United States Secretary of the Navy (original) (raw)
- الأمين العام لبحرية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (SECNAV)، وهي منظمة مكونة من (إدارة عسكرية) في وزارة الدفاع. ويشغل منصب الامين العام للبحرية عن طريق تعيينه من السلطة التنفيذية التابعة للحكومة الفيدرالية، ويتطلب بتأكيد أغلبية الأصوات في مجلس الشيوخ. (ar)
- Der United States Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV; deutsch Marineminister oder Marinestaatssekretär) ist der zivile Leiter des Department of the Navy. (de)
- El secretario de la Armada de los Estados Unidos (en inglés, United States Secretary of the Navy, SECNAV) es un cargo político ocupado por un civil como cabeza del Departamento de la Armada de los Estados Unidos. El actual secretario es Carlos del Toro, elegido el 7 de agosto de 2021. El cargo formó parte del gabinete del Presidente hasta 1947, cuando la Armada, el Ejército y la recientemente creada Fuerza Aérea fueron reorganizados en el Departamento de Defensa y el secretario de la Armada pasó a depender del secretario de Defensa. Este cargo es propuesto por el Gobierno y requiere para su elección ganar por mayoría una votación en el Senado. (es)
- Le secrétaire à la Marine des États-Unis (en anglais : United States Secretary of the Navy, abrégé en SECNAV) est le chef civil du département de la Marine. Le poste est occupé par un membre du cabinet du président des États-Unis jusqu'en 1947, quand la Marine, l'Armée de terre et l'Armée de l'air sont regroupées dans le nouvellement créé département de la Défense. Le poste de secrétaire à la Marine est alors placé sous l'autorité du secrétaire à la Défense au lieu d'être un membre du cabinet présidentiel. (fr)
- アメリカ合衆国海軍長官(アメリカがっしゅうこくかいぐんちょうかん、英語: Secretary of the Navy)は、海軍省のトップであり、海軍省の指揮監督を行う。1947年までは内閣の閣僚であったが、国防総省と国防長官の設置後はその指揮監督下に置かれることとなった。海軍軍人及び海兵隊員は海軍長官を非公式にSECNAV(セクナヴ)と呼ぶ。 (ja)
- The secretary of the Navy (or SECNAV) is a statutory officer (10 U.S.C. § 5013) and the head (chief executive officer) of the Department of the Navy, a military department (component organization) within the United States Department of Defense. By law, the secretary of the Navy must be a civilian at least five years removed from active military service. The secretary is appointed by the president and requires confirmation by the Senate. The secretary of the Navy was, from its creation in 1798, a member of the president's Cabinet until 1949, when the secretary of the Navy (and the secretaries of the Army and Air Force) were by amendments to the National Security Act of 1947 made subordinate to the secretary of defense. On August 7, 2021, Carlos Del Toro was confirmed as secretary of the Navy. From 2001 to 2019, proposals to rename the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps, which would have also renamed the secretary of the Navy to the secretary of the Navy and Marine Corps, were introduced with wide support in the United States Congress, but failed due to the opposition of Senator and former U.S. Navy officer John McCain. (en)
- De minister van de Marine (Engels: United States Secretary of the Navy) was de leidinggevende functionaris voor het ministerie van de Marine van de Verenigde Staten van 1797 tot 1947 toen het werd gefuseerd met het ministerie van Oorlog tot het ministerie van Defensie. (nl)
- Il segretario della Marina degli Stati Uniti d'America (SECNAV) è il capo civile del Department of the Navy, sotto la direzione del Presidente e del Segretario della difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America. (it)
- Sekretarz Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych (ang. United States Secretary of the Navy – SECNAV) – kieruje , jako bezpośredni cywilny zwierzchnik marynarki wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Do 1947 roku była to jedna z osób wchodzących w skład gabinetu Stanów Zjednoczonych, ale od reorganizacji Departament Marynarki Wojennej wchodzi w skład Departamentu Obrony, a bezpośrednim zwierzchnikiem sekretarza Marynarki Wojennej jest sekretarz obrony. Od 2017 roku sekretarzem Marynarki Wojennej jest . W gestii sekretarza Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych jest nie tylko Marynarka Wojenna Stanów Zjednoczonych, ale również Korpus Piechoty Morskiej Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- O Secretário da Marinha dos Estados Unidos (SECNAV) é o chefe do Departamento da Marinha, um componente organizacional (departamento militar) do Departamento de Defesa. O Secretário da Marinha foi, até 1947, um membro do Gabinete do Presidente, quando a Marinha, Exército e a recentemente criada Força Aérea, foram colocados no Departamento de Defesa e o Secretário da Marinha foi colocado sob o comando do Secretário de Defesa. O cargo de Secretário da Marinha é preenchido por nomeação do Poder Executivo e requer confirmação pelo voto da maioria do Senado. (pt)
- USA:s marinminister (Secretary of the Navy, förkortning SECNAV) är chef för USA:s marindepartement, som sedan 1947 är ett av tre militärdepartement inom USA:s försvarsdepartement. Marinministern, som inte får vara en yrkesofficer i aktiv tjänst, utnämns av presidenten med senatens råd och samtycke samt är underställd USA:s försvarsminister. Marinministern har till uppgift att leda, organisera och administrera marindepartementet som omfattar flottan och marinkåren. (sv)
- Министр военно-морских сил США (англ. United States Secretary of the Navy) — глава военно-морского министерства США, подчинён министру обороны, является гражданским лицом. Министр ВМС несёт ответственность за все вопросы, которые касаются повседневной деятельности военно-морских сил и корпуса морской пехоты США, а именно за приобретение и ревизию оборудования, набор, снабжение, обучение персонала, финансовую деятельность и связи с общественностью. Также в ведении министра находится постройка, обслуживание и ремонт военно-морских судов, авиации, инфраструктуры и материальной базы флота. Министр ВМС был членом кабинета президента до 1947 года, когда военно-морские силы, армия и военно-воздушные силы вошли в структуру министерства обороны. Кандидат на должность министра ВМС выдвигается президентом и утверждается Сенатом. (ru)
- Міні́стр військо́во-морськи́х сил США або Секретар військово-морськи́х сил США (англ. United States Secretary of the Navy) — цивільна посада в Міністерстві оборони США, відповідна рангу міністра в інших державах. Несе відповідальність за всі питання, що стосуються повсякденного життя військово-морських сил, а так само за придбання обладнання, ревізію, питання зв'язку, фінансову діяльність і за зв'язок з громадськістю. Кандидатура міністра ВМС висувається президентом США і затверджуються Сенатом. Не входить до складу кабінету міністрів і підпорядковується лише міністрові оборони. Міністр військово-морських сил США відповідно до розділу 10 Коду Сполучених Штатів несе відповідальність за керівництво усіма справами військово-морського міністерства країни, включаючи: набір особового складу, організаційні питання, постачання, забезпечення, тренування, мобілізаційні питання та демобілізацію ветеранів. Він також відповідає за проектування, суднобудування, ремонт та обслуговування корабельного складу ВМС, а також інфраструктури та матеріальної бази флоту. (uk)
- 美國海軍部長(英語:United States Secretary of the Navy)是美國海軍部的文職首長。 該職位在1947年之前是美國總統內閣閣員,之後因為美國國防部取代海軍、陸軍和空軍部,因此海軍部長成為國防部長的下屬職位。美國海軍部長根據國家安全法(National Security Act)必須為美國公民,退離現役軍職至少5年以上同時由美國總統提名參議院多數票選舉追認。美國海軍部長自其設立的1789年直到1949年一直是美國總統內閣的成員之一。根據1947年美國國家安全法修正案,海軍部與陸軍部空軍部於1949年合併為國防部,同時海軍部長成為國防部長的隸屬職位之一。海軍部長沒有特定的任期,其任免解職由總統和國防部長決定。 (zh)
- dbr:California
- dbr:Calvin_Coolidge
- dbr:Carlos_Del_Toro
- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Robert_Morris_(financier)
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan
- dbr:Samuel_L._Southard
- dbr:Environmental_quality
- dbr:Environmental_remediation
- dbr:Melvin_R._Laird
- dbr:United_States_Navy_Regulations
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Tracy
- dbr:Benjamin_Harrison
- dbr:Benjamin_Stoddert
- dbr:Benjamin_Williams_Crowninshield
- dbr:Bill_Clinton
- dbr:David_Henshaw_(American_politician)
- dbr:David_Norquist
- dbc:United_States_Navy_civilians
- dbr:John_P._Kennedy
- dbr:John_Quincy_Adams
- dbr:John_Tyler
- dbr:John_Warner
- dbr:John_Y._Mason
- dbr:Joseph_Hewes
- dbr:Josephus_Daniels
- dbr:Judge_Advocate_General_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Patrick_M._Shanahan
- dbr:Paul_B._Fay
- dbr:Paul_Hamilton_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Ignatius
- dbr:Paul_Morton
- dbr:Paul_Nitze
- dbr:Pennsylvania
- dbr:Richard_B._Cheney
- dbr:Richard_Danzig
- dbr:Richard_Nixon
- dbr:Richard_V._Spencer
- dbr:Richard_W._Thompson
- dbr:Robert_A._Lovett
- dbr:Robert_B._Anderson
- dbr:Charles_F._Baird
- dbr:Ulysses_S._Grant
- dbr:United_States_Cabinet
- dbr:United_States_Coast_Guard
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Defense
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_the_Navy
- dbr:United_States_Deputy_Secretary_of_Defense
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:United_States_Navy
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_Defense
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_Homeland_Security
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Air_Force
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Army
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:United_States_Under_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Victor_H._Metcalf
- dbr:Virginia
- dbr:Defense_Acquisition_Board
- dbr:Lewis_Compton
- dbr:Under_Secretary_of_Defense_for_Acquisition,_Technology_and_Logistics
- dbr:Thomas_W._Gilmer
- dbr:Frank_B._Kelso_II
- dbr:Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Confederate_States_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:Connecticut
- dbr:Maryland
- dbr:Massachusetts
- dbr:Rutherford_B._Hayes
- dbr:Chief_executive_officer
- dbr:Chuck_Hagel
- dbr:Clark_Clifford
- dbr:Claude_A._Swanson
- dbr:Edward_Hidalgo
- dbr:Edwin_Denby_(politician)
- dbr:Elliot_Richardson
- dbr:Frank_Knox
- dbr:Franklin_D._Roosevelt
- dbr:Franklin_Pierce
- dbr:Fred_Korth
- dbr:General_Counsel_of_the_Navy
- dbr:George_Bancroft
- dbr:George_C._Marshall
- dbr:George_H._W._Bush
- dbr:George_M._Robeson
- dbr:George_W._Bush
- dbr:George_von_Lengerke_Meyer
- dbr:Gerald_Ford
- dbr:Gideon_Welles
- dbr:Gordon_R._England
- dbr:Conservation_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Theodore_Roosevelt
- dbr:Theodore_Roosevelt_Jr.
- dbr:Thomas_Harker
- dbr:Thomas_Jefferson
- dbr:Thomas_Modly
- dbr:Thomas_S._Gates_Jr.
- dbr:Office_of_the_Chief_of_Naval_Operations
- dbr:Andrew_Jackson
- dbr:Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Leon_Panetta
- dbr:Les_Aspin
- dbr:Levi_Woodbury
- dbr:Lloyd_Austin
- dbr:Louis_A._Johnson
- dbr:Louisiana
- dbr:Lyndon_B._Johnson
- dbr:Mahlon_Dickerson
- dbr:Silas_Deane
- dbr:Smith_Thompson
- dbr:Stephen_Mallory
- dbr:Zachary_Taylor
- dbr:Barack_Obama
- dbr:Truman_Handy_Newberry
- dbr:W._Graham_Claytor_Jr.
- dbr:Warren_G._Harding
- dbr:Water_Pollution
- dbr:West_Virginia
- dbr:William_Alexander_Graham
- dbr:William_B._Franke
- dbr:William_E._Chandler
- dbr:William_H._Hunt
- dbr:William_Henry_Harrison
- dbr:William_Henry_Moody
- dbr:William_Howard_Taft
- dbr:William_J._Perry
- dbr:William_Jones_(statesman)
- dbr:William_L._Ball
- dbr:William_McKinley
- dbr:Headquarters_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Abel_P._Upshur
- dbr:Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Acting_(law)
- dbr:Adolph_E._Borie
- dbr:Alabama
- dbr:Alexander_McDougall
- dbr:Cultural_resources_management
- dbr:Curtis_D._Wilbur
- dbr:Dan_A._Kimball
- dbr:Dwight_D._Eisenhower
- dbr:Francis_Lewis
- dbr:Francis_P._Matthews
- dbr:North_Carolina
- dbr:Grover_Cleveland
- dbr:Hansford_T._Johnson
- dbr:Harold_Brown_(Secretary_of_Defense)
- dbr:Harry_S._Truman
- dbr:Henry_L._Garrett_III
- dbr:Herbert_Hoover
- dbr:Hilary_A._Herbert
- dbr:Isaac_Toucey
- dbr:J._William_Middendorf
- dbr:James_A._Garfield
- dbr:James_Buchanan
- dbr:James_C._Dobbin
- dbr:James_E._McPherson
- dbr:James_Forrestal
- dbr:James_K._Polk
- dbr:James_Madison
- dbr:James_Monroe
- dbr:James_R._Schlesinger
- dbr:Ash_Carter
- dbc:United_States_Secretaries_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Advice_and_consent
- dbr:Charles_Edison
- dbr:Charles_Erwin_Wilson
- dbr:Charles_Francis_Adams_III
- dbr:Charles_Joseph_Bonaparte
- dbr:Charles_Thomas_(Secretary_of_the_Navy)
- dbr:Chester_A._Arthur
- dbr:Chief_of_Naval_Operations
- dbr:Chief_of_Naval_Research
- dbr:Chief_of_naval_operations
- dbr:Jim_Mattis
- dbr:Jim_Webb
- dbr:Jimmy_Carter
- dbr:Joe_Biden
- dbr:John_Adams
- dbr:John_Branch
- dbr:John_Chafee
- dbr:John_Connally
- dbr:John_Davis_Long
- dbr:John_F._Kennedy
- dbr:John_L._Sullivan_(United_States_Navy)
- dbr:John_Langdon_(politician)
- dbr:John_Lehman
- dbr:John_McCain
- dbr:Kenneth_Braithwaite
- dbr:Superintendent_of_Finance_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Susan_Livingstone
- dbr:Dionel_M._Aviles
- dbr:Donald_C._Winter
- dbr:Donald_Trump
- dbr:Assistant_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbc:Former_United_States_Executive_Cabinet_positions
- dbc:Office_of_the_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Mark_Esper
- dbr:Martin_Van_Buren
- dbr:South_Carolina
- dbr:Civilian_control_of_the_military
- dbr:Daniel_Howard_(Secretary_of_the_Navy)
- dbr:Donald_H._Rumsfeld
- dbr:Illinois
- dbr:Indiana
- dbr:Michigan
- dbr:Millard_Fillmore
- dbr:National_Security_Act_of_1947
- dbr:Naval_Inspector_General
- dbr:Nebraska
- dbr:Neil_H._McElroy
- dbr:New_Hampshire
- dbr:New_Jersey
- dbr:New_York_(state)
- dbr:Ralph_Austin_Bard
- dbr:Ray_Mabus
- dbr:Recycling
- dbr:Sean_O'Keefe
- dbr:Sean_Stackley
- dbr:Woodrow_Wilson
- dbc:Lists_of_members_of_the_Cabinet_of_the_United_States
- dbr:William_Faxon
- dbr:Nathan_Goff,_Jr.
- dbr:Executive_Schedule
- dbr:Uniform_Code_of_Military_Justice
- dbr:George_E._Badger
- dbr:Secretary_of_the_Navy_Council_of_Review_Boards
- dbr:File:John_langdon.jpg
- dbr:File:Levi_Woodbury.jpg
- dbr:File:SmithThompson.jpg
- dbr:Robert_Smith_(cabinet)
- dbr:Robert_B._Pirie,_Jr.
- dbr:Thomas_S._Gates,_Jr.
- dbr:Under_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbr:File:Charles_Edison.jpg
- dbr:Military_awards_of_the_United_States_Department_of_the_Navy
- dbr:File:JDLong.jpg
- dbr:File:Nathan_Goff,_Jr._-_Brady-Handy.jpg
- dbr:B._J._Penn_(U.S._Navy)
- dbr:William_C._Whitney
- dbr:Robert_M._Gates
- dbr:Caspar_W._Weinberger
- dbr:William_S._Cohen
- dbr:Frank_C._Carlucci
- dbr:James_K._Paulding
- dbr:William_B._Preston
- dbr:John_H._Dalton
- dbr:United_States_Uniformed_Services
- dbr:File:Admiral_Frank_Kelso,_official_military_photo.JPEG
- dbr:Robert_S._McNamara
- dbr:File:US_Navy_031029-N-6236G-001_A_pain..._Asher_B._Durand_(1767-1845)-crop.jpg
- dbr:File:Fknox.jpg
- dbr:File:Isaac_Toucey_-_Brady-Handy.jpg
- dbr:File:John_Connally.jpg
- dbr:File:Josephus_Daniels_1.jpg
- dbr:File:Silas_Deane_-_Du_Simitier_and_B.L._Prevost.jpg
- dbr:File:Curtis_Dwight_Wilbur.jpg
- dbr:File:Claude_Augustus_Swanson.jpg
- dbr:File:VHMetcalf.jpeg
- dbr:File:Samuel_L._Southard_SecNavy.jpg
- dbr:File:Robert_Morris.jpg
- dbr:File:GEBadger-portrait.jpg
- dbr:File:Ignatius,_Paul_Robert.jpg
- dbr:File:JYMason.jpg
- dbr:File:JohnWilliamMiddendorf.jpg
- dbr:File:Benjamin_Stoddert_SecNavy.jpg
- dbr:File:Francis_P._Matthews.jpg
- dbr:File:Sean_O'Keefe,_official_Navy_photo,_1992.jpg
- dbr:File:Thomas_W._Harker_official_photo.jpg
- dbr:File:BWCrowninshield.jpg
- dbr:File:William_Collins_Whitney_by_Charles_Milton_Bell_c1892.jpg
- dbr:File:Thomas_Gates_official_DoD_photo.jpg
- dbr:File:Hilary_A._Herbert.jpg
- dbr:File:Lewis_Compton_(Assistant_Secretary_of_the_Navy).jpg
- dbr:File:US_Navy_030202-N-0000X-001_Under_Secretary_of_the_Navy.jpg
- dbr:File:WHMoody.jpg
- dbr:File:George_Bancroft_United_States_Secretary_of_Navy_c._1860.jpg
- dbr:File:William_Alexander_Graham_-_Brady-Handy.jpg
- dbr:File:Theodore_Roosevelt_Jr._1921.jpg
- dbr:File:James_Forrestal_-_SecOfDef.jpg
- dbr:File:JohnKennedy.jpg
- dbr:File:Paul_Hamilton_SecNavy.jpeg
- dbr:File:Thomas_Gilmer_newer.jpeg
- dbr:File:RWThompson.jpg
- dbr:File:James_Webb,_Assistant_Secretary_of_Defense,_official_photo.JPEG
- dbr:File:Wm_Eaton_Chandler.jpg
- dbr:File:George_Robeson_1865_1880.jpg
- dbr:File:CJBonaparte.jpg
- dbr:File:Carlos_Del_Toro_SECNAV_portrait.jpg
- dbr:File:Richard_V._Spencer.jpg
- dbr:File:Sean_J._Stackley.jpg
- dbr:File:Thomas_B._Modly.jpg
- dbr:File:Robert_Smith_SecNavy.jpg
- dbr:File:JohnBranch2.jpg
- dbr:File:John_Chafee.jpg
- dbr:File:Mahlon_Dickerson.jpg
- dbr:File:Truman_Handy_Newberry_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:JCDobbin.jpg
- dbr:File:Joseph_Hewes.jpg
- dbr:File:John_W_Warner_Sec_of_Navy.jpg
- United States Department of the Navy Seal.svg (en)
- dbt:US_military_navbox
- dbt:US_Navy_navbox
- dbt:US_Cabinet_leaders
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Legend
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Small
- dbt:Start_date_and_age
- dbt:USC
- dbt:US_Marine_Corps_navbox
- dbt:UnitedStatesCode
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Age_in_days
- dbt:USSecNavy
- dbt:Government_of_the_United_States_under_the_Articles_of_Confederation
- dbt:Current_US_Department_of_Defense_Secretaries
- dbt:Infobox_official_post
- dbt:US_Department_of_Defense_Secretaries
- الأمين العام لبحرية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (SECNAV)، وهي منظمة مكونة من (إدارة عسكرية) في وزارة الدفاع. ويشغل منصب الامين العام للبحرية عن طريق تعيينه من السلطة التنفيذية التابعة للحكومة الفيدرالية، ويتطلب بتأكيد أغلبية الأصوات في مجلس الشيوخ. (ar)
- Der United States Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV; deutsch Marineminister oder Marinestaatssekretär) ist der zivile Leiter des Department of the Navy. (de)
- Le secrétaire à la Marine des États-Unis (en anglais : United States Secretary of the Navy, abrégé en SECNAV) est le chef civil du département de la Marine. Le poste est occupé par un membre du cabinet du président des États-Unis jusqu'en 1947, quand la Marine, l'Armée de terre et l'Armée de l'air sont regroupées dans le nouvellement créé département de la Défense. Le poste de secrétaire à la Marine est alors placé sous l'autorité du secrétaire à la Défense au lieu d'être un membre du cabinet présidentiel. (fr)
- アメリカ合衆国海軍長官(アメリカがっしゅうこくかいぐんちょうかん、英語: Secretary of the Navy)は、海軍省のトップであり、海軍省の指揮監督を行う。1947年までは内閣の閣僚であったが、国防総省と国防長官の設置後はその指揮監督下に置かれることとなった。海軍軍人及び海兵隊員は海軍長官を非公式にSECNAV(セクナヴ)と呼ぶ。 (ja)
- De minister van de Marine (Engels: United States Secretary of the Navy) was de leidinggevende functionaris voor het ministerie van de Marine van de Verenigde Staten van 1797 tot 1947 toen het werd gefuseerd met het ministerie van Oorlog tot het ministerie van Defensie. (nl)
- Il segretario della Marina degli Stati Uniti d'America (SECNAV) è il capo civile del Department of the Navy, sotto la direzione del Presidente e del Segretario della difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America. (it)
- O Secretário da Marinha dos Estados Unidos (SECNAV) é o chefe do Departamento da Marinha, um componente organizacional (departamento militar) do Departamento de Defesa. O Secretário da Marinha foi, até 1947, um membro do Gabinete do Presidente, quando a Marinha, Exército e a recentemente criada Força Aérea, foram colocados no Departamento de Defesa e o Secretário da Marinha foi colocado sob o comando do Secretário de Defesa. O cargo de Secretário da Marinha é preenchido por nomeação do Poder Executivo e requer confirmação pelo voto da maioria do Senado. (pt)
- USA:s marinminister (Secretary of the Navy, förkortning SECNAV) är chef för USA:s marindepartement, som sedan 1947 är ett av tre militärdepartement inom USA:s försvarsdepartement. Marinministern, som inte får vara en yrkesofficer i aktiv tjänst, utnämns av presidenten med senatens råd och samtycke samt är underställd USA:s försvarsminister. Marinministern har till uppgift att leda, organisera och administrera marindepartementet som omfattar flottan och marinkåren. (sv)
- 美國海軍部長(英語:United States Secretary of the Navy)是美國海軍部的文職首長。 該職位在1947年之前是美國總統內閣閣員,之後因為美國國防部取代海軍、陸軍和空軍部,因此海軍部長成為國防部長的下屬職位。美國海軍部長根據國家安全法(National Security Act)必須為美國公民,退離現役軍職至少5年以上同時由美國總統提名參議院多數票選舉追認。美國海軍部長自其設立的1789年直到1949年一直是美國總統內閣的成員之一。根據1947年美國國家安全法修正案,海軍部與陸軍部空軍部於1949年合併為國防部,同時海軍部長成為國防部長的隸屬職位之一。海軍部長沒有特定的任期,其任免解職由總統和國防部長決定。 (zh)
- El secretario de la Armada de los Estados Unidos (en inglés, United States Secretary of the Navy, SECNAV) es un cargo político ocupado por un civil como cabeza del Departamento de la Armada de los Estados Unidos. El actual secretario es Carlos del Toro, elegido el 7 de agosto de 2021. (es)
- The secretary of the Navy (or SECNAV) is a statutory officer (10 U.S.C. § 5013) and the head (chief executive officer) of the Department of the Navy, a military department (component organization) within the United States Department of Defense. By law, the secretary of the Navy must be a civilian at least five years removed from active military service. The secretary is appointed by the president and requires confirmation by the Senate. On August 7, 2021, Carlos Del Toro was confirmed as secretary of the Navy. (en)
- Sekretarz Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych (ang. United States Secretary of the Navy – SECNAV) – kieruje , jako bezpośredni cywilny zwierzchnik marynarki wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Do 1947 roku była to jedna z osób wchodzących w skład gabinetu Stanów Zjednoczonych, ale od reorganizacji Departament Marynarki Wojennej wchodzi w skład Departamentu Obrony, a bezpośrednim zwierzchnikiem sekretarza Marynarki Wojennej jest sekretarz obrony. Od 2017 roku sekretarzem Marynarki Wojennej jest . (pl)
- Министр военно-морских сил США (англ. United States Secretary of the Navy) — глава военно-морского министерства США, подчинён министру обороны, является гражданским лицом. Министр ВМС несёт ответственность за все вопросы, которые касаются повседневной деятельности военно-морских сил и корпуса морской пехоты США, а именно за приобретение и ревизию оборудования, набор, снабжение, обучение персонала, финансовую деятельность и связи с общественностью. Также в ведении министра находится постройка, обслуживание и ремонт военно-морских судов, авиации, инфраструктуры и материальной базы флота. (ru)
- Міні́стр військо́во-морськи́х сил США або Секретар військово-морськи́х сил США (англ. United States Secretary of the Navy) — цивільна посада в Міністерстві оборони США, відповідна рангу міністра в інших державах. Несе відповідальність за всі питання, що стосуються повсякденного життя військово-морських сил, а так само за придбання обладнання, ревізію, питання зв'язку, фінансову діяльність і за зв'язок з громадськістю. Кандидатура міністра ВМС висувається президентом США і затверджуються Сенатом. Не входить до складу кабінету міністрів і підпорядковується лише міністрові оборони. (uk)
- freebase:United States Secretary of the Navy
- wikidata:United States Secretary of the Navy
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- dbpedia-fr:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-he:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-it:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-ja:United States Secretary of the Navy
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- dbpedia-nl:United States Secretary of the Navy
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- dbpedia-pl:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-pt:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-ru:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-simple:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-sv:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-uk:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-vi:United States Secretary of the Navy
- dbpedia-zh:United States Secretary of the Navy
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cabinet_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Carlos_Del_Toro
- dbr:Carpenter_Technology_Corporation
- dbr:Caspar_Crowninshield
- dbr:Belvidere_Cemetery
- dbr:Potomac_Flotilla
- dbr:Poughkeepsie_Rural_Cemetery
- dbr:Powel_Crosley_Jr.
- dbr:Presidency_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt,_third_and_fourth_terms
- dbr:Presidential_Succession_Act
- dbr:Project_Hula
- dbr:Quasi-War
- dbr:Robert_McFarlane
- dbr:Robert_Morris_(financier)
- dbr:Robert_O._Work
- dbr:Robert_Peary
- dbr:Robert_Sander
- dbr:Robert_Scurlark_Moore
- dbr:Robert_Smalls
- dbr:Robert_Smith_(Cabinet_member)
- dbr:Roberto_Cofresí
- dbr:Ronald_Evans_(astronaut)
- dbr:Ronald_Moultrie
- dbr:Rough_Riders_Memorial
- dbr:Rufus_Choate
- dbr:Sam_Barry
- dbr:Samuel_Francis_Du_Pont
- dbr:Samuel_L._Southard
- dbr:Samuel_Murray_Robinson
- dbr:Samuel_Rhoads_Franklin
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_1928_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_1928_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries
- dbr:List_of_U.S._Navy_acronyms
- dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lieutenant_generals_from_2000_to_2009
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lie...t_generals_on_active_duty_before_1960
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lieutenant_generals_since_2010
- dbr:List_of_United_States_National_Republican_and_Whig_Party_presidential_tickets
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_four-star_admirals
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_ships_commemorating_the_Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_vice_admirals_on_active_duty_before_1960
- dbr:List_of_United_States_major_party_presidential_tickets
- dbr:List_of_United_States_political_appointments_across_party_lines
- dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(C)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(D)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_representatives_from_Virginia
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_North_Carolina
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Cambridge_people
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Michigan_law_and_government_alumni
- dbr:List_of_University_of_North_Carolina_at_Chapel_Hill_alumni
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Rochester_people
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Texas_School_of_Law_alumni
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Texas_at_Austin_alumni
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_rear_admirals
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_senior_enlisted_leaders_and_advisors
- dbr:List_of_acts_of_the_109th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:List_of_associate_judges_of_the_New_York_Court_of_Appeals
- dbr:List_of_burials_at_Oak_Hill_Cemetery
- dbr:List_of_critics_of_the_New_Deal
- dbr:List_of_equipment_of_the_Vietnam_People's_Navy
- dbr:List_of_federal_agencies_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_female_United_States_Cabinet_members
- dbr:List_of_films_featuring_the_United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:List_of_foreign-born_United_States_Cabinet_members
- dbr:List_of_former_U.S._county_name_etymologies
- dbr:National_Intelligence_Authority
- dbr:Naval_Postgraduate_School
- dbr:Mercer_University_School_of_Law
- dbr:Metropolitan_Club
- dbr:Norman_Polmar
- dbr:On_Watch:_A_Memoir
- dbr:Ralph_E._Williams
- dbr:St._Wapniacl
- dbr:1917
- dbr:1918
- dbr:1918_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1929_in_Michigan
- dbr:1940_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries
- dbr:1950_USS_Missouri_grounding
- dbr:2012–13_Georgetown_Hoyas_men's_basketball_team
- dbr:2020_in_United_States_politics_and_government
- dbr:2021_deaths_in_the_United_States_(January–June)
- dbr:21-gun_salute
- dbr:Battle_of_Cockle_Creek
- dbr:Battle_of_Galveston_Harbor_(1862)
- dbr:Battle_of_Hampton_Roads
- dbr:Battle_of_Lake_Erie
- dbr:Battle_of_Mackinac_Island_(1814)
- dbr:Battle_of_Plattsburgh
- dbr:Battle_of_Port_Royal
- dbr:Battle_of_Santiago_de_Cuba
- dbr:Battle_of_St._Charles
- dbr:Battleship
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Tracy
- dbr:Benjamin_Stoddert
- dbr:Benjamin_Tillman
- dbr:Benjamin_Williams_Crowninshield
- dbr:Bernard_L._Austin
- dbr:Betty_Hall
- dbr:Beverley_Kennon
- dbr:Billy_Mitchell
- dbr:Black_Terror_(ship)
- dbr:Bostwick_(Bladensburg,_Maryland)
- dbr:Brett_Crozier
- dbr:Dave_Severance
- dbr:David_Henshaw_(American_politician)
- dbr:David_Robinson
- dbr:Death_Flies_East
- dbr:December_7th_(film)
- dbr:Democratic_Governors_Association
- dbr:Denby_High_School
- dbr:Dennis_Velez
- dbr:Allied_leaders_of_World_War_I
- dbr:April_1949
- dbr:April_28
- dbr:April_6
- dbr:History_of_U.S._foreign_policy,_1861–1897
- dbr:House_of_Bonaparte
- dbr:Hugh_H._Goodwin
- dbr:Hulet_M._Wells
- dbr:Hyde_Park,_New_York
- dbr:John_P._Kennedy
- dbr:John_Paulding
- dbr:John_Poindexter
- dbr:John_Porter_Merrell
- dbr:John_Quincy_Adams
- dbr:John_Quincy_Adams_II
- dbr:John_Teele_Pratt
- dbr:John_Warner
- dbr:John_Whelchel
- dbr:John_Y._Mason
- dbr:Johnny_Carson
- dbr:Johnston_Atoll
- dbr:Joint_Base_Andrews
- dbr:Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff
- dbr:Joint_Expedition_Against_Franklin
- dbr:Jonas_H._Ingram
- dbr:Jonathan_W._Daniels
- dbr:Joseph_Osterman
- dbr:Joseph_S._Skerrett
- dbr:Joseph_Warren_Revere_(general)
- dbr:Josephus_Daniels
- dbr:Judge_Advocate_General_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Julius_Sterling_Morton
- dbr:List_of_Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_Frontline_(American_TV_program)_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Georgia_Institute_of_Technology_alumni
- dbr:List_of_Harvard_University_politicians
- dbr:List_of_Michael_Bloomberg_2020_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_Mitt_Romney_2012_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_NCIS_characters
- dbr:List_of_Republicans_who_opposed_the_Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_Academy_alumni
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Naval_Academy_alumni
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Navy_people
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_New_Jersey
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_Virginia
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Pennsylvania_people
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Southern_California_people
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Virginia_people
- dbr:List_of_Yale_University_people
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_three-star_officers
- dbr:List_of_battleships_of_the_United_States_Navy
- dbr:List_of_chiefs_of_naval_operations_educated_at_the_United_States_Naval_Academy
- dbr:List_of_counties_in_Michigan
- dbr:List_of_counties_in_North_Carolina
- dbr:List_of_counties_in_West_Virginia
- dbr:List_of_events_at_Soldier_Field
- dbr:List_of_flags_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Mississippi
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_New_Jersey
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Rhode_Island
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_South_Carolina
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Texas
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Virginia
- dbr:List_of_legislators_educated_at_the_United_States_Naval_Academy
- dbr:List_of_unsuccessful_major_party_candi...r_Vice_President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Patrick_N._L._Bellinger
- dbr:Patuxent_River_Naval_Air_Museum
- dbr:Paul_B._Fay
- dbr:Paul_Hamilton_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Ignatius
- dbr:Paul_Morton
- dbr:Paul_Nitze
- dbr:Pauline_Payne_Whitney
- dbr:Peace_Cross
- dbr:Pearl_Harbor_(film)
- dbr:Pennsylvania-class_battleship
- dbr:Reginald_F._Nicholson
- dbr:Reginald_R._Belknap
- dbr:Reigart_Bolivar_Lowry
- dbr:Relocation_of_the_United_States_Government_to_Trenton
- dbr:Revere_Copper_Company
- dbr:Richard_Danzig
- dbr:Richard_H._Jackson
- dbr:Richard_Lugar
- dbr:Richard_Rush
- dbr:Richard_V._Spencer
- dbr:Richard_Valentine_Morris
- dbr:Richard_W._Thompson
- dbr:Richmond_P._Hobson
- dbr:Robert
- dbr:Robert_B._Anderson
- dbr:Robert_B._Pirie_Jr.
- dbr:Robert_Beacham_Dillaway
- dbr:Robert_C._O'Brien
- dbr:Robert_D._Nesen
- dbr:Robert_F._R._Lewis
- dbr:Robert_Komer
- dbr:Robert_L._Dale
- dbr:Robert_L._Wilson
- dbr:Charles_H._Cole_(banker)
- dbr:Charles_P._Nemfakos
- dbr:USS_Despatch_(1873)
- dbr:USS_Disdain_(AM-222)
- dbr:USS_District_of_Columbia_(SSBN-826)
- dbr:USS_Dolphin_(PG-24)
- dbr:USS_Dyson
- dbr:USS_E-1_(SS-24)
- dbr:USS_Enterprise_(CVN-65)
- dbr:USS_Estocin
- dbr:USS_Evansville_(PF-70)
- dbr:USS_Everett_(PF-8)
- dbr:USS_Fancy_(AM-234)
- dbr:USS_Fitch
- dbr:USS_Florida_(SSGN-728)
- dbr:USS_Frank_Knox
- dbr:USS_Gabrielle_Giffords
- dbr:USS_Galena_(1862)
- dbr:USS_Gallup_(PF-47)
- dbr:USS_George_E._Badger_(DD-196)
- dbr:USS_George_Washington_(SSBN-598)
- dbr:USS_Gilmer_(DD-233)
- dbr:USS_Glendale_(PF-36)
- dbr:USS_Gloucester_(PF-22)
- dbr:USS_Goff_(DD-247)
- dbr:USS_Graham_(DD-192)
- dbr:USS_Gridley_(DDG-101)
- dbr:USS_Guam_(CB-2)
- dbr:USS_Halsey_(DLG-23)
- dbr:USS_Hamilton_(1809)
- dbr:USS_Hartford_(1858)
- dbr:USS_Henshaw_(DD-278)
- dbr:USS_Hobson_(DD-464)
- dbr:USS_Hoquiam
- dbr:USS_Hunt_(DD-194)
- dbr:USS_Hunt_(DD-674)
- dbr:USS_Hyman_G._Rickover_(SSN-795)
- dbr:USS_Indianapolis_(CA-35)
- dbr:USS_Indicative_(AM-250)
- dbr:USS_Iowa_(BB-61)
- dbr:USS_Iowa_(SSN-797)
- dbr:USS_Iowa_turret_explosion
- dbr:USS_Isherwood_(DD-284)
- dbr:USS_Jamestown_(1844)
- dbr:USS_John_F._Lehman
- dbr:USS_John_Hancock_(1850)
- dbr:USS_John_King
- dbr:USS_Kitty_Hawk_(CV-63)
- dbr:USS_Lafayette_(1848)
- dbr:USS_Liberty_incident
- dbr:USS_Little_Rock_(CL-92)
- dbr:USS_Long_Beach_(PF-34)
- dbr:USS_Machias_(PF-53)
- dbr:USS_Maine_Mast_Memorial
- dbr:USS_Marvel_(AM-262)
- dbr:USS_Mason_(DD-191)
- dbr:USS_Massachusetts_(SSN-798)
- dbr:USS_McCulloch_(1897)
- dbr:USS_Measure_(AM-263)
- dbr:USS_Method_(AM-264)
- dbr:USS_Miantonomoh_(1863)
- dbr:USS_Michigan_(1843)
- dbr:USS_Midway_(CV-41)
- dbr:USS_Mirth_(AM-265)
- dbr:USS_Monitor
- dbr:USS_Montana_(SSN-794)
- dbr:USS_Moody_(DD-277)
- dbr:USS_Muskogee_(PF-49)
- dbr:USS_New_Ironsides
- dbr:USS_New_Jersey_(BB-62)
- dbr:USS_New_Jersey_(SSN-796)
- dbr:USS_New_York_(LPD-21)
- dbr:USS_Newport_(PF-27)
- dbr:USS_Noa_(DD-343)
- dbr:USS_Nucleus_(AM-268)
- dbr:USS_Oceanographer_(AGS-3)
- dbr:USS_Ogden_(PF-39)
- dbr:USS_Olympia_(C-6)
- dbr:USS_Oregon_(SSN-793)
- dbr:USS_Palisade_(AM-270)
- dbr:USS_Panther_(IX-105)
- dbr:USS_Pasco_(PF-6)
- dbr:USS_Paul_Hamilton_(DD-590)
- dbr:USS_Paul_Hamilton_(DDG-60)
- dbr:USS_Penetrate_(AM-271)
- dbr:USS_Peril_(AM-272)
- dbr:USS_Pittsburgh_(LPD-31)
- dbr:USS_Poughkeepsie_(PF-26)
- dbr:USS_Powhatan_(1850)
is dbp:title of
- dbr:Carlos_Del_Toro
- dbr:Robert_Smith_(Cabinet_member)
- dbr:Samuel_L._Southard
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Tracy
- dbr:Benjamin_Stoddert
- dbr:Benjamin_Williams_Crowninshield
- dbr:David_Henshaw_(American_politician)
- dbr:John_P._Kennedy
- dbr:John_Warner
- dbr:Josephus_Daniels
- dbr:Paul_B._Fay
- dbr:Paul_Hamilton_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Ignatius
- dbr:Paul_Morton
- dbr:Paul_Nitze
- dbr:Richard_Danzig
- dbr:Richard_V._Spencer
- dbr:Richard_W._Thompson
- dbr:Robert_B._Anderson
- dbr:Robert_B._Pirie_Jr.
- dbr:Victor_H._Metcalf
- dbr:J._Daniel_Howard
- dbr:Claude_A._Swanson
- dbr:Edward_Hidalgo
- dbr:Edwin_Denby_(politician)
- dbr:Frank_Kelso
- dbr:Frank_Knox
- dbr:Fred_Korth
- dbr:George_Bancroft
- dbr:George_Edmund_Badger
- dbr:George_M._Robeson
- dbr:George_von_Lengerke_Meyer
- dbr:Gideon_Welles
- dbr:Gordon_R._England
- dbr:Thomas_Harker
- dbr:Thomas_Modly
- dbr:Thomas_S._Gates_Jr.
- dbr:Thomas_Walker_Gilmer
- dbr:Levi_Woodbury
- dbr:Smith_Thompson
- dbr:B._J._Penn_(United_States_Navy)
- dbr:Truman_Handy_Newberry
- dbr:W._Graham_Claytor_Jr.
- dbr:William_B._Franke
- dbr:William_Ballard_Preston
- dbr:William_Collins_Whitney
- dbr:William_E._Chandler
- dbr:William_Henry_Moody
- dbr:William_Jones_(statesman)
- dbr:William_L._Ball
- dbr:Abel_P._Upshur
- dbr:Adolph_E._Borie
- dbr:Curtis_D._Wilbur
- dbr:Dan_A._Kimball
- dbr:Francis_P._Matthews
- dbr:Hansford_T._Johnson
- dbr:Henry_L._Garrett_III
- dbr:Hilary_A._Herbert
- dbr:Isaac_Toucey
- dbr:J._William_Middendorf
- dbr:James_C._Dobbin
- dbr:James_E._McPherson
- dbr:James_Forrestal
- dbr:James_Kirke_Paulding
- dbr:Charles_Edison
- dbr:Charles_Francis_Adams_III
- dbr:Charles_Thomas_(Secretary_of_the_Navy)
- dbr:Jim_Webb
- dbr:John_Branch
- dbr:John_Connally
- dbr:John_Davis_Long
- dbr:John_Howard_Dalton
- dbr:John_L._Sullivan_(United_States_Navy)
- dbr:John_Lehman
- dbr:Kenneth_Braithwaite
- dbr:Susan_Livingstone
- dbr:Dionel_M._Aviles
- dbr:Donald_C._Winter
- dbr:Ray_Mabus
- dbr:Sean_O'Keefe
- dbr:Sean_Stackley