The fourth and penultimate season of the American television series Gotham, based on characters from DC Comics related to the Batman franchise, revolves around the characters of James "Jim" Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The season is produced by Primrose Hill Productions, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television, with Bruno Heller, Danny Cannon, and John Stephens serving as executive producers. The season was inspired and adapted elements from the comic book storylines of Batman: Year One, Batman: The Long Halloween, and Batman: No Man's Land. The subtitle for the season is A Dark Knight. The season was ordered in May 2017, and production began the following month. Ben McKenzie stars as Gordon, alongside Donal Logue, David Mazouz, Morena Baccarin, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, Erin Richards, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Jessica Lucas, Chris Chalk, Drew Powell, Crystal Reed and Alexander Siddig. The fourth season premiered on September 21, 2017, on Fox, while the second half premiered on March 1, 2018. The season concluded on May 17, 2018. The season received positive reviews from critics and audiences, who cited the character development, writing and action sequences as highlights of the season, with some calling it the best season yet. The premiere was watched by 3.21 million viewers with a 1.0 in the 18–49 demo, which was a 17% decline from the previous season premiere but on par with last season's average. Despite remaining with consistent ratings throughout the first half of the season, the second half experienced new series lows in the spring and being in danger of cancellation. Despite the ratings drop, Fox renewed the show for a fifth and final season on May 13, 2018. (en)
Cet article présente les épisodes de la quatrième saison de la série télévisée américaine Gotham. (fr)
La quarta stagione della serie televisiva Gotham, composta da 22 episodi, è trasmessa negli Stati Uniti dal 21 settembre 2017, sul canale Fox. Negli Stati Uniti, gli episodi della stagione sono trasmessi con il sottotitolo A Dark Knight ("Un cavaliere oscuro"). Gli episodi della stagione sono ispirati alle trame di Batman: Il lungo Halloween (Batman: The Long Halloween), Batman: Anno uno (Batman: Year One) e Batman: Terra di Nessuno (Batman: No Man's Land). In Italia la stagione va in onda dall'8 febbraio 2018 su Premium Action, canale a pagamento della piattaforma Mediaset Premium. In chiaro è stata trasmessa dall'11 aprile 2019 sul 20 nel day-time. Gli antagonisti principali della stagione sono Sofia Falcone, il Professor Pyg, Ra's Al Ghul, Jerome e Jeremiah Valeska, Ivy Pepper e Jonathan Crane. Durante questa stagione, Alexander Siddig e Crystal Reed entrano a far parte del cast principale. John Doman, Maggie Geha, e Benedict Samuel tornano in qualità di guest star. La stessa Maggie Geha durante la stagione lascia la serie, venendo sostituita da Peyton List. Al termine della stagione Alexander Siddig, Crystal Reed, Drew Powell e John Doman lasciano la serie. (it)
《高譚》第四季(英語:Gotham Season 4)是一部美國犯罪戲劇電視劇,由開發,取材自DC漫畫經典超級英雄作品《蝙蝠俠》,第四季於2017年9月21日在福斯广播公司開播。劇集由DC娛樂、和華納兄弟電視公司聯合製作,並由布魯諾·海勒、和丹尼·卡農擔任執行製作。 第四季部分劇情元素取材自著名蝙蝠俠漫畫《蝙蝠俠:漫長的萬聖節》和《》,結尾部分還包含《蝙蝠俠:致命玩笑》和《》。此季分為兩個階段播出,總共11集的上半季於2017年9月21日播出,剩下11集的下半季於2018年3月1日播出。如同前兩季,這一整季同樣包含一個副標題,叫作「黑暗騎士」(英語:A Dark Knight)。 2018年5月14日,福斯宣布續訂第五季,也是最後一季。 (zh)
Cet article présente les épisodes de la quatrième saison de la série télévisée américaine Gotham. (fr)
《高譚》第四季(英語:Gotham Season 4)是一部美國犯罪戲劇電視劇,由開發,取材自DC漫畫經典超級英雄作品《蝙蝠俠》,第四季於2017年9月21日在福斯广播公司開播。劇集由DC娛樂、和華納兄弟電視公司聯合製作,並由布魯諾·海勒、和丹尼·卡農擔任執行製作。 第四季部分劇情元素取材自著名蝙蝠俠漫畫《蝙蝠俠:漫長的萬聖節》和《》,結尾部分還包含《蝙蝠俠:致命玩笑》和《》。此季分為兩個階段播出,總共11集的上半季於2017年9月21日播出,剩下11集的下半季於2018年3月1日播出。如同前兩季,這一整季同樣包含一個副標題,叫作「黑暗騎士」(英語:A Dark Knight)。 2018年5月14日,福斯宣布續訂第五季,也是最後一季。 (zh)
The fourth and penultimate season of the American television series Gotham, based on characters from DC Comics related to the Batman franchise, revolves around the characters of James "Jim" Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The season is produced by Primrose Hill Productions, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television, with Bruno Heller, Danny Cannon, and John Stephens serving as executive producers. The season was inspired and adapted elements from the comic book storylines of Batman: Year One, Batman: The Long Halloween, and Batman: No Man's Land. The subtitle for the season is A Dark Knight. (en)
La quarta stagione della serie televisiva Gotham, composta da 22 episodi, è trasmessa negli Stati Uniti dal 21 settembre 2017, sul canale Fox. Negli Stati Uniti, gli episodi della stagione sono trasmessi con il sottotitolo A Dark Knight ("Un cavaliere oscuro"). Gli episodi della stagione sono ispirati alle trame di Batman: Il lungo Halloween (Batman: The Long Halloween), Batman: Anno uno (Batman: Year One) e Batman: Terra di Nessuno (Batman: No Man's Land). (it)