French expedition to Sardinia (original) (raw)
- Das Gefecht bei La Maddalena wurde vom 22. bis zum 25. Februar 1793 im Nordosten Sardiniens zwischen den Revolutionsstreitkräften Frankreichs und Einheiten des Königreiches von Sardinien-Piemont ausgetragen. Auf französischer Seite kämpfte u. a. der spätere Kaiser der Franzosen, Napoléon Bonaparte. (de)
- The French expedition to Sardinia was a short military campaign fought in 1793 in the Mediterranean Sea in the first year of the War of the First Coalition, during the French Revolutionary Wars. The operation was the first offensive by the new French Republic in the Mediterranean during the conflict, and was directed at the island of Sardinia, part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Sardinia was neutral at the time, but immediately joined the anti-French coalition. The operation was a failure, with attacks directed at Cagliari in the south and La Maddalena in the north both ending in defeat. The operation was launched by the French Mediterranean Fleet, led by Contre-amiral Laurent Truguet, under instructions from the National Convention. The government had issued orders to invade Sardinia, strategically important to the Mediterranean, which they believed would bring an easy victory. Delays in assembling the invasion force gave the Sardinians sufficient time to raise an army, and when the French fleet arrived off the capital Cagliari, the Sardinians were ready. The first attack was dispersed by a gale, but the second went ahead on 22 January 1793. French troops subsequently landed on 11 February but were driven off in fighting at Quartu Sant'Elena. A subsequent attack on the island of La Maddalena off the northern coast of Sardinia also failed, partly due to deliberate sabotage by Corsican troops; it is most notable as the first military service of the Lieutenant Colonel Napoleon Bonaparte, later Emperor of France. On 25 May a Spanish fleet recaptured the small islands of San Pietro and Sant'Antioco, the last of the French garrisons on Sardinia. The legacies of the campaign included a series of popular revolts in Sardinia against the Savoyard rulers, a temporary breakaway of Corsica from France, and a rebellion at the French naval base of Toulon leading to the capture and near destruction of the entire French Mediterranean Fleet by a British Royal Navy fleet. (en)
- L’expédition de Sardaigne menée en février 1793 par les armées de la République française contre le Royaume de Sardaigne échoue rapidement face à la résistance sarde et entraîne la mise en accusation de Pascal Paoli, fondateur en 1755 de la République Corse, qui décide en 1794-1796 de s'allier avec les Anglais pour proclamer un seconde fois l'Indépendance de la Corse. (fr)
- サルデーニャ遠征(サルデーニャえんせい、フランス語: Expédition de Sardaigne)はフランス革命戦争中の1793年、地中海で行われた短期間の戦役。戦役は新生フランス共和国の地中海における初の攻勢であり、サルデーニャ王国領のサルデーニャ島をその標的としていた。サルデーニャは当時中立だったが、すぐに第一次対仏大同盟に参加した。戦役は大失敗に終わり、南のカリャリに対する攻撃も北のラ・マッダレーナに対する攻撃も敗北に終わった。 戦役は国民公会の指令により、率いるフランスの地中海艦隊が遂行した。フランス政府は地中海の戦略要地であったサルデーニャ島への侵攻命令を発しており、勝利は容易であると考えれていた。しかし侵攻軍の編成に手間取っている間にサルデーニャ人が軍を徴集、フランス艦隊が首都のカリャリ沖に到着した頃にはサルデーニャ人が準備を完了した。1回目の攻撃はで失敗したが、2回目は1793年1月22日に行われた。フランス軍は2月11日に上陸したがクアルトゥ・サンテーレナの戦闘に追い返された。 その後、サルデーニャ北岸のラ・マッダレーナ島への攻撃も失敗、コルシカ人部隊のサボタージュがその一因となっている。また、この戦闘がナポレオン・ボナパルト(後のフランス皇帝)の初戦闘となった。5月25日、サルデーニャ王国の艦隊はとサンタンティーオコ島を奪回、サルデーニャにおける最後のフランス駐留軍を追い出した。戦役の影響としては、、コルシカ島が一時的にフランスから独立、トゥーロンのフランス海軍基地での反乱、そしてイギリス海軍によりフランス地中海艦隊がほぼ全滅したことなどがある。 (ja)
- La spedizione francese in Sardegna (detta anche Spedizione o Cattura delle isole di San Pietro e Sant'Antioco) fu un breve conflitto in forma di campagna militare combattuto nel 1793 nel Mar Mediterraneo nel primo anno della Guerra della Prima Coalizione, nel corso delle Guerre rivoluzionarie francesi. L'operazione fu la prima azione offensiva perpetrata dalla neonata Repubblica Francese nel Mediterraneo e venne diretta verso l'isola della Sardegna, parte del Regno di Sardegna. La Sardegna era all'epoca neutrale, ma immediatamente aderì alla coalizione anti-francese. L'operazione si rivelò un totale fallimento, con attacchi diretti a Cagliari a sud ed a La Maddalena a nord che si conclusero entrambi con delle sconfitte. L'operazione venne lanciata dalla flotta francese nel Mediterraneo guidata dal contrammiraglio Laurent Truguet, su istruzioni della Convenzione Nazionale. Il governo aveva infatti dato l'ordine di invadere la Sardegna, strategicamente importante nel Mediterraneo, e tale campagna si prefiggeva essere breve e positiva per i francesi. Ritardi nell'assembramento delle forze diedero però il tempo ai sardi per organizzare il loro esercito e quando la flotta francese giunse al largo di Cagliari, la capitale, i sardi erano pronti a dar battaglia. Il primo attacco venne disperso da una burrasca, ma il secondo si tenne il 22 gennaio 1793. Le truppe francesi riuscirono a sbarcare l'11 febbraio ma vennero sconfitte in uno scontro armato presso Quartu Sant'Elena. Un successivo attacco all'Isola della Maddalena al largo della costa settentrionale della Sardegna fallì anch'esso, in parte per deliberato sabotaggio ad opera delle truppe corse; questo fu però un evento storico di grande importanza perché fu il primo conflitto armato che si trovò ad affrontare l'allora tenente colonnello Napoleone Bonaparte, poi imperatore dei francesi. Il 25 maggio una flotta spagnola riprese le piccole isole di San Pietro e Sant'Antioco, ultimi baluardi francesi in Sardegna. La campagna portò ad una serie di rivolte popolari in Sardegna contro i savoiardi, un temporaneo tentativo di distacco della Corsica dalla Francia ed una ribellione nella base navale francese di Tolone che portò alla cattura ed alla quasi distruzione della flotta del Mediterraneo francese ad opera della Royal Navy inglese. (it)
- 薩丁尼亞遠征是一場短暫爆發於地中海的戰爭,屬法國大革命戰爭的一部分。是次行動於1793年展開,正值第一次反法同盟戰爭的第一年;這場遠征亦是新成立的法蘭西第一共和國在該年的一系列戰役中,於地中海發動的首次入侵。這次行動的目標為薩丁尼亞島,屬於薩丁尼亞王國;當時薩丁尼亞仍屬中立,但很快就加入了反法同盟。遠征最終徹底失敗;法軍在南岸的卡利亞里和北岸對開的拉马达莱娜發動的攻勢均被化解。 受法國國民公會之命,是次行動由少將率領地中海艦隊執行。法國政府早前因應薩丁尼亞於地中海的重要戰略地位,已發出入侵薩丁尼亞的命令;他們相信這次行動將輕易取勝。但由於法軍在集結入侵艦隊上的延誤,得以利用充裕的時間召集一支陸軍;所以,當法國艦隊兵臨首都卡利亞里時,薩丁尼亞人已準備好予以痛擊。法軍的首度攻勢被風暴所阻,但次輪攻勢則順利在1793年1月22日展開;部隊隨後在2月11日登陸,但隨即在夸圖聖埃萊納的戰鬥中被擊退。 法軍隨後於北方的拉马达莱娜島發動攻勢,但同樣失敗。其中一個原因為科西嘉部隊造成的刻意破壞;值得注意的是,這場破壞行動是後來的法國皇帝拿破崙·波拿巴中尉首次參與的軍事行動。5月25日,西班牙艦隊收復聖彼得羅及聖安蒂奧科等小島,逐出薩丁尼亞島上最後的法國駐軍,戰爭結束。此戰影響深遠;除了帶來島上一系列反抗薩伏依王室的、並使科西嘉島短暫脫離法國獨立外,這場失敗的遠征亦誘使保皇黨於法國海軍基地土倫港發動叛亂,讓英國皇家海軍幾乎摧毀了整個法國地中海艦隊。 (zh)
- Minor
- France
- Spain
- 1792-12-21 (xsd:date)
- 1793-05-25 (xsd:date)
- Spanish-Sardinian victory
- 10,000
- 5,000
- Mediterranean Fleet
- 55361525 (xsd:integer)
- 18781 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1100817497 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Cagliari
- dbr:Cartagena,_Spain
- dbr:Castle_of_San_Michele
- dbr:Quartu_Sant'Elena
- dbr:Royal_Navy
- dbr:Samuel_Hood,_1st_Viscount_Hood
- dbr:Sant'Antioco
- dbr:Santo_Stefano_(island)
- dbr:Sardinia
- dbr:Sardinian_people
- dbr:Savoy
- dbr:Enlightenment_in_Spain
- dbr:Stamenti
- dbr:Battle_of_Famars
- dbr:Battle_of_Kaiserslautern
- dbc:Battles_involving_France
- dbr:House_of_Bonaparte
- dbr:House_of_Bourbon
- dbr:House_of_Savoy
- dbr:Juan_de_Lángara
- dbr:Reign_of_Terror
- dbr:Republicanism
- dbr:Victor_Amadeus_III_of_Sardinia
- dbr:Domenico_Millelire
- dbr:Sniper
- dbr:Roman_Catholics
- dbr:Corsica
- dbr:Mediterranean_Sea
- dbr:Sa_die_de_sa_Sardigna
- dbr:French_Revolution
- dbr:French_Revolutionary_Wars
- dbr:French_conquest_of_Corsica
- dbr:French_ship_Léopard_(1787)
- dbr:Corvette
- dbr:Thomas_the_Apostle
- dbr:Anglo-Corsican_Kingdom
- dbc:Battles_in_Sardinia
- dbc:Battles_involving_the_Kingdom_of_Sardinia
- dbr:Ship_of_the_line
- dbr:Siege_of_Toulon
- dbc:1793_in_military_history
- dbr:Frigates
- dbr:Palmas,_Sardinia
- dbr:Partisan_(military)
- dbr:Austrian_Empire
- dbr:British_Empire
- dbc:Battles_of_the_War_of_the_First_Coalition
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1793
- dbr:Toulon
- dbr:Turin
- dbr:War_of_the_First_Coalition
- dbr:War_of_the_Second_Coalition
- dbr:Gale
- dbr:Corsican_people
- dbr:Heated_shot
- dbr:Lazaretto
- dbr:Ajaccio
- dbr:Pasquale_Paoli
- dbr:Golfo_di_Cagliari
- dbr:Grapeshot
- dbr:HMS_Richmond_(1757)
- dbr:Invasion_of_Corsica_(1794)
- dbr:Charles_Emmanuel_IV_of_Sardinia
- dbr:La_Maddalena
- dbr:Laurent_Jean_François_Truguet
- dbr:Jean-Honoré_de_Trogoff_de_Kerlessy
- dbr:Piedmont
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Prussia
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Sardinia
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Spain
- dbr:Napoleon_Bonaparte
- dbr:National_Convention
- dbr:Scuttling
- dbr:Touch_hole
- dbr:San_Pietro_Island
- dbr:Spanish_navy
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Sweden
- dbr:Naval_campaigns,_operations_and_battles_of_the_French_Revolutionary_Wars
- dbr:First_French_Republic
- dbr:French_frigate_Hélene_(1791)
- dbr:Girondist
- dbr:Calamosca
- dbr:Colonna_Cesari
- dbr:Saint_Ephesius
- Contemporary print of the French bombardment of Cagliari, 1793 (en)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 200 (xsd:integer)
- 300 (xsd:integer)
- Minor (en)
- France (en)
- Spain (en)
- Juan de Lángara (en)
- Domenico Millelire (en)
- Laurent Truguet (en)
- French expedition to Sardinia (en)
- French expedition to Sardinia (en)
- 0001-12-21 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 300 (xsd:integer)
- French Revolution: Revolutionary campaigns (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 300 (xsd:integer)
- Europe (en)
- the naval operations during the War of the First Coalition (en)
- Spanish-Sardinian victory (en)
- 5000 (xsd:integer)
- 10000 (xsd:integer)
- Mediterranean Fleet (en)
- dbt:Campaignbox_French_Revolutionary_War_of_the_Pyrenees
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Commons-inline
- dbt:Coord
- dbt:Flagcountry
- dbt:French_Revolution
- dbt:Infobox_military_conflict
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Sequence
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Flagdeco
- dbt:Campaignbox_First_Coalition
- dbc:Battles_involving_France
- dbc:Battles_in_Sardinia
- dbc:Battles_involving_the_Kingdom_of_Sardinia
- dbc:1793_in_military_history
- dbc:Battles_of_the_War_of_the_First_Coalition
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1793
- 40.0 9.0
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- geo:SpatialThing
- dbo:Event
- dbo:MilitaryConflict
- Das Gefecht bei La Maddalena wurde vom 22. bis zum 25. Februar 1793 im Nordosten Sardiniens zwischen den Revolutionsstreitkräften Frankreichs und Einheiten des Königreiches von Sardinien-Piemont ausgetragen. Auf französischer Seite kämpfte u. a. der spätere Kaiser der Franzosen, Napoléon Bonaparte. (de)
- L’expédition de Sardaigne menée en février 1793 par les armées de la République française contre le Royaume de Sardaigne échoue rapidement face à la résistance sarde et entraîne la mise en accusation de Pascal Paoli, fondateur en 1755 de la République Corse, qui décide en 1794-1796 de s'allier avec les Anglais pour proclamer un seconde fois l'Indépendance de la Corse. (fr)
- The French expedition to Sardinia was a short military campaign fought in 1793 in the Mediterranean Sea in the first year of the War of the First Coalition, during the French Revolutionary Wars. The operation was the first offensive by the new French Republic in the Mediterranean during the conflict, and was directed at the island of Sardinia, part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Sardinia was neutral at the time, but immediately joined the anti-French coalition. The operation was a failure, with attacks directed at Cagliari in the south and La Maddalena in the north both ending in defeat. (en)
- La spedizione francese in Sardegna (detta anche Spedizione o Cattura delle isole di San Pietro e Sant'Antioco) fu un breve conflitto in forma di campagna militare combattuto nel 1793 nel Mar Mediterraneo nel primo anno della Guerra della Prima Coalizione, nel corso delle Guerre rivoluzionarie francesi. L'operazione fu la prima azione offensiva perpetrata dalla neonata Repubblica Francese nel Mediterraneo e venne diretta verso l'isola della Sardegna, parte del Regno di Sardegna. La Sardegna era all'epoca neutrale, ma immediatamente aderì alla coalizione anti-francese. L'operazione si rivelò un totale fallimento, con attacchi diretti a Cagliari a sud ed a La Maddalena a nord che si conclusero entrambi con delle sconfitte. (it)
- サルデーニャ遠征(サルデーニャえんせい、フランス語: Expédition de Sardaigne)はフランス革命戦争中の1793年、地中海で行われた短期間の戦役。戦役は新生フランス共和国の地中海における初の攻勢であり、サルデーニャ王国領のサルデーニャ島をその標的としていた。サルデーニャは当時中立だったが、すぐに第一次対仏大同盟に参加した。戦役は大失敗に終わり、南のカリャリに対する攻撃も北のラ・マッダレーナに対する攻撃も敗北に終わった。 戦役は国民公会の指令により、率いるフランスの地中海艦隊が遂行した。フランス政府は地中海の戦略要地であったサルデーニャ島への侵攻命令を発しており、勝利は容易であると考えれていた。しかし侵攻軍の編成に手間取っている間にサルデーニャ人が軍を徴集、フランス艦隊が首都のカリャリ沖に到着した頃にはサルデーニャ人が準備を完了した。1回目の攻撃はで失敗したが、2回目は1793年1月22日に行われた。フランス軍は2月11日に上陸したがクアルトゥ・サンテーレナの戦闘に追い返された。 (ja)
- 薩丁尼亞遠征是一場短暫爆發於地中海的戰爭,屬法國大革命戰爭的一部分。是次行動於1793年展開,正值第一次反法同盟戰爭的第一年;這場遠征亦是新成立的法蘭西第一共和國在該年的一系列戰役中,於地中海發動的首次入侵。這次行動的目標為薩丁尼亞島,屬於薩丁尼亞王國;當時薩丁尼亞仍屬中立,但很快就加入了反法同盟。遠征最終徹底失敗;法軍在南岸的卡利亞里和北岸對開的拉马达莱娜發動的攻勢均被化解。 受法國國民公會之命,是次行動由少將率領地中海艦隊執行。法國政府早前因應薩丁尼亞於地中海的重要戰略地位,已發出入侵薩丁尼亞的命令;他們相信這次行動將輕易取勝。但由於法軍在集結入侵艦隊上的延誤,得以利用充裕的時間召集一支陸軍;所以,當法國艦隊兵臨首都卡利亞里時,薩丁尼亞人已準備好予以痛擊。法軍的首度攻勢被風暴所阻,但次輪攻勢則順利在1793年1月22日展開;部隊隨後在2月11日登陸,但隨即在夸圖聖埃萊納的戰鬥中被擊退。 (zh)
- Gefecht bei La Maddalena (de)
- French expedition to Sardinia (en)
- Expédition de Sardaigne (fr)
- Spedizione francese in Sardegna (it)
- サルデーニャ遠征 (ja)
- 薩丁尼亞遠征 (zh)
- wikidata:French expedition to Sardinia
- dbpedia-de:French expedition to Sardinia
- dbpedia-fr:French expedition to Sardinia
- dbpedia-it:French expedition to Sardinia
- dbpedia-ja:French expedition to Sardinia
- dbpedia-zh:French expedition to Sardinia
- POINT(9 40)
- 40.000000 (xsd:float)
- 9.000000 (xsd:float)
- French expedition to Sardinia (en)
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Expédition_de_Sardaigne
- dbr:Capture_of_San_Pietro_and_Sant'Antioco
- dbr:Invasion_of_Sardinia_(1793)
- dbr:Capture_of_SanPietro_and_Sant'Antioco
- dbr:Expedition_to_Sardinia_(1793)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Expédition_de_Sardaigne
- dbr:List_of_battles_1601–1800
- dbr:List_of_battles_of_the_War_of_the_First_Coalition
- dbr:Battle_of_Famars
- dbr:Battle_of_Kaiserslautern
- dbr:1793
- dbr:1793_in_France
- dbr:History_of_Sardinia
- dbr:Charmante-class_frigate
- dbr:Napoleon
- dbr:Naval_campaigns,_operations_and_battles_of_the_French_Revolutionary_Wars
- dbr:Capture_of_San_Pietro_and_Sant'Antioco
- dbr:Invasion_of_Sardinia_(1793)
- dbr:Capture_of_SanPietro_and_Sant'Antioco
- dbr:Expedition_to_Sardinia_(1793)
is dbp:next of
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is foaf:primaryTopic of