Bell 206 (original) (raw)
- El Bell 206 és una família d'helicòpters amb hèlice de dues pales i configuracions d'un o dos motors dissenyats i fabricats per Bell Helicopter. (ca)
- بيل 206 هي مروحية أمريكية ذات محرك وحيد أو ذات محركين. (ar)
- Bell 206 je označení pro rodinu lehkých víceúčelových vrtulníků, které existují jak v jedno-, tak ve dvoumotorovém provedení. Vrtulníky vyrábí společnost Bell Helicopter Textron ve výrobním závodě v kanadském v Québecu. Původně byl vyvinut model Bell YOH-4 pro letecký program Spojených států a Bell 206 se měl stát jeho následovníkem určeným pro vojenské účely. S přebudovaným drakem se vrtulníky Bell 206 začaly úspěšně prodávat i pro komerční účely jako pětimístný Bell 206A JetRanger. Pro vojenské účely nakonec vzniknul z modelu Bell 206 vrtulník Bell OH-58 Kiowa. Společnost Bell představila později prodlouženou sedmimístnou verzi s označením LongRanger, která začala být později dodávána i jako dvoumotorová s označením TwinRanger, zatímco společnost Tridair Helicopters označila podobný dvoumotorový vrtulník jako Gemini ST. Označení strojů Bell 206 podle ICAO je v leteckých plánech BO6 pro JetRanger a LongRanger a BO6T pro TwinRanger. (cs)
- The Bell 206 is a family of two-bladed, single- and twin-engined helicopters, manufactured by Bell Helicopter at its Mirabel, Quebec, plant. Originally developed as the Bell YOH-4 for the United States Army's Light Observation Helicopter program, it was not selected by the Army. Bell redesigned the airframe and successfully marketed the aircraft commercially as the five-place Bell 206A JetRanger. The new design was eventually selected by the Army as the OH-58 Kiowa. Bell also developed a seven-place LongRanger, which was later offered with a twin-engined option as the TwinRanger, while Tridair Helicopters offers a similar conversion of the LongRanger called the Gemini ST. The ICAO-assigned model designation "B06" is used on flight plans for the JetRanger and LongRanger, and the designation "B06T" is used for the twin-engined TwinRangers. (en)
- Die Bell 206 ist eine Hubschrauberfamilie des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Bell Helicopter. Die Bell 206 und ihre Weiterentwicklungen sind bis heute der wohl kommerziell erfolgreichste Zivilhubschrauber. Bei der Bell 206L LongRanger handelt es sich um eine Weiterentwicklung des Typs Bell 206B JetRanger. (de)
- Bell 206 es una familia de helicópteros con dos palas en el rotor principal, de uno o dos motores, producida por Bell Helicopter en su fábrica de Mirabel, Quebec, Canadá. Originalmente desarrollado para el programa Helicóptero de Observación Ligero (LOH por sus siglas en inglés, de Light Observation Helicopter) del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, el 206 no fue seleccionado (fue elegido el OH-6 Cayuse). Bell rediseñó la estructura del 206 y lo comercializó con mucho éxito como helicóptero de cinco plazas bajo el nombre Bell 206A JetRanger. El nuevo diseño sí fue seleccionado por el Ejército, y se convirtió en el OH-58 Kiowa. Bell también desarrolló una versión de siete plazas llamada LongRanger, la que más tarde fue ofertada con la opción de dos motores y llamada TwinRanger, al mismo tiempo Tridair Helicopters ofreció una conversión del LongRanger llamada Gemini ST. (es)
- Bell 206 adalah keluarga dari helikopter dua-berbilah, tunggal atau bermesin ganda, diproduksi oleh Bell Helicopter di perusahaan Mirabel, Quebec. Awalnya dikembangkan sebagai Bell Yoh-4 untuk Light Program Helikopter Pengamatan Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat, 206 gagal terpilih. Bell didesain ulang badan pesawat dan berhasil dipasarkan pesawat komersial sebagai Bell 206A JetRanger. Desain baru akhirnya dipilih oleh Angkatan Darat sebagai OH-58 Kiowa. Bell juga mengembangkan tujuh tempat LongRanger, yang kemudian ditawarkan dengan pilihan twin-engine sebagai TwinRanger, sementara Tridair Helikopter menawarkan konversi yang mirip dari LongRanger disebut Gemini ST. ICAO menyebut Model "B06" digunakan pada rencana penerbangan untuk JetRanger dan LongRanger, dan sebutan "B06T" digunakan untuk TwinRangers bermesin ganda. (in)
- Le Bell 206 JetRanger est l’un des hélicoptères monoturbine multi-usage le plus populaire, construit par la firme Bell Helicopter Textron. (fr)
- Bell 206 è una famiglia di elicotteri mono e biturbina con rotore a due pale, principalmente utilizzati da facoltose persone per viaggi d'affari, sviluppata dall'azienda statunitense Bell Helicopter Textron dalla fine degli anni sessanta fino al 2017. Il primo Bell 206 fu originariamente sviluppato per il programma dell'United States Army, ma non si aggiudicò il contratto. La Bell riprogettò la struttura modificandola per ospitare cinque posti e la commercializzò con successo sul mercato civile con il nome Bell 206A JetRanger. Il nuovo modello venne selezionato anche dall'esercito statunitense, che gli assegnò la denominazione OH-58 Kiowa. La Bell sviluppò un'ulteriore versione a sette posti, cui diede il nome di LongRanger e che fu in seguito offerta anche in versione a due motori con il nome TwinRanger. In Italia la versione JetRanger venne prodotta su licenza dall'Agusta con la denominazione Agusta-Bell AB206. (it)
- 벨 206은 벨 헬리콥터가 생산한 다목적 헬리콥터이다. (ko)
- ベル 206(Bell 206)は、メインローターとテイルローターのブレードが2枚のガスタービン・ヘリコプター。 (ja)
- Bell 206 (Bell JetRanger) – jeden z najpopularniejszych śmigłowców na świecie. Zaprojektowany na potrzeby armii amerykańskiej przez Bell Helicopter Textron (został później po części zastąpiony przez OH-58 Kiowa) w 1960 roku. Na cywilny rynek wyszedł w 1967 pod nazwą JetRanger. Używa go United States Navy, policja i osoby prywatne. Występuje w wielu wersjach „latającej limuzyny” i karetki pogotowia. (pl)
- O Bell 206 JetRanger é um helicóptero utilitário desenvolvido e fabricado pela empresa norte-americana Bell Aircraft Corporation. (pt)
- Bell 206 är en lätt, tvåbladig, enmotorig helikopter tillverkad av Bell Helicopter. Ursprungligen togs Bell 206 fram under början av 60-talet som en konkurrent i amerikanska arméns program för en lätt spaningshelikopter, men förlorade upphandlingen. Bell designade då om helikoptern och lanserade den på civila marknaden som Bell 206 JetRanger, där den kom att bli en kommersiell framgång. Denna omdesignade Bell 206 anskaffades även sedermera av den amerikanska armén (OH-58 Kiowa). Senare lanserades en förlängd variant av 206 kallad LongRanger. Bell 206 har även licenstillverkats av Agusta. (sv)
- Bell 206 JetRanger — семейство лёгких многоцелевых вертолётов. Разработка и производство: Bell Helicopter Textron Company. Вертолёт впервые поднялся в воздух 10 января 1966 года. Серийное производство, начатое в 1968 году, продолжается на настоящий момент (2011). В 1968 г. фирма Bell получила контракт на серийное производство 2200 вертолётов под обозначением Bell OH-58 Kiowa, отличавшегося от Bell 206 большим диаметром несущего винта, мелкими изменениями во внутренней компоновке и установкой военного электронного оборудования. К концу 1989 года общее число построенных компанией Белл вертолётов Модель 206 (во всех модификациях) превышало 7000 машин.TH-67 Creek является учебно-тренировочным вариантом вертолёта Bell 206B-3 с одним ГТД Allison 250-C20JN (ru)
- 貝爾206是由貝爾直升機公司所製造的雙葉片單/雙引擎直升機家族的其中一員。 (zh)
- Bell 206 — легкий, багатоцільовий вертоліт. (uk)
- 7300 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 2017-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 1962-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 900000.0
- 1315340 (xsd:integer)
- 46742 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1124041199 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Cameroon_Air_Force
- dbr:Canadian_Coast_Guard
- dbr:Canadian_Forces
- dbr:Bell_YOH-4
- dbc:1960s_Canadian_civil_utility_aircraft
- dbc:1960s_Canadian_helicopters
- dbc:1960s_United_States_helicopters
- dbr:Robinson_R66
- dbr:Royal_Air_Force_of_Oman
- dbr:Royal_Australian_Navy
- dbr:Royal_Brunei_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Moroccan_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Thai_Army
- dbr:Royal_Thai_Police
- dbr:San_Juan_County,_New_Mexico
- dbr:Bell_400
- dbr:NACA_airfoil
- dbr:Bell_407
- dbr:Bell_427
- dbr:Bell_47J_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_505_Jet_Ranger_X
- dbr:Bell_Helicopter
- dbr:Bell_OH-58_Kiowa
- dbr:Bolivarian_Navy_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Brazilian_Air_Force
- dbr:Brazilian_Navy
- dbr:Argentine_Army_Aviation
- dbr:Hughes_Helicopters
- dbr:Hughes_OH-6_Cayuse
- dbr:Hurst,_Texas
- dbr:List_of_military_aircraft_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Peruvian_Navy
- dbr:Republic_of_China_Army
- dbr:Ricardo_Boechat
- dbr:United_States_Army
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_the_Interior
- dbr:United_States_Navy
- dbr:Venezuelan_Army
- dbr:Light_Observation_Helicopter
- dbr:List_of_most-produced_rotorcraft
- dbr:Croatian_Air_Force
- dbr:Memphis_Police_Department
- dbr:National_Police_of_Colombia
- dbr:State_Border_Guard
- dbr:Mirabel,_Quebec
- dbr:2019_São_Paulo_helicopter_crash
- dbr:Armed_Aerial_Scout
- dbr:Lesotho_Defence_Force
- dbr:Lockheed_U-2
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Police_Department
- dbr:MD_Helicopters_MD_500
- dbr:Slovenian_Air_Force_and_Air_Defence
- dbr:Slovenian_National_Police_Force
- dbr:Stevie_Ray_Vaughan
- dbr:Colombian_Air_Force
- dbr:Zambian_Air_Force
- dbr:H._Ross_Perot,_Jr.
- dbr:Australian_Army
- dbr:Bangladesh
- dbr:Bangladesh_Air_Force
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army
- dbr:Bulgarian_Air_Force
- dbr:Air_Enthusiast
- dbr:U.S._Navy
- dbr:Helicopter
- dbr:Helicopter_Association_International
- dbr:Air_Force_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo
- dbr:Albanian_Air_Force
- dbr:Allison_Model_250
- dbr:Airframe
- dbr:Dallas,_Texas
- dbr:Ecuadorian_Air_Force
- dbr:Ecuadorian_Navy
- dbr:Eric_Clapton
- dbr:Eurocopter_AS350_Écureuil
- dbr:Eurocopter_EC120_Colibri
- dbr:Finnish_Border_Guard
- dbr:Flight_International
- dbr:Float_(nautical)
- dbr:Fort_Rucker
- dbr:Francis_Gary_Powers
- dbr:PZL_SW-4_Puszczyk
- dbr:Pakistan_Army
- dbr:Flight_plan
- dbr:King_County_Sheriff's_Office
- dbr:Guatemalan_Air_Force
- dbr:Guyana_Defence_Force
- dbr:HESA_Shahed_278
- dbr:HESA_Shahed_285
- dbr:Hiller_Aircraft
- dbr:Iraqi_Air_Force
- dbr:Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force
- dbr:Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Army
- dbr:Israeli_Air_Force
- dbr:Italian_Army
- dbr:Jamaica_Defence_Force
- dbr:Japan_Coast_Guard
- dbr:Tangail
- dbr:Armed_Forces_of_Malta
- dbc:Bell_aircraft
- dbc:1960s_United_States_civil_utility_aircraft
- dbc:Aircraft_first_flown_in_1962
- dbc:Single-turbine_helicopters
- dbr:Chicago_Police_Department
- dbr:Chilean_Air_Force
- dbr:Chilean_Army
- dbr:Chilean_Navy
- dbr:Jessore
- dbr:Swedish_Air_Force
- dbr:Swedish_Army
- dbr:Swedish_Navy
- dbr:Turkish_Army
- dbr:Dick_Smith_(entrepreneur)
- dbr:Aurora_Flight_Sciences
- dbr:Policja_(Poland)
- dbr:Sri_Lanka_Air_Force
- dbr:ICAO
- dbr:Indonesian_National_Police
- dbr:Mexican_Air_Force
- dbr:New_Jersey_State_Police
- dbr:Omaha_Police_Department
- dbr:Yemeni_Air_Force
- dbr:Utility_helicopter
- dbr:Vigili_del_Fuoco
- dbr:Turboshaft
- dbr:North_Macedonian_Air_Force
- dbr:Ugandan_Air_Force
- dbr:U.S._Marine_Corps
- dbr:Allison_250-C20J
- dbr:Rolls-Royce_Model_250
- dbr:Hughes_OH-6
- dbr:Bell_206L-1_LongRanger_II_"Spirit_of_Texas"
- dbr:Bell_417
- dbr:U.S._Coast_Guard
- dbr:Greek_Army
- dbr:Croatian_Police
- dbr:OH-58_Kiowa
- dbr:Serbian_Ministry_of_the_Interior
- dbr:Hiller_FH1100
- dbr:File:A_new_looking_AB206_at_Farke_airbase._(11278474235).jpg
- dbr:File:Agusta-Bell_AB-206A_JetRanger,_Italy_-_Army_JP7373821.jpg
- dbr:File:Bangladesh_Air_Force_Bell-206_(2)_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:Bell.206b.jetranger.III.g-mfmf.arp.jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206A_orthographical_image.svg
- dbr:File:Bell_206B_(Hkp-6)_06054_54_(SE-HGX)_(8353213254).jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206B_JetRanger_II_AN1761224.jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206L-4_LongRanger_IV_C-FTHU_(CTV_News).jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206L3_(D-HASA).jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206_BRZOL_SV,_september_13,_2009.jpg
- dbr:File:Bell_206_bulgaria_02.JPG
- dbr:File:H-21_Bell_206_Jetranger_Fuerza_Aerea_De_Chile_(7334711276).jpg
- dbr:File:Oh4a002.jpg
- dbr:File:S3-BSJ_Bangladesh_Army_Aviation_Bell_206-L4._(32913769604).jpg
- dbr:File:TH-67A_Creek.jpg
- dbr:File:TH57C_boat_ops.jpg
- dbr:File:Uganda_People's_Defence_Force_Air_Wing_Bell_206B_JetRanger_II_MTI-1.jpg
- dbr:File:World_operators_of_the_Bell_206.svg
- dbr:Ron_Bower
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 13500 (xsd:integer)
- 1350 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 2331 (xsd:integer)
- :::: (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 317 (xsd:integer)
- turboshaft engine (en)
- 1962-12-08 (xsd:date)
- 1966-01-10 (xsd:date)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 1967 (xsd:integer)
- 39 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- * List of military aircraft of the United States * List of most-produced rotorcraft (en)
- 120 (xsd:integer)
- 3350 (xsd:integer)
- United States/Canada (en)
- 130 (xsd:integer)
- 7300 (xsd:integer)
- kts (en)
- 1962 (xsd:integer)
- 374 (xsd:integer)
- Bell 206B-L4 specifications (en)
- * Bell 505 Jet Ranger X * Bell 407 * Bell OH-58 Kiowa * HESA Shahed 278 * HESA Shahed 285 (en)
- *Blade section: - NACA 0012 mod (11.3%) (en)
- 872 (xsd:integer)
- 33 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- * Eurocopter AS350 Écureuil * Eurocopter EC120 Colibri * Hiller FH1100 * MD Helicopters MD 500 * PZL SW-4 Puszczyk * Robinson R66 (en)
- In service (en)
- Multipurpose utility helicopter (en)
- approx. US$900,000 to $1.2 million (en)
- dbt:Bell_Aircraft
- dbt:Thai_helicopter_designations
- dbt:CF_aircraft
- dbt:ALB
- dbt:ARG
- dbt:AUS
- dbt:BAN
- dbt:BRA
- dbt:BUL
- dbt:CAN
- dbt:CHI
- dbt:CMR
- dbt:COD
- dbt:COL
- dbt:CRO
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_journal
- dbt:Cite_magazine
- dbt:Commons
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Cvt
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- dbt:FIN
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- dbt:GRE
- dbt:GTM
- dbt:GUY
- dbt:INA
- dbt:IRN
- dbt:IRQ
- dbt:ISR
- dbt:ITA
- dbt:Infobox_aircraft_type
- dbt:JAM
- dbt:JAP
- dbt:LAT
- dbt:MAR
- dbt:MEX
- dbt:MLT
- dbt:Main
- dbt:PAK
- dbt:PER
- dbt:POL
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:SLO
- dbt:SRB
- dbt:SRI
- dbt:SWE
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:THA
- dbt:TUR
- dbt:USA
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:VEN
- dbt:Visible_anchor
- dbt:YEM
- dbt:OMN
- dbt:Importance_inline
- dbt:ZAM
- dbt:LSO
- dbt:MKD
- dbt:BRU
- dbt:Swedish_military_aircraft_designations
- dbt:ROC-TW
- dbt:JetRanger_family
- dbt:Italian_military_aircraft
- dbt:Aircontent
- dbt:Aircraft_specs
- dbt:Italian_Army_helicopter_designations
- dbt:USAF_helicopters
- dbc:1960s_Canadian_civil_utility_aircraft
- dbc:1960s_Canadian_helicopters
- dbc:1960s_United_States_helicopters
- dbc:Bell_aircraft
- dbc:1960s_United_States_civil_utility_aircraft
- dbc:Aircraft_first_flown_in_1962
- dbc:Single-turbine_helicopters
- owl:Thing
- schema:Product
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation
- wikidata:Q11436
- yago:WikicatSingle-turbineHelicopters
- yago:Aircraft102686568
- yago:Artifact100021939
- yago:Conveyance103100490
- yago:Craft103125870
- yago:Heavier-than-airCraft103510583
- yago:Helicopter103512147
- yago:Instrumentality103575240
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:WikicatHelicopters
- dbo:Aircraft
- yago:Vehicle104524313
- yago:Whole100003553
- umbel-rc:Model_airplane
- umbel-rc:TransportationDevice_Vehicle
- El Bell 206 és una família d'helicòpters amb hèlice de dues pales i configuracions d'un o dos motors dissenyats i fabricats per Bell Helicopter. (ca)
- بيل 206 هي مروحية أمريكية ذات محرك وحيد أو ذات محركين. (ar)
- Die Bell 206 ist eine Hubschrauberfamilie des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Bell Helicopter. Die Bell 206 und ihre Weiterentwicklungen sind bis heute der wohl kommerziell erfolgreichste Zivilhubschrauber. Bei der Bell 206L LongRanger handelt es sich um eine Weiterentwicklung des Typs Bell 206B JetRanger. (de)
- Le Bell 206 JetRanger est l’un des hélicoptères monoturbine multi-usage le plus populaire, construit par la firme Bell Helicopter Textron. (fr)
- 벨 206은 벨 헬리콥터가 생산한 다목적 헬리콥터이다. (ko)
- ベル 206(Bell 206)は、メインローターとテイルローターのブレードが2枚のガスタービン・ヘリコプター。 (ja)
- Bell 206 (Bell JetRanger) – jeden z najpopularniejszych śmigłowców na świecie. Zaprojektowany na potrzeby armii amerykańskiej przez Bell Helicopter Textron (został później po części zastąpiony przez OH-58 Kiowa) w 1960 roku. Na cywilny rynek wyszedł w 1967 pod nazwą JetRanger. Używa go United States Navy, policja i osoby prywatne. Występuje w wielu wersjach „latającej limuzyny” i karetki pogotowia. (pl)
- O Bell 206 JetRanger é um helicóptero utilitário desenvolvido e fabricado pela empresa norte-americana Bell Aircraft Corporation. (pt)
- Bell 206 är en lätt, tvåbladig, enmotorig helikopter tillverkad av Bell Helicopter. Ursprungligen togs Bell 206 fram under början av 60-talet som en konkurrent i amerikanska arméns program för en lätt spaningshelikopter, men förlorade upphandlingen. Bell designade då om helikoptern och lanserade den på civila marknaden som Bell 206 JetRanger, där den kom att bli en kommersiell framgång. Denna omdesignade Bell 206 anskaffades även sedermera av den amerikanska armén (OH-58 Kiowa). Senare lanserades en förlängd variant av 206 kallad LongRanger. Bell 206 har även licenstillverkats av Agusta. (sv)
- Bell 206 JetRanger — семейство лёгких многоцелевых вертолётов. Разработка и производство: Bell Helicopter Textron Company. Вертолёт впервые поднялся в воздух 10 января 1966 года. Серийное производство, начатое в 1968 году, продолжается на настоящий момент (2011). В 1968 г. фирма Bell получила контракт на серийное производство 2200 вертолётов под обозначением Bell OH-58 Kiowa, отличавшегося от Bell 206 большим диаметром несущего винта, мелкими изменениями во внутренней компоновке и установкой военного электронного оборудования. К концу 1989 года общее число построенных компанией Белл вертолётов Модель 206 (во всех модификациях) превышало 7000 машин.TH-67 Creek является учебно-тренировочным вариантом вертолёта Bell 206B-3 с одним ГТД Allison 250-C20JN (ru)
- 貝爾206是由貝爾直升機公司所製造的雙葉片單/雙引擎直升機家族的其中一員。 (zh)
- Bell 206 — легкий, багатоцільовий вертоліт. (uk)
- Bell 206 je označení pro rodinu lehkých víceúčelových vrtulníků, které existují jak v jedno-, tak ve dvoumotorovém provedení. Vrtulníky vyrábí společnost Bell Helicopter Textron ve výrobním závodě v kanadském v Québecu. Původně byl vyvinut model Bell YOH-4 pro letecký program Spojených států a Bell 206 se měl stát jeho následovníkem určeným pro vojenské účely. S přebudovaným drakem se vrtulníky Bell 206 začaly úspěšně prodávat i pro komerční účely jako pětimístný Bell 206A JetRanger. Pro vojenské účely nakonec vzniknul z modelu Bell 206 vrtulník Bell OH-58 Kiowa. Společnost Bell představila později prodlouženou sedmimístnou verzi s označením LongRanger, která začala být později dodávána i jako dvoumotorová s označením TwinRanger, zatímco společnost Tridair Helicopters označila podobný dvo (cs)
- The Bell 206 is a family of two-bladed, single- and twin-engined helicopters, manufactured by Bell Helicopter at its Mirabel, Quebec, plant. Originally developed as the Bell YOH-4 for the United States Army's Light Observation Helicopter program, it was not selected by the Army. Bell redesigned the airframe and successfully marketed the aircraft commercially as the five-place Bell 206A JetRanger. The new design was eventually selected by the Army as the OH-58 Kiowa. (en)
- Bell 206 es una familia de helicópteros con dos palas en el rotor principal, de uno o dos motores, producida por Bell Helicopter en su fábrica de Mirabel, Quebec, Canadá. Originalmente desarrollado para el programa Helicóptero de Observación Ligero (LOH por sus siglas en inglés, de Light Observation Helicopter) del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, el 206 no fue seleccionado (fue elegido el OH-6 Cayuse). Bell rediseñó la estructura del 206 y lo comercializó con mucho éxito como helicóptero de cinco plazas bajo el nombre Bell 206A JetRanger. El nuevo diseño sí fue seleccionado por el Ejército, y se convirtió en el OH-58 Kiowa. Bell también desarrolló una versión de siete plazas llamada LongRanger, la que más tarde fue ofertada con la opción de dos motores y llamada TwinRanger, al mismo tiempo (es)
- Bell 206 adalah keluarga dari helikopter dua-berbilah, tunggal atau bermesin ganda, diproduksi oleh Bell Helicopter di perusahaan Mirabel, Quebec. Awalnya dikembangkan sebagai Bell Yoh-4 untuk Light Program Helikopter Pengamatan Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat, 206 gagal terpilih. (in)
- Bell 206 è una famiglia di elicotteri mono e biturbina con rotore a due pale, principalmente utilizzati da facoltose persone per viaggi d'affari, sviluppata dall'azienda statunitense Bell Helicopter Textron dalla fine degli anni sessanta fino al 2017. Il primo Bell 206 fu originariamente sviluppato per il programma dell'United States Army, ma non si aggiudicò il contratto. La Bell riprogettò la struttura modificandola per ospitare cinque posti e la commercializzò con successo sul mercato civile con il nome Bell 206A JetRanger. Il nuovo modello venne selezionato anche dall'esercito statunitense, che gli assegnò la denominazione OH-58 Kiowa. La Bell sviluppò un'ulteriore versione a sette posti, cui diede il nome di LongRanger e che fu in seguito offerta anche in versione a due motori con il (it)
- بيل 206 (ar)
- Bell 206 (ca)
- Bell 206 (cs)
- Bell 206 (de)
- Bell 206 (en)
- Bell 206 (es)
- Bell 206 (in)
- Bell 206 (it)
- Bell 206 (fr)
- 벨 206 (ko)
- ベル 206 (ja)
- Bell 206 (pl)
- Bell 206 (pt)
- Bell 206 (ru)
- Bell 206 (sv)
- Bell 206 (uk)
- 貝爾206直升機 (zh)
- dbpedia-commons:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-es:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-fi:Bell 206
- dbpedia-fr:Bell 206
- dbpedia-gl:Bell 206
- dbpedia-he:Bell 206
- dbpedia-hr:Bell 206
- dbpedia-id:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-ko:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-pl:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-ru:Bell 206
- dbpedia-simple:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-sr:Bell 206
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- dbpedia-th:Bell 206
- dbpedia-tr:Bell 206
- dbpedia-uk:Bell 206
- dbpedia-zh:Bell 206
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is dbo:aircraftHelicopter of
- dbr:Royal_Brunei_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Canadian_Air_Force
- dbr:Brazilian_Naval_Aviation
- dbr:Brazilian_Navy
- dbr:Uganda_Air_Force
- dbr:Zambian_Air_Force
- dbr:1_Canadian_Air_Division
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army
- dbr:Bulgarian_Air_Force
- dbr:Albanian_Air_Force
- dbr:Pakistan_Army
- dbr:Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force
- dbr:Senegalese_Air_Force
is dbo:aircraftHelicopterAttack of
is dbo:aircraftHelicopterUtility of
is dbo:aircraftTrainer of
is dbo:aircraftTransport of
is dbo:predecessor of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:TH-67_Creek
- dbr:H-57_Sea_Ranger
- dbr:H-67_Creek
- dbr:Agusta-Bell_206
- dbr:Agusta-Bell_AB.206_JetRanger
- dbr:Agusta-Bell_AB_206_JetRanger
- dbr:Agusta-Bell_Hkp6A
- dbr:Agusta-Bell_Hkp6B
- dbr:Bell_206B
- dbr:Tridair_Gemini_ST
- dbr:Bell_206_JetRanger
- dbr:Bell_206A_JetRanger
- dbr:Bell_206L-1
- dbr:Bell_206_Long_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_206_Twin_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_CH-139_Jet_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_H-4
- dbr:Bell_H-57
- dbr:Bell_H-57_Sea_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_H-67_Creek
- dbr:Bell_JetRanger
- dbr:Bell_Jet_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_Jetranger
- dbr:Bell_LongRanger_II
- dbr:Bell_Model_206L_Texas_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_Model_206_JetRanger
- dbr:Bell_TH-67_Creek
- dbr:AB-206
- dbr:JetRanger
- dbr:Jet_Ranger
- dbr:CH-139
- dbr:CH-139_JetRanger
- dbr:CH-139_Jet_Ranger
- dbr:Zafar_300
- dbr:TH-57
- dbr:TH-57_Sea_Ranger
- dbr:TH-67
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cameroon_Air_Force
- dbr:Carabineros_de_Chile
- dbr:Caribbean_Helicopters
- dbr:Carlos_Menem
- dbr:Ambulance_Victoria
- dbr:Bell_222/230
- dbr:Bell_400_TwinRanger
- dbr:Bell_Agusta_Aerospace_Company
- dbr:Bell_YOH-4
- dbr:Prisma_Health_Richland_Hospital
- dbr:Puerto_Rico_Joint_Forces_of_Rapid_Action
- dbr:Puerto_Rico_Police
- dbr:Queensland_Police_Service
- dbr:Quetzaltenango_Airport
- dbr:Robinson_R44
- dbr:Robinson_R66
- dbr:Ross_Perot_Jr.
- dbr:Royal_Air_Force_of_Oman
- dbr:Royal_Brunei_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Canadian_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Moroccan_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Thai_Air_Force_Museum
- dbr:Royal_Thai_Police
- dbr:Rumble_in_the_Bronx
- dbr:Samaritan's_Purse
- dbr:San_Juan_Police_Department
- dbr:Sarah_Deal
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_aircraft_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_aircraft_wings
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Tri-Service_aircraft_designations
- dbr:List_of_United_States_military_helicopters
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_airliners_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_general_aviation
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_helicopters
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft_(2010–2019)
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft_(2020–present)
- dbr:List_of_active_Bangladesh_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_active_Brazilian_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_active_Canadian_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_active_Italian_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_active_Pakistan_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_active_United_States_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_(B–Be)
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_(C–Cc)
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_by_tail_number
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_flown_by_Eric_"Winkle"_Brown
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_in_the_Smithsonian_Institution
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_of_the_Argentine_Army_Aviation
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_of_the_Brazilian_Navy
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_of_the_Iranian_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_of_the_Israeli_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_of_the_Royal_Australian_Navy
- dbr:List_of_aircraft_type_designators
- dbr:List_of_airlines_of_Canada
- dbr:List_of_airlines_of_Yukon
- dbr:List_of_circumnavigations
- dbr:List_of_civil_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_currently_active_United_States_naval_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_Canada
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_South_Africa
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_Sweden
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_the_United_States_(Q–Z)
- dbr:List_of_disasters_in_Australia_by_death_toll
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Albanian_Armed_Forces
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Argentine_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Army_of_North_Macedonia
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Bangladesh_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Cypriot_National_Guard
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Ecuadorian_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Hellenic_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Indonesian_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Israel_Defense_Forces
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Pakistan_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Republic_of_China_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Republic_of_Korea_Armed_Forces
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Royal_Thai_Army
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Turkish_Land_Forces
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_United_States_Armed_Forces
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Venezuelan_Army
- dbr:List_of_fatal_accidents_and_incidents_...mercial_aircraft_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_fatalities_from_aviation_accidents
- dbr:List_of_firsts_in_aviation
- dbr:Mount_Cook_Airline
- dbr:Northland_Emergency_Services_Trust
- dbr:Líder_Aviação
- dbr:MBB_Bo_115
- dbr:2009_Medair_Bell_206_crash
- dbr:2009_in_aviation
- dbr:206_(number)
- dbr:Bell_407
- dbr:Bell_427
- dbr:Bell_47J_Ranger
- dbr:Bell_505_Jet_Ranger_X
- dbr:Bell_OH-58_Kiowa
- dbr:Bell_Textron
- dbr:Beverly_Johnson_(climber)
- dbr:Blair_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Blue_Thunder
- dbr:Bolivarian_Navy_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Brazilian_Antarctic_Program
- dbr:Brazilian_Naval_Aviation
- dbr:Brazilian_Navy
- dbr:Brazilian_monitor_Parnaíba
- dbr:Death_of_Stevie_Ray_Vaughan
- dbr:Allison_Engine_Company
- dbr:Argentine_Army_Aviation
- dbr:Argentine_air_forces_in_the_Falklands_War
- dbr:List_of_aviation_accidents_and_incidents_in_Guatemala
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Canadian_Coast_Guard
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Iranian_Army
- dbr:List_of_former_equipment_of_the_Hellenic_Armed_Forces
- dbr:List_of_most-produced_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_news_aircraft_accidents_and_incidents
- dbr:Pawan_Hans
- dbr:Peruvian_Naval_Aviation
- dbr:Republic_of_China_Army
- dbr:Republic_of_Yemen_Armed_Forces
- dbr:Uganda_Air_Force
- dbr:Uganda_People's_Defence_Force
- dbr:United_Arab_Emirates_Air_Force
- dbr:United_States_Park_Police
- dbr:Upper_Norrland_Military_District
- dbr:Vertical_Hummingbird
- dbr:Volandia
- dbr:De_Havilland_Canada_DHC-6_Twin_Otter
- dbr:Deccan_Charters
- dbr:Durham_Regional_Police_Service
- dbr:J._George_Mikelsons
- dbr:Sri_Lanka_Air_Force_Museum
- dbr:List_of_helicopter_prison_escapes
- dbr:List_of_historic_aircraft_of_the_Hellenic_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_individual_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_military_aircraft_of_Finland
- dbr:List_of_military_aircraft_of_Sri_Lanka
- dbr:List_of_military_aircraft_of_Sweden
- dbr:List_of_military_equipment_manufactured_in_Iran
- dbr:List_of_most-produced_rotorcraft
- dbr:List_of_rotorcraft
- dbr:Thunder_over_the_Boardwalk
- dbr:Salt_Air
- dbr:OH4
- dbr:007_Stage
- dbr:125_Squadron_(Israel)
- dbr:132nd_Armored_Brigade_"Ariete"
- dbr:15th_Aviation_Brigade_(Slovenian_Armed_Forces)
- dbr:1977_Encino_helicopter_crash
- dbr:1977_in_aviation
- dbr:1981_in_aviation
- dbr:1986_Grand_Canyon_mid-air_collision
- dbr:1986_in_aviation
- dbr:1990_in_aviation
- dbr:1991_Vallejo_helicopter_crash
- dbr:1991_in_aviation
- dbr:1992_in_aviation
- dbr:1994_in_aviation
- dbr:1995_in_aviation
- dbr:Court_Line
- dbr:Croatian_Air_Force
- dbr:Maryland_State_Police
- dbr:Mechanized_Brigade_"Mantova"
- dbr:SS_Marieholm
- dbr:Sa'ar_4.5-class_missile_boat
- dbr:Sabah_Air
- dbr:Essential_Air_Service
- dbr:General_Directorate_of_Security_(Turkey)
- dbr:National_Police_of_Colombia
- dbr:Silvio_Oltra
- dbr:State_Border_Guard
- dbr:San_Francisco_and_Oakland_Helicopter_Airlines
- dbr:Sky_Service_(Kazakhstan)
- dbr:Upali_Air
- dbr:173rd_Aviation_Squadron_(Australia)
- dbr:1992
- dbr:Frontier_Works_Organization
- dbr:G._M._C._Balayogi
- dbr:George_Bush_Intercontinental_Airport
- dbr:Gilgit-Baltistan_Scouts
- dbr:Grand_Canyon_National_Park_Airport
- dbr:Grand_Central_Airport_(California)
- dbr:Motorized_Brigade_"Cremona"
- dbr:Myanmar_Air_Force
- dbr:NBN_(TV_station)
- dbr:NYPD_Aviation_Unit
- dbr:Condor_Group
- dbr:Continental_Copters
- dbr:Continental_Copters_Jet-Cat
- dbr:Continental_Tiara_series
- dbr:Military_Police_(Brazil)
- dbr:Weapons_of_the_Falklands_War
- dbr:Orange_County_Choppers_bikes
- dbr:1974_White_House_helicopter_incident
- dbr:1974_in_aviation
- dbr:1975_in_aviation
- dbr:2019_São_Paulo_helicopter_crash
- dbr:Ankara_Güvercinlik_Army_Air_Base
- dbr:Ansett_Australia
- dbr:Arizona_Helicopters
- dbr:Armored_Brigade_"Centauro"
- dbr:London_Biggin_Hill_Airport
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Police_Department
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Police_Department_resources
- dbr:Luton_Airport
- dbr:MBB_Bo_105
- dbr:MD_Helicopters_MD_500
- dbr:MV_Ortelius
- dbr:Chim-Nir_Aviation
- dbr:Sikorsky_S-434
- dbr:Sikorsky_S-52
- dbr:Silverline_Helicopters
- dbr:Simplifly
- dbr:Sky_Shuttle
- dbr:Slovenian_Air_Force_and_Air_Defence
- dbr:Slovenian_Armed_Forces
- dbr:Slovenian_Territorial_Defence
- dbr:Smallville_(season_2)
- dbr:Steal_the_Sky
- dbr:Structure_of_the_Bulgarian_Air_Force
- dbr:Structure_of_the_Italian_Army
- dbr:Colombian_Air_Force
- dbr:Command_Airways_(South_Africa)
- dbr:Zambian_Air_Force
- dbr:Emerald_Pacific_Airlines
- dbr:Empire_Airways
- dbr:Hamilton_Police_Service
- dbr:Turkish_Army_Aviation_Command
- dbr:G-code_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Petroleum_Helicopters_International
- dbr:Transportes_Aéreos_Guatemaltecos
- dbr:Mechanized_Brigade_"Granatieri_di_Sardegna"
- dbr:Mechanized_Division_"Folgore"
- dbr:1_Canadian_Air_Division
- dbr:1st_Army_Aviation_Support_Regiment_"Idra"
- dbr:1968_in_aviation
- dbr:Austrian_Air_Force
- dbr:Aviation_Centre_of_Excellence
- dbr:Aviation_in_Alabama
- dbr:BAR_Aviation_Uganda
- dbr:Bangladesh_Air_Force
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army_Aviation_Group
- dbr:6th_Aviation_Regiment_(Australia)
- dbr:Bristow_Helicopters
- dbr:Brumowski_Air_Base
- dbr:Budapest_Aircraft_Service
- dbr:Budgie_the_Little_Helicopter
- dbr:Bulgarian_Air_Force
- dbr:CCGS_Amundsen
- dbr:CCGS_Ann_Harvey
- dbr:CCGS_Cygnus
- dbr:CCGS_Des_Groseilliers
- dbr:CCGS_George_R._Pearkes
- dbr:CCGS_Griffon
- dbr:CCGS_Henry_Larsen
- dbr:CCGS_Hudson
- dbr:CCGS_J.E._Bernier
- dbr:CCGS_John_P._Tully
- dbr:CCGS_Kopit_Hopson_1752
- dbr:CCGS_Leonard_J._Cowley
- dbr:CCGS_Martha_L._Black
- dbr:CCGS_Pierre_Radisson
- dbr:CCGS_Sir_Wilfrid_Laurier
- dbr:CCGS_Sir_William_Alexander
- dbr:CP24
- dbr:Air-sea_rescue
- dbr:Air_Alpha_Greenland
- dbr:Tillamook_Air_Museum
- dbr:Training_Air_Wing_Five
- dbr:Treasure_Hunt_(British_game_show)
- dbr:Trinity_Broadcasting_Network
- dbr:Troy,_Alabama
- dbr:WAVY-TV
- dbr:WCPO-TV
- dbr:WPRI-TV
- dbr:WTVT
- dbr:Western_Military_District_(Sweden)
- dbr:Whirlwind_(novel)
- dbr:Disk_loading
- dbr:Heli_Holland
- dbr:Helicol
- dbr:Helicopter
- dbr:Helicopters_(NZ)
- dbr:Helicópteros_del_Sureste
- dbr:Helijet
- dbr:Helitack
- dbr:Iran_Aircraft_Manufacturing_Industries_Corporation
- dbr:Jesus_nut
- dbr:John_D._Odegard_School_of_Aerospace_Sciences
- dbr:Law_enforcement_in_Mexico_City
- dbr:List_of_Albanian_Air_Force_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_Australian_Army_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_Brazilian_military_aircraft
- dbr:List_of_Bulgarian_Air_Force_bases
- dbr:Lloyd_Aviation
- dbr:No._7_Squadron_SLAF
- dbr:2014_in_aviation
- dbr:2014–2015_floods_in_Southeast_Asia_and_South_Asia
- dbr:2016_in_aviation
- dbr:2nd_Army_Aviation_Support_Regiment_"Orione"
- dbr:3rd_Army_Aviation_Support_Regiment_"Aquila"
- dbr:4th_Army_Aviation_Support_Squadrons_Group_"Scorpione"
is dbp:aircraftHelicopter of
- dbr:Royal_Brunei_Air_Force
- dbr:Royal_Canadian_Air_Force
- dbr:Uganda_Air_Force
- dbr:Zambian_Air_Force
- dbr:1_Canadian_Air_Division
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army
- dbr:Bulgarian_Air_Force
- dbr:Albanian_Air_Force
- dbr:Pakistan_Army
- dbr:Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force
- dbr:Senegalese_Air_Force
is dbp:aircraftHelicopterTrainer of
- dbr:Republic_of_China_Army
- dbr:Bangladesh_Army_Aviation_Group
- dbr:North_Macedonia_Air_Brigade
- dbr:HT-28
- dbr:Sri_Lanka_Air_Force
- dbr:Naval_Air_Training_Command
- dbr:United_States_Army_Aviation_Branch
is dbp:aircraftHelicopterUtility of
is dbp:aircraftTrainer of
is dbp:aircraftTransport of
is dbp:aircraftType of
- dbr:2009_Medair_Bell_206_crash
- dbr:1977_Encino_helicopter_crash
- dbr:2019_São_Paulo_helicopter_crash
- dbr:2000_Marlborough_helicopter_crash
is dbp:developedFrom of
is dbp:equipment of
is dbp:majorApplications of
is dbp:plane2Type of
is dbp:shipAircraft of
is dbp:type of
is foaf:primaryTopic of