Tendaguru Formation (original) (raw)
- Tendaguru je proslulá paleontologická lokalita svrchnojurského stáří (asi 150 až 145 milionů let), ležící na území dnešní Tanzanie ve východní Africe. Světové jméno získala počátkem 20. století, kdy sem byla uspořádána první německá paleontologická expedice, vedená Wernerem Janenschem (1909-1913). Tehdy šlo o součást území kolonie s názvem Německá východní Afrika. Fosilie dinosaurů, objevených na lokalitě Tendaguru, byly dobře známé domorodým obyvatelům této oblasti již dlouho před příchodem evropských vědců. (cs)
- Der Tendaguru ist ein Hügel in der Gemeinde , ca. 60 km nordwestlich der Stadt Lindi im Südosten des ostafrikanischen Staates Tansania und eine weltbekannte Lagerstätte für Dinosaurierfossilien aus dem Oberjura. (de)
- Los sedimentos de la Formación Tendaguru constituyen una formación geológica del Jurásico superior muy rica en fósiles que se encuentra en Tanzania. El ecosistema de dinosaurios es muy similar al de la Formación Morrison, con la presencia de Ceratosaurus y Dryosaurus en ambas, y otros dinosaurios de similares características. (es)
- La formation de Tendaguru est une formation géologique fossilifère de Tanzanie. Elle est considérée comme la plus riche en fossiles du Jurassique supérieur d'Afrique. Sa faune fossile est similaire à celle de la formation de Morrison de l'ouest des États-Unis. (fr)
- The Tendaguru Formation, or Tendaguru Beds are a highly fossiliferous formation and Lagerstätte located in the Lindi Region of southeastern Tanzania. The formation represents the oldest sedimentary unit of the , overlying Neoproterozoic basement, separating by a long hiatus and unconformity. The formation reaches a total sedimentary thickness of more than 110 metres (360 ft). The formation ranges in age from the late Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous, Oxfordian to Hauterivian stages, with the base of the formation possibly extending into the Callovian. The Tendaguru Formation is subdivided into six members; from oldest to youngest Lower Dinosaur Member, the Nerinella Member, the Middle Dinosaur Member, Indotrigonia africana Member, the Upper Dinosaur Member, and the Rutitrigonia bornhardti-schwarzi Member. The succession comprises a sequence of sandstones, shales, siltstones, conglomerates with minor oolitic limestones, deposited in an overall shallow marine to coastal plain environment, characterized by tidal, fluvial and lacustrine influence with a tsunami deposit occurring in the Indotrigonia africana Member. The climate of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous was semi-arid with seasonal rainfall and the eustatic sea level was rising in the Late Jurassic from low levels in the Middle Jurassic. Paleogeographical reconstructions show the Tendaguru area was located in the subtropical southern hemisphere during the Late Jurassic. The Tendaguru Formation is considered the richest Late Jurassic strata in Africa. The formation has provided a wealth of fossils of different groups; early mammaliaforms, several genera of dinosaurs, crocodyliforms, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and flora. More than 250 tonnes (250 long tons; 280 short tons) of material was shipped to Germany during early excavations in the early twentieth century. The faunal assemblage of the Tendaguru is similar to the Morrison Formation of the central-western United States, with an additional marine interbed fauna not present in the Morrison. The dinosaur fauna found in the formation is similar to that of other highly fossiliferous stratigraphic units of the Late Jurassic; among others the Kimmeridge and Oxford Clays of England, the Sables de Glos, Argiles d'Octeville, Marnes de Bléville of France, the Alcobaça, Guimarota and Lourinhã Formations of Portugal, the Villar del Arzobispo Formation of Spain, the Shishugou, Kalazha and Shangshaximiao Formations in China, the Toqui Formation of Chile and Cañadón Calcáreo Formation and the Morrison Formation, with the presence of dinosaurs with similar counterparts, e.g., Brachiosaurus and Stegosaurus in the Morrison, and Giraffatitan and Kentrosaurus in the Tendaguru. (en)
- I Letti Tendaguru (o Formazione Tendaguru) sono una formazione altamente fossilifera e Lagerstätte della Tanzania sud-orientale. La formazione rappresenta l'unità sedimentaria più antica del , sovrastante un Basamento neoproterozoico, che si separa da una Discordanza angolare. La formazione raggiunge uno spessore sedimentario di oltre 110 metri. La formazione varia dal tardo Giurassico medio all'inizio del primo Cretaceo, dall'Oxfordiano all'Hauteriviano, con la base della formazione che si estende al Calloviano. La Formazione Tendaguru è suddivisa in sei membri. La successione comprende una sequenza di arenaria, shale, siltiti, conglomerati con calcari oolitici minori , depositati in un ambiente marino generalmente superficiale a pianura costiera, caratterizzato da un'influenza delle maree, fluviale e lacustre. Il clima del tardo giurassico e del primo cretaceo era semi-arido con precipitazioni stagionali; le ricostruzioni paleogeografiche mostrano che l'area di Tendaguru era situata nell'emisfero subtropicale meridionale durante il tardo giurassico. La Formazione Tendaguru è considerata il più ricco strato del tardo Giurassico africano. La formazione ha fornito una vasta gamma di fossili di diversi gruppi; primi mammiferi, diversi generi di dinosauri, crocodilomorfi, anfibi, pesci, invertebrati e flora. Più di 250 tonnellate di vario materiale fu spedito in Germania durante i primi scavi nei primi anni del XX secolo. L'insieme della fauna fossile di Tendaguru è simile alla Formazione Morrison negli Stati Uniti, con un'ulteriore fauna marina non presente nella Morrison. (it)
- 텐다구루 층(Tendaguru Formation)은 아프리카 탄자니아에 있는 쥐라기 후기의 지층이다. 미국의 모리슨 층과 유사한 점이 많아 종종 비교되는데, 이를테면 텐다구루 층의 과 켄트로사우루스는 각각 모리슨 층의 브라키오사우루스와 스테고사우루스와 비교된다. 위키미디어 공용에 텐다구루 층 관련 미디어 분류가 있습니다. (ko)
- De Tendaguru-formatie (vroeger "Tendaguru Beds") is een geologische formatie in Zuidoost-Tanzania met voornamelijk afzettingen uit het Laat-Jura. De formatie bevindt zich 60 kilometer ten noordwesten van de zeehaven van Lindi. De afzettingen dateren uit het Kimmeridgien (157,3-152,1 miljoen jaar geleden) en Tithonien (152,1 tot 145 miljoen jaar geleden). (nl)
- Formacja Tendaguru – bogata w skamieniałości formacja geologiczna w Tanzanii. Uznaje się ją za najbogatszą z górnojurajskich warstw Afryki. Rekonstrukcje kontynentalne wskazują, że w epoce jury późnej tereny te leżały na półkuli południowej. Tendaguru przypomina formację Morrisona, jeśli nie brać pod uwagę morskich osadów tej ostatniej. Fauna dinozaurów obu formacji jest podobna. Występują odpowiadające sobie rodzaje: tendagurskiemu Giraffatitan odpowiada morrisoński brachiozaur, tendagurskiemu kentrozaurowi – stegozaur. (pl)
- http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12007/1/zitteliana_2008_b28_05.pdf
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=vtZFDb_iw40C
- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- https://academic.oup.com/zoolinnean/article-abstract/185/3/784/5300162%3FredirectedFrom=fulltext
- http://www.app.pan.pl/archive/published/app48/app48-608.pdf
- http://www.app.pan.pl/archive/published/app59/app20110095.pdf
- https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/Africa/260213presentation.pdf
- https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file%3Fid=10.1371/journal.pone.0012553&type=printable
- http://www.dinosauria.org/documents/2017/buffetaut_2013.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/12/141/2009/fr-12-141-2009.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/12/23/2009/fr-12-23-2009.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/2/171/1999/fr-2-171-1999.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/2/185/1999/fr-2-185-1999.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/5/19/2002/fr-5-19-2002.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/5/207/2002/fr-5-207-2002.pdf
- https://www.foss-rec.net/7/153/2004/fr-7-153-2004.pdf
- https://docentes.fct.unl.pt/omateus/files/mateus_et_al_2014_zby_atlanticus_a_new_turiasaurian_sauropod_dinosauria_eusauropoda_from_the_late_jurassic_of_port
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=vLWIITj8X-sC
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02988135
- https://web.archive.org/web/20190402200148/https:/pdfs.semanticscholar.org/25d1/6d91f6fd7ab47da795a299c4b8595d7edf08.pdf
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235907181_Theropod_dinosaurs_from_the_Late_Jurassic_of_Tendaguru_Tanzania
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309431142_Mesozoic_Mammals_from_South_America_Implications_for_understanding_early_mammalian_faunas_from_Gondwana
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40662981_Late_Jurassic_dinosaurs_from_the_Morrison_formation_USA_the_Lourinha_and_Alcobaca_Formations_Portugal_and_the_Tendaguru_Beds_Tanzania_a_comparison
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40663876_A_second_Gondwanan_diplodocid_dinosaur_from_the_Upper_Jurassic_Tendaguru_Beds_of_Tanzania_East_Africa
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40663907_Late_Jurassic_Mammals_from_Tendaguru_Tanzania_East_Africa
- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/25d1/6d91f6fd7ab47da795a299c4b8595d7edf08.pdf
- http://www.scielo.br/pdf/aabc/v81n4/17.pdf
- https://www.zin.ru/journals/trudyzin/doc/vol_319_3/TZ_319_3_Averyanov.pdf
- dbr:Provenance
- dbr:Pterodactylus
- dbr:Pterosaur
- dbr:Brackish
- dbc:Jurassic_Tanzania
- dbr:Oolite
- dbr:Sand_bar
- dbr:Barosaurus
- dbr:Bernissartia
- dbr:Brachiosaurus
- dbr:Brancatherulum
- dbr:David_B._Weishampel
- dbr:List_of_fossiliferous_stratigraphic_units_in_Tanzania
- dbr:Lithophaga
- dbr:Rhamphorhynchus
- dbr:Usili_Formation
- dbr:Valanginian
- dbr:Veterupristisaurus
- dbr:Villar_del_Arzobispo_Formation
- dbr:Depositional_environment
- dbr:Limestone
- dbr:Werner_Janensch
- dbr:Kalazha_Formation
- dbr:Protocardia
- dbr:Conifer
- dbr:Crocodyliformes
- dbr:Megalosauroidea
- dbr:Megalosaurus
- dbr:Salientia
- dbr:Genus
- dbr:Geological_formation
- dbr:Camadas_de_Guimarota
- dbr:Clay
- dbr:Edwin_Hennig
- dbr:Elaphrosaurus
- dbr:England
- dbr:German_East_Africa
- dbr:Germans
- dbr:Germany
- dbr:Gigantosaurus
- dbr:Ginkgoaceae
- dbr:Giraffatitan
- dbr:Gondwana
- dbr:Morrison_Formation
- dbr:Mugher_Mudstone
- dbr:Mwera_people
- dbr:Concretion
- dbr:Conglomerate_(geology)
- dbc:Geologic_formations_of_Tanzania
- dbr:Lagerstätte
- dbr:Lagoon
- dbr:Aptian
- dbr:Araucariaceae
- dbr:Berriasian
- dbr:Lepidotes
- dbr:Lindi_Region
- dbr:Liostrea
- dbr:Anais_da_Academia_Brasileira_de_Ciências
- dbr:Lourinhã_Formation
- dbr:Madagascar
- dbr:Magallanes_Basin
- dbr:Mamenchisauridae
- dbr:Mammaliaformes
- dbr:Manda_Formation
- dbr:Callovian
- dbr:Shishugou_Formation
- dbr:Stegosauria
- dbr:Stegosaurus
- dbr:Stuttgart
- dbr:Zatheria
- dbr:Éric_Buffetaut
- dbr:Archbishop_(dinosaur)
- dbr:Patagonia
- dbr:Stratum
- dbr:Tempestite
- dbr:Australodocus
- dbr:Australosphenida
- dbr:Bajada_Colorada_Formation
- dbr:British_Museum
- dbr:Acta_Palaeontologica_Polonica
- dbc:Conglomerate_formations
- dbc:Jurassic_System_of_Africa
- dbc:Lacustrine_deposits
- dbr:Cañadón_Asfalto_Basin
- dbr:Cañadón_Calcáreo_Formation
- dbr:Ceratosauridae
- dbr:Ceratosaurus
- dbc:Lagoonal_deposits
- dbc:Tidal_deposits
- dbr:Toqui_Formation
- dbr:Tornieria
- dbr:Torvosaurus
- dbr:Trace_fossil
- dbr:Triassic
- dbr:Tsunami
- dbr:Turiasauria
- dbr:Wamweracaudia
- dbc:Rufiji-Ruvuma_languages
- dbc:Tendaguru_Formation
- dbr:Karoo_Supergroup
- dbr:Late_Jurassic
- dbr:Laurasia
- dbr:List_of_African_dinosaurs
- dbr:Lonchidion
- dbr:Paläontologische_Zeitschrift
- dbr:Abelisauridae
- dbr:Africa
- dbr:Albian
- dbr:Alcobaça_Formation
- dbr:Alexander_Kellner
- dbr:Algae
- dbr:Allosauridae
- dbr:Allosaurus
- dbr:Amphibian
- dbr:Amphilestidae
- dbr:Cupressaceae
- dbr:Cycadaceae
- dbr:Dryolestida
- dbr:Dryosauridae
- dbr:Dsungaripteroidea
- dbr:Dysalotosaurus
- dbr:Early_Cretaceous
- dbr:Early_Jurassic
- dbc:Lower_Cretaceous_Series_of_Africa
- dbr:Eusauropoda
- dbr:Facies
- dbr:Fern
- dbr:Fish
- dbr:Flagellicaudata
- dbr:Foraminifera
- dbr:Fossil_Record_(journal)
- dbr:France
- dbr:Barremian
- dbr:Basement_(geology)
- dbr:Ostafrikasaurus
- dbr:Otto_von_Bismarck
- dbr:Oxford_Clay
- dbr:Oxfordian_(stage)
- dbr:Palaeontology
- dbr:Paleozoic
- dbr:Dinosaurs_of_Tendaguru
- dbc:Cretaceous_Tanzania
- dbc:Paleontology_in_Tanzania
- dbr:Flora
- dbr:Gneiss
- dbr:Ischium
- dbr:Journal_of_Mammalian_Evolution
- dbr:Journal_of_Vertebrate_Paleontology
- dbr:Fluvial
- dbr:Unconformity
- dbr:Peter_Dodson
- dbr:River_delta
- dbr:Pterodactyloid
- dbr:Pubis_(bone)
- dbr:Gregory_S._Paul
- dbr:Gymnosperm
- dbr:Halszka_Osmólska
- dbr:Hans_Reck
- dbr:Haramiyida
- dbr:Hauterivian
- dbr:Invertebrate
- dbr:Janenschia
- dbr:Tanzania
- dbr:Taxaceae
- dbr:Tendaguria
- dbr:Tendaguripterus
- dbr:Tendaguru_Formation
- dbr:Tetanurae
- dbr:Tethys_Ocean
- dbr:Hybodus
- dbr:Lacustrine
- dbr:Taxodiaceae
- dbr:Siltstone
- dbr:Archean
- dbr:Argentina
- dbr:Argiles_d'Octeville
- dbr:Atlantic_Ocean
- dbc:Sandstone_formations
- dbc:Shallow_marine_deposits
- dbc:Deltaic_deposits
- dbc:Limestone_formations
- dbc:Shale_formations
- dbc:Siltstone_formations
- dbr:Chatham_House
- dbr:Cheirolepidiaceae
- dbr:Chile
- dbr:China
- dbr:Kentrosaurus
- dbr:Kimmeridge_Clay
- dbr:Kimmeridgian
- dbr:Sundays_River_Formation
- dbr:Coastal_plain
- dbr:Eberhard_Fraas
- dbr:Zygnemataceae
- dbr:Dicraeosauridae
- dbr:Dicraeosaurus
- dbr:Dinosaur
- dbr:Diplodocidae
- dbr:Diplodocinae
- dbr:Diplodocus
- dbr:Pollen
- dbr:Portugal
- dbr:Spain
- dbr:Spores
- dbr:Tidal_flat
- dbr:Indian_subcontinent
- dbr:Indiana_University
- dbr:Kirkwood_Formation
- dbr:Ksar_Metlili_Formation
- dbr:Mesozoic
- dbr:Middle_Jurassic
- dbr:Natural_History_Museum,_Berlin
- dbr:Neoproterozoic
- dbr:Neosauropoda
- dbr:Oceanic_trench
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Wilhelm_von_Branca
- dbr:Sandstone
- dbr:Shale
- dbr:Shoal
- dbr:Dinoflagellates
- dbr:List_of_stratigraphic_units_with_dinosaur_body_fossils
- dbr:Lithostratigraphy
- dbr:Zoological_Journal_of_the_Linnean_Society
- dbr:Peramuridae
- dbr:Special_Papers_in_Palaeontology
- dbr:Eustatic_sea_level
- dbr:Rift_basin
- dbr:Restitution
- dbr:Pseudomelania
- dbr:Sables_de_Glos
- dbr:Thamnoseris
- dbr:Palaeontographica
- dbr:Palaeontology_(journal)
- dbr:Report_on_the_restitution_of_African_cultural_heritage
- dbr:PLoS_ONE
- dbr:Outcrop
- dbr:Marnes_de_Bléville
- dbr:Type_species
- dbr:Argillaceous
- dbr:Azhdarchid
- dbr:Elaphrosaurinae
- dbr:Somphospondylan
- dbr:Sauropod
- dbr:Archaeopterodactyloid
- dbr:Ornithischian
- dbr:Oryctos
- dbr:Paleogeography
- dbr:Gas_field
- dbr:Makonde_Formation
- dbr:Mandawa_Basin
- dbr:Charophyte
- dbr:Museum_für_Naturkunde,_Berlin
- dbr:Rhamphorhynchoid
- dbr:Labrosaurus
- dbr:Mammaliaform
- dbr:Brachiosaurid
- dbr:Carcharodontosaurid
- dbr:Gondwanathere
- dbr:Shangshaximiao_Formation
- dbr:Noasaurid
- dbr:Theropod
- dbr:Bythocypris
- dbr:Promathildia
- dbr:Ginkgoxylon
- dbr:File:CC-BY_icon.svg
- dbr:File:Allosaurus_tendagurensis.jpg
- dbr:Araucariacites
- dbr:Cupressinoxylon
- dbr:Rutitrigonia
- dbr:File:Dryosaurus_lettowvorbecki_skeleton.jpg
- dbr:Cymatiosphaera
- dbr:Cypridea
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Upper_Dinosaur_Member.jpg
- dbr:Tendagurutherium
- dbr:Ovoidites
- dbr:Grammatodon
- dbr:Prasinophyta
- dbr:Cycadoxylon
- dbr:Early_Proterozoic
- dbr:Falcimytilus
- dbr:File:Australodocus.jpeg
- dbr:File:Diplodocidae_indet._(Barosaurus_africanus)_-_Tendaguru_Formation.jpg
- dbr:File:Diplodocidae_indet._-_Tendaguru_Formation.jpg
- dbr:File:Diplodocinae_indet._-_Tendaguru_Formation.jpg
- dbr:File:Elaphrosaurus_mount_MfN_Berlin_2018_2.jpg
- dbr:File:Engaibatis_schultzei_-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Flagellicaudata_indet._-_braincase_-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Geologic_map_Tendaguru_Formation_members,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Hybodus_sp._-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Janenschia.jpg
- dbr:File:Lepidotes_sp._-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Lonchidion_sp._-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Ostafrikasaurus_holotype_tooth_by_PaleoGeek.png
- dbr:File:Sphenodus_sp._-_Tendaguru_Formation,_Tanzania.jpg
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Generalized_depositional_environment.jpg
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Indotrigonia_africana_Member.jpg
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Middle_Dinosaur_Member.jpg
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Nerinella_Member.jpg
- dbr:File:Tendaguru_Formation_-_Rutitrigonia_bornhardti-schwarzi_Member.jpg
- yago:WikicatMountainsOfTanzania
- geo:SpatialThing
- yago:GeologicalFormation109287968
- yago:Mountain109359803
- yago:NaturalElevation109366317
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:YagoGeoEntity
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:MilitaryUnit
- Tendaguru je proslulá paleontologická lokalita svrchnojurského stáří (asi 150 až 145 milionů let), ležící na území dnešní Tanzanie ve východní Africe. Světové jméno získala počátkem 20. století, kdy sem byla uspořádána první německá paleontologická expedice, vedená Wernerem Janenschem (1909-1913). Tehdy šlo o součást území kolonie s názvem Německá východní Afrika. Fosilie dinosaurů, objevených na lokalitě Tendaguru, byly dobře známé domorodým obyvatelům této oblasti již dlouho před příchodem evropských vědců. (cs)
- Der Tendaguru ist ein Hügel in der Gemeinde , ca. 60 km nordwestlich der Stadt Lindi im Südosten des ostafrikanischen Staates Tansania und eine weltbekannte Lagerstätte für Dinosaurierfossilien aus dem Oberjura. (de)
- Los sedimentos de la Formación Tendaguru constituyen una formación geológica del Jurásico superior muy rica en fósiles que se encuentra en Tanzania. El ecosistema de dinosaurios es muy similar al de la Formación Morrison, con la presencia de Ceratosaurus y Dryosaurus en ambas, y otros dinosaurios de similares características. (es)
- La formation de Tendaguru est une formation géologique fossilifère de Tanzanie. Elle est considérée comme la plus riche en fossiles du Jurassique supérieur d'Afrique. Sa faune fossile est similaire à celle de la formation de Morrison de l'ouest des États-Unis. (fr)
- 텐다구루 층(Tendaguru Formation)은 아프리카 탄자니아에 있는 쥐라기 후기의 지층이다. 미국의 모리슨 층과 유사한 점이 많아 종종 비교되는데, 이를테면 텐다구루 층의 과 켄트로사우루스는 각각 모리슨 층의 브라키오사우루스와 스테고사우루스와 비교된다. 위키미디어 공용에 텐다구루 층 관련 미디어 분류가 있습니다. (ko)
- De Tendaguru-formatie (vroeger "Tendaguru Beds") is een geologische formatie in Zuidoost-Tanzania met voornamelijk afzettingen uit het Laat-Jura. De formatie bevindt zich 60 kilometer ten noordwesten van de zeehaven van Lindi. De afzettingen dateren uit het Kimmeridgien (157,3-152,1 miljoen jaar geleden) en Tithonien (152,1 tot 145 miljoen jaar geleden). (nl)
- Formacja Tendaguru – bogata w skamieniałości formacja geologiczna w Tanzanii. Uznaje się ją za najbogatszą z górnojurajskich warstw Afryki. Rekonstrukcje kontynentalne wskazują, że w epoce jury późnej tereny te leżały na półkuli południowej. Tendaguru przypomina formację Morrisona, jeśli nie brać pod uwagę morskich osadów tej ostatniej. Fauna dinozaurów obu formacji jest podobna. Występują odpowiadające sobie rodzaje: tendagurskiemu Giraffatitan odpowiada morrisoński brachiozaur, tendagurskiemu kentrozaurowi – stegozaur. (pl)
- The Tendaguru Formation, or Tendaguru Beds are a highly fossiliferous formation and Lagerstätte located in the Lindi Region of southeastern Tanzania. The formation represents the oldest sedimentary unit of the , overlying Neoproterozoic basement, separating by a long hiatus and unconformity. The formation reaches a total sedimentary thickness of more than 110 metres (360 ft). The formation ranges in age from the late Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous, Oxfordian to Hauterivian stages, with the base of the formation possibly extending into the Callovian. (en)
- I Letti Tendaguru (o Formazione Tendaguru) sono una formazione altamente fossilifera e Lagerstätte della Tanzania sud-orientale. La formazione rappresenta l'unità sedimentaria più antica del , sovrastante un Basamento neoproterozoico, che si separa da una Discordanza angolare. La formazione raggiunge uno spessore sedimentario di oltre 110 metri. La formazione varia dal tardo Giurassico medio all'inizio del primo Cretaceo, dall'Oxfordiano all'Hauteriviano, con la base della formazione che si estende al Calloviano. (it)
- Tendaguru Formation (en)
- Tendaguru (cs)
- Tendaguru (de)
- Formación Tendaguru (es)
- Formation de Tendaguru (fr)
- Letti Tendaguru (it)
- 텐다구루 층 (ko)
- Tendaguru-formatie (nl)
- Formacja Tendaguru (pl)
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Camarasauridae
- dbr:Carcharodontosauridae
- dbr:List_of_dinosaur_specimens_with_nicknames
- dbr:List_of_dinosaurs_of_the_Morrison_Formation
- dbr:List_of_fossil_sites
- dbr:1916_in_paleontology
- dbr:1919_in_paleontology
- dbr:2021_in_archosaur_paleontology
- dbr:Brachiosaurus
- dbr:Brancatherulum
- dbr:List_of_fossiliferous_stratigraphic_units_in_Tanzania
- dbr:Culture_of_Tanzania
- dbr:Veterupristisaurus
- dbr:List_of_ornithopod_type_specimens
- dbr:List_of_pterosaur-bearing_stratigraphic_units
- dbr:Condorodon
- dbr:Megalosauridae
- dbr:1991_in_paleontology
- dbr:Elaphrosaurus
- dbr:Giraffatitan
- dbr:Thomas_Spreiter
- dbr:1908_in_paleontology
- dbr:1915_in_paleontology
- dbr:2011_in_archosaur_paleontology
- dbr:2012_in_archosaur_paleontology
- dbr:Apatosaurus
- dbr:Lindi_District
- dbr:Lindi_Region
- dbr:Lourinhã_Formation
- dbr:Lusotitan
- dbr:Mamenchisauridae
- dbr:Suchoolithus
- dbr:Australodocus
- dbr:Brontosaurus
- dbr:Ceratosaurus
- dbr:Tornieria
- dbr:Torvosaurus
- dbr:Wamweracaudia
- dbr:List_of_African_dinosaurs
- dbr:Abelisauroidea
- dbr:Acrocanthosaurus
- dbr:Allosaurus
- dbr:Amargasaurus
- dbr:Dysalotosaurus
- dbr:Eutriconodonta
- dbr:Ostafrikasaurus
- dbr:Paramacellodidae
- dbr:Paranthodon
- dbr:Dinosaurs_of_Tendaguru
- dbr:1999_in_paleontology
- dbr:2000_in_paleontology
- dbr:Haifanggou_Formation
- dbr:Janenschia
- dbr:Tendaguripterus
- dbr:Tendaguru_Formation
- dbr:2019_in_archosaur_paleontology
- dbr:Kadzi_Formation
- dbr:Kentrosaurus
- dbr:Tenda
- dbr:Dicraeosaurus
- dbr:Dinosaur
- dbr:Diplodocus
- dbr:Tendaguru
- dbr:Tendaguru_beds
- dbr:Kugitang_Svita
- dbr:Kurek_Formation
- dbr:Gustav_Tornier
- dbr:List_of_stratigraphic_units_with_dinosaur_body_fossils
- dbr:List_of_stratigraphic_units_with_dinosaur_trace_fossils
- dbr:Tanzanian_literature