Geological Survey of Canada Bookstore (see inside front cover for details) A copy of this publication is...available for reference by depository libraries across Canada through access to the Depository Services Program's
(1921, July 30th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 112 (5) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
Mineral Industries McGraw-Hill Company, Inc. Largest Circulation of Any Mining and Metal Journal in the...Durango—Waterfalls.in the Basaltic Country, Nombre de Dios. Mining District The Effect of Sizing a Copper NILES Blast-Furnace...spirited argument for the existing procedure A Mining Odyssey B y Edwin C. Holden in apex litigation...Ve Gee Wie OG Hie OY | 2 ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL Vol. 112, No.5 For Handling Big the...meeting, but nothing came of it. : Of the mining societies, the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America
Goodfellow, Wayne D. - Ed. (2007) Mineral Deposits of Canada - A Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types, .District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration Methods - Special Publication No. 5. Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division. Book
Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis...Synthesis of Major Deposit-types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration...Exploration Methods Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication No...1. Ore deposits--Canada. 2. Metallogeny--Canada. 3. Physiographic provinces--Canada. 4. Mines and niineral...niineral resources--Canada. 5. Prospecting--Canada. I. Goodfellow, Wayne D. (Wayne David), 1949Il. Geological
Bonardi, M., Traill, R. J. (1975) Catalogue of x-ray diffraction patterns and specimen mounts on file at the Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 75-8. Geological Survey of Canada doi:10.4095/102571 Report (issue)
, lG~'.:~~,q\ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA n ~ 0 'ff ""~-~"-co ....,••,o~ DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES...SURVEY OF CANADA M. BONARDI and R.J. TRAILL 1975 I+ Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Energie,... Mines et Ressources Canada GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAPER 75-8 CATALOGUE OF X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS AND...SPECIMEN MOUNTS ON FILE AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA M. BONARDI and R.J. TRAILL 1975 © Crown Copyright...c t to c h ange without n oti ce Info r ma tion Canada Otta w a 1975 CONTENTS Page lntt'od u ction
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
(Switzerland). Daniel Atcncio (Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada), Henry L. Barwood (USA). Dmitriy Belakovskiy (Russia)...Burke (Netherlands), L.J. Cabri (Canada). Anton R. Chakhmouradian (Canada), Pierre-Jacques Chiappero (France)...Ercit (Canada). Alexander Falster (USA). Jeffrey de Fourestier (Canada). Robert Gault (Canada), Joel...Joel D. Grice (Canada). L.A. Groat (Canada). Alessandro Guastoni (Italy), William A. Henderson. Jr. (USA)...(USA). D.D. Hogarth (Canada). J.L. Jam bor (Canada), Anthony R. Kampf (USA). Pave! M. Kartashov (Russia)
(1986) Mineral deposit models. Bulletin Vol. 1693. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1693 Report (volume)
modeling. Our colleagues in the Geological Survey of Canada have preceded this effort by publishing a superb...compilation of models of deposits important in Canada (Eckstrand, 1984). Not surprisingly, our models...volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in eastern Canada and for carbonate-hosted zinc in east Tennessee...rock types 133 Cross section through the Kalavos district Cyprus showing relationship of massive sulfide...and J. M. Franklin of the Geological Survey of Canada, and by Ryoichi Kouda, Takeo Sato, and Yukio Togashi
Vaughan, David J. - Ed. (2006) Sulfide Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 61. Mineralogical Society of America Report (volume)
beyond areas related to geological applications. The mining of sulfide ores, to satisfy ever increasing world...(AMD) where the sulfides are the waste products of mining, has the capacity to damage or destroy vegetation...to Ore and Environmental Mineralogy. Min Assoc Canada Short Course, Vol. 27, 421 pp. Cotter-Howells J...Geochemistry of Sulfide Minewastes. Mineral Assoc Canada Short Course Handbook, Vol. 22 Jambor JL, Vaughan...Microscopic Studies of Ore Minerals. Mineral Assoc Canada Short Course, Vol.17 Jambor JL, Blowes DW, Ritchie
Sabina, A P (2003) Rocks and minerals for the collector: Kirkland Lake - Rouyn-Noranda - Val-d'Or, Ontario and Quebec. Miscellaneous report 77. Geological Survey of Canada Report (volume)
MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 77 Kirkland Lake – Rouyn-Noranda...Quebec Ann P. Sabina 2003 Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 77 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR...in Right of Canada, 2003 Catalogue No. M41-8/77E ISBN 0-660-19062-1 Available in Canada from Geological...Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W. Calgary...for reference in selected public libraries across Canada Cette publication est aussi disponible en français
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
Australia Nelson Canada 1120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5G4, Canada 16 15 14 13 12 11...greenish-white. Kipawa River, Timiskaming Co., Quebec, Canada. H= 5.5, Djjj= 2.902, D(,= 2.887, VlllD 18. Gittins...white. Cadesky Vein, Hi-Ho mine. Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. H=3.5, Djj4= 10.0, D(,= 10.12, IIG 02. Ramdohr...Mn5(Si04)2(0H)2, E Mon. Translucent bright/greyish pink. Bold Hill, Alleghany Co., North Carolina, USA. H= 5.5, Djj4=4...Corp. mine, Walton (S), Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. H= 2.5, Djjj= 1.97, D(,= 2.006, VIC 02. Jambor
Traill, R. J. (1983) Catalogue of Canadian Minerals Revised 1980. Paper 80-18. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
GEOLOGICAL SURVEV OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS Revised 1980... Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Available i n Canada through authorized bookstore agents...and Services Canada Hull, QuCbec, Canada K I A OS9 and from Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth Street...Street Ottawa, Canada K 1A OE8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public...public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-801 l8E Canada: $10.00 ISBN 0-660-11271-6 Other countries:
Laznicka, Peter - Ed. (1985) Empirical Metallogeny: Depositional Environments, Lithologic Associations and Metallic Ores - Phanerozoic Environments, Associations, and Deposits - Developments in Economic Geology No. 19B. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-11844-2 Book
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T2N2, Canada ELSEVIER, Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo...Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt...J ■ I p r e s e n t l i m i t of 1 underground mining ■ ■ 1 1 •H CO CO cd •H cd \ i 4-1 •H c ...Batholith near Arequipa, Toquepala-Cerro Verde district; in the centre, Morococha and in the north, Michiquillay)... 8.5 ppm Ag, 0.7% Zn, 0.3% Pb; Engineering and Mining Journal, November 1984). The Butte ore field contains
Sabina, Ann P. (2003) Rocks & Minerals for the collector; Îles de la Madeleine, Québec, the Island of Newfoundland, and Labrador. Miscellaneous report 58. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 58 Îles de la Madeleine,...Labrador Ann P. Sabina 2003 Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 58 ROCKS AND MINERALS FOR...in Right of Canada, 2003 Catalogue No. M41-8/58E ISBN 0-660-18932-1 Available in Canada from Geological...Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W. Calgary...for reference in selected public libraries across Canada Cette publication est aussi disponible en français