Nickel (original) (raw)


White, bright silver


From the German Nickel, meaning a demon, as a contraction of Kupfernickel, Devil's copper, as it was believed to contain copper but yielded none.

Long-form identifier:




1 : ELEMENTS (Metals and intermetallic alloys; metalloids and nonmetals; carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides)
A : Metals and Intermetallic Alloys
A : Copper-cupalite family

1 : Metals, other than the Platinum Group


1 : Elements and Alloys (including the arsenides, antimonides and bismuthides of Cu, Ag and Au)

As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Ni IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Colour in reflected light:

White (more bluish white than heazlewoodite).

Class (H-M):

m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) - Hexoctahedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 3.5238 Å

Unit Cell V:

43.76 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)

Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

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ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0011153 Nickel Wyckoff R W G (1963) Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York Cubic closest packed, ccp, structure Crystal Structures 1 7-83 1963 0 293
0011186 Nickel Wyckoff R W G (1963) Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York Hexagonal closest packed, hcp, structure Crystal Structures 1 7-83 1963 0 293
0012048 Nickel Lundqvist D (1947) X-ray studies on the binary system Ni-S Arkiv for Mineralogi och Geologi 24 1-12 1947 synthetic 0 293
0012145 Nickel Weik H, Hemenger P (1965) Existence of the hexagonal modification of nickel Bulletin of the American Physical Society 10 1140-1140 1965 synthetic 0 293
0012932 Nickel Jette E R, Foote F (1935) Precision determination of lattice constants Journal of Chemical Physics 3 605-616 1935 synthetic 0 293
0013097 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 293
0013098 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 578
0013099 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 676
0013100 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 825
0013101 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1007
0013102 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1123
0013103 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1256
0013104 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1345
0013105 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1433
0013106 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1553
0013107 Nickel Suh I-K, Ohta H, Waseda Y (1988) High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Science 23 757-760 1988 synthetic 0 1676
0014953 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 285
0014954 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 286
0014955 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 287
0014956 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 288
0014957 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 289
0014958 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 291
0014959 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 371
0014960 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 460
0014961 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 530
0014962 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 548
0014963 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 574
0014964 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 604
0014965 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 606
0014966 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 609
0014967 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 611
0014968 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 614
0014969 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 615
0014970 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 616
0014971 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 618
0014972 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 619
0014973 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 621
0014974 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 622
0014975 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 625
0014976 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 629
0014977 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 632
0014978 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 635
0014979 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 636
0014980 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 638
0014981 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 643
0014982 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 646
0014983 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 647
0014984 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 651
0014985 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 661
0014986 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 671
0014987 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 678
0014988 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 683
0014989 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 684
0014990 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 702
0014991 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 733
0014992 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 774
0014993 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 830
0014994 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 876
0014995 Nickel Owen E A, Yates E L (1936) X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Philosophical Magazine 21 809-819 1936 synthetic 0 881
0015113 Nickel Hull A W (1917) A new method of x-ray crystal analysis Physical Review 10 661-696 1917 synthetic 0 293
0015121 Nickel Davey W P (1925) Lattice constants of twelve common metals Physical Review 25 753-761 1925 synthetic 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

General Appearance of Type Material:

euhedral grains and intergrown cubic crystals, up to 0.1 mm, within heazlewoodite; anhedral, “spiderlike”, irregular masses between grains of heazlewoodite; flakes, up to 0.75 mm in size.

Geological Setting of Type Material:

LT-hydrothermal in serpentinized ultramafic rocks.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:



Kurdish (Latin Script):Nîkel

Low Saxon/Low German:Nickel

Norwegian (Nynorsk):Nikkel


Simplified Chinese:自然镍

Tajik (Cyrillic Script):Никел

Uzbek (Latin Script):Nikel

Other Members of this group:

Aluminium Al Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m
Lead Pb Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m

Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Atlantic Ocean
Mid-Atlantic Ridge complex Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse hydrothermal field (TAG) Dekov (2006)
New South Wales Yancowinna Co. Broken Hill district Broken Hill Consols Mine (ABH Consols Mine; Australian Broken Hill Consols Mine) Vera Munro-Smith (2006)
South Australia District Council of Mount Barker Mount Barker Nairne Rutile occurrence Shepherd Hill Quarry (Brukunga Quarry) Graham (1978)
Pastoral Unincorporated Area Leigh Creek Station Mount Serle Nichol Nob Mine (Nichols Nob Mine; Benalack mine) SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...
Mount Victor Plumbago Station The Ethiudna Mines SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...
Ethiudna Main Shaft (Block 7116; Cobalt Nickel And Copper Mining Syndicate; Ethiudna Wollastonite; Lady Katherine; Mc 9726; New Year Gift; New Years Gift) SA Geodata Database
Tasmania West Coast municipality Rosebery district Wilson River mineral field Bottrill et al. (2008)
Western Australia Leonora Shire Marriott's Ni prospect Thebaud et al. (U.W.A.)
Ten Mile Outcamp Mount Clifford Ni deposit Economic Geology +4 other references
Wiluna Shire Lake Way Station West Jordan deposit Grguric et al. (2013)
Styria Bruck-Mürzzuschlag District Pernegg an der Mur Kirchdorf S35 motorway tunnel (Kirchdorf tunnel) Kolitsch et al. (2010)
Traföß Trafößgraben Forestry road cut Bojar H.P. (2022)
Liezen District Landl Gams bei Hieflau Gams stratigraphic sections Grachev et al. (2007 b) +3 other references
Sergipe Canindé de São Francisco Canindé domain de Sá et al. (2018)
British Columbia Greenwood Mining Division Bridesville Old Nick Mine MINFILE No 082ESW055
Osoyoos Mining Division Hedley Nickel Plate Mine MINFILE No 092HSE038
Similkameen Mining Division Tulameen River Grasshopper Mt Anthony et al. (1990)
Manitoba Thompson Nickel Belt Moab-Setting Lakes area Thompson Mine Chen +2 other references
Nunavut Coppermine River area Muskox Intrusion Hulbert et al. (1998)
Gansu Dingxi Min Co. Zhaishang Au deposit Liu Jiajun et al. (2008)
Heilongjiang Jixi Lishu District Liumao Mine Khanchuk et al. (2017, March)
Jiangsu Lianyungang Donghai Co. Maobei CCSD Main Hole Jingsui Yang et al. (2006)
Sichuan Garzê Autonomous Prefecture (Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture) Garzê County (Ganzi County) Gala Mine Guangfu Zou and Ying Mao (2006)
Tibet Shannan Prefecture (Lhokha Prefecture; Lhoka Prefecture) Qusum Co. (Qusong Co.) Luobusha ophiolite ("Luobusa ophiolite") Wenji Bai et al. (2001)
Red Sea Governorate Um Samra-Um Bakra shear zone Ismail (2017) +1 other reference
Um Solimate Ali et al. (2021)
Wadi Sikait Emerald mines Kamar et al. (2022, August)
Kainuu Suomussalmi Kauniinvaara Pakkanen et al. (1995)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ain Belley Loyettes Loyettes quarry Ducluzaux (2022)
New Caledonia Northern Province Canala Bogota (TL) Ramdohr (1967)
Southern Province Nouméa ? Witzke (2023)
Central Greece Euboea Istiaia-Aidipsos Aedipsos Kanellopoulos et al. (2024)
Thessaly Trikala Meteora Korydallos area Kapsiotis (2013)
Maharashtra Amaravati Division Buldhana District Lonar Crater Gornostaeva et al. (2023)
Uttar Pradesh Mau District Chainpur meteorite Töpel-Schadt et al. (1979)
Kirkuk Governorate Hawija District Hamrin Mountains Kettanah et al. (2017)
Lombardy Sondrio Province Malenco Valley Montrasio et al. (1996)
Sardinia South Sardinia Province Furtei Fernando Caboni et al. (2024)
Furtei mine Fernando Caboni et al. (2024)
Ehime Prefecture Higashi-Akaishi Ultrahigh-Pressure Peridotite Complex Higashi-Akaishi dunite Kadota et al. (2008)
Kagawa Prefecture Takamatsu Miura et al (2000)
Aktobe Region Kargaly District Kempirsai Cr deposit Main ore field Dzharlybutak Ore Group Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit Saveliev et al. (2023)
Geofizicheskoe-VII deposit Saveliev et al. (2023)
New Zealand
West Coast Region Westland District Jerry River Challis (1975)
Red Mountain (Big Red Hill) Dekov (2006)
Dhofar Governorate Dhofar 225 meteorite (Dho 225) Meteoritical Bulletin et al. (2002)
Pacific Ocean
Sea of Japan Belyaevsky Rise Astakhova et al. (2014)
Greater Poland Voivodeship Poznań Morasko meteorite Gurdziel et al. (2016)
Lesser Poland Voivodeship Wieliczka County Wieliczka Mine Mazur L. 1969: Rodzimy nikiel z kopalni ...
Viana do Castelo Ponte de Lima Cabração e Moreira do Lima Moreira do Lima São Julião de Moreira meteorite Minerais de Portugal Continental por Amílcar Mário de Jesus (Prof. Mineralogia IST)
Buryatia Baunt District Uakit iron meteorite - (n.d.)
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Anadyrsky District Iomrautvaam massif Khatyrka meteorite Ma et al. (2016)
Kamchatka Krai Koryak Okrug Olyutorsky district Korf Gal'moenan ultrabasic massif Sidorov et al. (2018)
Milkovsky District Tolbachik Volcanic field Great Fissure eruption (Main Fracture) Northern Breakthrough (North Breach) First scoria cone Glavatskih S.F. (2003)
Yelizovsky District Avachinsky volcano (Avacha volcano; Avachinskaya Sopka) S. ISHIMARU (2009)
Khabarovsk Krai Albaza deposit Kemkina et al. (2018, July)
Ayan-Maya district Konder alkaline-ultrabasic massif Lennikov et al. (2004)
Khakassia (Republic of Khakassia) Askizsky Rayon Askiz ore district Chapsordag deposit Kassandrov et al. (2009)
Malosyrsky deposit Kassandrov et al. (2009)
Krasnoyarsk Krai Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District Popigai impact crater - (Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 1, Apr. 1975, p. 43-47.)
Murmansk Oblast Northern Karelia Vozhminskii Massif (Vozhmin) Rudashevskii N S et al. (1982) +1 other reference
Panarechka volcano Chernyavsky et al. (2012) +1 other reference
Primorsky Krai Mikhaylovsky District Pavlovskoe REE-coal deposit V.V. Seredin data +1 other reference
Olginsky District Shirokopadninskaya area Казаченко et al. (2018)
Republic of Karelia Suojärvi District Roikonkoski Ivashchenko et al. (2008)
Sakhalin Oblast Kuril Islands (Kurile Islands) Severo-Kurilsky District Paramushir Island Ebeco Volcano (Ebeko Volcano) Shevko et al. (2018)
Sayan Mountains Il’chir ophiolite belt Kiseleva et al. (2014)
Sikhote-Alin Mountains Volokhin et al. (2016)
Sverdlovsk Oblast Nizhnii Tagil Nizhnetagilskii massif (Nizhne-Tagilskii) Kozlov et al. (2011)
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Priuralsky District Centralnoye I deposit Jan Pašava et al. (2011)
Rai-Iz Ophiolite Massif 6th orogenic lherzolite conference 2014 ... +1 other reference
Banská Bystrica Region Poltár District Ozdín Maťo et al. (stredné Slovensko)
South Africa
Mpumalanga Ehlanzeni District Municipality Mbombela Local Municipality Barberton Cairncross et al. (1995)
North West Bojanala Platinum District Municipality Rustenburg Local Municipality Marikana Marikana Mine (n.d.)
Rustenburg Impala Platinum mines (2011)
Jämtland County Östersund Brunflo meteorite Nyström et al. (1991)
Denizli Province Elmaslar Chromite Deposit Akbulut et al. (2010)
Bilokorovitsky structure Rappenglück (2022)
Ternopil Oblast Chortkiv Raion Ivane-Zolote Dniester Group Sungatullin et al. (2018)
Alaska Matanuska-Susitna Borough Willow Creek Mining District Moose Creek; Northwestern Prospect - (2008)
California San Diego County San Diego Natural History Museum
Colorado Larimer County State Line Kimberlite Mining District Eckel et al. (1997)
Mississippi Oktibbeha County Clark (1993)
The Moon
Mare Crisium Luna 24 landing site Andrei V. Mokhov & Pavel M. Kartashov ...
Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) Apollo 12 landing site Frondell Judith W. (1978)