Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (original) (raw)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) je civilní letiště, které se nachází 5 km východně od města Phoenix v Maricopa County v Arizoně, USA. Je hlavním letištěm v tomto státu a jedním z největších leteckých zařízení na americkém jihozápadě. V současné době je Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport devátým nejvytíženějším letištěm ve Spojených státech. (cs)
- L'Aeroport Internacional Sky Harbor de Phoenix (anglès: 'Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport') (codi IATA: PHX, codi OACI: KPHX, FAA : PHX) és un aeroport internacional estatunidenc d'ús civil i militar que dóna servei a la ciutat de Phoenix, a Arizona, i el més important d'aquest estat. És un dels centres de connexions d'American Airlines i també una base de Southwest Airlines. El 2021, Southwest va transportar un 35% de tots els seus passatgers, esdevenint la principal aerolínia de l'aeroport per davant d'American per primera vegada. Això fa que sigui un dels aeroports més transitats del món per moviment d'aeronaus, i en ocasions també per tràfic de passatgers. Adjacent a l'aeroport hi ha una base de la branca aèria de la Guàrdia Nacional d'Arizona anomenada Base Goldwater, i una esquadra (la 161 ARW) d'avions d'abastament Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. També serveix com a base per a les Forces Aèries dels Estats Units d'Amèrica. El nom d'Aeroport Sky Harbor el va posar l'any 1928 J. Parker Van Zandt, propietari d'una aerolínia turística anomenada Scenic Airways, però no se'n sap el motiu d'aquest nom. L'aeròdrom es va construir entre 1928 i 1929. Després del Crac del 1929, Scenic Airways va entrar en fallida i va vendre l'aeroport a Acme Investment Company, que va ser propietària de l'aroport fins a 1935, en que el govern municipal de Phoenix va comprar-lo per 100.000 dòlars. (ca)
- Der Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX) in Phoenix ist der wichtigste der vier Flughäfen der Stadt und Arizonas wichtigster Flughafen. Er ist eines der größten Luftfahrt-Drehkreuze im Südwesten der USA und steht an 41. Stelle der meistfrequentierten Verkehrsflughäfen der Welt. Der Flughafen Phoenix liegt wenige Kilometer südöstlich des Stadtzentrums. Er hat drei Start- und Landebahnen und drei Terminals. Das General Aviation Terminal (GAT) des Flughafens ist unter anderem eines von acht Servicezentren für die Medevac-Fluggesellschaft . (de)
- مطار فينيكس سكاي هاربر الدولي (بالإنجليزية: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (إياتا: PHX، إيكاو: KPHX)، هو مطار مدني وعسكري يقع في فينيكس بمقاطعة ماريكوبا في ولاية أريزونا الأمريكية ويبعد (4.8 كم) إلى الشرق من الوسط التجاري في فينيكس ، وهو المطار الدولي الرئيسي في أريزونا واحد أكبر مرافق الطيران في جنوب غرب أمريكا. (ar)
- El Aeropuerto Internacional de Phoenix-Sky Harbor (del inglés: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, OACI: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) es un aeropuerto público conjunto civil-militar situado a 4.8 kilómetros (3 millas) al sureste del distrito financiero de la ciudad de Phoenix, en el Condado de Maricopa, Arizona, Estados Unidos. Es el aeropuerto más grande y concurrido de Arizona, y se encuentra entre los aeropuertos comerciales más grandes de Estados Unidos. En 2015, el aeropuerto atendió a 44,006,205 de pasajeros, un incremento del 4.5% respecto al año pasado haciéndolo el 11 más ocupado en Estados Unidos y el número 29 a nivel mundial. El aeropuerto maneja alrededor de 1,200 operaciones al día, junto con 100,000 pasajeros y más de 800 toneladas de carga. Los registros de la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA), muestran que en el aeropuerto hubo 20,169,926 embarques comerciales de pasajeros en el año natural de 2012 y 20,211,799 embarques en 2011. El aeropuerto sirve como un centro de conexiones de American Airlines y es el quinto más grande y principal centro de conexiones occidental de la línea aérea con más de 77 destinos a cuatro países. American opera el 54% de todos los pasajeros desde PHX, siendo la aerolínea más grande en el aeropuerto. El Sky Harbor también sirve como una de las ciudades foco más grandes de Southwest Airlines con 180 salidas diarias a 50 ciudades. (es)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor Nazioarteko Aireportua (ingelesez: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) Phoenix hirian dagoen nazioarteko aireportua da. Hiru terminal ditu aireportuak: 2, 3 eta 4. (eu)
- L'aéroport international Sky Harbor de Phoenix (en anglais : Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), simplement localement Sky Harbor (code IATA : PHX • code OACI : KPHX), est un aéroport américain situé à Phoenix, dans l'Arizona. En 2019, il est le 43e aéroport mondial avec plus de 46 millions de passagers qui en font usage, se positionnant au treizième rang aux États-Unis, devant l'aéroport international de Miami et derrière l'aéroport international Liberty de Newark. Servant de plate-forme de correspondance (hub) à la compagnie American Airlines, ainsi que dans une moindre mesure (focus city) à Southwest Airlines, l'aéroport a également un usage militaire, avec les 161st Air Refueling Wing et 111th Space Operations Squadron de l'Air National Guard de l'État stationnés à la base aérienne (Sky Harbor Air National Guard Base) au sud des terminaux commerciaux. (fr)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) is a civil–military public airport 3 miles (2.6 nmi; 4.8 km) east of downtown Phoenix, in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States. It is Arizona's largest and busiest airport, and among the largest commercial airports in the United States; in 2021, PHX was the 8th-busiest airport in the United States and 11th-busiest in the world. The airport serves as a hub for American Airlines and a base for Southwest Airlines. American (including American Eagle operated by Skywest and Mesa) serve more passengers from PHX than any other carrier . The airport is also home to the 161st Air Refueling Wing (161 ARW), an Air Mobility Command (AMC)–gained unit of the Arizona Air National Guard. The military enclave is known as the Goldwater Air National Guard Base. One of two flying units in the Arizona ANG, the 161 ARW currently flies the KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft. In addition to its domestic role as a National Guard unit, answering to the Governor of Arizona, the 161 ARW also performs both a stateside and overseas role as a USAF organization, supporting air refueling and air mobility missions worldwide. (en)
- Bandara Internasional Phoenix Sky Harbor (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) adalah bandara internasional Phoenix, Amerika Serikat dengan kode IATA PHX. (in)
- L'Aeroporto Internazionale di Phoenix-Sky Harbor (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX), chiamato anche semplicemente Aeroporto Internazionale di Phoenix è un aeroporto internazionale, situato a circa 4,8 km dal centro finanziario di Phoenix in Arizona, Stati Uniti d'America. Oltre ad ospitare il traffico civile è sede anche di installazioni militari. L'aeroporto è stato fondato già nel 1935 e oggi rappresenta uno dei più importanti scali della zona. È il terzo hub sia per la compagnia aerea US Airways che per la . È di grande importanza per la compagnia low cost Southwest Airlines che è largamente cresciuta dal 1982 quando iniziò il servizio. US Airways e Southwest Airlines utilizzano il terminal 4 e rappresentano insieme il 35% del traffico aeroportuale. Tutti i voli in programma sono interni agli Stati Uniti, eccetto dei voli operati dalla British Airways e dalla American Airlines in direzione dell'aeroporto di Heathrow. (it)
- 피닉스 스카이 하버 국제공항(영어: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport)는 미국 애리조나주 피닉스에 위치한 국제공항으로 아메리칸 항공과 사우스웨스트 항공의 허브 공항으로 운영 중이며 피닉스 도심에서 약 5km 떨어진 동쪽에 위치해 있다. (ko)
- フェニックス・スカイハーバー国際空港(フェニックス・スカイハーバーこくさいくうこう、英: Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) は、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フェニックス市内にある国際空港。ダウンタウンの至近距離に位置している。アリゾナ州で最も利用者の多い空港であり、全米でも十指に数えられる。 スカイハーバーは1929年開港。サンフランシスコとエルパソ を結ぶ路線の中継地であった。1935年、フェニックス市が空港を買い取り、市営空港となった。現在はアメリカン航空が持つ10拠点の一つとなっており、同社の利用者が約半数を占めている。サウスウエスト航空もこの空港をハブ空港と位置付けており、利用者が多い。 2019年、最も利用者の多い国内線はデンバー行きで、国際線はロンドン行きだった。 3つのターミナルがあるが、その番号は2、3、4となっている。ターミナル1は1990年に取り壊された。 (ja)
- Port lotniczy Phoenix-Sky Harbor (ang. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, kod IATA: PHX, kod ICAO: KPHX) – międzynarodowy port lotniczy zlokalizowany w Phoenix, w stanie Arizona, w Stanach Zjednoczonych, oddalony ok. 5 km na wschód od centrum miasta. Jest to główne lotnisko stanu Arizona, stanowiące jeden z najbardziej rozbudowanych kompleksów infrastruktury lotniczej w rejonie . Port lotniczy Phoenix-Sky Harbor działa pod tą nazwą już sprzed 1935, kiedy został wykupiony przez miasto Phoenix (City of Phoenix). W 1950 był obsługiwany przez cztery linie lotnicze. Obecnie, port jest głównym węzłem lokalnie bazowanej (w Tempe) linii lotniczej US Airways i 3. co do znaczenia portem linii Southwest Airlines, drugiego co do liczby przewozów przewoźnika portu. Od rozpoczęcia działalności w 1982, Southwest Airlines uzyskały ponad 34% rynku. Od 1990, przewozy Southwest Airlines w oparciu o port Phoenix-Sky Harbor wzrosły o 352%. W 2006, port lotniczy obsłużył 41,4 mln pasażerów, jako 9. największy w USA i 18. największy na świecie pod względem liczby przewiezionych pasażerów. W przeliczeniu dziennym, port wykonuje 1486 operacji lotniczych, obsługując 108 887 pasażerów. Port Sky Harbor rozwinął się tak szybko, że Phoenix zostało zmuszone do wcielenia pobliskiego w Mesie jako komunikacyjnego lotniska pomocniczego. Port Sky Harbor służy również lotnictwie ogólnemu, w tym jako jedną z 8 baz linii . (pl)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is de internationale luchthaven van Phoenix (Arizona). Ze ligt op 5 km ten oosten van het commerciële centrum van de stad. Het is de belangrijkste luchthaven van de staat Arizona en een van de drukste vliegvelden in de Verenigde Staten. Er zijn drie startbanen die vrijwel evenwijdig aan elkaar zijn aangelegd, en twee terminals: Terminals 3 en 4. De luchthaven was de voornaamste hub van US Airways en ze is ook een hub voor American Airlines en Southwest Airlines. (nl)
- O Aeroporto Internacional de Phoenix Sky Harbor (em inglês: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), ou simplesmente Aeroporto Internacional de Phoenix, é um aeroporto situado na cidade norte-americana de Phoenix no estado do Arizona. O aeroporto fica perto de 4,8 km do Centro Financeiro de Phoenix. Em 2011 o aeroporto serviu 40,6 milhões de passageiros fazendo dele 26° aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo em termos de passageiros. Dado o rápido crescimento do aeroporto, está em estudo a utilização do em Mesa como aeroporto secundário. (pt)
- Международный аэропорт Фи́никс Скай-Ха́рбор (англ. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), (ИАТА: PHX, ИКАО: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) — международный аэропорт, расположенный в городе Финикс (Аризона), США, является крупнейшим аэропортом штата. (ru)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX), är en flygplats i Phoenix i Arizona, USA. Den är den största i Arizona och ett viktigt flygtrafiknav för US Airways/America West Airlines. Den trafikeras också från Europa, London av British Airways. År 2006 hade flygplatsen 41 439 819 passagerare. (sv)
- 鳳凰城天港國際機場(英語:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport,IATA代码:PHX;ICAO代码:KPHX;FAA代码:PHX)是一座軍民兩用機場,位於美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城東南4.8公里的馬里科帕縣。天港國際機場是亞利桑那州最大、最繁忙的機場,也是美國西南部最大的商用機場之一。 天港國際機場是美國航空的國內線樞紐機場,也是該航空公司飛往墨西哥和夏威夷的門戶。該機場同時也是西南航空的重點機場。2012年天港國際機場客運量達40,448,932人次,因此得以躋身美國十大最繁忙機場之列。機場平均每日起降航班超過1,200架次,客運量逾十萬人次,貨運量達800公噸。 (zh)
- Міжнародний аеропорт Фінікс - Скай-Гарбор (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA ідент. місц.: PHX) є цивільно-військовим громадським аеропортом. Розташований на відстані 4,8 км на південний схід від центру міста Фінікс, округ Марікопа, штат Аризона, США. Це найбільший і найзавантаженыший аеропорт Аризони. В 2017 році PHX обслугував 43 921 670 пасажирів, що робить його сорок першим найзавантаженішим аеропортом у світі за пасажирообігом. Він обслуговує понад 1200 літаків на день, 120 000 пасажирів та понад 800 тон вантажу. Записи Федерального управління цивільної авіації (FAA) показує, що в аеропорту відбулися 21 185 440 комерційних пасажирських посадок за календарний 2017 рік та 20 896 655 в 2016 році. Аеропорт є шостим за величиною хабом для American Airlines, з понад 300 щоденними перельотами у 91 напрямках в 4 країнах. За даними опитування у грудні 2017 року (близько 20 мільйонів пасажирів), American Airlines користується майже 46% від усіх пасажирів PHX. Аеропорт також є одним з найбільших хабів для Southwest Airlines, з 188 щоденними вильотами до 53 міст США. (uk)
- dbr:Calgary_International_Airport
- dbr:Cancún_International_Airport
- dbr:Ameriflight
- dbc:Aviation_in_Arizona
- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Provo_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Qantas
- dbr:Roberts_Field
- dbr:Rochester_International_Airport
- dbr:Rocky_Mountain_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Rogue_Valley_International–Medford_Airport
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan_Washington_National_Airport
- dbr:Roswell_International_Air_Center
- dbr:San_Antonio_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Diego
- dbr:San_Diego_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Francisco
- dbr:San_Francisco_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Jose_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Luis_Obispo_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Santa_Barbara_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Santa_Fe_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Saskatoon_John_G._Diefenbaker_International_Airport
- dbr:Elevation
- dbr:List_of_airports_in_Arizona
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic
- dbr:Mesa_Airlines
- dbr:Billings_Logan_International_Airport
- dbr:Bismarck_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Boeing_727
- dbr:Boeing_747
- dbr:Boeing_747-400
- dbr:Boeing_KC-135_Stratotanker
- dbr:Boise_Airport
- dbr:Bonanza_Air_Lines
- dbr:Bradley_International_Airport
- dbr:Breeze_Airways
- dbr:Delta_Air_Lines
- dbr:Delta_Connection
- dbr:Denver
- dbr:Denver_Air_Connection
- dbr:Denver_International_Airport
- dbr:Des_Moines_International_Airport
- dbr:Detroit_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Hollywood_Burbank_Airport
- dbr:Houston
- dbr:Howard_Hughes
- dbr:Hughes_Airwest
- dbr:John_Wayne_Airport
- dbr:List_of_the_busiest_airports_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Payson_Airport
- dbr:Regina_International_Airport
- dbr:Reno
- dbr:Reno–Tahoe_International_Airport
- dbr:Richmond_International_Airport
- dbr:US_Airways
- dbr:United_Airlines
- dbr:United_Express
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:Valley_Metro
- dbr:Valley_Metro_Rail
- dbr:Vancouver_International_Airport
- dbr:Volaris
- dbr:Downtown_Phoenix
- dbr:Fort_Lauderdale_Hollywood_International_Airport
- dbr:161st_Air_Refueling_Wing
- dbc:Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_International_Airport
- dbr:Colorado_Springs_Airport
- dbr:Condor_(airline)
- dbr:Continental_Airlines
- dbr:Cortez_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Mazatlán_International_Airport
- dbr:McGhee_Tyson_Airport
- dbr:Meadows_Field_Airport
- dbr:Medevac
- dbr:Memphis_International_Airport
- dbr:Runway
- dbr:Runway_naming
- dbr:Sacramento_International_Airport
- dbr:Salt_Lake_City
- dbr:Salt_Lake_City_International_Airport
- dbr:Cincinnati/Northern_Kentucky_International_Airport
- dbr:Cleveland_Hopkins_International_Airport
- dbr:Clinton_National_Airport
- dbr:El_Paso
- dbr:El_Paso_International_Airport
- dbr:Eppley_Airfield
- dbr:Frankfurt_Airport
- dbr:Fresno_Yosemite_International_Airport
- dbr:Frontier_Airlines
- dbr:Gallup_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:George_Bush_Intercontinental_Airport
- dbr:Gerald_R._Ford_International_Airport
- dbr:Goldwater_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Grand_Junction_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Grant_County_Airport_(New_Mexico)
- dbr:Green_Bay–Austin_Straubel_International_Airport
- dbr:Minneapolis–Saint_Paul_International_Airport
- dbr:Monterey_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Monterrey_International_Airport
- dbr:Montrose_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Montréal–Trudeau_International_Airport
- dbr:Concrete
- dbr:Contour_Airlines
- dbr:The_Wall_Street_Journal
- dbr:Phoenix_Metropolitan_Area
- dbc:1928_establishments_in_Arizona
- dbc:Airports_in_Maricopa_County,_Arizona
- dbr:Lehigh_Valley_International_Airport
- dbr:Licenciado_Gustavo_Díaz_Ordaz_International_Airport
- dbr:Lihue_Airport
- dbr:Logan_International_Airport
- dbr:Long_Beach_Airport
- dbr:Loreto_International_Airport
- dbr:Los_Angeles
- dbr:Los_Angeles_International_Airport
- dbr:Los_Cabos_International_Airport
- dbr:Louis_Armstrong_New_Orleans_International_Airport
- dbr:Louisville_International_Airport
- dbr:Lubbock_Preston_Smith_International_Airport
- dbr:Lynx_Air
- dbr:Maddux_Air_Lines
- dbr:Show_Low_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Sierra_Vista_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Sioux_Falls_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Skip_Rimsza
- dbr:SkyWest_Airlines
- dbr:Stock_Market_Crash_of_1929
- dbr:Stockton_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Yuma_International_Airport
- dbr:Chicago_O'Hare_International_Airport
- dbr:Lescher_&_Mahoney
- dbr:Frontier_Airlines_(1950-1986)
- dbr:Austin–Bergstrom_International_Airport
- dbr:Baltimore/Washington_International_Airport
- dbr:British_Airways
- dbr:Buffalo_Niagara_International_Airport
- dbc:Airports_established_in_1928
- dbr:Air_Canada_Express
- dbr:Toronto_Pearson_International_Airport
- dbr:Trans_World_Airlines
- dbr:Transportation_Security_Administration
- dbr:Tucson,_Arizona
- dbr:Tucson_International_Airport
- dbr:Tulsa_International_Airport
- dbr:UPS_Airlines
- dbr:USAF
- dbr:USAir
- dbr:WestJet
- dbr:Western_Airlines
- dbr:Wichita_Dwight_D._Eisenhower_National_Airport
- dbr:Will_Rogers_World_Airport
- dbr:William_P._Hobby_Airport
- dbr:Wilmington_Air_Park
- dbr:Winnipeg_James_Armstrong_Richardson_International_Airport
- dbr:Lake_Havasu_City_Airport
- dbr:Cellphone_lot
- dbr:44th_Street/Washington_station
- dbr:Advanced_Air
- dbr:Air_Canada
- dbr:Air_Canada_Rouge
- dbr:Air_Cargo_Carriers
- dbr:Air_Mobility_Command
- dbr:Air_traffic_control
- dbr:Airbus_A320
- dbr:Airbus_A380
- dbr:Airline_Deregulation_Act
- dbr:Alaska_Airlines
- dbr:Albuquerque
- dbr:Albuquerque_International_Sunport
- dbr:Allegheny_Airlines
- dbr:Allegiant_Air
- dbr:Amazon_Air
- dbr:America_West_Airlines
- dbr:America_West_Express
- dbr:American_Airlines
- dbr:American_Eagle_(airline_brand)
- dbr:Air_West
- dbr:Aircraft
- dbr:Airline_deregulation
- dbr:Culiacán_International_Airport
- dbr:DHL_Aviation
- dbr:Dallas,_Texas
- dbr:Dallas/Fort_Worth_International_Airport
- dbr:Dallas_Love_Field
- dbr:Dane_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Daniel_K._Inouye_International_Airport
- dbr:Dulles_International_Airport
- dbr:Duluth_International_Airport
- dbr:Durango–La_Plata_County_Airport
- dbr:Eagle_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Edmonton_International_Airport
- dbr:Ernest_A._Love_Field
- dbr:Eugene_Airport
- dbr:FAA
- dbr:FedEx_Express
- dbr:Federal_Aviation_Administration
- dbr:Flagstaff_Pulliam_Airport
- dbr:Fort_Lauderdale–Hollywood_International_Airport
- dbr:Fort_Worth_Alliance_Airport
- dbr:Nogales_International_Airport
- dbr:Northwest_Arkansas_National_Airport
- dbr:PHX_Sky_Train
- dbr:Page_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Paine_Field
- dbr:Palm_Springs_International_Airport
- dbr:Harry_Reid_International_Airport
- dbr:Hartsfield–Jackson_Atlanta_International_Airport
- dbr:Hawaiian_Airlines
- dbr:Hawthorne,_California
- dbr:Hawthorne_Municipal_Airport_(California)
- dbr:Heathrow_Airport
- dbr:Hector_International_Airport
- dbr:Hermosillo_International_Airport
- dbr:Interstate_10_in_Arizona
- dbr:Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo_International_Airport
- dbr:JSX_(airline)
- dbr:Jackson_Hole_Airport
- dbr:Backscatter_X-ray
- dbr:Tampa_International_Airport
- dbr:Taoyuan_International_Airport
- dbr:Ted_Stevens_Anchorage_International_Airport
- dbr:Telluride_Regional_Airport
- dbr:The_Eastern_Iowa_Airport
- dbc:Transportation_buildings_and_structures_in_Phoenix,_Arizona
- dbr:Standard_Air_Lines
- dbr:Arizona_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Arizona_Airways
- dbr:Arizona_State_Route_143
- dbr:Arizona_State_Route_202
- dbr:Aspen/Pitkin_County_Airport
- dbr:Charles_M._Schulz–Sonoma_County_Airport
- dbr:Charleston_International_Airport
- dbr:Charlotte_Douglas_International_Airport
- dbr:Chicago_Rockford_International_Airport
- dbr:China_Airlines
- dbr:JetBlue
- dbr:John_F._Kennedy_International_Airport
- dbr:John_Glenn_Columbus_International_Airport
- dbr:Kahului_Airport
- dbr:Kansas_City,_Missouri
- dbr:Kansas_City_International_Airport
- dbr:Kelowna_International_Airport
- dbr:La_Paz_International_Airport
- dbr:Lakeland_Linder_International_Airport
- dbr:Las_Vegas
- dbr:Sun_Country_Airlines
- dbr:Douglas,_Arizona
- dbr:Maricopa_County,_Arizona
- dbr:Philadelphia_International_Airport
- dbr:Phoenix,_Arizona
- dbr:Phoenix–Mesa_Gateway_Airport
- dbr:Pittsburgh_International_Airport
- dbr:Playa_de_Oro_International_Airport
- dbr:Portland_International_Airport
- dbr:Southern_Airways_Express
- dbr:Southern_California
- dbr:Southwest_Airlines
- dbr:Spirit_Airlines
- dbr:Spokane_International_Airport
- dbr:St._George_Regional_Airport
- dbr:St._Louis_Lambert_International_Airport
- dbr:Control_tower
- dbr:Idaho_Falls_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Imperial_County_Airport
- dbr:Indianapolis_International_Airport
- dbr:Kona_International_Airport
- dbr:Mexico_City_International_Airport
- dbr:Miami_International_Airport
- dbr:Midland_International_Air_and_Space_Port
- dbr:Midway_International_Airport
- dbr:Miguel_Hidalgo_y_Costilla_Guadalajara_International_Airport
- dbr:Milwaukee_Mitchell_International_Airport
- dbr:Nashville,_Tennessee
- dbr:Nashville_International_Airport
- dbr:Newark_Liberty_International_Airport
- dbr:O'Hare_International_Airport
- dbr:Oakland_International_Airport
- dbr:Ontario_International_Airport
- dbr:Orlando_International_Airport
- dbr:Raleigh–Durham_International_Airport
- dbr:Rapid_City_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Cessna_182_Skylane
- dbr:Seattle–Tacoma_International_Airport
- dbr:September_11,_2001_attacks
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Idlewild_Airport
- dbr:Maximum_takeoff_weight
- dbr:London,_UK
- dbr:Scenic_Airways
- dbr:Paul_Coze
- dbr:Barry_M._Goldwater
- dbr:Republic_Airlines_(1979-1986)
- dbr:Fort_Lauderdale_International_Airport
- dbr:FedEx_Feeder
- dbr:Bonanza_Airlines
- dbr:Chapter_11_bankruptcy
- dbr:Arizona_DOT
- dbr:Fargo_International_Airport
- dbr:Douglas_DC-10
- Sky Harbor - 2008-08-29 - Control Tower.jpg (en)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (en)
- dbt:FAA-diagram
- dbt:Airport_destination_list
- dbt:!
- dbt:Airport_codes
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Coord
- dbt:Cvt
- dbt:Distinguish
- dbt:Infobox_airport
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Redirect
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Start_date_and_age
- dbt:Url
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:Major_US_Airports
- dbt:US-airport
- dbt:FAA-procedures
- dbt:Airport-Statistics
- dbt:Phoenix,_Arizona
- dbc:Aviation_in_Arizona
- dbc:Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_International_Airport
- dbc:1928_establishments_in_Arizona
- dbc:Airports_in_Maricopa_County,_Arizona
- dbc:Airports_established_in_1928
- dbc:Transportation_buildings_and_structures_in_Phoenix,_Arizona
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Place
- geo:SpatialThing
- yago:Airfield102687992
- yago:Airport102692232
- yago:Artifact100021939
- yago:Facility103315023
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:YagoGeoEntity
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Airport
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatAirportsEstablishedIn1928
- yago:WikicatAirportsInMaricopaCounty,Arizona
- yago:WikicatAirportsInTheUnitedStates
- yago:WikicatFacilitiesOfTheUnitedStatesAirNationalGuard
- umbel-rc:Airport_Physical
- umbel-rc:Building
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) je civilní letiště, které se nachází 5 km východně od města Phoenix v Maricopa County v Arizoně, USA. Je hlavním letištěm v tomto státu a jedním z největších leteckých zařízení na americkém jihozápadě. V současné době je Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport devátým nejvytíženějším letištěm ve Spojených státech. (cs)
- Der Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX) in Phoenix ist der wichtigste der vier Flughäfen der Stadt und Arizonas wichtigster Flughafen. Er ist eines der größten Luftfahrt-Drehkreuze im Südwesten der USA und steht an 41. Stelle der meistfrequentierten Verkehrsflughäfen der Welt. Der Flughafen Phoenix liegt wenige Kilometer südöstlich des Stadtzentrums. Er hat drei Start- und Landebahnen und drei Terminals. Das General Aviation Terminal (GAT) des Flughafens ist unter anderem eines von acht Servicezentren für die Medevac-Fluggesellschaft . (de)
- مطار فينيكس سكاي هاربر الدولي (بالإنجليزية: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (إياتا: PHX، إيكاو: KPHX)، هو مطار مدني وعسكري يقع في فينيكس بمقاطعة ماريكوبا في ولاية أريزونا الأمريكية ويبعد (4.8 كم) إلى الشرق من الوسط التجاري في فينيكس ، وهو المطار الدولي الرئيسي في أريزونا واحد أكبر مرافق الطيران في جنوب غرب أمريكا. (ar)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor Nazioarteko Aireportua (ingelesez: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) Phoenix hirian dagoen nazioarteko aireportua da. Hiru terminal ditu aireportuak: 2, 3 eta 4. (eu)
- Bandara Internasional Phoenix Sky Harbor (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) adalah bandara internasional Phoenix, Amerika Serikat dengan kode IATA PHX. (in)
- 피닉스 스카이 하버 국제공항(영어: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport)는 미국 애리조나주 피닉스에 위치한 국제공항으로 아메리칸 항공과 사우스웨스트 항공의 허브 공항으로 운영 중이며 피닉스 도심에서 약 5km 떨어진 동쪽에 위치해 있다. (ko)
- フェニックス・スカイハーバー国際空港(フェニックス・スカイハーバーこくさいくうこう、英: Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA : PHX) は、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フェニックス市内にある国際空港。ダウンタウンの至近距離に位置している。アリゾナ州で最も利用者の多い空港であり、全米でも十指に数えられる。 スカイハーバーは1929年開港。サンフランシスコとエルパソ を結ぶ路線の中継地であった。1935年、フェニックス市が空港を買い取り、市営空港となった。現在はアメリカン航空が持つ10拠点の一つとなっており、同社の利用者が約半数を占めている。サウスウエスト航空もこの空港をハブ空港と位置付けており、利用者が多い。 2019年、最も利用者の多い国内線はデンバー行きで、国際線はロンドン行きだった。 3つのターミナルがあるが、その番号は2、3、4となっている。ターミナル1は1990年に取り壊された。 (ja)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is de internationale luchthaven van Phoenix (Arizona). Ze ligt op 5 km ten oosten van het commerciële centrum van de stad. Het is de belangrijkste luchthaven van de staat Arizona en een van de drukste vliegvelden in de Verenigde Staten. Er zijn drie startbanen die vrijwel evenwijdig aan elkaar zijn aangelegd, en twee terminals: Terminals 3 en 4. De luchthaven was de voornaamste hub van US Airways en ze is ook een hub voor American Airlines en Southwest Airlines. (nl)
- O Aeroporto Internacional de Phoenix Sky Harbor (em inglês: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), ou simplesmente Aeroporto Internacional de Phoenix, é um aeroporto situado na cidade norte-americana de Phoenix no estado do Arizona. O aeroporto fica perto de 4,8 km do Centro Financeiro de Phoenix. Em 2011 o aeroporto serviu 40,6 milhões de passageiros fazendo dele 26° aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo em termos de passageiros. Dado o rápido crescimento do aeroporto, está em estudo a utilização do em Mesa como aeroporto secundário. (pt)
- Международный аэропорт Фи́никс Скай-Ха́рбор (англ. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), (ИАТА: PHX, ИКАО: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) — международный аэропорт, расположенный в городе Финикс (Аризона), США, является крупнейшим аэропортом штата. (ru)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX), är en flygplats i Phoenix i Arizona, USA. Den är den största i Arizona och ett viktigt flygtrafiknav för US Airways/America West Airlines. Den trafikeras också från Europa, London av British Airways. År 2006 hade flygplatsen 41 439 819 passagerare. (sv)
- 鳳凰城天港國際機場(英語:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport,IATA代码:PHX;ICAO代码:KPHX;FAA代码:PHX)是一座軍民兩用機場,位於美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城東南4.8公里的馬里科帕縣。天港國際機場是亞利桑那州最大、最繁忙的機場,也是美國西南部最大的商用機場之一。 天港國際機場是美國航空的國內線樞紐機場,也是該航空公司飛往墨西哥和夏威夷的門戶。該機場同時也是西南航空的重點機場。2012年天港國際機場客運量達40,448,932人次,因此得以躋身美國十大最繁忙機場之列。機場平均每日起降航班超過1,200架次,客運量逾十萬人次,貨運量達800公噸。 (zh)
- L'aéroport international Sky Harbor de Phoenix (en anglais : Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport), simplement localement Sky Harbor (code IATA : PHX • code OACI : KPHX), est un aéroport américain situé à Phoenix, dans l'Arizona. (fr)
- El Aeropuerto Internacional de Phoenix-Sky Harbor (del inglés: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport) (IATA: PHX, OACI: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) es un aeropuerto público conjunto civil-militar situado a 4.8 kilómetros (3 millas) al sureste del distrito financiero de la ciudad de Phoenix, en el Condado de Maricopa, Arizona, Estados Unidos. Es el aeropuerto más grande y concurrido de Arizona, y se encuentra entre los aeropuertos comerciales más grandes de Estados Unidos. (es)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA LID: PHX) is a civil–military public airport 3 miles (2.6 nmi; 4.8 km) east of downtown Phoenix, in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States. It is Arizona's largest and busiest airport, and among the largest commercial airports in the United States; in 2021, PHX was the 8th-busiest airport in the United States and 11th-busiest in the world. The airport serves as a hub for American Airlines and a base for Southwest Airlines. American (including American Eagle operated by Skywest and Mesa) serve more passengers from PHX than any other carrier . (en)
- L'Aeroporto Internazionale di Phoenix-Sky Harbor (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX), chiamato anche semplicemente Aeroporto Internazionale di Phoenix è un aeroporto internazionale, situato a circa 4,8 km dal centro finanziario di Phoenix in Arizona, Stati Uniti d'America. Oltre ad ospitare il traffico civile è sede anche di installazioni militari. Tutti i voli in programma sono interni agli Stati Uniti, eccetto dei voli operati dalla British Airways e dalla American Airlines in direzione dell'aeroporto di Heathrow. (it)
- Port lotniczy Phoenix-Sky Harbor (ang. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, kod IATA: PHX, kod ICAO: KPHX) – międzynarodowy port lotniczy zlokalizowany w Phoenix, w stanie Arizona, w Stanach Zjednoczonych, oddalony ok. 5 km na wschód od centrum miasta. Jest to główne lotnisko stanu Arizona, stanowiące jeden z najbardziej rozbudowanych kompleksów infrastruktury lotniczej w rejonie . Port Sky Harbor służy również lotnictwie ogólnemu, w tym jako jedną z 8 baz linii . (pl)
- Міжнародний аеропорт Фінікс - Скай-Гарбор (IATA: PHX, ICAO: KPHX, FAA ідент. місц.: PHX) є цивільно-військовим громадським аеропортом. Розташований на відстані 4,8 км на південний схід від центру міста Фінікс, округ Марікопа, штат Аризона, США. Це найбільший і найзавантаженыший аеропорт Аризони. (uk)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (en)
- مطار فينيكس سكاي هاربر الدولي (ar)
- Aeroport Internacional Sky Harbor de Phoenix (ca)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (cs)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (de)
- Aeropuerto Internacional de Phoenix-Sky Harbor (es)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor Nazioarteko Aireportua (eu)
- Bandar Udara Internasional Sky Harbor Phoenix (in)
- Aeroporto Internazionale di Phoenix-Sky Harbor (it)
- Aéroport international Sky Harbor de Phoenix (fr)
- フェニックス・スカイハーバー国際空港 (ja)
- 피닉스 스카이 하버 국제공항 (ko)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (nl)
- Port lotniczy Phoenix-Sky Harbor (pl)
- Финикс Скай-Харбор (ru)
- Aeroporto Internacional de Phoenix Sky Harbor (pt)
- Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (sv)
- Фінікс — Скай-Гарбор (uk)
- 鳳凰城天港國際機場 (zh)
- freebase:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- geodata:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- lgdt:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- yago-res:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- wikidata:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-ar:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-ca:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-cs:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-da:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-de:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-es:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-et:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-eu:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-fa:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-fi:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-fr:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-gl:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-hu:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-id:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-it:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-ja:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-ko:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-mr:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-nl:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-no:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-pl:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-pt:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-ru:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-simple:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-sv:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-th:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-tr:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-uk:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-vi:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
- dbpedia-zh:Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
is dbo:hubAirport of
- dbr:Mesa_Airlines
- dbr:Hughes_Airwest
- dbr:Republic_Airlines
- dbr:US_Airways
- dbr:US_Airways_Express
- dbr:Great_Lakes_Airlines
- dbr:SkyWest_Airlines
- dbr:America_West_Airlines
- dbr:America_West_Express
- dbr:American_Airlines
- dbr:American_Eagle_(airline_brand)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Calgary_International_Airport
- dbr:Cancún_International_Airport
- dbr:Canyonlands_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Capital_Region_International_Airport
- dbr:Carlsbad,_New_Mexico
- dbr:Casa_Grande,_Arizona
- dbr:Ameriflight
- dbr:Prescott,_Arizona
- dbr:Provo_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Roberts_Field
- dbr:Rochester_International_Airport
- dbr:Rocky_Mountain_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Rogue_Valley_International–Medford_Airport
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan_Washington_National_Airport
- dbr:Roswell_International_Air_Center
- dbr:San_Antonio_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Diego_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Francisco_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Jose_International_Airport
- dbr:San_Luis_Obispo_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Santa_Barbara_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Santa_Fe,_New_Mexico
- dbr:Santa_Fe_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Saskatoon_John_G._Diefenbaker_International_Airport
- dbr:List_of_US_Airways_Express_destinations
- dbr:List_of_US_Airways_destinations
- dbr:List_of_United_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_United_Express_destinations
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_air_refueling_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_Volaris_destinations
- dbr:List_of_WestJet_destinations
- dbr:List_of_airlines_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_airport_museums_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_airport_people_mover_systems
- dbr:List_of_airport_rail_link_systems
- dbr:List_of_airports_by_IATA_airport_code:_P
- dbr:List_of_airports_by_ICAO_code:_K
- dbr:List_of_airports_in_Arizona
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_by_aircraft_movements
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic_(2000–2009)
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic_(2010–2015)
- dbr:List_of_busiest_airports_in_North_America
- dbr:List_of_busiest_city_airport_systems_by_passenger_traffic
- dbr:List_of_cities_with_more_than_one_commercial_airport
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_the_United_States_(A–C)
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_the_United_States_(J–P)
- dbr:List_of_defunct_airlines_of_the_United_States_(Q–Z)
- dbr:Mesa_Airlines
- dbr:Morris_Air
- dbr:Barry_Goldwater
- dbr:Betsy_Gotbaum
- dbr:Billings_Logan_International_Airport
- dbr:Bismarck_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Boeing_720
- dbr:Boeing_KC-135_Stratotanker
- dbr:Boise_Airport
- dbr:Bonanza_Air_Lines_Flight_114
- dbr:Border_control
- dbr:Bozeman_Yellowstone_International_Airport
- dbr:Bradley_International_Airport
- dbr:Braniff_(1983–1990)
- dbr:Delta_Air_Lines
- dbr:Denver_Air_Connection
- dbr:Denver_International_Airport
- dbr:Des_Moines_International_Airport
- dbr:Detroit_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Hollywood_Burbank_Airport
- dbr:Hotel_Valley_Ho
- dbr:Hughes_Airwest
- dbr:Hunt_Construction_Group
- dbr:Hyatt_Regency_Phoenix
- dbr:John_Wayne_Airport
- dbr:List_of_Sun_Country_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_installations
- dbr:List_of_Valley_Metro_Rail_stations
- dbr:List_of_commercial_transatlantic_flights
- dbr:List_of_former_airline_hubs
- dbr:List_of_groups_and_wings_of_the_United_States_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:List_of_historic_properties_in_Phoenix
- dbr:List_of_state_routes_in_Arizona
- dbr:List_of_the_busiest_airports_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Payson_Airport
- dbr:Peet's_Coffee
- dbr:Regina_International_Airport
- dbr:Reno–Tahoe_International_Airport
- dbr:Republic_Airlines
- dbr:Richard_Simmons
- dbr:Richmond_International_Airport
- dbr:Rittenhouse_Army_Heliport
- dbr:Roads_and_freeways_in_metropolitan_Phoenix
- dbr:DWL_Architects
- dbr:US_Airways
- dbr:US_Airways_Express
- dbr:Union_Station_(Phoenix,_Arizona)
- dbr:Valley_Metro
- dbr:Valley_Metro_Rail
- dbr:Vancouver_International_Airport
- dbr:Volaris
- dbr:Del_E._Webb_Construction_Company
- dbr:Index_of_Arizona-related_articles
- dbr:Innovia_APM
- dbr:International_air_travel_from_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Ioanna_Morfessis
- dbr:List_of_hub_airports
- dbr:List_of_international_airports_by_country
- dbr:List_of_largest_cargo_airports_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Arizona
- dbr:List_of_presidential_trips_made_by_Donald_Trump_(2018)
- dbr:List_of_presidential_trips_made_by_Donald_Trump_(2020–2021)
- dbr:List_of_protests_against_Executive_Order_13769
- dbr:Proposed_commuter_rail_in_the_Phoenix_metropolitan_area
- dbr:Timeline_of_Arizona
- dbr:161st_Air_Refueling_Wing
- dbr:197th_Air_Refueling_Squadron
- dbr:Colorado_Springs_Airport
- dbr:Coolidge,_Arizona
- dbr:Cortez_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Cottonwood_Airport
- dbr:Mazatlán_International_Airport
- dbr:McClellan–Palomar_Airport
- dbr:McGhee_Tyson_Airport
- dbr:Meadows_Field_Airport
- dbr:Memphis_International_Airport
- dbr:Runway
- dbr:Sacramento_International_Airport
- dbr:Salt_Lake_City_International_Airport
- dbr:Essential_Air_Service
- dbr:Cincinnati/Northern_Kentucky_International_Airport
- dbr:Cindy_McCain
- dbr:Cleveland_Hopkins_International_Airport
- dbr:Clinton_National_Airport
- dbr:El_Paso_International_Airport
- dbr:Elevated_railway
- dbr:Eloy,_Arizona
- dbr:Eloy_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Eppley_Airfield
- dbr:Frank_Martínez_(artist)
- dbr:Frankfurt_Airport
- dbr:Fresno_Yosemite_International_Airport
- dbr:Frontier_Airlines
- dbr:Frontier_Airlines_(1950–1986)
- dbr:Gallup_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:George_Bush_Intercontinental_Airport
- dbr:Gerald_R._Ford_International_Airport
- dbr:Gilbert,_Arizona
- dbr:Glendale,_Arizona
- dbr:Goldwater_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Grand_Canyon_National_Park_Airport
- dbr:Grand_Junction_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Grant_County_Airport_(New_Mexico)
- dbr:Great_Lakes_Airlines
- dbr:Green_Bay–Austin_Straubel_International_Airport
- dbr:Minneapolis–Saint_Paul_International_Airport
- dbr:Missoula,_Montana
- dbr:Monterey_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Monterrey_International_Airport
- dbr:Montrose_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Montréal–Trudeau_International_Airport
- dbr:Consolidated_rental_car_facility
- dbr:Phoenix_Airport
- dbr:Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_(airport)
- dbr:Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_(international_airport)
- dbr:Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_International
- dbr:2011_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Antares,_Arizona
- dbr:Arcata–Eureka_Airport
- dbr:Bermuda_II_Agreement
- dbr:Licenciado_Gustavo_Díaz_Ordaz_International_Airport
- dbr:Lihue_Airport
- dbr:List_of_Arizona_hurricanes
- dbr:Logan_International_Airport
- dbr:Long_Beach_Airport
- dbr:Loreto_International_Airport
- dbr:Los_Angeles_International_Airport
- dbr:Los_Cabos_International_Airport
- dbr:Louis_Armstrong_New_Orleans_International_Airport
- dbr:Louisville_International_Airport
- dbr:Lubbock_Preston_Smith_International_Airport
- dbr:Luke_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Lynx_Air
- dbr:Show_Low,_Arizona
- dbr:Show_Low_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Sierra_Vista_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Sioux_Falls_Regional_Airport
- dbr:SkyWest_Airlines
- dbr:Stockton_Metropolitan_Airport
- dbr:Communications-based_train_control
- dbr:Delta_TechOps
- dbr:Yuma_International_Airport
- dbr:Hot_and_high
- dbr:Iconics
- dbr:Lescher_&_Mahoney
- dbr:Trans_World_Express
- dbr:Austin–Bergstrom_International_Airport
- dbr:Baltimore/Washington_International_Airport
- dbr:Bryce_Canyon_Airport
- dbr:Buffalo_Niagara_International_Airport
- dbr:Cave_Creek,_Arizona
- dbr:AirNet_Express
- dbr:Tijuana_International_Airport
- dbr:Timeline_of_Phoenix,_Arizona
- dbr:Toronto_Pearson_International_Airport
- dbr:Trevor_Milton
- dbr:Tucson_International_Airport
- dbr:Tulsa_International_Airport
- dbr:U.S._Route_60_in_Arizona
- dbr:Western_Airlines
- dbr:Western_Pacific_Airlines
- dbr:Wichita_Dwight_D._Eisenhower_National_Airport
- dbr:Will_Rogers_World_Airport
- dbr:William_P._Hobby_Airport
- dbr:Wilmington_Air_Park
- dbr:Wingz_(company)
- dbr:Winnipeg_James_Armstrong_Richardson_International_Airport
- dbr:Lake_Havasu_City_Airport
- dbr:List_of_Aero_California_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Aeroméxico_destinations
- dbr:List_of_AirTran_Airways_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Air_Canada_Rouge_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Air_Canada_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Alaska_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Allegiant_Air_destinations
- dbr:List_of_America_West_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_American_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_American_Eagle_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Breeze_Airways_destinations
- dbr:List_of_British_Airways_destinations
- dbr:List_of_China_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Class_B_airports_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Livestreaming
- dbr:Runway_status_lights
- dbr:2013_in_aviation
- dbr:44th_Street/Washington_station
- dbr:ATA_Airlines
- dbr:A_Fire_in_the_Sky
- dbr:Air_Mobility_Command
- dbr:Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Airport_rail_link
- dbr:Alaska_Airlines
- dbr:Albuquerque_International_Sunport
- dbr:Allegheny_Airlines
- dbr:Amazon_Air
- dbr:America_West_Airlines
- dbr:America_West_Express
- dbr:American_Airlines
- dbr:American_Airlines_Group
- dbr:American_Eagle_(airline_brand)
- dbr:American_Express
- dbr:3666th_Support_Maintenance_Company
- dbr:Air_transportation_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Airline_hub
- dbr:Airport_security
- dbr:Airport_surveillance_and_broadcast_systems
- dbr:Culiacán_International_Airport
- dbr:Dale_Hausner_and_Samuel_Dieteman
- dbr:Dallas_Fort_Worth_International_Airport
- dbr:Dallas_Love_Field
- dbr:Dane_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Daniel_K._Inouye_International_Airport
- dbr:Dulles_International_Airport
- dbr:Duluth_International_Airport
- dbr:Durango,_Colorado
- dbr:Durango–La_Plata_County_Airport
- dbr:Eagle_County_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Eastern_Iowa_Airport
- dbr:Edmonton_International_Airport
- dbr:Ernest_A._Love_Field
- dbr:Eugene_Airport
- dbr:February_2022_North_American_winter_storm
- dbr:Flagstaff,_Arizona
- dbr:Flagstaff_Pulliam_Airport
- dbr:Former_state_routes_in_Arizona
- dbr:Fort_Lauderdale–Hollywood_International_Airport
- dbr:Nogales_International_Airport
- dbr:North_Central_Airlines
- dbr:Northwest_Airlines_Flight_255
- dbr:Northwest_Arkansas_National_Airport
- dbr:PHX_Sky_Train
- dbr:Pacific_Southwest_Airlines
- dbr:Page_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Paine_Field
- dbr:Palm_Springs_International_Airport
- dbr:Pan_Am_Express
- dbr:Papago_Army_Heliport
- dbr:Capital_Cargo_International_Airlines
- dbr:Cell_phone_lot
- dbr:Fantasy_flight
- dbr:Global_Entry
- dbr:Golden_Gate_Barrio
- dbr:Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy
- dbr:History_of_Phoenix,_Arizona
- dbr:List_of_Condor_Flugdienst_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Continental_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Delta_Air_Lines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Delta_Connection_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Frontier_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Great_Lakes_Airlines_destinations
- dbr:List_of_Hawaiian_Airlines_destinations
is dbp:hubs of