Gwihabaite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species







About GwihabaiteHide

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Crystal System:



Named after its type locality at the Gcwihaba Cave (Drotsky's Caverns), Maun, North-West District, Botswana (NOTE: The name was altered slightly to aid pronounciation - c in name stands for click sound ! of San people).

This page provides mineralogical data about Gwihabaite.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of GwihabaiteHide

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Type description reference:

Classification of GwihabaiteHide

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A : Without OH or H2O

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Gwi IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of GwihabaiteHide

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1.77 g/cm3 (Measured) 1.80 g/cm3 (Calculated)


Measured in a mixture of tetrabromoethane and acetone.

Optical Data of GwihabaiteHide

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RI values:

_n_α = 1.458 _n_β = 1.527 _n_γ = 1.599


Measured: 90° , Calculated: 86°

δ = 0.141

Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.


X = b, Y = a, Z = c

Chemistry of GwihabaiteHide

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Mindat Formula:


Crystallography of GwihabaiteHide

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Crystal System:


Class (H-M):

m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) - Dipyramidal

Cell Parameters:

a = 7.075 Å, b = 7.647 Å, c = 5.779 Å


a:b:c = 0.925 : 1 : 0.756

Unit Cell V:

312.66 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Slender prismatic crystals, divergent aggregates or "cave flowers".

Enlongated parallel to [001] and the forms are {110}, {100}, and {111}.


Space Group: P bnm

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

Stop |Start

Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0010592 Gwihabaite Amoros J L, Arrese F, Canut M (1962) The crystal structure of the low-temperature phase of NH4NO3(V) at -150 deg C Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 117 92-107 1962 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.194 Å (100)
3.212 Å (95)
2.595 Å (90)
3.364 Å (85)
3.863 Å (75)
2.400 Å (50)
3.805 Å (35)
2.905 Å (30)
2.305 Å (20)
2.236 Å (20)
2.250 Å (15)

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Geological Setting:

Caves. In bioremediated soils.

Type Occurrence of GwihabaiteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

slender needles and oulopholites, up to 5 mm. long, forming efflorescences on the walls, boulders, bat guano and earthy floor of the cave

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Type material is deposited in the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (formerly Transvaal Museum in Pretoria).

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Caves. Bacterial decay of bat guano.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Martini, J.E.J. (1996) Gwihabaite - (NH4,K)NO3, orthorhombic, a new mineral from the Gcwihaba Cave, Botswana. Bulletin of the South African Speleological Association: 36: 19-21.

Synonyms of GwihabaiteHide

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Other Language Names for GwihabaiteHide

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5.NA.05 Nitratine NaNO3 Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : R_3_c
5.NA.10 Niter KNO3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P m m a
5.NA.20 Nitrobarite Ba(NO3)2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
5.NA.25 Shilovite Cu(NH3)4(NO3)2 Orth. m _m_2 : P n _n_2

Other InformationHide

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Soluble in water, deliquescent

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for GwihabaiteHide

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Localities for GwihabaiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Botswana (TL)
North-West District Ngamiland West District Gcwihaba Cave (Drotsky's Caverns) (TL) Martini (1996) +1 other reference
Czech Republic
Ústí nad Labem Region Děčín District Pravčice rock arch Varilová et al. (2011)
Kunene Region Khorixas Temple of Doom cave Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Opuwo Rural Wow Gdoom Pothole Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Murmansk Oblast Khibiny Massif Koashva Mt Koashva Open Pit Anatoly Kasatkin collection and photo
South Africa
Gauteng City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Johannesburg Chaos Cave Mineralogical Society of America - ... +1 other reference
West Rand District Municipality Mogale City Local Municipality Krugersdorp Hall's Cave Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Torch Cave Martini (1978)
Basque Country Biscay Karrantza Harana/Valle de Carranza Pozalagua Cave Martínez-Arkarazo et al. (2007)
Sughd Zeravshan Range Yagnob River Ravat village Belakovski et al. (1988)
Kukhi-Malik area (Kuhi-malik) D.I.Belakovskiy data
Tennessee Marion County Nicajack Cave (Nicojack Cave) American Journal Science (1857)
Bolívar Gran Sabana Municipality Auyán-tepui (Auyán-tepuy; Ayan Tepui) Sima Aonda Superior BOLETÍN INFORMATIVO DE LA COMISIÓN DE GEOESPELEOLOGÍA (Federación Espeleológica de América Latina y el Caribe -FEALC-)