Historically black colleges and universities (original) (raw)
- جامعات وكليات السود التاريخية (Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) هي مجموعة من مؤسسات التعليم العالي في الولايات المتحدة، تأسست قبل عام 1964 بهدف توفير التعليم للأمريكيين الأفارقة. لكنها كانت تتيح التسجيل لجميع الطلاب من جميع الأجناس والأعراق. ثمة 107 جامعات منها في الولايات المتحدة، بما فيها مؤسسات تعليم خاصة وحكومية وكليات مجتمع وكليات تدرس لمدة أربع سنوات وكليات طب وقانون. أنشأت معظم هذه الجامعات عقب الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية في الولايات التي كان فيها الرق منتشراً سابقاً مع استثناءات بسيطة. (ar)
- Als Historisch afroamerikanische Colleges und Hochschulen (feststehender engl. Ausdruck: Historically black colleges and universities, gängige Abkürzung HBCU) werden in den Vereinigten Staaten beheimatete Bildungseinrichtungen aus dem tertiären Bildungsbereich bezeichnet, die vor dem Jahre 1964 gegründet wurden und die ursprünglich der Ausbildung der Afroamerikaner dienten. (de)
- HBCU, Historically black colleges and universities-en siglak (historikoki beltzak diren eskolak eta unibertsitateak), Estatu Batuetan garaian ezarritako goi hezkuntzako erakundeak dira, ezarri baino lehen jaioak, batez ere Estatu Batuetako hegoaldean, eta gehienbat afro-amerikar komunitateari zerbitzatzeko xedea dutenak. Izan ere, garai horretan, goi-ikaskuntzako erakunde gehienek betoa jarri zioten afro-amerikar hiritarren matrikulazioari. Gaur egun 101 HBCU zentro eta erakunde daude Estatu Batuetan, erakunde publiko eta pribatuak barne. Kopuru hori 1930eko hamarkadan zeuden 121 erakundeak baino txikiagoa da. Gaur egun dauden 101 erakunde horietatik 27k doktorego-programak eskaintzen dituzte, 52k maisutza-programak eskaintzen dituzte, 83k gradu-tituluak eskaintzen dituzte eta 38k elkartekide-mailako tituluak eskaintzen dituzte. (eu)
- Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community. Most of these institutions were founded in the years after the American Civil War and are concentrated in the Southern United States. During the period of segregation prior to the Civil Rights Act, majority of American institutions of higher education served predominantly white students, and disqualified or limited black American enrollment. For a century after the end of slavery in the United States in 1865, most colleges and universities in the Southern United States prohibited all African Americans from attending, while institutions in other parts of the country regularly employed quotas to limit admissions of Black people. HBCUs were established to provide more opportunities to African Americans and are largely responsible for establishing and expanding the African-American middle class. There are 101 HBCUs in the United States (of 121 institutions that existed during the 1930s), representing three percent of the nation's colleges, including public and private institutions. 27 offer doctoral programs, 52 offer master's programs, 83 offer bachelor's degree programs, and 38 offer associate degrees. Among the graduates of HBCUs are civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, and United States Vice President Kamala Harris. (en)
- HBCU, siglas de Historically black colleges and universities (en español, Escuelas y Universidades históricamente negras) son instituciones de enseñanza superior establecidas en los Estados Unidos durante la etapa de segregación, nacidas con anterioridad a la promulgación de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, fundamentalmente en el Sur de los Estados Unidos, que tienen la intención de servir principalmente a la comunidad afroamericana. En efecto, durante ese periodo, la mayoría de las instituciones de enseñanza superior vetaban las matrículas de ciudadanos afroamericanos. Actualmente existen 101 centros e instituciones HBCU en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo instituciones públicas y privadas. Ese número es inferior al de 121 instituciones que existían en la década de 1930.De esas 101 instituciones que existen en la actualidad, 27 ofertan programas de doctorado, 52 ofertan programas de maestría, 83 ofertan títulos de grado y 38 ofrecen títulos de grado de asociado. (es)
- Les universités traditionnellement noires (en anglais : Historically black colleges and universities, abrégé en HBCU) sont des établissement d'enseignement supérieur américains, créées avant 1964 avec pour objectif de servir la communauté noire. (fr)
- 歴史的黒人大学(Historically black colleges and universities、HBCU)は、古くからアフリカ系アメリカ人学生の教育を目的としていた高等教育機関の総称。 殆どの歴史的黒人大学は、南北戦争後に南部に設立され、多くの場合、北部に拠点を置く宗教宣教師組織の支援を受けている。かつては殆どの学生が黒人であったが、現在は学生の多様化が進み、白人の学生も多い。ジョージア州のスペルマン大学や、ワシントンD.C.のハワード大学「黒人のハーバード」などは熱心に留学生を誘致している。オバマ政権は、HBCUへの支援を1700万ドル拡大させた。また、トランプ政権は2019年に超党派の法案に署名し、HBCUへの年間2億5000万ドル以上の支援を決定した。 (ja)
- 흑인 대학(영어: Historically black colleges and universities, HBCU)은 1964년 민권법 제정 이전에 아프리카계 미국인을 위해 지어진 대학이다. 대부분의 흑인 대학들은 미국 남북 전쟁 이후에 세워졌으며 주로 미국 남부에 많다. 1964년 민권법 제정 이전에 대다수의 고등교육 기관들은 흑인 학생들을 거의 받지 않거나 아예 받지 않았다. 1865년에 미국에서 노예제가 없어진 뒤로도 미국 남부에 있던 대학들 가운데 대부분은 흑인 학생들의 입학을 금지했고, 다른 지역의 대학들은 적은 수만 입학할 수 있도록 했다. 오늘날 미국의 대학 가운데 101곳이 과거에 흑인 대학이었는데, 이는 1930년대의 121곳에서 줄어든 숫자다. 1954년에 브라운 대 토피카 교육위원회 재판 결과 인종 분리 교육이 철폐되고 1964년에 민권법이 제정되자 인종에 따른 학교 분리가 금지됐고, 특정 인종만 받아들이는 대학은 사라졌다. (ko)
- Le università storicamente afroamericane (in inglese Historically black colleges and universities, o HIBCU) sono un'università e college statunitensi fondati prima dell'emanazione del Civil Rights Act del 1964 con l'intenzione di servire le comunità afro-statunitense. Prima del 1964, tali minoranze erano quasi sempre escluse dalle opportunità di ricevere un'istruzione di alto livello nelle università e nei college, poiché questi erano in prevalenza riservati alla componente bianca della popolazione tranne alcune eccezioni degne di nota come l'Oberlin College in Ohio, che era "integrato", cioè non discriminava in base al gruppo etnico di appartenenza. Esistono più di 100 università storicamente nere negli USA, situate solo negli Stati del sud e dell'est. Il e lo sono stati descritti rispettivamente come gli equivalenti dell'Harvard College e del , tra le istituzioni educative di alto livello storicamente nere. Altre importanti HIBCU sono la Howard University e la Tuskegee University. Tra i personaggi famosi che si sono laureati in tali università vi sono: Andrew Young Jr., Toni Morrison, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Ralph Ellison, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois e Booker T. Washington. Nel tempo, la platea degli studenti delle università "nere" è mutata: tali istituzioni non sono necessariamente frequentate in prevalenza da appartenenti a tale minoranza etnica. Un esempio notevole si può trovare nella Virginia Occidentale, la cui popolazione è quasi per il 95% bianca, la percentuale più alta, ad eccezione dei tre Stati settentrionali del New England. Già nel 1964, il aveva un corpo studentesco formato per più dell'80% da bianchi. Comunque, durante tutto questo periodo, l'amministrazione del WVSC è stata soprattutto afro-statunitense. (it)
- As faculdades e universidades historicamente negras (em inglês: Historically black colleges and universities - sigla HBCUs) são instituições de ensino superior estabelecidas nos Estados Unidos durante a segregação, que antecedeu a promulgação da Lei dos Direitos Civis de 1964, com a intenção de servir principalmente à comunidade afro-americana. Nesse período, a maioria esmagadora das instituições predominantemente brancas de ensino superior vetavam as matrículas de cidadãos afro-americanos. Atualmente existem 101 HBCUs nos Estados Unidos, incluindo instituições públicas e privadas. Esse número está abaixo das 121 instituições que existiam na década de 1930. Dessas 101 instituições restantes, 27 oferecem programas de doutorado, 52 oferecem programas de mestrado, 83 oferecem cursos de graduação em nível de bacharelado e 38 em nível tecnológico. (pt)
- Истори́чески чёрные вы́сшие уче́бные заведе́ния (англ. Historically Black Colleges and Universities, HBCUs) — особая категория вузов на территории США, созданных специально для обучения негритянского (афроамериканского) населения. Необходимость в создании подобного рода заведений в стране возникла в связи с отменой рабства к 1865 году по окончании Гражданской войны. Так как темнокожее население получило свободу, основная масса подобного населения пополнила рынок дешёвой и неквалифицированной рабочей силы. Для развития промышленности США и получения страной первенства в мировой экономике XIX века необходимо было срочно начать подготовку как минимум полуквалифицированных кадров. Другим фактором, повлиявшим на создание подобных вузов для чернокожих, было нежелание белого населения контактировать с чёрным, выражавшееся в массовом расизме и сегрегации. (ru)
- 傳統黑人大學(Historically black colleges and universities,簡寫HBCUs)是指美國1964年前專為黑人而設的高等教育機構。 美國現有105所此類大學,包括公立及私立、二年制及四年制、醫學院及社區學院。除了六所以外(其中一所已關閉),它們全處於美國前蓄奴州。這些大學有不少存在百多年後,因競爭、經濟大蕭條或其他經濟問題於20世紀關閉。 (zh)
- https://anuntoldstoryblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/reflections-of-an-hbcu-alumnus/
- http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp%3Fpubid=2004062
- https://archive.org/details/historicallyblac0000broo
- https://web.archive.org/web/20090522205237/http:/search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp%3Fz=y&EAN=9780738505541&itm=1%2F
- https://www.academia.edu/12369261
- https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_State_Must_Provide/9-gHEAAAQBAJ%3Fhl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover
- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp%3Fz=y&EAN=9780738505541&itm=1/
- https://nces.ed.gov/COLLEGENAVIGATOR/%3Fs=all&sp=4&pg=1
- dbr:Carver_Junior_College
- dbr:President_Barack_Obama
- dbr:President_Joe_Biden
- dbr:Rod_Paige
- dbr:Ronald_McNair
- dbr:Roosevelt_Junior_College
- dbr:Roscoe_Lee_Browne
- dbr:Rosenwald_Junior_College
- dbr:Samuel_L._Jackson
- dbr:English_studies
- dbr:Morrill_Act
- dbr:Ben_Wallace_(basketball)
- dbr:Big_South_Conference
- dbr:Bluefield_State_University
- dbr:Booker_T._Washington
- dbr:Booker_T._Washington_Junior_College
- dbr:Bowie_State_University
- dbr:Bradley_Byrne
- dbr:Delaware_State_University
- dbr:Andrew_W._Mellon_Foundation
- dbr:Antisemitism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Apartheid
- dbr:Hitler
- dbr:Howard_University
- dbr:Howard_University_School_of_Law
- dbr:Johnson_Junior_College
- dbr:Beyoncé_2018_Coachella_performance
- dbr:List_of_historically_black_colleges_and_universities
- dbr:United_Negro_College_Fund
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Education
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:University_of_Maryland_Eastern_Shore
- dbr:University_of_the_District_of_Columbia
- dbr:Virginia_Union_University
- dbr:Volusia_County_Junior_College
- dbr:116th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:Collier-Blocker_Junior_College
- dbr:Common_(rapper)
- dbr:Cornell_University
- dbr:Ruth_Simmons
- dbr:SCOTUS
- dbr:Pelican_Bowl
- dbr:Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964
- dbr:Civil_rights_movement
- dbr:Clark_Atlanta_University
- dbr:Claude_McKay
- dbr:Elizabeth_City_State_University
- dbr:French_language
- dbr:George_H._W._Bush
- dbr:Gibbs_Junior_College
- dbr:Grambling_State_University
- dbr:Great_Depression_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Mississippi_Valley_State_University
- dbr:Morehouse_College
- dbr:Morrill_Land-Grant_Acts
- dbr:NCAA_Division_I
- dbr:NFL
- dbr:Continuing_education
- dbr:Anika_Noni_Rose
- dbr:Alma_S._Adams
- dbr:Lincoln_Junior_College
- dbr:Lincoln_University_(Pennsylvania)
- dbr:Lonnie_Johnson_(inventor)
- dbr:Storer_College
- dbr:Comparative_literature
- dbr:Thurgood_Marshall_College_Fund
- dbr:Brown_v._Board_of_Education
- dbr:CBS_News
- dbc:African_Americans_and_education
- dbr:Celebration_Bowl
- dbr:Central_Intercollegiate_Athletic_Association
- dbr:Thurgood_Marshall
- dbr:Tom_Joyner
- dbr:Toni_Braxton
- dbr:Toni_Morrison
- dbr:Tuskegee_University
- dbr:W._E._B._Du_Bois
- dbr:Walter_Payton
- dbr:Wanda_Sykes
- dbr:Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:West_Virginia_State_University
- dbr:Western_United_States
- dbr:White_House
- dbr:Wilberforce_University
- dbr:Winston-Salem_State_University
- dbr:HBCU_Library_Alliance
- dbr:HBCU_band
- dbr:Junior_college
- dbr:A_Different_World
- dbr:African-American
- dbr:Alabama
- dbr:Alabama_State_University
- dbr:Alcee_Hastings
- dbr:Alice_Walker
- dbr:Althea_Gibson
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:American_Idol
- dbc:Historically_black_universities_and_colleges_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Ed_Bradley
- dbr:Erykah_Badu
- dbr:Fayetteville_State_University
- dbr:Fisk_University
- dbr:Florida_A&M_University
- dbr:Nikki_Giovanni
- dbr:North_Carolina
- dbr:North_Carolina_A&T_Aggies
- dbr:North_Carolina_A&T_State_University
- dbr:North_Carolina_Central_University
- dbr:Northern_United_States
- dbr:Party_leaders_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Caucus
- dbr:Florida's_20th_congressional_district
- dbr:NCAA_Division_II
- dbr:Emmy
- dbr:Gulf_Coast_Athletic_Conference
- dbr:Hampton_Junior_College
- dbr:Hampton_Pirates_and_Lady_Pirates
- dbr:Hampton_University
- dbr:Harper's_Ferry,_West_Virginia
- dbr:Harpers_Ferry_National_Historical_Park
- dbr:Higher_Education_Act_of_1965
- dbr:Astronaut
- dbr:Ivy_League
- dbr:Jackson_Junior_College
- dbr:Jackson_State_University
- dbr:Taraji_P._Henson
- dbr:Tennessee_State_University
- dbr:Texas_Southern_University
- dbc:Universities_and_colleges_in_the_United_States_by_type
- dbr:Affirmative_action
- dbr:African-American_middle_class
- dbr:Chadwick_Boseman
- dbr:Cheyney_University_of_Pennsylvania
- dbr:Jerry_Rice
- dbr:Jesse_Jackson
- dbr:Jimmy_Carter
- dbr:Kamala_Harris
- dbr:Katherine_Johnson
- dbr:Kentucky_State_University
- dbr:Langston_University
- dbr:Black_Ivy_League
- dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Suwannee_River_Junior_College
- dbr:Sweatt_v._Painter
- dbr:Heritage_Bowl
- dbr:Higher_education_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Honda_Battle_of_the_Bands
- dbr:White_Americans
- dbr:Dillard_University
- dbr:Doug_Williams_(quarterback)
- dbr:Douglas_Wilder
- dbr:Autumn
- dbr:Marian_Wright_Edelman
- dbr:Martin_Luther_King_Jr.
- dbr:South_Africa
- dbr:South_Carolina's_6th_congressional_district
- dbr:South_Carolina_State_University
- dbr:Southern_Intercollegiate_Athletic_Conference
- dbr:Southern_United_States
- dbr:Southern_University
- dbr:Southwestern_Athletic_Conference
- dbr:Spanish_Civil_War
- dbr:Spelman_College
- dbr:Spike_Lee
- dbr:U.S._News_&_World_Report_Best_Colleges_Ranking
- dbr:Anti-Jewish_legislation_in_prewar_Nazi_Germany
- dbr:Michael_Strahan
- dbr:Mid-Eastern_Athletic_Conference
- dbr:National_Association_of_Intercollegiate_Athletics
- dbr:National_Center_for_Education_Statistics
- dbr:National_Museum_of_African_American_History_and_Culture
- dbr:National_Radio_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:Ohio_Valley_Conference
- dbr:Oprah_Winfrey
- dbr:Racial_segregation
- dbr:Ralph_Abernathy
- dbr:Randy_Jackson
- dbr:Reconstruction_era
- dbr:Shaw_University
- dbr:Xavier_University_of_Louisiana
- dbr:Minority-serving_institution
- dbr:Racial_segregation_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Sociology
- dbr:Tuskegee_Airmen
- dbr:Ezell_Brown
- dbr:Separate_but_equal
- dbr:Running_backs
- dbr:Grambling_State
- dbr:Agricultural_College_Act_of_1890
- dbr:President_Donald_Trump
- dbr:Tennessee_State_Tigers_and_Lady_Tigers
- dbr:Leon_H._Sullivan
- dbr:Land_grant_college
- dbr:U.S._Department_of_Education
- dbr:James_Clyburn
- dbr:NBA_All-Star
- dbr:Multiplier_effect
- dbr:File:Institute_for_Colored_Youth_Build...dge_St_Philadelphia_PA_(DSC_2640).jpg
- dbr:File:Kamala_Harris_speaks_with_HBCU_students_-_2019.jpg
- dbr:File:North_Carolina_A&T_State_University_Springtime.jpg
- dbr:File:President_George_H._W._Bush_signs...y_black_colleges_and_universities.jpg
- dbt:'
- dbt:Asof
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_conference
- dbt:Cite_journal
- dbt:Cite_web
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Further
- dbt:Hatnote
- dbt:Location_map+
- dbt:Location_map~
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Refbegin
- dbt:Refend
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Use_American_English
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:Wikiquote
- dbt:African_American_topics
- dbt:HBCU
- dbt:African_American_topics_sidebar
- جامعات وكليات السود التاريخية (Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) هي مجموعة من مؤسسات التعليم العالي في الولايات المتحدة، تأسست قبل عام 1964 بهدف توفير التعليم للأمريكيين الأفارقة. لكنها كانت تتيح التسجيل لجميع الطلاب من جميع الأجناس والأعراق. ثمة 107 جامعات منها في الولايات المتحدة، بما فيها مؤسسات تعليم خاصة وحكومية وكليات مجتمع وكليات تدرس لمدة أربع سنوات وكليات طب وقانون. أنشأت معظم هذه الجامعات عقب الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية في الولايات التي كان فيها الرق منتشراً سابقاً مع استثناءات بسيطة. (ar)
- Als Historisch afroamerikanische Colleges und Hochschulen (feststehender engl. Ausdruck: Historically black colleges and universities, gängige Abkürzung HBCU) werden in den Vereinigten Staaten beheimatete Bildungseinrichtungen aus dem tertiären Bildungsbereich bezeichnet, die vor dem Jahre 1964 gegründet wurden und die ursprünglich der Ausbildung der Afroamerikaner dienten. (de)
- Les universités traditionnellement noires (en anglais : Historically black colleges and universities, abrégé en HBCU) sont des établissement d'enseignement supérieur américains, créées avant 1964 avec pour objectif de servir la communauté noire. (fr)
- 歴史的黒人大学(Historically black colleges and universities、HBCU)は、古くからアフリカ系アメリカ人学生の教育を目的としていた高等教育機関の総称。 殆どの歴史的黒人大学は、南北戦争後に南部に設立され、多くの場合、北部に拠点を置く宗教宣教師組織の支援を受けている。かつては殆どの学生が黒人であったが、現在は学生の多様化が進み、白人の学生も多い。ジョージア州のスペルマン大学や、ワシントンD.C.のハワード大学「黒人のハーバード」などは熱心に留学生を誘致している。オバマ政権は、HBCUへの支援を1700万ドル拡大させた。また、トランプ政権は2019年に超党派の法案に署名し、HBCUへの年間2億5000万ドル以上の支援を決定した。 (ja)
- 흑인 대학(영어: Historically black colleges and universities, HBCU)은 1964년 민권법 제정 이전에 아프리카계 미국인을 위해 지어진 대학이다. 대부분의 흑인 대학들은 미국 남북 전쟁 이후에 세워졌으며 주로 미국 남부에 많다. 1964년 민권법 제정 이전에 대다수의 고등교육 기관들은 흑인 학생들을 거의 받지 않거나 아예 받지 않았다. 1865년에 미국에서 노예제가 없어진 뒤로도 미국 남부에 있던 대학들 가운데 대부분은 흑인 학생들의 입학을 금지했고, 다른 지역의 대학들은 적은 수만 입학할 수 있도록 했다. 오늘날 미국의 대학 가운데 101곳이 과거에 흑인 대학이었는데, 이는 1930년대의 121곳에서 줄어든 숫자다. 1954년에 브라운 대 토피카 교육위원회 재판 결과 인종 분리 교육이 철폐되고 1964년에 민권법이 제정되자 인종에 따른 학교 분리가 금지됐고, 특정 인종만 받아들이는 대학은 사라졌다. (ko)
- 傳統黑人大學(Historically black colleges and universities,簡寫HBCUs)是指美國1964年前專為黑人而設的高等教育機構。 美國現有105所此類大學,包括公立及私立、二年制及四年制、醫學院及社區學院。除了六所以外(其中一所已關閉),它們全處於美國前蓄奴州。這些大學有不少存在百多年後,因競爭、經濟大蕭條或其他經濟問題於20世紀關閉。 (zh)
- Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community. Most of these institutions were founded in the years after the American Civil War and are concentrated in the Southern United States. During the period of segregation prior to the Civil Rights Act, majority of American institutions of higher education served predominantly white students, and disqualified or limited black American enrollment. For a century after the end of slavery in the United States in 1865, most colleges and universities in the Southern United States prohibited all African Americans from attending, while institutions in other parts of (en)
- HBCU, Historically black colleges and universities-en siglak (historikoki beltzak diren eskolak eta unibertsitateak), Estatu Batuetan garaian ezarritako goi hezkuntzako erakundeak dira, ezarri baino lehen jaioak, batez ere Estatu Batuetako hegoaldean, eta gehienbat afro-amerikar komunitateari zerbitzatzeko xedea dutenak. Izan ere, garai horretan, goi-ikaskuntzako erakunde gehienek betoa jarri zioten afro-amerikar hiritarren matrikulazioari. (eu)
- HBCU, siglas de Historically black colleges and universities (en español, Escuelas y Universidades históricamente negras) son instituciones de enseñanza superior establecidas en los Estados Unidos durante la etapa de segregación, nacidas con anterioridad a la promulgación de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, fundamentalmente en el Sur de los Estados Unidos, que tienen la intención de servir principalmente a la comunidad afroamericana. En efecto, durante ese periodo, la mayoría de las instituciones de enseñanza superior vetaban las matrículas de ciudadanos afroamericanos. (es)
- Le università storicamente afroamericane (in inglese Historically black colleges and universities, o HIBCU) sono un'università e college statunitensi fondati prima dell'emanazione del Civil Rights Act del 1964 con l'intenzione di servire le comunità afro-statunitense. Tra i personaggi famosi che si sono laureati in tali università vi sono: Andrew Young Jr., Toni Morrison, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Ralph Ellison, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois e Booker T. Washington. (it)
- As faculdades e universidades historicamente negras (em inglês: Historically black colleges and universities - sigla HBCUs) são instituições de ensino superior estabelecidas nos Estados Unidos durante a segregação, que antecedeu a promulgação da Lei dos Direitos Civis de 1964, com a intenção de servir principalmente à comunidade afro-americana. Nesse período, a maioria esmagadora das instituições predominantemente brancas de ensino superior vetavam as matrículas de cidadãos afro-americanos. (pt)
- Истори́чески чёрные вы́сшие уче́бные заведе́ния (англ. Historically Black Colleges and Universities, HBCUs) — особая категория вузов на территории США, созданных специально для обучения негритянского (афроамериканского) населения. Необходимость в создании подобного рода заведений в стране возникла в связи с отменой рабства к 1865 году по окончании Гражданской войны. Так как темнокожее население получило свободу, основная масса подобного населения пополнила рынок дешёвой и неквалифицированной рабочей силы. Для развития промышленности США и получения страной первенства в мировой экономике XIX века необходимо было срочно начать подготовку как минимум полуквалифицированных кадров. (ru)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Caesars_Superdome
- dbr:Calvin_Howell
- dbr:Candiace_Dillard_Bassett
- dbr:Carol_M._Swain
- dbr:Carrie_Meek
- dbr:Carroll_Cutler
- dbr:Carter_G._Woodson
- dbr:America's_Most_Endangered_Places
- dbr:American_Association_of_Family_and_Consumer_Sciences
- dbr:American_Football_League_draft
- dbr:American_Tennis_Association
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Bowles
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Shobe
- dbr:Prairie_View_A&M_University
- dbr:Robert_O._Wilder_Building
- dbr:Robert_Walter_Johnson
- dbr:Rock_Hill,_South_Carolina
- dbr:Rock_Yo_Hips
- dbr:Roderick_J._McDavis
- dbr:Roger_Williams_University_(Nashville,_Tennessee)
- dbr:Romare_Bearden
- dbr:Rosa_Parks
- dbr:Roscoe_Lee_Browne
- dbr:Rubin_Collins
- dbr:Rudy_Hubbard
- dbr:Samuel_L._Myers_Sr.
- dbr:Samuel_M._Nabrit
- dbr:Savannah_State_University
- dbr:School_Daze
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Illinois_Urbana-Champaign_people
- dbr:List_of_Washington_&_Jefferson_College_alumni
- dbr:List_of_acronyms:_H
- dbr:List_of_acts_of_the_104th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:List_of_acts_of_the_107th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:List_of_black_college_football_classics
- dbr:List_of_college_rivalries_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Alabama
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Delaware
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Maryland
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_South_Carolina
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_West_Virginia
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_named_after_people
- dbr:List_of_defunct_college_football_teams
- dbr:List_of_defunct_colleges_and_universities_in_Kansas
- dbr:List_of_earliest_coeducational_colleges_and_universities_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_executive_actions_by_George_W._Bush
- dbr:List_of_federal_agencies_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_films_based_on_actual_events_(before_2000)
- dbr:Midwestern_Intercollegiate_Volleyball_Association
- dbr:Mount_Hermon_Female_Seminary
- dbr:Morgan_State_Bears_lacrosse
- dbr:Vulcan_Bowl
- dbr:Princilla_Smart_Evans_Morris
- dbr:Professional_gridiron_football
- dbr:1920_Talladega_football_team
- dbr:1921_Talladega_football_team
- dbr:1925
- dbr:2021–22_Southwestern_Athletic_Conference_women's_basketball_season
- dbr:2022_HBCU_Legacy_Bowl
- dbr:2022_The_Basketball_Classic
- dbr:2023_XFL_season
- dbr:Baton_Rouge,_Louisiana
- dbr:Battle_of_Market_Street
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Bay_(Hampton–Norfolk_State)
- dbr:Bay_Ridge_Christian_College
- dbr:Bayou_Classic
- dbr:Belford_Lawson_Jr.
- dbr:Belle_L._Pettigrew
- dbr:Ben_Davis_(American_football)
- dbr:Benedict_College
- dbr:Benjamin_Banneker_Academy
- dbr:Benjamin_Mays
- dbr:Benjamin_O._Davis_Jr.
- dbr:Bennett_College
- dbr:Bernard_Allen_(U.S._politician)
- dbr:Bernice_King
- dbr:Bethune–Cookman_University
- dbr:Betsy_DeVos
- dbr:Betty_Shabazz
- dbr:Beverly_Daniel_Tatum
- dbr:Beverly_Guy-Sheftall
- dbr:Beyoncé
- dbr:Bibb_Graves
- dbr:Big_South_Conference
- dbr:Bill_Frist
- dbr:Bill_Garrett_(basketball)
- dbr:Bill_Nunn_(American_football)
- dbr:Bill_Powell_(golf)
- dbr:Bill_Simmons
- dbr:Billy_Joe_(American_football)
- dbr:Bishop_College
- dbr:Bishop_State_Community_College
- dbr:Black_College_Football:_BCFX:_The_Xperience
- dbr:Black_College_Football_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:Bluefield_State_University
- dbr:Bob_Hayes
- dbr:Bob_Mann_(American_football)
- dbr:Bob_Pollard
- dbr:Boeing_Orbital_Flight_Test_2
- dbr:Booker_T._Washington_State_Park_(West_Virginia)
- dbr:Bounce_TV
- dbr:Bowie_State_University
- dbr:Brandeis_Marshall
- dbr:Brenda_A._Allen
- dbr:Brian_Krzanich
- dbr:Dave_Robbins_(basketball)
- dbr:David_Blackwell
- dbr:David_L._Brewer_III
- dbr:Debbie_Allen
- dbr:Deion_Sanders
- dbr:Delaware_Fightin'_Blue_Hens_football
- dbr:Delaware_State_University
- dbr:Denise_Oliver-Velez
- dbr:Devin_Wyman
- dbr:Alison_Bernstein
- dbr:Hold_Up_(song)
- dbr:Homecoming:_The_Live_Album
- dbr:Homecoming_(2019_American_film)
- dbr:Homosexuality_in_American_football
- dbr:Honda
- dbr:Hopkins_Center_for_Health_Disparities_Solutions
- dbr:Horace_Mann_Bond
- dbr:Horizon_League
- dbr:House_of_Music
- dbr:Houston
- dbr:Howard_Bison
- dbr:Howard_University
- dbr:Howard_University_Hospital
- dbr:Howard–Morgan_State_football_rivalry
- dbr:Hubert_Thomas_Delany
- dbr:Hugh_Evans_(basketball)
- dbr:John_Oldham_(basketball)
- dbr:John_Oliver_Killens
- dbr:John_U._Monro
- dbr:John_Warren_Davis_(college_president)
- dbr:Johnson_C._Smith
- dbr:Johnson_C._Smith_University
- dbr:Jon_Ossoff
- dbr:Jon_Stryker
- dbr:Joseph_Henry_Reason
- dbr:Josephine_Groves_Holloway
- dbr:Jubilee_Hall_(Fisk_University)
- dbr:Julius_H._Taylor
- dbr:Beryl_Williams
- dbr:Beverly_Wright
- dbr:Beyoncé_2018_Coachella_performance
- dbr:Bi-State_Conference
- dbr:List_of_Grambling_State_University_alumni
- dbr:List_of_Howard_University_people
- dbr:List_of_Independent_Lens_films
- dbr:List_of_LGBT_firsts_by_year
- dbr:List_of_National_Historic_Landmarks_in_Alabama
- dbr:List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Michael_Jackson
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Tennessee
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Texas
- dbr:List_of_historically_black_colleges_and_universities
- dbr:List_of_starting_black_NFL_quarterbacks
- dbr:Paul_Cornely
- dbr:Paul_Quinn_College
- dbr:Pendarvis_Williams
- dbr:Perry_H._Young_Jr.
- dbr:Pershing_Rifles
- dbr:Petersburg,_Virginia
- dbr:Pettis_Norman
- dbr:Renaissance_(Beyoncé_album)
- dbr:Revisionist_History_(podcast)
- dbr:Richard_M._Eakin
- dbr:Richland_County,_South_Carolina
- dbr:Robert_F._Kennedy_Memorial_Stadium
- dbr:Robert_Ford_(politician)
- dbr:Robert_H._Smith_School_of_Business
- dbr:D.C._Five
- dbr:Underworld_(1937_film)
- dbr:United_States_national_kabaddi_team
- dbr:University_Museums_at_the_University_of_Delaware
- dbr:University_System_of_Georgia
- dbr:University_System_of_Maryland
- dbr:University_of_Arkansas_at_Pine_Bluff
- dbr:University_of_Maryland_Eastern_Shore
- dbr:University_of_Missouri
- dbr:University_of_North_Carolina
- dbr:University_of_Phoenix
- dbr:University_of_Redlands
- dbr:University_of_the_District_of_Columbia
- dbr:University_of_the_District_of_Columbia_Community_College
- dbr:University_of_the_Virgin_Islands
- dbr:University_of_the_West_Indies
- dbr:Usher_(musician)
- dbr:Victoria_Colored_School
- dbr:Virginia
- dbr:Virginia_State_University
- dbr:Virginia_Union_University
- dbr:Virginia_University_of_Lynchburg
- dbr:Voorhees_University
- dbr:David_Williston
- dbr:Delaware_State_Hornets_football
- dbr:Donald_Anderson_Edwards
- dbr:Eastern_Intercollegiate_Conference_(1953–1959)
- dbr:Index_of_articles_related_to_African_Americans
- dbr:Inez_Beverly_Prosser
- dbr:Interdenominational_Theological_Center
- dbr:Invisible_Man
- dbr:J._R._E._Lee
- dbr:Jacquelyne_Jackson
- dbr:Jane_Ellen_McAllister
- dbr:Lethia_Sherman_Hankins
- dbr:Lewis_College_of_Business
- dbr:Lillian_Mobley
- dbr:Linda_B._Hayden
- dbr:Linda_Burton
- dbr:List_of_historically_significant_college_football_games
- dbr:List_of_land-grant_universities
- dbr:List_of_landmark_African-American_legislation
- dbr:List_of_leaders_of_North_Carolina_Agricultural_and_Technical_State_University
- dbr:List_of_liberal_arts_colleges_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_museums_focused_on_African_Americans
- dbr:List_of_normal_schools_by_country
- dbr:List_of_presidential_proclamations_by_George_W._Bush
- dbr:List_of_proclamations_by_Joe_Biden
- dbr:List_of_schools_in_Louisville,_Kentucky
- dbr:Pearl_Stewart
- dbr:Prairie_View_Bowl
- dbr:North_Atlantic_Conference_(1946)
- dbr:North_Carolina_A&T_Aggies_football
- dbr:Timeline_of_African-American_history
- dbr:Timeline_of_LGBT_history,_21st_century
- dbr:Timeline_of_women's_colleges_in_the_United_States
- dbr:What_Will_They_Learn?
- dbr:William_J._Trent
- dbr:Week_0
- dbr:College_Football_on_NBC_Sports
- dbr:College_admissions_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Colonial_Athletic_Association
- dbr:Common_Application
- dbr:Concordia_College_Alabama
- dbr:Condoleezza_Rice
- dbr:Consolidated_Appropriations_Act,_2018
- dbr:Consolidated_Appropriations_Act,_2021
- dbr:Coolio
- dbr:Coppin_State_University
- dbr:Cramton_Bowl
- dbr:Criser_High_School
- dbr:Criticism_of_college_and_university_rankings_(North_America)
- dbr:An_Appeal_for_Human_Rights
- dbr:Mary_Virginia_McCormick
- dbr:Maxwell's_Urban_Hang_Suite
- dbr:McCants_Stewart
- dbr:Medgar_Evers
- dbr:Meharry_Medical_College
- dbr:Mel_Groomes
- dbr:Rust_College
- dbr:Ruth_Simmons
- dbr:Ryman_Auditorium
- dbr:Saint_Paul's_College_(Virginia)
- dbr:Salem_Football_Stadium
- dbr:Chesterfield_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Chet_Grimsley
- dbr:Louisiana_African_American_Heritage_Trail
- dbr:Louisville_National_Medical_College
- dbr:Neoabolitionism_(race_relations)
- dbr:Orangeburg_massacre
- dbr:Use_of_nigger_in_the_arts
- dbr:Midwest_Athletic_Association
- dbr:Mike_Gravel_2008_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Texas_Southern_Tigers_football
- dbr:Season_of_the_Tiger
- dbr:1866
- dbr:1866_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1879
- dbr:Christian_Street_Historic_District
- dbr:Cicely_Tyson
- dbr:Civil_rights_movement_(1865–1896)
- dbr:Claflin_University
- dbr:Clarence_Gaines
- dbr:Clarence_Glover
- dbr:Clark_Atlanta_University
- dbr:Cleon_Throckmorton
- dbr:Cleveland_Sellers
- dbr:Clyde_Foster
- dbr:Coach_(TV_series)
- dbr:Coachella_(festival)
- dbr:Coahoma_Community_College
- dbr:Alexander-Julian_Gibbson
- dbr:Education_reform
- dbr:Edward_P._Hurt
- dbr:Elbert_Guillory
- dbr:Elijah_Pitts
- dbr:Elizabeth_City,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Elizabeth_City_State_University
- dbr:Elkhart,_Indiana
- dbr:Frank_Coleman_(counselor)
- dbr:Fred_Jones_Jr.
- dbr:Fred_Lane_(American_football)
- dbr:Fred_T._Long
- dbr:Frederic_Pryor
- dbr:Frederick_C._Branch
- dbr:G.I._Bill
- dbr:G._K._Butterfield