Dalida discography (original) (raw)
- Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der französische Sängerin italienischer Abstammung Dalida. Sie verkaufte etwa 140 Millionen Schallplatten weltweit. Ihre erfolgreichste Veröffentlichung ist das Studioalbum Les années Orlando Vol. 4 – J’attendrai mit über 400.000 verkauften Einheiten. (de)
- The repertoire of the Italian-French singer Dalida includes no less than 700 songs that have led her to record in 11 languages. She signed her first contract with the Barlcay record company on May 2, 1956 and found success with Bambino, which sold 175,000 copies. From 1957 to 1961, she became the biggest record seller in France. Dalida met her first million records sold with the song Le jour où la pluie viendra (Am Tag Als Der Regen Kam for the German version) released in 1958. Twelve years later, she created with her brother her own label called International Show. Her records were initially distributed by Sonopresse (with which she sold nearly 4,600,000 records in the first four years) then by Carrere in 1978. From 1987, many records were released under various additional labels: East-West, PolyGram, Universal. From her death on May 3, 1987 to 2012, Dalida will have certified no less than 2,510,000 sales in France with announced global sales of 8,000,000 for the same period, including 1.2 million made in 1997 alone. Awarded by labels and competent bodies, Dalida will have received no less than 70 gold, platinum and diamond records for her sales in Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and Benelux. Due to an international career led, she ranked in many hit parades around the world appearing in the rankings in Belgium 112 times (Flanders and Wallonia), 104 times in France, 62 times in Canada, 17 times in Italy, 16 times in Switzerland, 12 times in Turkey, 9 times in Spain, 7 times in Argentina, 5 times in the Netherlands, 4 times in Germany, 3 times in Poland, 2 times in Japan, Brazil, Israel, and once in Austria, Mexico and Portugal. In the United States, she also appeared twice jointly with other artists in the Cash Box top 100 (Best Selling Tunes on Records list) between 1958 and 1959. To this can be added sales in certain countries which did not then have sales rankings such as Lebanon, Russia, Eastern European countries (especially Czechoslovakia) and African countries, where the singer has cumulatively sold several million records. (en)
- Cet article contient la discographie de Dalida, chanteuse française issue d'une famille italienne installée en Égypte. Durant plus de 30 ans de carrière, elle interprète plus de 700 chansons en plusieurs langues dont l'anglais, l'allemand, l'arabe égyptien, l'arabe libanais, l'espagnol, le français, l'hébreux, l'italien, le grec ou encore le japonais. Selon sa maison de disques Universal Music et le site officiel, Dalida vend de son vivant à partir de 1956 120 millions de disques à travers le monde et 20 millions depuis sa mort. Entre 1957 et sa mort, suivant les classements disponibles et publics, Dalida classe 70 singles dans le Top20 français et en créant plusieurs scènes à l'étranger, elle classe 95 singles en Wallonie durant la période allant de 1957 à 1977, 30 en Italie, 11 en Espagne, 10 en Flandre, 4 en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas et en Autriche, 1 en Suisse alémanique ainsi qu'au Portugal, 11 en Amérique Latine, 17 en Asie et plus de 60 au Québec. (fr)
- Questa voce elenca la discografia di Dalida dal 1956 ad 1987 (anno della sua morte), composta da 38 album in studio, oltre 80 compilation, 1 colonna sonora, 4 album dal vivo, 80 EP, 106 singoli di corrente principale e 200 singoli promozionali. (it)
- http://artisteschartsventes.blogspot.com/p/archives-rtl-part-1.html%3Fm=1
- http://dalidaideal.blogspot.com/2019/03/israel-salma-ya-salama-23-monday.html
- http://www.sylvissima.com/chanson-francaise-au-japon/les-hit-parades-page-3
- https://www.ukmix.org/showthread.php%3F103488-French-charts-Music-Hall-magazine-1955-1959
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C0LR9xgWIKE/XIxTEcrE47I/AAAAAAAAALU/fm79ZiS-FbYBcx06-3vQqVbg9t4coELlACLcBGAs/s1600/y_85da63d1.jpg
- https://www.offiziellecharts.de/suche
- https://www.ultratop.be/fr/artist/Dalida
- http://www.hitparadeitalia.it/hp_yends/index.html
- http://www.hitparadeitalia.it/indici/per_anno/index.html
- http://www.banq.qc.ca/collections/collections_patrimoniales/musique/collection_numerique/bd_specialisee/palmares/
- http://artisteschartsventes.blogspot.com/2014/12/dalida.html
- http://artisteschartsventes.blogspot.com/p/hit-parade-rmc.html%3Fm=1
- https://www.ukmix.org/showthread.php%3F97269-La-Bourse-des-Chansons-(French-sheet-music-charts-1955-1961)
- https://books.google.fr/books%3Fid=QA8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA60&lpg=PA60&dq=mamy+blue+dalida+billboard+italy+1971&source=bl&ots=g7jCJNIe1X&sig=ACfU3U1yNYzXJziRCon-rXyOryNiJerORw&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg08Cx9OHgAhWu34UKHX4BA2YQ6AEwE3oECAgQAQ%23v=onepage&q=dalida&f=false
- https://books.google.hr/books%3Fid=4ScEAAAAMBAJ&pg=RA1-PA66&lpg=RA1-PA66&dq=toute+press+dalida&source=bl&ots=bd0wLxtYiE&sig=ACfU3U0nh4hQ9zYZXMbsIp0xaUDVKRNb6w&hl=hr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ8r3J8bvoAhWG_qQKHS3UBVYQ6AEwG3oECAYQAQ%23v=onepage&q=dalida&f=false
- https://books.google.hr/books%3Fid=T0UEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=toute+press+dalida&source=bl&ots=Bn1xWI6Lnw&sig=ACfU3U1GAn_S_MDUkJ1eVfcL66uLfSNQvg&hl=hr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ8r3J8bvoAhWG_qQKHS3UBVYQ6AEwGXoECAUQAQ%23v=onepage&q=dalida&f=false
- https://books.google.hr/books%3Fid=lx0EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA12&dq=dalida&hl=hr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFmoOfpcTqAhUKrosKHbjyD0gQ6AEwAnoECAIQAg%23v=onepage&q=dalida&f=false
- https://dutchcharts.nl/search.asp%3Fsearch=dalida&cat=s
- dbr:Canada
- dbr:Carrere_Records
- dbc:Discographies_of_Egyptian_artists
- dbr:Milord
- dbr:Olympia_71
- dbr:Olympia_77
- dbr:Olympia_81
- dbr:Julien_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Belgium
- dbr:Benelux
- dbr:Brazil
- dbr:Pensiamoci_ogni_sera
- dbr:Un_po'_d'amore
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:Universal_Music_Group
- dbr:De_"Bambino"_à_"Il_silenzio"
- dbr:Canta_in_Italiano_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:J'attendrai_(album)
- dbr:Russia
- dbr:Elle,_lui_et_l'autre....
- dbc:Discographies_of_Italian_artists
- dbr:Germany
- dbr:Gondolier_(album)
- dbr:Mondialement_vôtre
- dbc:Dalida
- dbr:Les_Gitans
- dbr:Les_enfants_du_Pirée
- dbr:Loin_de_moi
- dbr:Love_Theme_from_The_Godfather
- dbr:Love_in_Portofino
- dbr:Love_in_Portofino_(album)
- dbr:Ma_mère_me_disait
- dbr:Femme_est_la_nuit
- dbr:Dalida_au_Palais_des_Sports_1980
- dbr:Les_p'tits_mots
- dbr:Austria
- dbr:Bambino_(song)
- dbr:Barclay_(record_label)
- dbc:Discographies_of_French_artists
- dbr:Turkey
- dbr:Le_visage_de_l'amour
- dbr:Olympia_74
- dbr:Czechoslovakia
- dbr:Dali_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Dalida
- dbr:Dalida_internationale
- dbr:Darla_dirladada
- dbr:Dédié_à_toi
- dbr:East_West_Records
- dbr:France
- dbr:Amore_scusami_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Israel
- dbr:Italy
- dbr:Japan
- dbr:Coup_de_chapeau_au_passé
- dbr:Argentina
- dbc:Pop_music_discographies
- dbr:Le_disque_d'or_de_Dalida
- dbr:Le_petit_Gonzales
- dbr:Le_temps_des_fleurs
- dbr:Lebanon
- dbr:Switzerland
- dbr:Piccolo_ragazzo
- dbr:Poland
- dbr:PolyGram
- dbr:Portugal
- dbr:Son_nom_est_Dalida
- dbr:Spain
- dbr:Special_Dalida
- dbr:Eux
- dbr:Il_faut_du_temps
- dbr:Il_silenzio
- dbr:Mexico
- dbr:Miguel_(album)
- dbr:Netherlands
- dbr:Olympia_67
- dbr:Une_vie_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Salma_ya_salama
- dbr:Ils_ont_changé_ma_chanson
- dbr:Gigi_in_Paradisco
- dbr:Manuel_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Sonopresse
- dbr:African_countries
- dbr:Rendezvous_mit_Dalida
- dbr:International_Show_Records
- dbr:Paroles..._paroles...
- dbr:Cash_Box_Top_100
- dbr:The_heart_of_France
- dbr:Am_Tag_als_der_Regen_kam
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 38 (xsd:integer)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 106 (xsd:integer)
- 200 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:Discographies_of_Egyptian_artists
- dbc:Discographies_of_Italian_artists
- dbc:Dalida
- dbc:Discographies_of_French_artists
- dbc:Pop_music_discographies
- Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der französische Sängerin italienischer Abstammung Dalida. Sie verkaufte etwa 140 Millionen Schallplatten weltweit. Ihre erfolgreichste Veröffentlichung ist das Studioalbum Les années Orlando Vol. 4 – J’attendrai mit über 400.000 verkauften Einheiten. (de)
- Questa voce elenca la discografia di Dalida dal 1956 ad 1987 (anno della sua morte), composta da 38 album in studio, oltre 80 compilation, 1 colonna sonora, 4 album dal vivo, 80 EP, 106 singoli di corrente principale e 200 singoli promozionali. (it)
- The repertoire of the Italian-French singer Dalida includes no less than 700 songs that have led her to record in 11 languages. She signed her first contract with the Barlcay record company on May 2, 1956 and found success with Bambino, which sold 175,000 copies. From 1957 to 1961, she became the biggest record seller in France. Dalida met her first million records sold with the song Le jour où la pluie viendra (Am Tag Als Der Regen Kam for the German version) released in 1958. Twelve years later, she created with her brother her own label called International Show. Her records were initially distributed by Sonopresse (with which she sold nearly 4,600,000 records in the first four years) then by Carrere in 1978. From 1987, many records were released under various additional labels: East-We (en)
- Cet article contient la discographie de Dalida, chanteuse française issue d'une famille italienne installée en Égypte. Durant plus de 30 ans de carrière, elle interprète plus de 700 chansons en plusieurs langues dont l'anglais, l'allemand, l'arabe égyptien, l'arabe libanais, l'espagnol, le français, l'hébreux, l'italien, le grec ou encore le japonais. Selon sa maison de disques Universal Music et le site officiel, Dalida vend de son vivant à partir de 1956 120 millions de disques à travers le monde et 20 millions depuis sa mort. (fr)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:A_ma_maniere...
- dbr:A_ma_maniere..._(album)
- dbr:A_ma_maniere_(album)
- dbr:Les_Années_Orlando_:_1970-1997
- dbr:Canta_in_Italiano_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:L'an_2005
- dbr:Elle,_lui_et_l'autre....
- dbr:Le_sixième_jour_(album)
- dbr:The_Best_of_Dalida,_Vol._2
- dbr:Les_Années_Orlando:_Versions_Originales_1970-1997
- dbr:Love_in_Portofino
- dbr:Love_in_Portofino_(album)
- dbr:Été_80
- dbr:Dalida_Canta_in_Italiano
- dbr:Dalida_Discography
- dbr:Tigani_bi_arab
- dbr:Le_sixième_jour
- dbr:Sings_in_Italian_for_You
- dbr:La_violetera_/_Le_torrent_/_Gitane_/_Fado
- dbr:Rendez-vous_mit_Dalida
- dbr:The_Queen_(Dalida_album)
- dbr:Son_nom_est_Dalida
- dbr:Eux
- dbr:In_Deutsch
- dbr:Chart_History_of_Dalida
- dbr:Comme_si_j'etais_la...
- dbr:Comme_si_j'etais_la..._(album)
- dbr:Comme_si_j'étais_là...
- dbr:Le_disque_d'or_du_Mundial_'82
- dbr:The_Best_of_Dalida
- dbr:Le_rêve_oriental
- dbr:Les_Années_Barclay_:_1956-1970
- dbr:Olympia_1959
- dbr:Sempre_più
- dbr:Les_Annees_Barclay_:_1956-1970
- dbr:Les_Annees_Disco
- dbr:Les_Annees_Orlando_:_1970-1997
- dbr:Les_Années_Disco
- dbr:Revolution_5°_du_nom
- dbr:Le_Temps_Des_Fleurs_(album)
- dbr:Le_reve_oriental
- dbr:Le_sixieme_jour
- dbr:Le_sixieme_jour_(album)
- dbr:Le_sixieme_jour_(single)
- dbr:À_ma_manière...
- dbr:The_best_of_dalida
- dbr:Rendezvous_mit_Dalida
- dbr:À_ma_manière_(album)
- dbr:Dalida_albums_discography
- dbr:Dalida_singles_discography
- dbr:L'an_2005_(album)
- dbr:Les_Années_Orlando:_Versions_Originales_1970–1997
- dbr:Eux_(album)
- dbr:Sempre_piu
- dbr:Dalida_extended_plays_discography
- dbr:The_heart_of_France
- dbr:Chart_history_of_Dalida
- dbr:À_ma_manière..._(album)
- dbr:Le_sixième_jour_(single)
- dbr:Sings_in_Italian_for_you
- dbr:Comme_si_j'étais_là..._(album)
- dbr:Sempre_piu'
- dbr:Olympia_59