Siege of Fort Pulaski (original) (raw)
- Le siège du Fort Pulaski (ou le siège et la réduction du fort Pulaski) se conclut avec la bataille du fort Pulaski qui se déroule du 10 au 11 avril 1862 pendant la guerre de Sécession. Les forces de l'Union installées sur Tybee Island et les forces navales mènent un siège de 112 jours qui se termine par la capture du fort Pulaski tenu par les confédérés au terme d'un bombardement de 30 heures. Le siège et la bataille sont importants par le fait de l'utilisation novatrice de canons rayés qui rendent les défenses côtières obsolètes. L'union initie des opérations amphibies à grande échelle. La capitulation du fort enlève de manière stratégique à Savannah sa fonction de port. L'Union étend son blocus et ses aides à la navigation vers la côte atlantique, puis redéploie la plupart de ses 10 000 hommes. La défense terrestre et navale confédérée bloque l'avance fédérale pendant plus de trois mois, sécurise la ville et empêche toute avance de l'Union ultérieure venant de la mer durant la guerre. Les liaisons ferroviaires côtières sont étendues pour faire le blocus de Charleston en Caroline du Sud. Le fort Pulaski est situé sur l'île Cockspur, en Géorgie, près de l'embouchure du fleuve Savannah. Le fort contrôle les routes d'accès maritimes de la ville de Savannah. Elle a une importance commerciale et industrielle en tant que port d'exportation du coton, que centre ferroviaire et que plus grand centre de production manufacturière de l'État, dont un arsenal d'État et des chantiers navals privés. Deux estuaires au sud conduisent au fleuve Savannah derrière le fort. Immédiatement à l'est de Pulaski, et à portée de vue de Hilton Head Island, en Caroline du sud, se trouve Tybee Island avec un phare. (fr)
- The siege of Fort Pulaski (or the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski) concluded with the Battle of Fort Pulaski fought April 10–11, 1862, during the American Civil War. Union forces on Tybee Island and naval operations conducted a 112-day siege, then captured the Confederate-held Fort Pulaski after a 30-hour bombardment. The siege and battle are important for innovative use of rifled guns which made existing coastal defenses obsolete. The Union initiated large-scale amphibious operations under fire. The fort's surrender strategically closed Savannah as a port. The Union extended its blockade and aids to navigation down the Atlantic coast, then redeployed most of its 10,000 troops. The Confederate army-navy defense blocked Federal advance for over three months, secured the city, and prevented any subsequent Union advance from seaward during the war. Coastal rail connections were extended to blockaded Charleston, South Carolina. Fort Pulaski is located on Cockspur Island, Georgia, near the mouth of the Savannah River. The fort commanded seaward approaches to the City of Savannah. The city was commercially and industrially important as a cotton exporting port, railroad center and the largest manufacturing center in the state, including a state arsenal and private shipyards. Two southerly estuaries led to the Savannah River behind the fort. Immediately east of Pulaski, and in sight of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, lay Tybee Island with a lighthouse station. (en)
- プラスキ砦の戦い(英: Battle of Fort Pulaski)は、南北戦争中のジョージア州サバンナに近いタイビー島の北軍陸軍と海軍の戦隊が、南軍の保持していたプラスキ砦を112日間包囲した後、開戦からほぼ丸1年が経った1862年4月10日から11日に30時間の砲撃を行った後に砦を占領した。この戦闘は、既存の海岸防御地を無用にした革新的パロット砲を使ったことで重要である。北軍は砲火の下で大規模な水陸共同作戦を展開した。 プラスキ砦の降伏により、港としてのサバンナは戦略的に閉鎖された。北軍は海上封鎖を拡大し、大西洋岸を南への航行を可能にし、陸兵1万名の大半を再配置した。南軍の陸軍と海軍の守備隊は北軍の前進を3か月以上止め、サバンナ市を守り、この戦争の間、北軍の海からの侵攻を止めた。海岸部鉄道の接続は、封鎖されていたサウスカロライナ州チャールストンまで延伸された。 プラスキ砦はジョージア州のサバンナ川の河口に近いコックスパー島にある。サバンナ市に海から入る水路を監視していた。サバンナは綿花を輸出する港として、鉄道の中心として、また州の工廠や民間造船所など州最大の工業地帯として商業的にも工業的にも重要だった。砦の背後のサバンナ川に、南の2つの入り江が導いていた。プラスキ砦のすぐ東、ヒルトンヘッド島が見える所に、灯台のあるタイビー島があった。 (ja)
- De Slag om Fort Pulaski vond plaats op 10 april en 11 april 1862 tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Na een belegering en een 30 uur durend bombardement werd het fort door Noordelijke troepen ingenomen. Op 19 februari 1862 gaf brigadegeneraal de opdracht aan kapitein Quincy A. Gillmore om een eenheid samen te stellen om het fort te overwinnen. Gillmore stelde de artillerie op aan de zuidoostelijke kant van het fort. Het bombardement begon op 10 april 1862, nadat kolonel zich niet wilde overgeven. Na enkele uren werd er een gat geslagen in de zuidoostelijke muur van het fort. Dit snelle resultaat was het gevolg van het gebruik van een nieuw type kanon, de . Dit kanon was in staat om gemetselde forten tot puin te schieten. Het garnizoen gaf zich gewonnen nadat een granaat een buskruitmagazijn geraakt had in de zuidoostelijke hoek van het fort. Olmstead gaf zich over om 14.00 uur op 11 april 1862 na zware verliezen. De Noordelijken waren erin geslaagd om het fort in te nemen. De haven van Savannah werd hierdoor geblokkeerd. De stad zelf zou nog standhouden tot in december 1864. (nl)
- Битва за форт Пуласки — заключительный этап 112-дневной осады форта Пуласки произошедший 10-11 апреля 1862 года в ходе Гражданской войны в США, когда войска северян после 30-часового артиллерийского обстрела отбили укрепление у конфедератов. Особую важность этому эпизоду войны придало новаторское использование нарезных орудий, которое продемонстрировало, что прежние береговые укрепления устарели. (ru)
- 1 killed
- several wounded
- CSA (Confederacy)
- United States (Union)
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:David_Hunter
- dbr:Josiah_Tattnall_III
- dbr:Robert_E._Lee
- dbr:Charles_H._Olmstead
- dbr:Samuel_F._DuPont
- Unionvictory
- 3368577 (xsd:integer)
- 70892 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1116920136 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Casimir_Pulaski
- dbr:Amphibious_warfare
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:Savannah,_Georgia
- dbr:Savannah_River
- dbr:Electrical_telegraph
- dbr:Moat
- dbr:Monitor_(warship)
- dbr:Battle_of_Fort_McAllister_(1863)
- dbr:Battle_of_Hampton_Roads
- dbr:Battle_of_Port_Royal
- dbr:David_Hunter
- dbr:John_Tyler
- dbr:Joseph_Gilbert_Totten
- dbr:Josiah_Tattnall_III
- dbr:Judah_P._Benjamin
- dbr:Pattern_1853_Enfield
- dbr:Robert_E._Lee
- dbr:USS_Unadilla_(1861)
- dbr:USS_Wabash_(1855)
- dbr:Underground_Railroad
- dbr:Union_(American_Civil_War)
- dbr:Union_blockade
- dbr:James_rifle
- dbr:Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:Seacoast_defense_in_the_United_States
- dbr:William_T._Sherman
- dbr:Christopher_Raymond_Perry_Rodgers
- dbr:Cockspur_Island
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Mint_(coin)
- dbr:Mortar_(weapon)
- dbr:Thomas_Jefferson
- dbr:Thomas_W._Sherman
- dbc:April_1862_events
- dbr:Major_general_(United_States)
- dbr:Steamboat
- dbr:Columbiad
- dbc:1862_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Parrott_rifle
- dbr:Squall
- dbc:Chatham_County,_Georgia
- dbr:CSS_Savannah_(gunboat)
- dbr:CSS_Savannah_(ironclad)
- dbc:Union_victories_of_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Torpedo
- dbr:Tybee_Island,_Georgia
- dbr:USS_Atlanta_(1861)
- dbr:War_of_1812
- dbr:William_H._Crawford
- dbr:William_Tecumseh_Sherman
- dbr:Drawbridge
- dbr:Garrison
- dbr:Abolitionism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:American_Revolution
- dbr:Fort_Fisher
- dbr:Fort_James_Jackson
- dbr:Fort_McAllister
- dbr:Fort_McAllister_Historic_Park
- dbr:Fort_Pulaski_National_Monument
- dbr:Fort_Sumter
- dbr:Barbette
- dbr:Paddle_steamer
- dbr:Fort_Pulaski
- dbr:Hilton_Head_Island,_South_Carolina
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Lower_Seaboard_Theater_...lf_Approach_of_the_American_Civil_War
- dbc:Military_operations_of_the_American_Civil_War_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Ironclad_warship
- dbr:James_Buchanan
- dbr:James_Madison
- dbr:James_Monroe
- dbr:Jefferson_Davis
- dbr:Artillery_battery
- dbc:1862_in_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Charles_H._Olmstead
- dbr:Chatham_County,_Georgia
- dbr:John_B._Floyd
- dbr:John_Bell_(Tennessee_politician)
- dbr:John_C._Calhoun
- dbr:Blakely_rifle
- dbr:Blockade_runner
- dbr:Arsenal
- dbr:Martello_tower
- dbr:Boom_barrier
- dbr:Charleston,_South_Carolina_in_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Casemate
- dbr:Second_Battle_of_Charleston_Harbor
- dbr:Sherman's_March_to_the_Sea
- dbr:CSS_Georgia_(battery)
- dbr:Lunette_(fortification)
- dbr:Sortie
- dbr:Gunboat
- dbr:Immortal_Six_Hundred
- dbr:Flagship
- dbr:Parrott_Rifle
- dbr:Stone_Fleet
- dbr:Union_Blockade
- dbr:Tybee_Island
- dbr:Ricochets
- dbr:Samuel_F._DuPont
- dbr:Samuel_F._Du_Pont
- dbr:Tybee_Island_Light_Station
- dbr:Parrott_Rifles
- dbr:Arsenals
- dbr:Alexander_Robert_Lawton
- dbr:CSS_Water_Witch
- dbr:File:1855_U.S._Coast_Survey_Chart_or_M...aphicus_-_SavannahRiver-uscs-1855.jpg
- dbr:File:AngleofUnionFireatFortPulaski.jpg
- dbr:File:FortPulaskiBreach.jpg
- dbr:File:FortPulaskiMap.jpg
- dbr:File:Fort_Burnham.jpg
- dbr:File:GA_Savannah_Fort_Pulaski_NM20.jpg
- dbr:File:1st_NY_Eng_Co_F.jpg
- dbr:File:USSHendrickHudson.jpg
- dbr:File:FTPulaski1862a01.jpg
- two cannon on a ground level platform with two stacks of percussion shells (en)
- two-masted schooner, centered side wheel, tall centered smokestack (en)
- timber frame, sandbag protected construction of a passageway into a hill, five Union soldiers posing in front (en)
- cannon in a brick room under collapsed rubble (en)
- 0001-04-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- Union battery of two 30-pounder Parrott Rifles and ammunition. Five Parrotts massed fire of percussion shells on the fort (en)
- Fort casemate guns were disabled and reactivated (en)
- Josiah Tattnall III, Confederate Commodore (en)
- A sidewheeler gunboat, the CSS Water Witch like that used by C.S. Navy armed with one swivel-mounted gun at the bow (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 363 (xsd:integer)
- several wounded (en)
- several mortally wounded (en)
- United States (en)
- CSA (Confederacy) (en)
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:David_Hunter
- dbr:Josiah_Tattnall_III
- dbr:Robert_E._Lee
- dbr:Charles_H._Olmstead
- dbr:Samuel_F._DuPont
- Battle of Fort Pulaski (en)
- 0001-04-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- BreachedCasemateatFortPulaski1862.jpg (en)
- Josiah Tattnall.jpg (en)
- USS Water Witch .jpg (en)
- 310 (xsd:integer)
- the American Civil War (en)
- Union victory (en)
- 420 (xsd:integer)
- 447 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 15 (xsd:integer)
- 36 (xsd:integer)
- 48 (xsd:integer)
- 385 (xsd:integer)
- 10000 (xsd:integer)
- Department of the South (en)
- South Atlantic Squadron (en)
- Dept. of SC, Ga., Florida (en)
- Fort Pulaski garrison (en)
- Savannah River Sqdrn (en)
- Tybee Island besiegers (en)
- dbt:Georgia_in_the_Civil_War
- dbt:American_Civil_War
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Center
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Coord
- dbt:Flagicon
- dbt:ISBN
- dbt:Infobox_military_conflict
- dbt:Multiple_image
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:TOC_limit
- dbt:USS
- dbt:Campaignbox_Operations_Against_Fort_Pulaski
- dbc:April_1862_events
- dbc:1862_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbc:Chatham_County,_Georgia
- dbc:Union_victories_of_the_American_Civil_War
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Lower_Seaboard_Theater_...lf_Approach_of_the_American_Civil_War
- dbc:Military_operations_of_the_American_Civil_War_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbc:1862_in_the_American_Civil_War
- 32.02729 -80.89096
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- yago:WikicatBattlesOfTheAmericanCivilWar
- yago:WikicatBattlesOfTheLowerSeaboardTheaterAndGulfApproachOfTheAmericanCivilWar
- yago:WikicatConflictsIn1862
- yago:WikicatUnionVictoriesOfTheAmericanCivilWar
- geo:SpatialThing
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Act100030358
- yago:Battle100953559
- yago:Conflict100958896
- yago:Ending107291312
- yago:Event100029378
- yago:GroupAction101080366
- yago:Happening107283608
- yago:MilitaryAction100952963
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Event
- dbo:MilitaryConflict
- yago:Success107319103
- yago:Victory107473441
- umbel-rc:ConflictEvent
- umbel-rc:Event
- プラスキ砦の戦い(英: Battle of Fort Pulaski)は、南北戦争中のジョージア州サバンナに近いタイビー島の北軍陸軍と海軍の戦隊が、南軍の保持していたプラスキ砦を112日間包囲した後、開戦からほぼ丸1年が経った1862年4月10日から11日に30時間の砲撃を行った後に砦を占領した。この戦闘は、既存の海岸防御地を無用にした革新的パロット砲を使ったことで重要である。北軍は砲火の下で大規模な水陸共同作戦を展開した。 プラスキ砦の降伏により、港としてのサバンナは戦略的に閉鎖された。北軍は海上封鎖を拡大し、大西洋岸を南への航行を可能にし、陸兵1万名の大半を再配置した。南軍の陸軍と海軍の守備隊は北軍の前進を3か月以上止め、サバンナ市を守り、この戦争の間、北軍の海からの侵攻を止めた。海岸部鉄道の接続は、封鎖されていたサウスカロライナ州チャールストンまで延伸された。 プラスキ砦はジョージア州のサバンナ川の河口に近いコックスパー島にある。サバンナ市に海から入る水路を監視していた。サバンナは綿花を輸出する港として、鉄道の中心として、また州の工廠や民間造船所など州最大の工業地帯として商業的にも工業的にも重要だった。砦の背後のサバンナ川に、南の2つの入り江が導いていた。プラスキ砦のすぐ東、ヒルトンヘッド島が見える所に、灯台のあるタイビー島があった。 (ja)
- Битва за форт Пуласки — заключительный этап 112-дневной осады форта Пуласки произошедший 10-11 апреля 1862 года в ходе Гражданской войны в США, когда войска северян после 30-часового артиллерийского обстрела отбили укрепление у конфедератов. Особую важность этому эпизоду войны придало новаторское использование нарезных орудий, которое продемонстрировало, что прежние береговые укрепления устарели. (ru)
- Le siège du Fort Pulaski (ou le siège et la réduction du fort Pulaski) se conclut avec la bataille du fort Pulaski qui se déroule du 10 au 11 avril 1862 pendant la guerre de Sécession. Les forces de l'Union installées sur Tybee Island et les forces navales mènent un siège de 112 jours qui se termine par la capture du fort Pulaski tenu par les confédérés au terme d'un bombardement de 30 heures. Le siège et la bataille sont importants par le fait de l'utilisation novatrice de canons rayés qui rendent les défenses côtières obsolètes. L'union initie des opérations amphibies à grande échelle. (fr)
- The siege of Fort Pulaski (or the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski) concluded with the Battle of Fort Pulaski fought April 10–11, 1862, during the American Civil War. Union forces on Tybee Island and naval operations conducted a 112-day siege, then captured the Confederate-held Fort Pulaski after a 30-hour bombardment. The siege and battle are important for innovative use of rifled guns which made existing coastal defenses obsolete. The Union initiated large-scale amphibious operations under fire. (en)
- De Slag om Fort Pulaski vond plaats op 10 april en 11 april 1862 tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Na een belegering en een 30 uur durend bombardement werd het fort door Noordelijke troepen ingenomen. De Noordelijken waren erin geslaagd om het fort in te nemen. De haven van Savannah werd hierdoor geblokkeerd. De stad zelf zou nog standhouden tot in december 1864. (nl)
- Siège du Fort Pulaski (fr)
- プラスキ砦の戦い (ja)
- Slag om Fort Pulaski (nl)
- Siege of Fort Pulaski (en)
- Битва за форт Пуласки (ru)
- freebase:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- yago-res:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- wikidata:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- dbpedia-fr:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- dbpedia-ja:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- dbpedia-nl:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- dbpedia-ru:Siege of Fort Pulaski
- POINT(-80.890960693359 32.027290344238)
- 32.027290 (xsd:float)
- -80.890961 (xsd:float)
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FortPulaski02.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fort-Pulaski-Under-Fire-April-1862-Leslie-s-Weekly-Mod.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FortPulaskiMap.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/USSHendrickHudson.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Samuel_francis_dupont_photo.gif
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FTPulaski1862a01.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Josiah_Tattnall.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/USS_Wabash_85568.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1855_U.S._Coast_Surve...aphicus_-_SavannahRiver-uscs-1855.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1st_NY_Eng_Co_F.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/30pdrParrott.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/AngleofUnionFireatFortPulaski.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/BreachedCasemateatFortPulaski1862.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Drawbridge_over_the_moat_at_Fort_Pulaski_IMG_4686.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FortPulaskiBreach.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fort_Burnham.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fort_Pulaski,_GA,_US_(06).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fort_Pulaski_National_Monument,_Sav.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fort_Pulasky_1.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/GA_Savannah_Fort_Pulaski_NM20.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/InsideFortPulaski1862.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/ParapetsofCapturedFtPulaskifacingTybeeIsland.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Plan_Fort_Pulaski.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Quincy_Adams_Gillmore.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/RifledGunsatFortPulaski1862.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/TyFortPulaskiDamagedWall20050420r12f12.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/USS_Unadill_lithograph.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/USS_Water_Witch_(1851).jpg
- Battle of Fort Pulaski (en)
is dbo:battle of
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:David_Hunter
- dbr:John_Wainwright_(soldier)
- dbr:46th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:47th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:48th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:Henry_Ruhl_Guss
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:Rose_Terry_Cooke
- dbr:Savannah_River
- dbr:List_of_coastal_fortifications_of_the_United_States
- dbr:David_Hunter
- dbr:Horatio_Rogers_Jr.
- dbr:John_Wainwright_(soldier)
- dbr:Josiah_Tattnall_III
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:James_rifle
- dbr:Confederate_States_Congress
- dbr:Confederate_States_Navy
- dbr:Egbert_Ludovicus_Viele
- dbr:George_Paul_Harrison_Jr.
- dbr:97th_Pennsylvania_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:3rd_Rhode_Island_Heavy_Artillery_Regiment
- dbr:46th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:47th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:48th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:Fort_Pulaski_National_Monument
- dbr:Battle_of_Fort_Pulaski
- dbr:Battle_of_Savannah
- dbr:Battle_of_fort_pulaski
- dbr:Pulaski_Park
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_Boston
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_Long_Island_Sound
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_Narragansett_Bay
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_New_York
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_the_Delaware
- dbr:Henry_Ruhl_Guss
- dbr:Battle_of_Ft._Pulaski
is dbp:battles of
- dbr:Quincy_Adams_Gillmore
- dbr:John_Wainwright_(soldier)
- dbr:46th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:47th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:48th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment
is foaf:primaryTopic of