- Die kleinen Strolche (im Original Our Gang, auch bekannt als The Little Rascals oder Hal Roach’s Rascals) ist eine zwischen 1922 und 1944 produzierte US-amerikanische Kurzfilmserie über die Abenteuer einer Gruppe von Kindern. Die vom Komödien-Filmproduzenten Hal Roach kreierte Serie wurde in dessen Studios ab 1922 unter Regie von Robert F. McGowan produziert, zunächst in Form stummer Kurzfilme, ab 1929 mit Ton. Bis 1927 wurden die Filme von Pathé vertrieben, anschließend von Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). 1938 kaufte MGM die Rechte an der Serie und führte sie bis zu ihrem Ende 1944 weiter. Insgesamt wurden über 220 Kurzfilme mit zahlreichen Kinderdarstellern hergestellt. Außerdem entstand 1936 der Spielfilm General Spanky. Im amerikanischen Fernsehen wurden die 80 Tonfilme von Roach unter dem Titel The Little Rascals gesendet, da der Titel Our Gang unter dem Copyright von MGM steht. Im deutschen Fernsehen laufen Die kleinen Strolche seit 1967, wofür die Stummfilme teilweise neu zusammengeschnitten wurden. (de)
- La pandilla o Los pequeños traviesos (en Hispanoamérica) (en original Our Gang, también conocida como The Little Rascals o Hal Roach's Rascals) es una serie de larga trayectoria en la historia de los cortometrajes estadounidenses; gira en torno a la vida de unos niños de clase baja y sus aventuras. (es)
- Our Gang (also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals) is an American series of comedy short films chronicling a group of poor neighborhood children and their adventures. Created by film producer Hal Roach, also the producer of the Laurel and Hardy films, Our Gang shorts were produced from 1922 to 1944, spanning the silent film and early sound film periods of American cinema. Our Gang is noted for showing children behaving in a relatively natural way; Roach and original director Robert F. McGowan worked to film the unaffected, raw nuances apparent in regular children, rather than have them imitate adult acting styles. The series also broke new ground by portraying white and black children interacting as equals during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation in the United States. The franchise began in 1922 as a silent short subject series produced by the Roach studio and released by Pathé Exchange. Roach changed distributors from Pathé to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) in 1927, and the series entered its most popular period after converting to sound in 1929. Production continued at Roach until 1938, when the Our Gang production unit was sold to MGM, where production continued until 1944. Across 220 short films and a feature-film spin-off, General Spanky, the Our Gang series featured over 41 child actors as regular members of its cast. As MGM retained the rights to the Our Gang trademark after buying the series, the Roach-produced sound Our Gang films were re-released to theaters and syndicated for television under the title The Little Rascals. Roach's The Little Rascals package, currently owned by CBS Media Ventures, and MGM's Our Gang package, currently owned by Turner Entertainment and distributed by Warner Bros., have since remained in syndication. New productions based on the shorts have been made over the years, including a 1994 feature film, The Little Rascals, released by Universal Pictures. (en)
- Les Petites Canailles (Our Gang, The Little Rascals (au milieu des années 1950) ou Hal Roach's Rascals) est une série américaine de courts films de comédie, ayant pour sujet les aventures d'une bande d'enfants pauvres, créée par le producteur Hal Roach dont la série débute le 10 septembre 1922. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 25 novembre 1962, sur RTF Télévision, à raison de deux épisodes à la fois, le dimanche, vers 19 h 25. La série a été reprogrammée en 1984 dans une émission de Récré A2 sur Antenne 2. Les épisodes étaient diffusés en version anglaise avec la voix de Laurence Badie pour seul commentaire français. (fr)
- Our Gang (juga dikenal sebagai The Little Rascals atau Hal Roach's Rascals) adalah serial film pendek komedi Amerika mengenai sekelompok anak-anak miskin yang tinggal bertetangga dan petualangan-petualangan mereka. Serial tersebut dibuat oleh produser komedi Hal Roach. Selain itu, Our Gang dikenal menempatkan anak laki-laki, perempuan, kulit putih dan kulit hitam setara, yang terkadang terpecah menjadi kelompok baru, menurut sejarawan film Leonard Maltin. Waralaba tersebut dimulai pada 1922 sebagai serial subyek-subyek film pendek bisu yang diproduksi oleh studio Roach dan dirilis oleh Pathé Exchange. Roach mengganti distributor dari Pathé ke Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) pada 1927, dan serial tersebut memasuki masa paling berjayanya setelah dijadikan film bersuara pada 1929. Produksinya berlanjut di studio Roach sampai 1938, ketika serial tersebut dijual kepada MGM, yang memproduksi film-film komedi sendiri sampai 1944. Dalam jumlah secara keseluruhan, serial Our Gang memiliki 220 film pendek dan satu film fitur, , yang menampilkan lebih dari 41 . (in)
- Simpatiche canaglie (in inglese: Our Gang, conosciuta anche come The Little Rascals o Hal Roach's Rascals) è un serial statunitense di cortometraggi proiettati nei cinema dal 1922 al 1944, incentrato sulle avventure di un gruppo di bambini. Prodotta da Hal Roach, la serie è nota per il fatto di mostrare un comportamento relativamente naturale dei bambini, in quanto Roach e il regista originario Robert F. McGowan lavorarono per catturare le sfumature pure e grezze dell'essere bambino, piuttosto che portarli a recitare imitando lo stile degli adulti. Ancora più notevole ed in anticipo sui tempi l'aver messo di fianco bambini e bambine, bianchi e neri in un gruppo omogeneo, una cosa che non era mai stata fatta prima nel cinema statunitense e che invece fu ripresa dopo il successo di Simpatiche canaglie. (it)
- 《아워 갱》(영어: Our Gang)은 미국에서 1922년부터 1944년까지 개봉한 코미디 단편영화 시리즈이다. 총 220편에 달하는 에피소드가 제작되었으며 어린이들이 주요 배역으로 등장해서 성인 배우를 어색하게 흉내내지 않고 어린이들답게 자연스럽게 말하고 행동하는 것이 특징이다. 또한 헐리우드 영화 역사상 최초로 아프리카계 미국인 배우, 흑인 배우가 동등한 역할을 맡은 영화 시리즈이기도 하다. (ko)
- Our Gang, ook bekend als The Little Rascals of Hal Roach's Rascals, was een serie van Amerikaanse korte komische films. De serie gaat over een groep arme kinderen en de avonturen die zij beleven. De serie was onder productie van Hal Roach en begon in 1922. Oorspronkelijk werd de reeks gedistribueerd door Pathé, maar in 1927 werd ze overgenomen door studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Roach werkte mee aan de serie tot en met 1938, maar de serie liep door tot en met 1944. In totaal werden er 220 korte films uitgebracht. Ook werd er één film uitgebracht met normale speelduur, . Er waren in totaal 41 kindsterren over de jaren heen in de serie te zien. In de jaren 50 werden de korte films (met geluid) als televisieserie uitgebracht, onder de titel The Little Rascals. In Nederlands werd de serie uitgezonden door de VPRO in het kinderblok Villa Achterwerk. De serie heette hier De Boefjes. (nl)
- Our Gang, também chamado de The Little Rascals ou Hal Roach's Rascals, foi uma série estadunidense de filmes curtos que contava a história de um grupo de crianças pobres que eram vizinhas, e as aventuras por elas vividas. (pt)
- Постреля́та (Наша банда) (англ. Our Gang, The Little Rascals) — сборник комедийных короткометражек, выходивших на экраны с 1922 по 1944 год. Режиссёры — Гордон Дуглас, Гас Мэйнс, Джеймс Пэрротт, Джордж Сидни и др. В главных ролях — Джорж «Спанки» МакФэрланд, Билли «Гречка» Томас, Карл «Люцерна» Свитцер, Скотти Беккет. (ru)
- A Story of Our Gang - Romping Through Hal Roach Comedies (en)
- Four Color Comics (en)
- Our Gang Comics (en)
- Final short (en)
- First short (en)
- Series cinematographers (en)
- Series directors (en)
- Series musical directors (en)
- Series producers (en)
- Series screenwriters (en)
- Series theatrical distributors (en)
- La pandilla o Los pequeños traviesos (en Hispanoamérica) (en original Our Gang, también conocida como The Little Rascals o Hal Roach's Rascals) es una serie de larga trayectoria en la historia de los cortometrajes estadounidenses; gira en torno a la vida de unos niños de clase baja y sus aventuras. (es)
- 《아워 갱》(영어: Our Gang)은 미국에서 1922년부터 1944년까지 개봉한 코미디 단편영화 시리즈이다. 총 220편에 달하는 에피소드가 제작되었으며 어린이들이 주요 배역으로 등장해서 성인 배우를 어색하게 흉내내지 않고 어린이들답게 자연스럽게 말하고 행동하는 것이 특징이다. 또한 헐리우드 영화 역사상 최초로 아프리카계 미국인 배우, 흑인 배우가 동등한 역할을 맡은 영화 시리즈이기도 하다. (ko)
- Our Gang, também chamado de The Little Rascals ou Hal Roach's Rascals, foi uma série estadunidense de filmes curtos que contava a história de um grupo de crianças pobres que eram vizinhas, e as aventuras por elas vividas. (pt)
- Постреля́та (Наша банда) (англ. Our Gang, The Little Rascals) — сборник комедийных короткометражек, выходивших на экраны с 1922 по 1944 год. Режиссёры — Гордон Дуглас, Гас Мэйнс, Джеймс Пэрротт, Джордж Сидни и др. В главных ролях — Джорж «Спанки» МакФэрланд, Билли «Гречка» Томас, Карл «Люцерна» Свитцер, Скотти Беккет. (ru)
- Die kleinen Strolche (im Original Our Gang, auch bekannt als The Little Rascals oder Hal Roach’s Rascals) ist eine zwischen 1922 und 1944 produzierte US-amerikanische Kurzfilmserie über die Abenteuer einer Gruppe von Kindern. (de)
- Our Gang (also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals) is an American series of comedy short films chronicling a group of poor neighborhood children and their adventures. Created by film producer Hal Roach, also the producer of the Laurel and Hardy films, Our Gang shorts were produced from 1922 to 1944, spanning the silent film and early sound film periods of American cinema. Our Gang is noted for showing children behaving in a relatively natural way; Roach and original director Robert F. McGowan worked to film the unaffected, raw nuances apparent in regular children, rather than have them imitate adult acting styles. The series also broke new ground by portraying white and black children interacting as equals during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation in the United States. (en)
- Our Gang (juga dikenal sebagai The Little Rascals atau Hal Roach's Rascals) adalah serial film pendek komedi Amerika mengenai sekelompok anak-anak miskin yang tinggal bertetangga dan petualangan-petualangan mereka. Serial tersebut dibuat oleh produser komedi Hal Roach. Selain itu, Our Gang dikenal menempatkan anak laki-laki, perempuan, kulit putih dan kulit hitam setara, yang terkadang terpecah menjadi kelompok baru, menurut sejarawan film Leonard Maltin. (in)
- Les Petites Canailles (Our Gang, The Little Rascals (au milieu des années 1950) ou Hal Roach's Rascals) est une série américaine de courts films de comédie, ayant pour sujet les aventures d'une bande d'enfants pauvres, créée par le producteur Hal Roach dont la série débute le 10 septembre 1922. (fr)
- Simpatiche canaglie (in inglese: Our Gang, conosciuta anche come The Little Rascals o Hal Roach's Rascals) è un serial statunitense di cortometraggi proiettati nei cinema dal 1922 al 1944, incentrato sulle avventure di un gruppo di bambini. Prodotta da Hal Roach, la serie è nota per il fatto di mostrare un comportamento relativamente naturale dei bambini, in quanto Roach e il regista originario Robert F. McGowan lavorarono per catturare le sfumature pure e grezze dell'essere bambino, piuttosto che portarli a recitare imitando lo stile degli adulti. (it)
- Our Gang, ook bekend als The Little Rascals of Hal Roach's Rascals, was een serie van Amerikaanse korte komische films. De serie gaat over een groep arme kinderen en de avonturen die zij beleven. De serie was onder productie van Hal Roach en begon in 1922. (nl)