Corruption in Venezuela (original) (raw)
- يعتبر مستوى الفساد في فنزويلا مرتفعًا جدًا وفقًا للمعايير العالمية وهو منتشر في العديد من مستويات المجتمع الفنزويلي. أدى اكتشاف النفط في فنزويلا في أوائل القرن العشرين إلى تفاقم الفساد السياسي. أدى الكم الهائل من الفساد وسوء الإدارة في البلاد إلى صعوبات اقتصادية شديدة، وهي جزء من الأزمة في فنزويلا البوليفارية. يصنف مؤشر مدركات الفساد لعام 2019 الصادر عن منظمة الشفافية الدولية البلاد في المرتبة 173 من بين 180 دولة. (ar)
- Venezuela zählte Transparency International zufolge 2015 zu den korruptesten Ländern der Welt. (de)
- The level of corruption in Venezuela is very high by world standards and is prevalent throughout many levels of Venezuelan society. Discovery of oil in Venezuela in the early 20th century has worsened political corruption. The large amount of corruption and mismanagement in the country has resulted in severe economic difficulties, part of the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela. According to Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perception Index, Venezuela scored a 14 on a scale from 0 ("highly corrupt") to 100 ("highly clean"). When ranked by score, Venezuela ranks number 177 among the 180 countries in the Index, where the country ranked number 1 is perceived to have the most honest public sector. A 2014 Gallup poll found that 75% of Venezuelans believed that corruption was widespread throughout the Venezuelan government. Discontent with corruption was cited by opposition-aligned groups as one of the reasons for the 2014 and 2017 Venezuelan protests. (en)
- La corrupción en Venezuela se considera alta para los estándares mundiales y es prevalente en todos los niveles de la escala social venezolana, y particularmente en el poder judicial, donde incluso la corrupción se ha dolarizado. En el caso particular de Venezuela, el descubrimiento del petróleo a principios del siglo XX, ha empeorado la corrupción pública y privada. Aunque la corrupción es una variable difícil de medir fiablemente, Transparencia Internacional (de sus siglas en inglés TNI) actualmente posiciona a Venezuela entre los 20 países más corruptos del mundo. (es)
- 23453241 (xsd:integer)
- 116295 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1118143891 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Carlos_Andrés_Pérez
- dbr:Cartel_of_the_Suns
- dbr:Robert_Morgenthau
- dbr:Roger_Noriega
- dbr:Center_for_a_Secure_Free_Society
- dbr:Venezuelan_government
- dbr:Corruption_Perception_Index
- dbr:Totalitarian_State
- dbr:2008_Andean_diplomatic_crisis
- dbr:Bolivarian_Intelligence_Service
- dbr:Bolivarian_Revolution
- dbr:Bolivia
- dbr:Bourgeois
- dbr:Der_Spiegel
- dbr:Derwick_Associates
- dbr:Hugo_Carvajal
- dbr:Hugo_Chávez
- dbr:Human_Rights_Watch
- dbr:Jose_Miguel_Insulza
- dbr:José_Manuel_Hernández
- dbr:José_Vicente_Rangel
- dbr:Patronage
- dbr:United_Nations_Convention_against_Corruption
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Defense
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:Venezuela
- dbr:Venezuelan_National_Guard
- dbr:Venezuelan_War_of_Independence
- dbr:Vice_President_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Eastern_Bloc_of_the_FARC-EP
- dbr:International_Anti-Corruption_Day
- dbr:Police_corruption
- dbr:World_Justice_Project
- dbr:Tarek_El_Aissami
- dbr:1992_Venezuelan_coup_d'état_attempts
- dbr:Colombia
- dbr:Colombian_peso
- dbr:Conservative_think_tank
- dbr:María_Corina_Machado
- dbr:National_Electoral_Council_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Nepotism
- dbr:Oligarchy
- dbr:Rodrigo_Granda
- dbr:Cilia_Flores
- dbr:Cipriano_Castro
- dbr:Clíver_Alcalá_Cordones
- dbr:Cocaine
- dbr:Edwin_Lieuwen
- dbr:Elihu_Root
- dbr:Freddy_Bernal
- dbr:Generalissimo_Francisco_de_Miranda_Air_Base
- dbr:Miriam_Morandy
- dbr:NGO
- dbc:Corruption_in_South_America
- dbc:Crime_in_Venezuela_by_type
- dbr:Corruption
- dbr:Corruption_Perceptions_Index
- dbr:Crime_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Criminal_justice
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:The_Wall_Street_Journal
- dbr:The_Washington_Post
- dbr:1958_Venezuelan_coup_d'état
- dbr:2017_Venezuelan_protests
- dbr:2018_Venezuelan_presidential_election
- dbr:2019_shipping_of_humanitarian_aid_to_Venezuela
- dbr:Antonio_Guzmán_Blanco
- dbr:Luisa_Ortega_Díaz
- dbr:Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad
- dbr:Simon_Bolivar
- dbr:Simón_Bolívar
- dbr:Simón_Bolívar_International_Airport_(Venezuela)
- dbr:State_Sponsors_of_Terrorism_(U.S._list)
- dbr:Stratfor
- dbr:Álvaro_Uribe
- dbr:Frank_Underwood_(House_of_Cards)
- dbr:Plunder
- dbr:2002_Venezuelan_coup_d'état_attempt
- dbr:2004_Venezuelan_recall_referendum
- dbr:2006_Lebanon_War
- dbr:Banesco
- dbr:Brookings_Institution
- dbr:Bulgaria
- dbr:CNN
- dbr:Cato_Institute
- dbr:Ton
- dbr:Transparency_International
- dbr:Trump_Administration
- dbr:USD
- dbr:Drug_trafficking
- dbr:Crisis_in_Bolivarian_Venezuela
- dbr:Sectarianism
- dbr:2013_Venezuelan_presidential_election
- dbr:2014_Venezuelan_protests
- dbr:AMIA_bombing
- dbr:Acción_Democrática
- dbc:Politics_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Al_Qaeda
- dbr:Alex_Saab
- dbr:American_Enterprise_Institute
- dbr:2014–15_Venezuelan_protests
- dbr:Cuba
- dbr:Drug_Enforcement_Administration
- dbr:Eric_S._Rubin
- dbr:European_Central_Bank
- dbr:European_Union
- dbr:Eurozone
- dbr:FARC
- dbr:Fifth_Republic_Movement
- dbr:Foreign_Policy
- dbr:Fox_News_Sunday
- dbr:Nicolás_Maduro
- dbr:Nicolás_Maduro_Guerra
- dbr:Nueva_Esparta
- dbr:Diplomatic_immunity
- dbr:Luis_Tascón
- dbr:Rule_of_law
- dbr:2015_Venezuelan_parliamentary_election
- dbr:Greg_Palast
- dbr:Group_of_States_Against_Corruption
- dbr:Haiti
- dbr:Hassan_Nasrallah
- dbr:Henry_Rangel_Silva
- dbr:Hezbollah
- dbr:International_Anti-Corruption_Academy
- dbr:International_Institute_for_Strategic_Studies
- dbr:Interpol
- dbr:Iran
- dbr:Jaime_Lusinchi
- dbr:Tareck_El_Aissami
- dbr:The_Atlantic
- dbc:Corruption_by_country
- dbr:Aristóbulo_Istúriz
- dbr:Aruba
- dbr:Chavismo
- dbc:Corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Joaquín_Crespo
- dbr:Karl_Marx
- dbr:Leamsy_Salazar
- dbr:Birth_certificate
- dbr:Supreme_Tribunal_of_Justice_(Venezuela)
- dbr:Syria
- dbr:Colectivo_(Venezuela)
- dbr:El_Espectador
- dbr:Jackson_Diehl
- dbr:White_people
- dbr:Diosdado_Cabello
- dbr:Assistant_Secretary_of_State_for_Western_Hemisphere_Affairs
- dbr:Manuel_Piar
- dbr:Marcos_Pérez_Jiménez
- dbr:Mariño_Municipality,_Nueva_Esparta
- dbr:Bolivarian_propaganda
- dbr:Cabello
- dbr:Port-au-Prince
- dbr:Portugal
- dbr:DISIP
- dbr:ISO_37001
- dbr:Miami,_Florida
- dbr:Middle_East
- dbr:Mike_Pompeo
- dbr:National_Assembly_(Venezuela)
- dbr:National_Pantheon_of_Venezuela
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:Nicaragua
- dbr:OECD_Anti-Bribery_Convention
- dbr:Oficina_Nacional_Antidrogas
- dbr:Organization_of_American_States
- dbr:Rafael_Isea
- dbr:Ramón_Rodríguez_Chacín
- dbr:Semana
- dbr:Juan_Vincente_Gomez
- dbr:Dirección_de_Inteligencia_Militar
- dbr:InSight_Crime
- dbr:Money_laundering
- dbr:Organized_Crime_and_Corruption_Reporting_Project
- dbr:Raul_Reyes
- dbr:Ghazi_Nasr_Al-Din
- dbr:Tal_Cual
- dbr:Witness_protection
- dbr:Rodrigo_Granda_affair
- dbr:TVes
- dbr:PDVAL
- dbr:Ramon_Rodriguez_Chacin
- dbr:Bolivarian_National_Guard
- dbr:Drug_kingpin
- dbr:Persona_non-grata
- dbr:Base_of_operations
- dbr:Step_son
- dbr:Investbank
- dbr:Petróleos_de_Venezuela
- dbr:2004_Venezuela_recall
- dbr:Civil_justice
- dbr:Cristina_Kirchner
- dbr:Guerrilla_tactics
- dbr:Mexican_drug_cartel
- dbr:Maiquetia_International_Airport
- dbr:Vladimir_Padrino
- dbr:Colombian_government
- dbr:File:Flag_of_Venezuela.svg
- dbr:Bernardo_Alvarez
- dbr:CICPC
- dbr:Nestor_Reverol
- dbr:Shell_companies
- dbr:US_intelligence
- dbr:TAP-Air_Portugal
- dbr:Radosveta_Vassileva
- dbr:File:Raulreyesfarc.png
- dbr:File:Carnet_de_la_Patria.png
- dbr:Ramón_Escovar_Salom
- dbr:File:Operemm-2.jpg
- dbr:File:Corrupt_Venezuelan_Regime.pdf
- dbr:File:Narcosobrinos_arrest.jpg
- dbr:Bloomberg_Markets_Magazine
- dbr:File:Cabello,_Maduro,_Flores.jpg
- dbr:File:Caja_CLAP.jpg
- dbr:File:Marcos_Pérez_Jiménez_house.jpg
- dbr:File:Misael_López_Soto_Passport_document.jpg
- dbr:File:Panorama_Le_Tout-Paris_(10).jpg
- dbr:File:TI_Corruption_score_Venezuela.png
- dbr:Pro_Calidad_de_Vida
- dbr:RECADI
- dbr:Ruth_Capriles
- left (en)
- right (en)
- 2019-05-09 (xsd:date)
- Never has a country that should have been so rich been so poor ... It's a gangster state that doesn't know how to do anything other than sell drugs and steal money for itself ... Venezuela is the answer to what would happen if an economically illiterate drug cartel took over a country. This corruption hasn't just enriched the few. It has also impoverished the many. (en)
- Drew Sullivan, co-founder of OCCRP (en)
- Matt O'Brien of The Washington Post, 2016 (en)
- "It's been a big year for Maduro ... I think this year has been the tipping point and his negligence, incompetence and corruption are the cause. When a country's leader can watch his people starve and still oversee a government stealing $70 billion a year all while his family deals drugs, it's a special kind of evil. He deserves this prize. (en)
- 250 (xsd:integer)
- 260 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Latin_America_topic
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_web
- dbt:Further
- dbt:Interlanguage_link_multi
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Quote_box
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Sic
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Webarchive
- dbt:Political_corruption_sidebar
- dbt:Unreliable_inline
- dbc:Corruption_in_South_America
- dbc:Crime_in_Venezuela_by_type
- dbc:Politics_of_Venezuela
- dbc:Corruption_by_country
- dbc:Corruption_in_Venezuela
- يعتبر مستوى الفساد في فنزويلا مرتفعًا جدًا وفقًا للمعايير العالمية وهو منتشر في العديد من مستويات المجتمع الفنزويلي. أدى اكتشاف النفط في فنزويلا في أوائل القرن العشرين إلى تفاقم الفساد السياسي. أدى الكم الهائل من الفساد وسوء الإدارة في البلاد إلى صعوبات اقتصادية شديدة، وهي جزء من الأزمة في فنزويلا البوليفارية. يصنف مؤشر مدركات الفساد لعام 2019 الصادر عن منظمة الشفافية الدولية البلاد في المرتبة 173 من بين 180 دولة. (ar)
- Venezuela zählte Transparency International zufolge 2015 zu den korruptesten Ländern der Welt. (de)
- La corrupción en Venezuela se considera alta para los estándares mundiales y es prevalente en todos los niveles de la escala social venezolana, y particularmente en el poder judicial, donde incluso la corrupción se ha dolarizado. En el caso particular de Venezuela, el descubrimiento del petróleo a principios del siglo XX, ha empeorado la corrupción pública y privada. Aunque la corrupción es una variable difícil de medir fiablemente, Transparencia Internacional (de sus siglas en inglés TNI) actualmente posiciona a Venezuela entre los 20 países más corruptos del mundo. (es)
- The level of corruption in Venezuela is very high by world standards and is prevalent throughout many levels of Venezuelan society. Discovery of oil in Venezuela in the early 20th century has worsened political corruption. The large amount of corruption and mismanagement in the country has resulted in severe economic difficulties, part of the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela. According to Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perception Index, Venezuela scored a 14 on a scale from 0 ("highly corrupt") to 100 ("highly clean"). When ranked by score, Venezuela ranks number 177 among the 180 countries in the Index, where the country ranked number 1 is perceived to have the most honest public sector. (en)
- Corruption in Venezuela (en)
- الفساد في فنزويلا (ar)
- Korruption in Venezuela (de)
- Corrupción en Venezuela (es)
- wikidata:Corruption in Venezuela
- dbpedia-ar:Corruption in Venezuela
- dbpedia-de:Corruption in Venezuela
- dbpedia-es:Corruption in Venezuela
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Cabello,_Maduro,_Flores.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Narcosobrinos_arrest.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Raulreyesfarc.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Operemm-2.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Flag_of_Venezuela.svg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Marcos_Pérez_Jiménez_house.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Misael_López_Soto_Passport_document.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Carnet_de_la_Patria.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Panorama_Le_Tout-Paris_(10).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/TI_Corruption_score_Venezuela.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Caja_CLAP.jpg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:History_of_corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Judicial_corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Police_corruption_in_Venezuela
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:History_of_corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Hyperinflation_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Judicial_corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:United_States_of_America_v._Campo_and_Flores
- dbr:Venezuela
- dbr:Venezuela_Defense_of_Human_Rights_and_Civil_Society_Act_of_2014
- dbr:Violence_against_women_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Crisis_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Corruption
- dbr:Anti-Drug_National_Command
- dbr:Local_Committees_for_Supply_and_Production
- dbr:Democratic_backsliding_by_country
- dbr:COVID-19_pandemic_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Ministry_of_Interior,_Justice_and_Peace_(Venezuela)
- dbr:2014_Venezuelan_protests
- dbr:Alí_Domínguez
- dbr:Fifth_Republic_of_Venezuela
- dbr:Foreign_policy_of_the_Joe_Biden_administration
- dbr:Gustavo_González_López
- dbr:Bolibourgeoisie
- dbr:Police_corruption_in_Venezuela
- dbr:Operación_Alacrán
- dbr:Refugee_crisis
- dbr:Ghazi_Nasr_Al-Din
- dbr:United_States_sanctions
is rdfs:seeAlso of
is foaf:primaryTopic of