Design concept of Canon EOS-1N (original) (raw)

Modern Classic SLR Series : Canon EOS-1 N Series AF SLR camera Basic info - Exterior Design
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Taj Maha, India picture by Jakob 105k Jpeg Loading .... Credit : Images courtesy of Jakob K. Rohrbach ®� , Switzerland <**> where I found this picture from hisonline Portfolio at Pbase. For more of his works, please browse Image copyright © 2003. All rights reserved. Please respect the visual property of the contributing photographer.**

| * Canon EOS-1 N | | Basic configuration with option to accept various system accessories. | | ---------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | * Canon EOS-1 N DP: | | This model combines the BP-E1* AA-size battery pack with the EOS-1N, allowing the user to switch between the standard 2CR5 lithium battery or AA-size batteries depending on the shooting situation. | | * Canon EOS-1 N HS: | | This model combines the Power Drive Booster E1 with the EOS-1N, providing high-speed continuous shooting and increased shooting capacity. The most popular combination among all options. | | * Canon EOS-1 N RS**: | | This model features a nonmoving, hard-coated new pellicle mirror which provides non-interrupted viewing through the viewfinder and rapid-fire continuous shooting at 10 frames/sec. Moreover, the camera�s release time lag (the time between when the shutter button is pressed and when the exposure occurs) is reduced to a mere 0.006 sec. This modified variation of the Canon EOS-1N will be featured separately |

| Canon EOS-1N, 1994 | Canon EOS-1N DP Model, 1994 | Canon EOS-1N HS Model, 1994 | Canon EOS-1N RS Model, 1996 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | |

What actually are the differences between these models ?

One of the key element in the EOS-1N series was centered around multiple options in permitting the photographers to select the power source. Naturally, each power source in combination with the basic body will deliver variable degree of performance as well. Reliable and high performance power source has become an integrated part of a modern SLR as gone are the days where even a high performance SLR only require button cell(s) to operate. The main factor contribute to such demanding task is the power thirst requirement from servo drive on Autofocusing as well as electronic circuitry internally.

Except for the lack of an option to take AC/DC power source (for an instance, studio fashion and/or product shots etc. which may sometimes be quite demanding and could take hours between assignments). Overall, I would think the various options provided are quite adequate for most and usually, for any important assignments, smart users would think of having back-up packs rather than caught in embarrassing or desperado situations - it is entirely a good personal practice on pre-assignment preparation. Basically, a bare basic Canon EOS-1n has an integrated motor drive ("MD") built-in, meaning you don't have to manually perform film advance each time after an exposure, the MD will, automatically advance to the next frame and ready to fire should you be tripping the shutter release button all the way down again. Naturally, it will also perform power film rewind upon completion of a film roll. One of the advantage of the bare basic camera body is, it is very compact and lightweight - something that where your preference is on mobility or travel light and/or doing some personal photography other than professional assignments. The maximum sustainable auto film advance rate in this case delivers a moderate (professional-class expectation) speed at approx. 3.0* frames per second ("fps") and 2.5 fps in predictive tracking autofocus operation. * Canon official published data. Performance figures based on numerous users feedback suggested 3.5 fps and 3.0 fps respectively.

| handgripoff.jpg | | Canon provides performance or features enhancement with extensions from this basic modular design which has a direct relation with various power sources. The basic configuration of the Canon EOS-1N uses 2 x CR5 lithium cells which hosted inside the removable hand grip GR-E1handgripsole.JPG | | Actually, this electronic beast does not looked particularly very eye-pleasing after being stripped off the skirting...hehe... (battery installation instruction with GR-E1) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

The handgrip is not exactly an interchangeable type but rather the alternate power pack in the form of a battery Pack E1 OR Power Drive Booster E1 each has a vertical hand grip in place so as to be able to mount directly onto the empty slot after removing the GR-E1 handgrip.

The Canon Battery Pack BP-E1 looked like conventional motor drive but it is just an accessory for you to use different kind of power sources - mainly switches between four (4) x AA size cells or even lithium. However, it doesn't seemed to improve the film advance rate of the EOS-1N (it doesn't help to boost the camera as in the case of the PDB-E1, note the lack of a motor drive coupling) but it is important as AA alkaline batteries are common throughout the world where in some remote areas, you still can find such power source easily. Basically, you can term this accessory as a battery chamber cum hand grip. One of the unique feature is, the battery pack is, it can simultaneously house a 2CR5 lithium battery (just like the basic EOS-1N) as well as and there is a selector to switch between the alkaline batteries and the lithium battery.

The look of a Beast. Endanger Species Series: Sumantra Tiger in Malaysia. 			BORDER= The look of a Beast. Endanger Species Series: Sumantra Tiger in Malaysia. Vincent logo Credit : Image courtesy of another good friend, Mr. Vincent Thian® Photo Editor of AP (Associated Press, regional bureau/Malaysia) on an assignment to cover A1 Grand Prix, Malaysian leg at Sepang F1 circuit. Vincent also maintains an Selective of his older works can also be found at a section of Windows in MIR site or at his Portfolio in MIRImage copyright © 1996-2005. All rights reserved. Please respect the visual property of the contributing photographer. Use of image does not suggest direct association of actual equipment but rather for purpose of visual illustration only.
EOS1nBoostedetach.jpg Well, the true capability of the Canon EOS-1N is when the other option of a Power Drive Booster E1 attached to it. In such combination, the EOS-1N can be set to One-shot AF mode and Manual Focus, but the true colors of the EOS-1N show here as it will transform the otherwise so-so performance film advance rate of 3.0 fps* (2.5 fps* in predictive AF tracking) to a blistering shooting speed of about 6 frames per second (fps) and up to5 frames per second (fps) during predictive AF <<<-- Canon official published data. Performance figures based on numerous users feedback suggested 3.5 fps and 3 fps respectively.

In addition to this, the Booster Drive E1 can use either eight (8) AA alkaline batteries or eight (8) rechargeable AA Ni-Cd batteries. Also, those Power Drive Booster E1 model that is having an asterisk next to the AE lock button on the vertical grip permit the use of increasingly popular AA lithium batteries. Using these can decrease the equipment's weight by approximately 60g (2 oz). This is essentially why whenever Canon EOS-1N is mentioned, it usually directly associated with the Power Booster Drive E1 because it is not just an accessory to use various power sources, but it is also an independent motor unit unit rather an integrated system component for the camera and the peak film advance rate is simultaneously goes in line with performance of other areas such as AF, film rewind options and overall power efficiency in different operational conditions etc.

Reidar_Olsen_ The Flower Mailto Reidar_Olsen <<<--- For snow and others sensitive subject, erroneous exposures may not faithfully portray the subject matter, use AEB is always encouraged. Credit : Image courtesy of Mr. Reidar Olsen® from Norway. A retired Norwegian army officer turned serious photographer. He has a Portfolio at Usefilm. Image copyright © 1996-2005. All rights reserved.

From here, I guess two questions here may pop up from your mind: First, why wouldn't the Power Pack E1 be able to deliver similar performance as the Booster Drive ? And next, why wasn't it being designed in such a way like the Nikon F5 that followed in 1996 with the Booster Drive made as an integrated unit ? Well, one of the design of the Booster Drive was, making it be able to optimize the power input as well as it will immediatelyconvert the basic EOS-1 N camera's 2-motors system into a 3-motors system to achieve such level of performance (mainly confined to increasing the gear ratio of the film transport system but fundamentally, it is the same with EOS-1/PDB-E1 combination), the Power Drive Booster is NOT just an alternate power source accessory like the Power Pack E1, but rather, it is also a high power motor drive unit with a drive shaft (you have to remove the cover of the motor drive coupling at the base of EOS-1N to mount it. (the removed camera's cover can only be store inside the GR-E1 standard hand grip slot for this purpose). In answering the latter, I should say that was one hell of a mistake Nikon made to the F5 because one of the key element of a professional class SLR camera was compromise - modular design to permit photographers to custom setup/decide from bare basic configuration.

You think that is all ? Not quite. In addition as a speed demon, the Booster Drive also provide a few nifty features not found on the Power Pack E1. There is an additional shutter release button at the end of the grip to facilitate vertical format shooting. Further, a vertical AE lock button is also being provided so, you don't have to struggle to stretch your fingers back to activate this commonly used feature in auto-exposure mode. This button functions in the same way as the AE lock button on the camera. Overall, except for the added weight (err . real heavy + bulky ..), but it was designed to improve efficiency and operational ease during shooting.

handgripillusB.jpg handgripillusA.jpg Use singularly or in combination with the companion power pack, one of the key element in the design of the camera was comfort yet secure hold, with the photographer's fingers easy accessed to two of the main control at the front and rear section. The acceptance of previous EOS-1 (see above) of this design concept was carried forward into the next generation EOS-1N.
verticalswitch.jpg Canon EOS-1 N HS (Canon EOS-1 N when equipped with the POWER DRIVE BOOSTER E1)Equal operability for both horizontal and vertical holding: Single-handed operation is possible. Note: With the Power Drive Booster E1 with modified circuit (can be identified by the AE Lock symbol * on the side of the vertical AE lock button); AA -size lithium batteries can be used on later improved version of the PDB-E1.<<<-- The Vertical Control Switch that locates at the inner section of the PDB-E1

High-speed continuous shooting (max-fps)

Models One-shot/Manual AI-Servo AF (predictive tracking)
EOS-1 N HS CH approx. 6 approx. 5
CL approx. 3 approx. 2.5
EOS-1 N C approx.3 approx. 2
Canon BP-E1 Power Pack for Canon EOS-1N EOS-1 N DP (Canon EOS-1 N when equipped with the AA BATTERY PACK BP-E1)Lighter & more compact than the bulkier PDB-E1. Enables the camera to operate with convenient (4x) AA 'alkaline manganese batteries (LR6), 4 x Ni-Cd cells (via BM-E1 Battery Magazine) or lithium battery pack (2 x CR5) which has far superior characteristics in low temperature. Either of the two types of power source can be quickly selected via the base battery source switcher as desired according to the condition. Note: Although Canon officially stated it can not use AA lithium batteries, but many users ignore such recommendation but such combination exist and widely being used. Maximum auto film advance rate: Virtually no difference with basic Canon EOS-1N set up (note the lack of Drive Shaft).
eos1nRSfrontviewMDM.jpg What about the missing featured Canon EOS-1 N RS in this section ? The camera, which realizes the world's shortest release time lag and constantly visible viewfinder image, by deploying a hard-coated pellicle mirror is/was designed as a strictly professional AF-SLR camera from ground up. (It will be featured on another section). But we will discussed it briefly on power source. Due to its specific usage, Canon has decided other than the unique feature on no-blackout real time shooting, EOS-1N RS should be made with the highest performance EOS-1N configuration, which means the power source should be an inseparable component. So, it has a fixed Power Drive Booster E-1 attached permanently. As targeted audience for this camera was entirely aiming at working professionals or scientific researchers (Errr... may be the serious amateurs as well); there is no purpose in to be so considerate to serve multi-users market segment as with Canon EOS-1N.

| Previous | Next -->>>BASIC info and operational features of Canon EOS-1N in 4 parts

Basic Design: - Part 1 | 2 | Basic Camera Features: - Part 1 | 2 |3 | 4

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BackgroundandVarious Issues | The Basic Features& various Setup
Manual & Auto Focusing|Metering Systems | Exposure Control| Viewfinder Optical SystemFlash Photography (with Speedlite 540EZ extension & Selective info on Canon TTL Flash Models:-160E | 200E | 300EZ | 300TL | 420EZ | 430 EZ | 480EG | MacroLites | Other non-TTL Canon flash model

Reliability Issues:- Body Chassis | Shutter Unit | Electronic Circuitry | Film Transport & film handling Secondary Functions:- Custom Function Part One | Part Two | System Accessories:- Film Back Options - instruction for Command Back E1| Macro/Close Up Part one |Part two and Part III Flash for Macro-Photography | Power Sources -BP-E1 | PDB-E1| Focusing Screens | Remote Control with Wireless Remote Set LC-3 | System compatibility

Variants of Canon EOS-1N:- Canon EOS-1N RS | Canon/Kodak Digital DCS-1, 3 -5 & 520/560 Series | Full Technical Specification | Main Reference Map / Nomenclature | Resource Centre:- Comparative Charts between EOS-1 & EOS-1N / or with its active Competition(s)(Nikon);Quick Operational Reference Card (278k Gif File); Listings of 7-segment digital numbers/letters appeared on LCD display panel/viewfinders (HTML page); External Link:-Instruction Manual(3.3MB PDF file applicable for both Canon EOS-1N (RS). | Using EOS system for your photography | Bots & Nuts of EOS System - by Philip Chong |
The Eyes of EOS - EF LensesA little OFF-TOPIC SOME Personal Thought

Developer Link

Volunteered Maintainer(s) for the Canon EOS-1N Series Message Board: Philip Chong**,**Editor, Digital Camera Magazine; Vincent Thian, Photo Editor, Malaysian Bureau, Associated Press "AP",CYleow, Ex-photo Editor of local daily, The Star; Gary Rowan Higgins, Australia and other nice folks on the web.

Special Credit:- :Mr. Richard Yeow & Mr. Simon Wong from camera division of Canon Malaysia LogoMarketing Malaysia, for their continual effort in supporting development of this EOS/EF website. Others: All the nice people on earth who have contributed their photos and pictures of personal works or product shots for the creation of this site.Certain content and images appeared in this site were either scanned from official marketing leaflets, brochures published by Nikon and/or contribution from surfers who claimed originality of their own work for public publishing in this website, where majority of the extracted information are used basing on educational merits. The creator of this site will not be responsible for any discrepancies that may arise from any possible dispute except rectifying them after verification from respective source. Neither Nikon or its associates has granted any permission(s) in using their public information nor has any interest in the creation of this site. "Canon", "EOS", "EF" "RT", "EOS-1n RS", "Booster", "Macrolite", "fluorite", "Image Stabilizer" & other applicable technical/business terms are registered trade name(s) of Canon Inc., Japan. Site made with an Apple G5 IMac.