Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (original) (raw)
- 68.0
- هولمز والسلاح السري (بالإنجليزية: Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) فيلم من سلسلة أفلام شرلوك هولمز، تم عرضه عام 1942 مقتبس عن رواية شرلوك هولمز من تأليف ارثر كونان دويل ومن تمثيل بازل راثبون . (ar)
- Die Geheimwaffe ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1942. Der Kriminalfilm aus der Sherlock-Holmes-Reihe basiert sehr frei auf der Kurzgeschichte The Dancing Men von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (de)
- Sherlock Holmes et l’Arme secrète (Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) est un film américain réalisé par Roy William Neill, sorti en 1942. (fr)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942) is the fourth in the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce series of 14 Sherlock Holmes films which updated the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the then present day. The film is credited as an adaptation of Conan Doyle's 1903 short story "The Adventure of the Dancing Men," though the only element from the source material is the dancing men code. Rather, it is a spy film taking place on the background of the then ongoing Second World War with an original premise. The film concerns the kidnapping of a Swiss scientist by their nemesis Professor Moriarty, to steal a new bomb sight and sell it to Nazi Germany. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson have to crack a secret code in order to save the country. The film is one of four films in the series which are in the public domain. [1] (en)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942) adalah film keempat dalam serial dari 14 film Sherlock Holmes yang memperbaharui karakter-karakter buatan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ke bentuk saat ini. Film tersebut dikatakan sebagai adaptasi cerpen Conan Doyle "," meskipun satu-satunya unsur dari material sumber adalah busana dansa pria. (in)
- 셜록홈즈 - 비밀병기(Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon)는 미국에서 제작된 감독의 1942년 액션, 모험 영화이다. 등이 주연으로 출연하였다. (ko)
- Sherlock Holmes e l'arma segreta (Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon), o semplicemente L'arma segreta, è un film del 1943 per la regia di Roy William Neill, quarta pellicola gialla basata sul personaggio di Sherlock Holmes della serie interpretata dalla coppia Basil Rathbone-Nigel Bruce e prodotta da Universal Studios. È liberamente ispirato al racconto L'avventura degli omini danzanti (The Adventure of the Dancing Men), una delle storie contenute nella raccolta Il ritorno di Sherlock Holmes (1905) di Arthur Conan Doyle. (it)
- Sherlock Holmes i tajna broń (ang. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) – amerykański film szpiegowski z 1942 roku w reżyserii na podst. opowiadania Tańczące sylwetki Sir Arthura Conan Doyle’a. Czwarty z czternastu filmów z Basilem Rathbone’em jako Sherlockiem Holmesem i Nigelem Bruce’em jako doktorem Watsonem. Film jest jednym z czterech z serii, które znajdują się w domenie publicznej. (pl)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon is een Amerikaanse film uit 1943, gebaseerd op het personage Sherlock Holmes. Het is de vierde van de Sherlock Holmes-films met Basil Rathbone als Holmes en Nigel Bruce als Dr. Watson. (nl)
- «Шерлок Холмс и секретное оружие» (англ. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, 1943) — американский художественный фильм Роя Уильяма Нила, четвёртый из серии фильмов посвященных приключениям Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона с участием Бэйзила Рэтбоуна и Найджела Брюса. Фильм находится в общественном достоянии. (ru)
- Sherlock Holmes och det hemliga vapnet är en amerikansk/brittisk film från 1942 i regi av . I huvudrollerna ses Basil Rathbone och Nigel Bruce. (sv)
- Sherlock Holmes e a Arma Secreta (em inglês: Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) é um filme estadunidense de 1943 do gênero aventura, dirigido por . É o quarto filme estrelado pela dupla de atores Basil Rathbone - Nigel Bruce nos papéis dos personagens clássicos da literatura Sherlock Holmes e Doutor Watson. Roteiro adaptado de que ambientou para a época da II Guerra Mundial uma história de Arthur Conan Doyle chamada The Adventure of the Dancing Men. (pt)
- 200000.0
- 4080.000000 (xsd:double)
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- 9471 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Roy_William_Neill
- dbr:Professor_Moriarty
- dbr:Basil_Rathbone
- dbr:Bombsight
- dbr:Dennis_Hoey
- dbr:Holmes_Herbert
- dbr:Ultraviolet_light
- dbr:Universal_Pictures
- dbr:Inspector_Lestrade
- dbc:1940s_English-language_films
- dbc:American_aviation_films
- dbc:American_black-and-white_films
- dbc:American_detective_films
- dbc:American_mystery_films
- dbc:Articles_containing_video_clips
- dbc:Films_based_on_short_fiction
- dbc:Universal_Pictures_films
- dbr:Otto_Ludwig_(film_editor)
- dbr:Edward_T._Lowe_Jr.
- dbr:Frank_Skinner_(composer)
- dbr:Gestapo
- dbr:Constable
- dbr:The_Pink_Panther_(1963_film)
- dbr:Lionel_Atwill
- dbr:Short_story
- dbr:Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle
- dbr:Public_domain
- dbr:Substitution_cipher
- dbr:Tower_of_London
- dbr:William_Post_Jr.
- dbr:Lascar
- dbr:The_Adventure_of_the_Dancing_Men
- dbr:Nigel_Bruce
- dbr:The_Adventure_of_the_Empty_House
- dbr:Harry_Cording
- dbr:Henry_Victor
- dbr:The_Adventures_of_Sherlock_Holmes_(film)
- dbr:The_Hound_of_the_Baskervilles_(1939_film)
- dbr:Arthur_Conan_Doyle
- dbc:1943_films
- dbc:1943_mystery_films
- dbc:American_spy_films
- dbc:Films_directed_by_Roy_William_Neill
- dbc:Sherlock_Holmes_films_based_on_works_by_Arthur_Conan_Doyle
- dbc:World_War_II_films_made_in_wartime
- dbc:Films_scored_by_Frank_Skinner
- dbr:Kaaren_Verne
- dbr:Switzerland
- dbr:Mary_Gordon_(actress)
- dbr:Soho
- dbr:Doctor_Watson
- dbr:Nazi
- dbr:Nazi_Germany
- dbr:Second_World_War
- dbr:Sherlock_Holmes_(1939_film_series)
- dbr:Scotland_Yard
- dbr:Sherlock_Holmes
- dbr:W._Scott_Darling
- dbr:Mrs._Hudson
- dbr:Spy_film
- dbr:Edmund_L._Hartmann
- dbr:Dr._John_Watson
- dbr:The_Dancing_Men
- dbr:File:Sherlock_Holmes_and_the_Secret_Weapon(1943).webm
- right (en)
- 200000.0
- US theatrical poster (en)
- Lester White (en)
- United States (en)
- English (en)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (en)
- Howard Benedict (en)
- (en)
- 4080.0
- (en)
- Basil Rathbone (en)
- Nigel Bruce (en)
- Lionel Atwill (en)
- Universal Pictures (en)
- dbt:Roy_William_Neill
- dbt:Sherlock_Holmes_screen_adaptations
- dbt:AFI_film
- dbt:Amg_movie
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:External_media
- dbt:IMDb_title
- dbt:Infobox_film
- dbt:Internet_Archive_film
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Tcmdb_title
- dbt:Wikiquote
- dbt:Based_on
- dbt:Film_date
- (en)
- Edward T. Lowe Jr. (en)
- W. Scott Darling (en)
- dbc:1940s_English-language_films
- dbc:American_aviation_films
- dbc:American_black-and-white_films
- dbc:American_detective_films
- dbc:American_mystery_films
- dbc:Articles_containing_video_clips
- dbc:Films_based_on_short_fiction
- dbc:Universal_Pictures_films
- dbc:1943_films
- dbc:1943_mystery_films
- dbc:American_spy_films
- dbc:Films_directed_by_Roy_William_Neill
- dbc:Sherlock_Holmes_films_based_on_works_by_Arthur_Conan_Doyle
- dbc:World_War_II_films_made_in_wartime
- dbc:Films_scored_by_Frank_Skinner
- هولمز والسلاح السري (بالإنجليزية: Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) فيلم من سلسلة أفلام شرلوك هولمز، تم عرضه عام 1942 مقتبس عن رواية شرلوك هولمز من تأليف ارثر كونان دويل ومن تمثيل بازل راثبون . (ar)
- Die Geheimwaffe ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1942. Der Kriminalfilm aus der Sherlock-Holmes-Reihe basiert sehr frei auf der Kurzgeschichte The Dancing Men von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (de)
- Sherlock Holmes et l’Arme secrète (Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) est un film américain réalisé par Roy William Neill, sorti en 1942. (fr)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942) adalah film keempat dalam serial dari 14 film Sherlock Holmes yang memperbaharui karakter-karakter buatan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ke bentuk saat ini. Film tersebut dikatakan sebagai adaptasi cerpen Conan Doyle "," meskipun satu-satunya unsur dari material sumber adalah busana dansa pria. (in)
- 셜록홈즈 - 비밀병기(Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon)는 미국에서 제작된 감독의 1942년 액션, 모험 영화이다. 등이 주연으로 출연하였다. (ko)
- Sherlock Holmes e l'arma segreta (Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon), o semplicemente L'arma segreta, è un film del 1943 per la regia di Roy William Neill, quarta pellicola gialla basata sul personaggio di Sherlock Holmes della serie interpretata dalla coppia Basil Rathbone-Nigel Bruce e prodotta da Universal Studios. È liberamente ispirato al racconto L'avventura degli omini danzanti (The Adventure of the Dancing Men), una delle storie contenute nella raccolta Il ritorno di Sherlock Holmes (1905) di Arthur Conan Doyle. (it)
- Sherlock Holmes i tajna broń (ang. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) – amerykański film szpiegowski z 1942 roku w reżyserii na podst. opowiadania Tańczące sylwetki Sir Arthura Conan Doyle’a. Czwarty z czternastu filmów z Basilem Rathbone’em jako Sherlockiem Holmesem i Nigelem Bruce’em jako doktorem Watsonem. Film jest jednym z czterech z serii, które znajdują się w domenie publicznej. (pl)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon is een Amerikaanse film uit 1943, gebaseerd op het personage Sherlock Holmes. Het is de vierde van de Sherlock Holmes-films met Basil Rathbone als Holmes en Nigel Bruce als Dr. Watson. (nl)
- «Шерлок Холмс и секретное оружие» (англ. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, 1943) — американский художественный фильм Роя Уильяма Нила, четвёртый из серии фильмов посвященных приключениям Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона с участием Бэйзила Рэтбоуна и Найджела Брюса. Фильм находится в общественном достоянии. (ru)
- Sherlock Holmes och det hemliga vapnet är en amerikansk/brittisk film från 1942 i regi av . I huvudrollerna ses Basil Rathbone och Nigel Bruce. (sv)
- Sherlock Holmes e a Arma Secreta (em inglês: Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon) é um filme estadunidense de 1943 do gênero aventura, dirigido por . É o quarto filme estrelado pela dupla de atores Basil Rathbone - Nigel Bruce nos papéis dos personagens clássicos da literatura Sherlock Holmes e Doutor Watson. Roteiro adaptado de que ambientou para a época da II Guerra Mundial uma história de Arthur Conan Doyle chamada The Adventure of the Dancing Men. (pt)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942) is the fourth in the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce series of 14 Sherlock Holmes films which updated the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the then present day. The film is credited as an adaptation of Conan Doyle's 1903 short story "The Adventure of the Dancing Men," though the only element from the source material is the dancing men code. Rather, it is a spy film taking place on the background of the then ongoing Second World War with an original premise. The film concerns the kidnapping of a Swiss scientist by their nemesis Professor Moriarty, to steal a new bomb sight and sell it to Nazi Germany. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson have to crack a secret code in order to save the country. (en)
- هولمز والسلاح السري (فيلم 1942) (ar)
- Die Geheimwaffe (de)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (in)
- Sherlock Holmes e l'arma segreta (it)
- Sherlock Holmes et l'Arme secrète (fr)
- 셜록홈즈 - 비밀병기 (ko)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (nl)
- Sherlock Holmes e a Arma Secreta (pt)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (en)
- Sherlock Holmes i tajna broń (pl)
- Sherlock Holmes och det hemliga vapnet (sv)
- Шерлок Холмс и секретное оружие (ru)
- freebase:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- wikidata:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-ar:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-de:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-fa:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-fr:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-id:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-it:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-ko:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-ms:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-nl:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-pl:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-pt:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-ro:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-ru:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-sl:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-sr:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- dbpedia-sv:Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (en)
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Roy_William_Neill
- dbr:Rudolph_Anders
- dbr:List_of_Universal_Pictures_films_(1940–1949)
- dbr:List_of_World_War_II_films
- dbr:List_of_actors_who_have_played_Dr._Watson
- dbr:List_of_actors_who_have_played_Inspector_Lestrade
- dbr:List_of_actors_who_have_played_Mrs._Hudson
- dbr:List_of_actors_who_have_played_Professor_Moriarty
- dbr:List_of_actors_who_have_played_Sherlock_Holmes
- dbr:List_of_black-and-white_films_that_have_been_colorized
- dbr:List_of_feature_film_series_with_11_to_20_entries
- dbr:List_of_fictional_bars_and_pubs
- dbr:List_of_films:_S
- dbr:Professor_Moriarty_in_other_media
- dbr:1942_in_film
- dbr:Basil_Rathbone
- dbr:Dennis_Hoey
- dbr:Holmes_Herbert
- dbr:Paul_Bryar
- dbr:Paul_Fix
- dbr:Veda_Ann_Borg
- dbr:List_of_mystery_films
- dbr:Scott_Darling_(screenwriter)
- dbr:Cimbalom
- dbr:Colin_Kenny_(actor)
- dbr:Edward_T._Lowe_Jr.
- dbr:Frank_Skinner_(composer)
- dbr:George_Eldredge
- dbr:Goof_Troop
- dbr:The_Spider_Woman
- dbr:Leyland_Hodgson
- dbr:Lionel_Atwill
- dbr:Mad_Movies_with_the_L.A._Connection
- dbr:1967_in_film
- dbr:William_Post_Jr.
- dbr:List_of_American_films_of_1942
- dbr:List_of_American_films_of_1943
- dbr:The_Adventure_of_the_Dancing_Men
- dbr:Drama_(British_TV_channel)
- dbr:Nigel_Bruce
- dbr:Disguise
- dbr:Edmund_Hartmann
- dbr:List_of_RiffTrax
- dbr:List_of_fictional_doctors
- dbr:The_Adventure_of_the_Empty_House
- dbr:Harry_Cording
- dbr:Harry_Woods_(actor)
- dbr:Henry_Victor
- dbr:Ted_Billings
- dbr:Kaaren_Verne
- dbr:Mary_Gordon_(actress)
- dbr:Michael_Mark_(actor)
- dbr:Sherlock_Holmes_(1939_film_series)
- dbr:Sherlock_Holmes_(1954_TV_series)
- dbr:Secret_Weapon
- dbr:Mrs._Hudson
- dbr:Vera_West
- dbr:The_Final_Problem
- dbr:World_War_II_in_popular_culture
is foaf:primaryTopic of