Diocese of Novgorod (original) (raw)

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The Diocese of Novgorod (Russian: Новгородская епархия) is one of the oldest offices in the Russian Orthodox Church. The medieval archbishops of Novgorod were among the most important figures in medieval Russian history and culture and their successors (as bishops, archbishops, or metropolitans) have continued to play significant roles in Russian history up to the present day. They patronized a significant number of churches in and around the city, (several of which can still be seen today), and their artistic and architectural embellishments influenced later Russian art and architecture; they also patronized chronicle-writing, a crucial source on medieval Russian history.


Property Value
dbo:abstract The Diocese of Novgorod (Russian: Новгородская епархия) is one of the oldest offices in the Russian Orthodox Church. The medieval archbishops of Novgorod were among the most important figures in medieval Russian history and culture and their successors (as bishops, archbishops, or metropolitans) have continued to play significant roles in Russian history up to the present day. They patronized a significant number of churches in and around the city, (several of which can still be seen today), and their artistic and architectural embellishments influenced later Russian art and architecture; they also patronized chronicle-writing, a crucial source on medieval Russian history. (en) El Arzobispo de Nóvgorod es la cabeza de la eparquía de Nóvgorod el Grande y es una de las más antiguas oficinas de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa. El arzobispo ha estado, de hecho entre las figuras más importantes de la cultura y la historia de Rusia medieval, y sus sucesores (obispos, arzobispos o metropolitanos) siguieron jugando importantes papeles en la historia rusa hasta el día presente. Los arzobispos medievales patrocinaron la construcción de un número significativo de iglesias dentro y alrededor de la ciudad (algunas de las cuales pueden ser vistas todavía) y sus detalles artísticos y culturales influenciarían la arquitectura y el arte ruso posteriores. También patrocinaron la escritura de crónicas, una fuente crucial sobre la historia medieval rusa.​ (es) Keuskupan Novgorod dan Staraya Russa (bahasa Rusia: Новгородская и Старорусская епархия) adalah salah satu eparki tertua di Gereja Ortodoks Rusia. Para uskup agung abad pertengahan Novgorod adalah salah satu figur paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah dan budaya Rusia pada abad pertengahan dan para penerus mereka (sebagai uskup, uskup agung atau metropolitan) masih meainkan peran signifikan dalam sejarah Rusia sampai saat ini. Mereka menaungi sejumlah signifikan gereja di dalam dan sekitaran kota tersebut (beberapa masih ada sampai saat ini) dan unsur artistik dan arsitektural mereka mempengaruhi seni rupa dan arsitektur Rusia pada masa selanjutnya. Mereka juga menaungi penulisan kronik, sebuah sumber penting dari sejarah Rusia pada abad pertengahan. (in) Le diocèse de Novgorod (en russe : Новгородская епархия) est un des plus anciens diocèses de Russie. (fr) L'Arcivescovo di Novgorod è il capo dell'eparchia di Novgorod la Grande e Staraja Russa ed una delle più antiche cariche della Chiesa ortodossa russa. L'arcivescovo è stato una figura centrale della cultura e della società della Russia medievale e ha continuato a giocare un ruolo significativo nella storia russa fino ai giorni nostri. Nel passato, anche la città di Pskov rientrava nell'ambito di competenza dell'arcivescovado novgorodiano. L'attuale arcivescovo è . (it) Новгоро́дская епа́рхия — епархия Русской православной церкви, объединяющая приходы и монастыри в западной части Новгородской области (в границах Новгородского, Старорусского, Батецкого, Валдайского, Волотовского, Демянского, Крестецкого, Маловишерского, Марёвского, Парфинского, Поддорского, Солецкого, Холмского, Чудовского и Шимского районов). Входит в состав Новгородской митрополии. Наряду с Киевской — старейшая по времени учреждения на Руси. В различные периоды включала весьма обширные и различные территории (в синодальный и советский период часто будучи объединяема с Санкт-Петербургской епархией): Санкт-Петербург, Олонецкую губернию, Эстляндию, Выборг, Великое княжество Финляндское, Поморье. Титул правящего архиерея многократно менялся; сама же епархия сохраняла именование «Новгородская». Правящий архиерей с 20 июля 1990 года — Лев (Церпицкий), митрополит (с 8 января 2012 года) Новгородский и Старорусский. (ru)
dbo:established end of the 10th century
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Saint_Sophia_Cathedral_in_Novgorod.jpg?width=300
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink http://www.vn-eparhia.ru/ https://web.archive.org/web/20070929083253/http:/www.ortho-rus.ru/cgi-bin/or_file.cgi%3Frpc3_543
dbo:wikiPageID 12321812 (xsd:integer)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Pskov dbr:Schlüsselburg dbr:List_of_bishops_and_archbishops_of_Novgorod dbr:Metropolitan_bishop dbr:Bible dbr:Antimins dbc:Archbishops_and_Metropolitans_of_Novgorod dbr:Arsenius_(Stadnitsky) dbr:Patriarch_Alexy_I_of_Moscow dbr:Peter_and_Paul_Fortress dbr:Peter_the_Great dbr:Veliky_Novgorod dbr:Constantine_I dbr:Massacre_of_Novgorod dbr:Russian_Orthodox_Church dbr:Saints_Peter_and_Paul_Cathedral,_Saint_Petersburg dbr:Veche dbr:Eparchy dbr:Battle_of_Shelon dbr:Living_Church dbr:Staraya_Ladoga dbr:State_Historical_Museum dbr:Autocephaly dbc:Novgorod_Republic dbr:True_Cross dbr:Eastern_Orthodox dbc:Eparchies_of_the_Russian_Orthodox_Church dbr:Leo_(Tserpitsky) dbr:Exaltation_of_the_Cross dbr:Ioakim_Korsunianin dbr:Ivan_the_Terrible dbr:Time_of_Troubles dbr:St._Petersburg dbr:Tikhon_of_Moscow dbr:Great_Menion_Reader dbr:Old_Church_Slavonic dbr:Oprichnina dbr:Macarius,_Metropolitan_of_Moscow dbr:Vladimir_of_Novgorod dbr:Ilya_(Archbishop_of_Novgorod) dbr:Luka_Zhidiata dbr:Sect_of_Skhariya_the_Jew dbr:Saint_Sophia_Cathedral_in_Novgorod dbr:Schism_(religion) dbr:Zverin_Monastery dbr:Vasilii_Kalika dbr:Stepennaia_Kniga dbr:Lev_(Archbishop_of_Novgorod) dbr:Feofan_Prokopovich dbr:Christianization_of_Rus' dbr:Helena_of_Constantinople dbr:Serapion_(Archbishop_of_Novgorod) dbr:Patriarch_Alexius_II dbr:Patriarch_of_Moscow dbr:Sobornaya_Square dbr:Gennady_(Archbishop_of_Novgorod) dbr:Holy_Governing_Synod dbr:The_Detinets dbr:File:Feofan_Prokopovich.jpg dbr:File:Metropolitan_Macarius.jpg dbr:File:NG_sopehienkathedrale1.JPG dbr:File:Novgorod_COA_(Novgorod_Governorate)_(1781).png
dbp:bishop dbr:Leo_(Tserpitsky)
dbp:caption Saint Sophia Cathedral, July 2009 (en)
dbp:denomination dbr:Eastern_Orthodox
dbp:established end of the 10th century (en)
dbp:governance dbr:Eparchy
dbp:headquarters dbr:Veliky_Novgorod
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dbp:jurisdiction Diocese (en)
dbp:language dbr:Old_Church_Slavonic
dbp:name Novgorod (en)
dbp:suiIurisChurch dbr:Russian_Orthodox_Church
dbp:website http://www.vn-eparhia.ru/
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate dbt:In_lang dbt:Reflist dbt:See_also dbt:Short_description dbt:WikidataCoord dbt:Russian_Orthodox_Church dbt:Infobox_diocese
dcterms:subject dbc:Archbishops_and_Metropolitans_of_Novgorod dbc:Novgorod_Republic dbc:Eparchies_of_the_Russian_Orthodox_Church
gold:hypernym dbr:Offices
rdf:type owl:Thing dbo:Place dbo:Location schema:AdministrativeArea schema:Place dbo:Region wikidata:Q3455524 dbo:ClericalAdministrativeRegion dbo:PopulatedPlace dbo:Diocese dbo:AdministrativeRegion dbo:Building
rdfs:comment The Diocese of Novgorod (Russian: Новгородская епархия) is one of the oldest offices in the Russian Orthodox Church. The medieval archbishops of Novgorod were among the most important figures in medieval Russian history and culture and their successors (as bishops, archbishops, or metropolitans) have continued to play significant roles in Russian history up to the present day. They patronized a significant number of churches in and around the city, (several of which can still be seen today), and their artistic and architectural embellishments influenced later Russian art and architecture; they also patronized chronicle-writing, a crucial source on medieval Russian history. (en) El Arzobispo de Nóvgorod es la cabeza de la eparquía de Nóvgorod el Grande y es una de las más antiguas oficinas de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa. El arzobispo ha estado, de hecho entre las figuras más importantes de la cultura y la historia de Rusia medieval, y sus sucesores (obispos, arzobispos o metropolitanos) siguieron jugando importantes papeles en la historia rusa hasta el día presente. Los arzobispos medievales patrocinaron la construcción de un número significativo de iglesias dentro y alrededor de la ciudad (algunas de las cuales pueden ser vistas todavía) y sus detalles artísticos y culturales influenciarían la arquitectura y el arte ruso posteriores. También patrocinaron la escritura de crónicas, una fuente crucial sobre la historia medieval rusa.​ (es) Keuskupan Novgorod dan Staraya Russa (bahasa Rusia: Новгородская и Старорусская епархия) adalah salah satu eparki tertua di Gereja Ortodoks Rusia. Para uskup agung abad pertengahan Novgorod adalah salah satu figur paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah dan budaya Rusia pada abad pertengahan dan para penerus mereka (sebagai uskup, uskup agung atau metropolitan) masih meainkan peran signifikan dalam sejarah Rusia sampai saat ini. Mereka menaungi sejumlah signifikan gereja di dalam dan sekitaran kota tersebut (beberapa masih ada sampai saat ini) dan unsur artistik dan arsitektural mereka mempengaruhi seni rupa dan arsitektur Rusia pada masa selanjutnya. Mereka juga menaungi penulisan kronik, sebuah sumber penting dari sejarah Rusia pada abad pertengahan. (in) Le diocèse de Novgorod (en russe : Новгородская епархия) est un des plus anciens diocèses de Russie. (fr) L'Arcivescovo di Novgorod è il capo dell'eparchia di Novgorod la Grande e Staraja Russa ed una delle più antiche cariche della Chiesa ortodossa russa. L'arcivescovo è stato una figura centrale della cultura e della società della Russia medievale e ha continuato a giocare un ruolo significativo nella storia russa fino ai giorni nostri. Nel passato, anche la città di Pskov rientrava nell'ambito di competenza dell'arcivescovado novgorodiano. L'attuale arcivescovo è . (it) Новгоро́дская епа́рхия — епархия Русской православной церкви, объединяющая приходы и монастыри в западной части Новгородской области (в границах Новгородского, Старорусского, Батецкого, Валдайского, Волотовского, Демянского, Крестецкого, Маловишерского, Марёвского, Парфинского, Поддорского, Солецкого, Холмского, Чудовского и Шимского районов). Входит в состав Новгородской митрополии. Титул правящего архиерея многократно менялся; сама же епархия сохраняла именование «Новгородская». (ru)
rdfs:label Eparchie novgorodská (cs) Eparquía de Nóvgorod (es) Diocese of Novgorod (en) Eparki Novgorod (in) Arcivescovo di Novgorod (it) Diocèse de Novgorod (fr) Новгородская епархия (ru)
rdfs:seeAlso dbr:Novgorod_Republic
owl:sameAs freebase:Diocese of Novgorod yago-res:Diocese of Novgorod wikidata:Diocese of Novgorod dbpedia-cs:Diocese of Novgorod dbpedia-es:Diocese of Novgorod dbpedia-fr:Diocese of Novgorod dbpedia-id:Diocese of Novgorod dbpedia-it:Diocese of Novgorod http://jv.dbpedia.org/resource/Eparki_Novgorod dbpedia-ru:Diocese of Novgorod https://global.dbpedia.org/id/56Gno
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foaf:homepage http://www.vn-eparhia.ru/
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Diocese_of_Novgorod
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:Archbishop_of_novgorod dbr:Metropolitan_of_Novgorod dbr:Metropolitan_of_Novgorod_and_Staraya_Russa dbr:Diocese_of_Novgorod_and_Staraya_Russa dbr:Archbishop_of_Novgorod
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