Sergent Reckless era una euga de que s'uní al Cos de Marines dels Estats Units el 26 d'octubre de 1952, com un cavall de càrrega, i eventualment va ser promogut al rang de sergent pel Comandant de la Infanteria de Marina després de la Guerra de Corea. Un soldat el va comprar per $ 250 a un noi coreà que necessitava diners per comprar una cama artificial per la seva germana. Reckless va servir amb el grup Recoilless Rifle Platoon, de l'Anti-Tank Company, cinquè regiment de marina, 1a Divisió de Marina. Va fer 51 viatges en solitari durant un període de 5 dies en una batalla de març de 1953. El seu full de servei aparèixer al i la revista LIFE. Es va retirar als Estats Units després de la guerra i va morir al maig de 1968. El 26 de juliol de 2013 li van dedicar una estàtua, una placa i una foto en honor seu a la Base dels Marines, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton estables. (ca)
Staff Sergeant Reckless (* 1948 – † 13. Mai 1968) war ein mit Orden ausgezeichnetes Kriegspferd, dem vom US-amerikanischen Militär ein eigener Rang zuerkannt wurde. (de)
Staff Sergeant Reckless (c. 1948 – May 13, 1968), a decorated warhorse who held official rank in the United States military, was a mare of Mongolian horse breeding. Out of a racehorse dam, she was purchased in October 1952 for 250fromaKoreanstableboyattheSeoulracetrackwhoneededmoneytobuyanartificiallegforhissister.RecklesswasboughtbymembersoftheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsandtrainedtobeapackhorsefortheRecoillessRiflePlatoon,Anti−TankCompany,5thMarineRegiment,1stMarineDivision.Shequicklybecamepartoftheunitandwasallowedtoroamfreelythroughcamp,enteringtheMarines′tents,whereshewouldsleeponcoldnights,andwasknownforherwillingnesstoeatnearlyanything,includingscrambledeggs,beer,Coca−Colaand,once,about250 from a Korean stableboy at the Seoul racetrack who needed money to buy an artificial leg for his sister. Reckless was bought by members of the United States Marine Corps and trained to be a pack horse for the Recoilless Rifle Platoon, Anti-Tank Company, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. She quickly became part of the unit and was allowed to roam freely through camp, entering the Marines' tents, where she would sleep on cold nights, and was known for her willingness to eat nearly anything, including scrambled eggs, beer, Coca-Cola and, once, about 250fromaKoreanstableboyattheSeoulracetrackwhoneededmoneytobuyanartificiallegforhissister.RecklesswasboughtbymembersoftheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsandtrainedtobeapackhorsefortheRecoillessRiflePlatoon,Anti−TankCompany,5thMarineRegiment,1stMarineDivision.Shequicklybecamepartoftheunitandwasallowedtoroamfreelythroughcamp,enteringtheMarines′tents,whereshewouldsleeponcoldnights,andwasknownforherwillingnesstoeatnearlyanything,includingscrambledeggs,beer,Coca−Colaand,once,about30 worth of poker chips. She served in numerous combat actions during the Korean War, carrying supplies and ammunition, and was also used to evacuate wounded. Learning each supply route after only a couple of trips, she often traveled to deliver supplies to the troops on her own, without benefit of a handler. The highlight of her nine-month military career came in late March 1953 during the Battle for Outpost Vegas when, in a single day, she made 51 solo trips to resupply multiple front line units. She was wounded in combat twice and was given the battlefield rank of corporal in 1953 and then a battlefield promotion to sergeant in 1954, several months after the war ended. She also became the first horse in the Marine Corps known to have participated in an amphibious landing, and following the war was awarded two Purple Hearts, a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, inclusion in her unit's Presidential Unit Citations from two countries, and other military honors. Her wartime service record was featured in The Saturday Evening Post, and LIFE magazine recognized her as one of America's 100 all-time heroes. She was retired and brought to the United States after the war, where she made appearances on television and participated in the United States Marine Corps birthday ball. She was officially promoted to staff sergeant in 1959 by the Commandant of the Marine Corps. She gave birth to four foals in America and died in May 1968. A plaque and photo were dedicated in her honor at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton stables and a statue of her was dedicated on July 26, 2013, at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. On May 12, 2018, a bronze statue of Sergeant Reckless was placed and dedicated in the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington Kentucky. (en)
레클리스(Reckless)는 한국 전쟁 당시 미국 제1해병사단에서 탄약과 포탄을 나르는 임무를 수행한 경주마 출신의 군마이자 미해병 하사이다. (ko)
Старший сержант Реклесс (англ. Reckless; около 1948 — 13 мая 1968) — боевая лошадь, награждённая рядом медалей и орденов, а также официально удостоенная воинского звания в корпусе морской пехоты США. (ru)
I was surprised at her beauty and intelligence, and believe it or not, her esprit de corps. Like any other Marine, she was enjoying a bottle of beer with her comrades. She was constantly the center of attraction and was fully aware of her importance. If she failed to receive the attention she felt her due, she would deliberately walk into a group of Marines and, in effect, enter the conversation. It was obvious the Marines loved her. (en)
Staff Sergeant Reckless (* 1948 – † 13. Mai 1968) war ein mit Orden ausgezeichnetes Kriegspferd, dem vom US-amerikanischen Militär ein eigener Rang zuerkannt wurde. (de)
레클리스(Reckless)는 한국 전쟁 당시 미국 제1해병사단에서 탄약과 포탄을 나르는 임무를 수행한 경주마 출신의 군마이자 미해병 하사이다. (ko)
Старший сержант Реклесс (англ. Reckless; около 1948 — 13 мая 1968) — боевая лошадь, награждённая рядом медалей и орденов, а также официально удостоенная воинского звания в корпусе морской пехоты США. (ru)
Sergent Reckless era una euga de que s'uní al Cos de Marines dels Estats Units el 26 d'octubre de 1952, com un cavall de càrrega, i eventualment va ser promogut al rang de sergent pel Comandant de la Infanteria de Marina després de la Guerra de Corea. Un soldat el va comprar per $ 250 a un noi coreà que necessitava diners per comprar una cama artificial per la seva germana. Reckless va servir amb el grup Recoilless Rifle Platoon, de l'Anti-Tank Company, cinquè regiment de marina, 1a Divisió de Marina. Va fer 51 viatges en solitari durant un període de 5 dies en una batalla de març de 1953. El seu full de servei aparèixer al i la revista LIFE. Es va retirar als Estats Units després de la guerra i va morir al maig de 1968. El 26 de juliol de 2013 li van dedicar una estàtua, una placa i una (ca)
Staff Sergeant Reckless (c. 1948 – May 13, 1968), a decorated warhorse who held official rank in the United States military, was a mare of Mongolian horse breeding. Out of a racehorse dam, she was purchased in October 1952 for 250fromaKoreanstableboyattheSeoulracetrackwhoneededmoneytobuyanartificiallegforhissister.RecklesswasboughtbymembersoftheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsandtrainedtobeapackhorsefortheRecoillessRiflePlatoon,Anti−TankCompany,5thMarineRegiment,1stMarineDivision.Shequicklybecamepartoftheunitandwasallowedtoroamfreelythroughcamp,enteringtheMarines′tents,whereshewouldsleeponcoldnights,andwasknownforherwillingnesstoeatnearlyanything,includingscrambledeggs,beer,Coca−Colaand,once,about250 from a Korean stableboy at the Seoul racetrack who needed money to buy an artificial leg for his sister. Reckless was bought by members of the United States Marine Corps and trained to be a pack horse for the Recoilless Rifle Platoon, Anti-Tank Company, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. She quickly became part of the unit and was allowed to roam freely through camp, entering the Marines' tents, where she would sleep on cold nights, and was known for her willingness to eat nearly anything, including scrambled eggs, beer, Coca-Cola and, once, about 250fromaKoreanstableboyattheSeoulracetrackwhoneededmoneytobuyanartificiallegforhissister.RecklesswasboughtbymembersoftheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsandtrainedtobeapackhorsefortheRecoillessRiflePlatoon,Anti−TankCompany,5thMarineRegiment,1stMarineDivision.Shequicklybecamepartoftheunitandwasallowedtoroamfreelythroughcamp,enteringtheMarines′tents,whereshewouldsleeponcoldnights,andwasknownforherwillingnesstoeatnearlyanything,includingscrambledeggs,beer,Coca−Colaand,once,about30 wor (en)