Square Enix Europe (original) (raw)
- سكوير إنكس يورب (بالإنجليزية: Square Enix Europe)، هي شركة ألعاب فيديو بريطانية تابعة لشركة سكوير إنكس اليابانية، أسست سنة 1984 تحت مسمى أنتروكراون ليمتد، تقع مقر الشركة الفرعية في العاصمة البريطانية لندن، اشتهرت بإنتاج سلاسل تومب رايدر. (ar)
- Square Enix Limited (obchodním názvem Square Enix Europe; dříve Domark Limited a Eidos Interactive Limited) je britský , který je evropskou dceřinou společností japonské videoherní skupiny Square Enix. Řídí studia Square Enix Western a vydavatelskou divizi Square Enix External Studios a spravuje iniciativu nezávislých tvůrců . Square Enix Ltd. provozuje svoji činnost v Evropě a dalších zemích regionu PAL, přičemž Square Enix Inc. (Square Enix America, jež sídlí v Los Angeles) působí v Americe. Obě dvě společnosti však mají stejného CEO, Philipa Rogerse, a další výkonné ředitele. Eidos Interactive Ltd. byl britský videoherní vydavatel, který sídlil ve , v Londýně. Měl ale i pobočky po celém světě a to například ve Spojených státech, Kanadě, Německu, Francii, Austrálii nebo Japonsku. Společnost je nejvíce známa díky videoherním sériím mezi které patří například Tomb Raider, Hitman, Commandos, Deus Ex, Legacy of Kain, Thief, a . Dne 22. dubna 2009 se Eidos oficiálně stal součástí Square Enix. Následovaly změny ve vedení společnosti, kdy japonský vydavatel Square Enix spojil Eidos s jeho evropskou pobočkou Square Enix European a tím vznikla společnost . Přesto značka Eidos v současné době přežívá a to díky vývojářskému studiu Eidos Montreal.Též využívá dříve vlastněných vývojářských studií jako jsou Crystal Dynamics a . (cs)
- Square Enix Limited, auch als Square Enix Europe bezeichnet, ist ein britisches Spielesoftwareunternehmen und ein Tochterunternehmen von Square Enix. Vor Übernahme durch Square Enix operierte das Unternehmen unter dem Namen SCi Entertainment Group und später Eidos plc. (de)
- Square Enix Europe Ltd (à l'origine Domark, puis Eidos Interactive) est un éditeur de jeux vidéo britannique. Les jeux les plus notables incluent Tomb Raider, L'Entraîneur, Commandos, The Nomad Soul, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Fear Effect, Dark Project, Hitman, Deus Ex. L'entreprise est rachetée par Sci Entertainment, un autre éditeur de jeux vidéo britannique, en avril 2005. En janvier 2009, Eidos Interactive ferme son studio à Manchester. En avril 2009, la firme est rachetée par Square Enix et à l'été 2009, Eidos devient officiellement Square Enix Europe. (fr)
- Square Enix Limited (formerly Domark Limited and Eidos Interactive Limited) is a British subsidiary of the Japanese video game company Square Enix, acting as their European publishing arm. The company formerly owned Tomb Raider, which was in development under CentreGold in 1996, and had acquired Crystal Dynamics in 1998, among numerous other assets, until 2022. Square Enix Limited and fellow group company Square Enix Incorporated shared "Phil" Rogers as CEO and other executives from 2013 to 2022. The company was founded as Domark in 1984 by Mark Strachan and Dominic Wheatley. In 1995, it was acquired by Eidos plc and merged with Simis and Big Red Software to create the subsidiary Eidos Interactive the following year. Ian Livingstone, who held a stake in Domark, became deputy chairman of Eidos and stayed in various roles, until his departure from the company in 2013. In 2005, Eidos plc was in turn acquired by British games publisher SCi. The combined company, SCi Entertainment Group, which was briefly renamed Eidos, was bought by Square Enix in 2009. In November 2009, Square Enix completed the merger of its existing European branch with Eidos Interactive, trading the resulting company as Square Enix Limited, which assumed the trade name Square Enix Europe. In August 2022, Embracer Group completed its acquisition of studios Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix Montréal and intellectual properties Tomb Raider, Deus Ex among other assets, with Rogers and management moving to Embracer. Square Enix Limited contains Square Enix's Western external publishing division, Square Enix External Studios, and indie initiative division, Square Enix Collective. It is headquartered in Southwark, London (Square Enix London) and has offices in Paris, France (Square Enix France) and Hamburg, Germany (Square Enix Germany). (en)
- 스퀘어 에닉스 유럽(영어: Square Enix Europe)은 영국의 비디오 게임 개발사이다. 일본의 비디오 게임 회사인 스퀘어 에닉스의 유럽 자회사 부문에 해당하는 회사이다. 프랑스 파리, 독일 함부르크, 인도 벵갈루루에 지사를 두고 있다. (ko)
- Square Enix Limited, formalmente conhecida como Square Enix Europe (abreviada como SEE ou SE Europe), é uma divisão de jogos eletrônicos da Square Enix baseada no Reino Unido em Southwark, Londres. É a área ocidental da empresa japonesa, que possui suas próprias franquias, além de distribui-las e publicar seus próprios produtos, bem como supervisiona, cuida e gerencia suas próprias subsidiárias ao redor do Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, China e Canadá. A empresa foi fundada como Domark em 1984 por Mark Strachan e Dominic Wheatley. Em 1995, a empresa foi adquirida pela Eidos e foi fundida com dois outros estúdios e renomeada Eidos Interactive no ano seguinte. A Eidos, por sua vez, foi adquirida pela SCi em 2005, e a Eidos Interactive foi vendida para a Square Enix em 2009. Em 9 de novembro de 2009, a Square Enix concluiu a fusão de sua filial europeia existente com a Eidos Interactive, renomeando a empresa resultante de Square Enix Europe. Com a consolidação das divisões Ocidentais da Square Enix, Square Enix Ltd. (Europa) e Square Enix, Inc. (América do Norte) são coletivamente referidas como Square Enix West. (pt)
- Square Enix Europe (dawniej Sales Curve Interactive, Eidos Interactive) – brytyjski wydawca gier wideo należący do Square Enix mający swoją siedzibę w Londynie. Square Enix Europe, kryjące się jeszcze wtedy pod swoją poprzednią nazwą Eidos plc, było spółką holdingową w grupie Eidos i właścicielem brytyjskiego wydawcy Eidos Interactive, odpowiedzialnego za takie serie gier jak Just Cause, Tomb Raider czy Hitman. Square Enix przejęło Eidos plc w lutym 2009 roku i połączyło ją ze Square Enix Europe formując jedną spółkę, która pełni funkcję wydawcy i zarządzającego studiami deweloperskimi, takimi jak Crystal Dynamics, IO Interactive, Beautiful Game Studios, Square Enix London Studios i Eidos Montreal. (pl)
- Square Enix Europe, tidigare känt som Eidos plc och SCI, var holdingbolaget för Eidosgruppen som innehöll den engelska datorspelsproducenten Eidos Interactive, som publicerat bland annat Tomb Raider och Hitman. Idag är det företaget som ansvarar för Square Enix's distribution av spel i Europa. Efter ett framgångsrikt övertagande av Square Enix som började gälla den 22 april 2009, avskrevs alla aktier i Eidos den 21 april 2009. En omorganisation av Square Enix europeiska verksamhet ledde till att företaget bytte namn från Eidos plc till Square Enix Europe. Man beslöt att alla nya produkter skulle publiceras av Square Enix och att tidigare skapade spel skulle fortsätta publiceras av Eidos Interactive. (sv)
- Square Enix Europe — британская компания, занимающаяся издательством видеоигр, дочерняя компания Square Enix. Главный офис компании расположен в Лондонском округе Уимблдон. Компания была образована в 2009 году путём приобретения и входящей в неё Eidos Interactive компанией Square Enix. Square Enix также получила дочерние студии Eidos Interactive и интеллектуальные права студий, включая медиафраншизы Tomb Raider, Thief и Deus Ex. В мае 2022 года Square Enix анонсировала продажу ряда тайтлов Square Enix Europe группе компаний Embracer Group за 300 млн долларов США, включая студии разработки Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, Square Enix Montreal и права на 50 наименований, включая франшизы Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief и Legacy of Kain. (ru)
- 史克威尔艾尼克斯有限(Square Enix Limited),以史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲(Square Enix Europe)从事商业活动,是史克威尔艾尼克斯持有的英国电子游戏软件发行商。史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲总部位于默頓區温布尔登的温布尔顿楼。 史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲的前身是现已结业的Eidos plc,是Eidos联合企业的控股公司,其中包括电子游戏发行商Eidos Interactive——负责《正当防卫》、《古墓丽影》和《杀手》等游戏。公司后来成为史克威尔艾尼克斯有限,同时Eidos Interactive将以史克威尔艾尼克斯的商标,销售发行Eidos和史克威尔艾尼克斯两方的游戏。在接管Eidos plc后,将Eidos澳大利亚销售权移交给和史克威尔艾尼克斯有销售协议的育碧澳大利亚。 在史克威尔艾尼克斯收购正式生效的前一天,即2009年4月21日,Eidos的股票正式摘牌。随着Eidos集团的重组,Eidos plc不再使用,之后所有原Eidos资产都在史克威尔艾尼克斯名下发行,Eidos Interactive现在是史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲的一部分。 (zh)
- dbc:Square_Enix
- dbr:Private_equity
- dbr:Project_I.G.I.
- dbr:Public_limited_company
- dbr:Putney
- dbr:Bath,_Somerset
- dbr:Battersea
- dbr:Beautiful_Game_Studios
- dbr:Big_Red_Software
- dbr:Bono
- dbr:Derby
- dbr:Deus_Ex
- dbr:John_Riccitiello
- dbr:Video_compression
- dbr:Video_game_industry
- dbr:Intellectual_property
- dbc:Video_game_development_companies
- dbr:Copenhagen
- dbr:Core_Design
- dbr:Crystal_Dynamics
- dbr:SCi_Games
- dbr:Chief_executive_officer
- dbr:Chief_marketing_officer
- dbr:Chief_operating_officer
- dbr:Eidos-Montréal
- dbr:Eidos_Hungary
- dbr:Electronic_Arts
- dbr:Elevation_Partners
- dbr:Embracer_Group
- dbr:Money_creation
- dbr:Montreal
- dbc:Eidos
- dbr:Life_Is_Strange_(series)
- dbr:London
- dbr:London_Borough_of_Southwark
- dbr:MCV/Develop
- dbr:Manchester
- dbr:Silicon_Dreams_Studio
- dbr:File:Domark_logo.png
- dbr:Austin,_Texas
- dbr:Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender_(franchise)
- dbr:Budapest
- dbc:1984_establishments_in_England
- dbr:Tomb_Raider
- dbr:Tomb_Raider:_Anniversary
- dbr:Tomb_Raider_(1996_video_game)
- dbr:Tomb_Raider_Reloaded
- dbr:Toys_for_Bob
- dbr:U.S._Gold
- dbr:U2
- dbr:Warner_Bros.
- dbr:Wimbledon,_London
- dbr:Just_Cause_(video_game_series)
- dbr:Adderbury
- dbc:Video_game_companies_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:British_companies_established_in_1984
- dbr:Dallas
- dbr:Bankruptcy
- dbr:Novato,_California
- dbr:Outriders_(video_game)
- dbr:Paris
- dbr:Video_game_publisher
- dbr:Hamburg
- dbr:Hard_Drivin'
- dbr:Ion_Storm
- dbr:Subsidiary
- dbr:Ars_Technica
- dbr:Atod
- dbc:2009_mergers_and_acquisitions
- dbc:Video_game_companies_established_in_1984
- dbc:British_subsidiaries_of_foreign_companies
- dbc:Companies_based_in_the_London_Borough_of_Southwark
- dbr:Pivotal_Games
- dbr:Sports_Interactive
- dbr:Square_(video_game_company)
- dbr:Square_Enix
- dbr:Square_Enix_Montreal
- dbr:Square_Enix_Montréal
- dbr:IO_Interactive
- dbr:Ian_Livingstone
- dbr:Indie_game
- dbr:Kuju_(company)
- dbr:Rebellion_Developments
- dbr:Redwood_City,_California
- dbr:Championship_Manager
- dbr:Seattle
- dbr:Shanghai
- dbr:Sherbrooke
- dbr:Stephen_B._Streater
- dbr:Eureka!_(video_game)
- dbr:Trade_name
- dbr:Square_Enix_Collective
- dbr:PAL_territories
- dbr:SCi_Entertainment
- dbr:Gearbox_Entertainment
- dbr:Deputy_chairman
- dbr:File:Eidos_logo.svg
- dbt:Life_Is_Strange
- dbt:Tomb_Raider_series
- dbt:Anchor
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Cite_magazine
- dbt:Efn
- dbt:Infobox_company
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Navboxes
- dbt:Notelist
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Section_link
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Start_date_and_age
- dbt:USD
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:GBP
- dbt:Square_Enix_franchises
- dbt:Championship_Manager
- dbt:Deus_Ex
- dbt:Gex_series
- dbt:Just_Cause
- dbt:Legacy_of_Kain_series
- dbt:Thief_series
- dbt:Square_Enix
- dbc:Square_Enix
- dbc:Video_game_development_companies
- dbc:Eidos
- dbc:1984_establishments_in_England
- dbc:Video_game_companies_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:British_companies_established_in_1984
- dbc:2009_mergers_and_acquisitions
- dbc:Video_game_companies_established_in_1984
- dbc:British_subsidiaries_of_foreign_companies
- dbc:Companies_based_in_the_London_Borough_of_Southwark
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Company
- schema:Organization
- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
- dbo:Agent
- wikidata:Q24229398
- wikidata:Q43229
- wikidata:Q4830453
- yago:WikicatCompaniesBasedInLondon
- yago:WikicatCompaniesBasedInMerton
- yago:WikicatCompaniesEstablishedIn1988
- yago:WikicatVideoGameCompaniesEstablishedIn1988
- yago:WikicatVideoGameCompaniesOfTheUnitedKingdom
- yago:WikicatVideoGameDevelopmentCompanies
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Company108058098
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Institution108053576
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- سكوير إنكس يورب (بالإنجليزية: Square Enix Europe)، هي شركة ألعاب فيديو بريطانية تابعة لشركة سكوير إنكس اليابانية، أسست سنة 1984 تحت مسمى أنتروكراون ليمتد، تقع مقر الشركة الفرعية في العاصمة البريطانية لندن، اشتهرت بإنتاج سلاسل تومب رايدر. (ar)
- Square Enix Limited, auch als Square Enix Europe bezeichnet, ist ein britisches Spielesoftwareunternehmen und ein Tochterunternehmen von Square Enix. Vor Übernahme durch Square Enix operierte das Unternehmen unter dem Namen SCi Entertainment Group und später Eidos plc. (de)
- Square Enix Europe Ltd (à l'origine Domark, puis Eidos Interactive) est un éditeur de jeux vidéo britannique. Les jeux les plus notables incluent Tomb Raider, L'Entraîneur, Commandos, The Nomad Soul, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Fear Effect, Dark Project, Hitman, Deus Ex. L'entreprise est rachetée par Sci Entertainment, un autre éditeur de jeux vidéo britannique, en avril 2005. En janvier 2009, Eidos Interactive ferme son studio à Manchester. En avril 2009, la firme est rachetée par Square Enix et à l'été 2009, Eidos devient officiellement Square Enix Europe. (fr)
- 스퀘어 에닉스 유럽(영어: Square Enix Europe)은 영국의 비디오 게임 개발사이다. 일본의 비디오 게임 회사인 스퀘어 에닉스의 유럽 자회사 부문에 해당하는 회사이다. 프랑스 파리, 독일 함부르크, 인도 벵갈루루에 지사를 두고 있다. (ko)
- Square Enix Europe (dawniej Sales Curve Interactive, Eidos Interactive) – brytyjski wydawca gier wideo należący do Square Enix mający swoją siedzibę w Londynie. Square Enix Europe, kryjące się jeszcze wtedy pod swoją poprzednią nazwą Eidos plc, było spółką holdingową w grupie Eidos i właścicielem brytyjskiego wydawcy Eidos Interactive, odpowiedzialnego za takie serie gier jak Just Cause, Tomb Raider czy Hitman. Square Enix przejęło Eidos plc w lutym 2009 roku i połączyło ją ze Square Enix Europe formując jedną spółkę, która pełni funkcję wydawcy i zarządzającego studiami deweloperskimi, takimi jak Crystal Dynamics, IO Interactive, Beautiful Game Studios, Square Enix London Studios i Eidos Montreal. (pl)
- 史克威尔艾尼克斯有限(Square Enix Limited),以史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲(Square Enix Europe)从事商业活动,是史克威尔艾尼克斯持有的英国电子游戏软件发行商。史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲总部位于默頓區温布尔登的温布尔顿楼。 史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲的前身是现已结业的Eidos plc,是Eidos联合企业的控股公司,其中包括电子游戏发行商Eidos Interactive——负责《正当防卫》、《古墓丽影》和《杀手》等游戏。公司后来成为史克威尔艾尼克斯有限,同时Eidos Interactive将以史克威尔艾尼克斯的商标,销售发行Eidos和史克威尔艾尼克斯两方的游戏。在接管Eidos plc后,将Eidos澳大利亚销售权移交给和史克威尔艾尼克斯有销售协议的育碧澳大利亚。 在史克威尔艾尼克斯收购正式生效的前一天,即2009年4月21日,Eidos的股票正式摘牌。随着Eidos集团的重组,Eidos plc不再使用,之后所有原Eidos资产都在史克威尔艾尼克斯名下发行,Eidos Interactive现在是史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲的一部分。 (zh)
- Square Enix Limited (obchodním názvem Square Enix Europe; dříve Domark Limited a Eidos Interactive Limited) je britský , který je evropskou dceřinou společností japonské videoherní skupiny Square Enix. Řídí studia Square Enix Western a vydavatelskou divizi Square Enix External Studios a spravuje iniciativu nezávislých tvůrců . Square Enix Ltd. provozuje svoji činnost v Evropě a dalších zemích regionu PAL, přičemž Square Enix Inc. (Square Enix America, jež sídlí v Los Angeles) působí v Americe. Obě dvě společnosti však mají stejného CEO, Philipa Rogerse, a další výkonné ředitele. (cs)
- Square Enix Limited (formerly Domark Limited and Eidos Interactive Limited) is a British subsidiary of the Japanese video game company Square Enix, acting as their European publishing arm. The company formerly owned Tomb Raider, which was in development under CentreGold in 1996, and had acquired Crystal Dynamics in 1998, among numerous other assets, until 2022. Square Enix Limited and fellow group company Square Enix Incorporated shared "Phil" Rogers as CEO and other executives from 2013 to 2022. (en)
- Square Enix Europe, tidigare känt som Eidos plc och SCI, var holdingbolaget för Eidosgruppen som innehöll den engelska datorspelsproducenten Eidos Interactive, som publicerat bland annat Tomb Raider och Hitman. Idag är det företaget som ansvarar för Square Enix's distribution av spel i Europa. (sv)
- Square Enix Limited, formalmente conhecida como Square Enix Europe (abreviada como SEE ou SE Europe), é uma divisão de jogos eletrônicos da Square Enix baseada no Reino Unido em Southwark, Londres. É a área ocidental da empresa japonesa, que possui suas próprias franquias, além de distribui-las e publicar seus próprios produtos, bem como supervisiona, cuida e gerencia suas próprias subsidiárias ao redor do Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, China e Canadá. (pt)
- Square Enix Europe — британская компания, занимающаяся издательством видеоигр, дочерняя компания Square Enix. Главный офис компании расположен в Лондонском округе Уимблдон. Компания была образована в 2009 году путём приобретения и входящей в неё Eidos Interactive компанией Square Enix. Square Enix также получила дочерние студии Eidos Interactive и интеллектуальные права студий, включая медиафраншизы Tomb Raider, Thief и Deus Ex. (ru)
- سكوير إنكس يورب (ar)
- Square Enix Europe (en)
- Square Enix Europe (cs)
- Square Enix Europe (de)
- Square Enix Europe (fr)
- 스퀘어 에닉스 유럽 (ko)
- Square Enix Europe (pl)
- Square Enix Europe (pt)
- Square Enix Europe (ru)
- Square Enix Europe (sv)
- 史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲 (zh)
is dbo:publisher of
- dbr:Cake_Mania
- dbr:Project_Eden_(video_game)
- dbr:Project_I.G.I.
- dbr:Battlestations:_Midway
- dbr:Battlestations:_Pacific
- dbr:Blood_Omen_2
- dbr:Braveheart_(video_game)
- dbr:Deus_Ex:_Human_Revolution
- dbr:Deus_Ex:_Mankind_Divided
- dbr:Deus_Ex:_The_Fall
- dbr:Deus_Ex_(video_game)
- dbr:Hitman:_Absolution
- dbr:Hitman:_Sniper
- dbr:Hitman_Go
- dbr:Hydra_(video_game)
- dbr:Reservoir_Dogs_(video_game)
- dbr:Revenant_(video_game)
- dbr:Rise_of_the_Tomb_Raider
- dbr:Urban_Chaos
- dbr:Desert_Strike
- dbr:Crash_'n'_Burn_(2004_video_game)
- dbr:Gangsters:_Organized_Crime
- dbr:Gangsters_2
- dbr:Legacy_of_Kain:_Defiance
- dbr:Lego_Star_Wars:_The_Video_Game
- dbr:Life_Is_Strange:_True_Colors
- dbr:Life_Is_Strange_(video_game)
- dbr:Life_Is_Strange_2
- dbr:Mad_Dash_Racing
- dbr:Backyard_Wrestling:_Don't_Try_This_at_Home
- dbr:Backyard_Wrestling_2:_There_Goes_the_Neighborhood
- dbr:Three_Kingdoms:_Fate_of_the_Dragon
- dbr:Timeline_(video_game)
- dbr:Tomb_Raider_(2013_video_game)
- dbr:Tomb_Raider_Chronicles
- dbr:Walt_Disney_World_Quest:_Magical_Racing_Tour
- dbr:Abomination:_The_Nemesis_Project
- dbr:All_Zombies_Must_Die!
- dbr:Cutthroats:_Terror_on_the_High_Seas
- dbr:Fighting_Force
- dbr:Fighting_Force_2
- dbr:Flying_Nightmares
- dbr:Ninja:_Shadow_of_Darkness
- dbr:Outriders_(video_game)
- dbr:Legacy_of_Kain:_Dead_Sun
- dbr:The_Awesome_Adventures_of_Captain_Spirit
- dbr:Championship_Manager:_Season_99/00
- dbr:Just_Cause_2
- dbr:Just_Cause_3
- dbr:Just_Cause_4
- dbr:Kane_&_Lynch_2:_Dog_Days
- dbr:Lara_Croft:_Relic_Run
- dbr:Lara_Croft_Go
- dbr:Lara_Croft_and_the_Guardian_of_Light
- dbr:Lara_Croft_and_the_Temple_of_Osiris
- dbr:Sword_of_the_Berserk:_Guts'_Rage
- dbr:Sydney_2000_(video_game)
- dbr:Dominion:_Storm_Over_Gift_3
- dbr:Marvel's_Guardians_of_the_Galaxy
- dbr:Pony_Friends_2
- dbr:Mini_Ninjas
- dbr:Official_Formula_One_Racing
- dbr:Shadow_of_the_Tomb_Raider
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Fresh_Games
- dbr:Eidos,_Inc.
- dbr:Eidos_Interactive
- dbr:Eidos_Interactive_Ltd
- dbr:Eidos_Interactive_Ltd.
- dbr:Eidos_plc
- dbr:Domark_Software
- dbr:CentreGold
- dbr:Domark
- dbr:Domark_Software,_Inc.
- dbr:Domark_Software_Ltd.
- dbr:Domark_Group_Limited
- dbr:Square_Enix_Limited
- dbr:Eidos_New_Media
- dbr:Square_Enix_London
- dbr:Square_Enix_London_Studios
- dbr:Square_Enix_Ltd