dbo:abstract |
Xylenové pižmo (5-terc-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylen) je velmi perzistentní a velmi bioakumulativní syntetické pižmo, která se využívá zejména v kosmetice, v textilních změkčovadlech, v čisticích prostředcích nebo v osvěžovačích vzduchu. Pro své nebezpečné vlastnosti bylo Evropskou agenturou pro chemické látky zařazeno mezi prvních sedm nebezpečných látek vzbuzujících mimořádné obavy a které se mají podrobit procesu autorizace podle směrnice REACH. (cs) 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylol (kurz auch Moschusxylol) ist eine chemische Verbindung aus der Gruppe der aromatischen Nitroverbindungen. (de) Musk xylene is a synthetic musk fragrance which mimics natural musk. It has been used as a perfume fixative in a wide variety of consumer products, and is still used in some cosmetics and fragrances. Musk xylene was once the most widely used of the "nitro-musks", but its use has declined sharply since the mid-1980s due to safety and environmental concerns. Its explosive and carcinogenic hazards are recognized to be borderline, and musk xylene is a useful example of the lowest level of such risks which need to be taken into account. However, it is a very persistent and very bioaccumulative pollutant in the aquatic environment (vPvB substance), and is the first substance to be proposed as a "substance of very high concern" (SVHC) for these reasons alone under the European Union REACH Regulation. Since no company has applied for authorisation, it is banned in the EU. (en) ムスクキシレン(ムスクキシロールとも。英: Musk xylene)は、合成ムスクの一種。 (ja) 二甲苯麝香(英語:Musk xylene,化学名:5-叔丁基-2,4,6-三硝基间二甲苯或1-叔丁基-3,5-二甲基-2,4,6-三硝基苯)是一种人工合成麝香,它已被用作各种香水消费品中的固定剂,以及一些化妆品中。 (zh) |
rdfs:comment |
Xylenové pižmo (5-terc-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylen) je velmi perzistentní a velmi bioakumulativní syntetické pižmo, která se využívá zejména v kosmetice, v textilních změkčovadlech, v čisticích prostředcích nebo v osvěžovačích vzduchu. Pro své nebezpečné vlastnosti bylo Evropskou agenturou pro chemické látky zařazeno mezi prvních sedm nebezpečných látek vzbuzujících mimořádné obavy a které se mají podrobit procesu autorizace podle směrnice REACH. (cs) 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylol (kurz auch Moschusxylol) ist eine chemische Verbindung aus der Gruppe der aromatischen Nitroverbindungen. (de) ムスクキシレン(ムスクキシロールとも。英: Musk xylene)は、合成ムスクの一種。 (ja) 二甲苯麝香(英語:Musk xylene,化学名:5-叔丁基-2,4,6-三硝基间二甲苯或1-叔丁基-3,5-二甲基-2,4,6-三硝基苯)是一种人工合成麝香,它已被用作各种香水消费品中的固定剂,以及一些化妆品中。 (zh) Musk xylene is a synthetic musk fragrance which mimics natural musk. It has been used as a perfume fixative in a wide variety of consumer products, and is still used in some cosmetics and fragrances. Musk xylene was once the most widely used of the "nitro-musks", but its use has declined sharply since the mid-1980s due to safety and environmental concerns. Its explosive and carcinogenic hazards are recognized to be borderline, and musk xylene is a useful example of the lowest level of such risks which need to be taken into account. However, it is a very persistent and very bioaccumulative pollutant in the aquatic environment (vPvB substance), and is the first substance to be proposed as a "substance of very high concern" (SVHC) for these reasons alone under the European Union REACH Regulat (en) |