dbo:abstract |
In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Melia (Ancient Greek: Μελία), a daughter of the Titan Oceanus, was the consort of Apollo, and the mother, by Apollo, of the Theban hero and prophet Tenerus. She was also the mother (or sister) of Ismenus, god of the Theban river of the same name. Melia was an important cult figure at Thebes. She was worshipped at the Ismenion, the Temple of Apollo at Thebes, and was associated with a nearby spring. (en) Melia (in greco antico: Μελία, Melia) è un personaggio della mitologia greca, una ninfa Oceanina figlia di Oceano e di Teti. È conosciuta anche come Ismene, ed è talvolta identificata con un'altra Melia, regina di Argo, a causa del fatto che i due personaggi condividono gli stessi genitori. (it) Melia – w mitologii greckiej jedna z okeanid. Była córką Okeanosa. Została kochanką boga Apollina, z którym spłodziła i . Czczono ją wraz z Apollinem w świątyni koło Tebami. Jej imieniem nazwano też źródło w samych Tebach. Niektóre źródła podają, że wśród okeanid była też inna Melia, małżonka boga rzeki Inachos. (pl) |
rdfs:comment |
In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Melia (Ancient Greek: Μελία), a daughter of the Titan Oceanus, was the consort of Apollo, and the mother, by Apollo, of the Theban hero and prophet Tenerus. She was also the mother (or sister) of Ismenus, god of the Theban river of the same name. Melia was an important cult figure at Thebes. She was worshipped at the Ismenion, the Temple of Apollo at Thebes, and was associated with a nearby spring. (en) Melia (in greco antico: Μελία, Melia) è un personaggio della mitologia greca, una ninfa Oceanina figlia di Oceano e di Teti. È conosciuta anche come Ismene, ed è talvolta identificata con un'altra Melia, regina di Argo, a causa del fatto che i due personaggi condividono gli stessi genitori. (it) Melia – w mitologii greckiej jedna z okeanid. Była córką Okeanosa. Została kochanką boga Apollina, z którym spłodziła i . Czczono ją wraz z Apollinem w świątyni koło Tebami. Jej imieniem nazwano też źródło w samych Tebach. Niektóre źródła podają, że wśród okeanid była też inna Melia, małżonka boga rzeki Inachos. (pl) |