The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (video game) (original) (raw)
- Το The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King είναι βιντεοπαιχνίδι δράσης που αναπτύχθηκε από την EA και κυκλοφόρησε για το PlayStation 2 και Microsoft Windows το 2003. Είχε κυκλοφορήσει στο GameCube και στο Xbox από την , για το Game Boy Advance η , για κινητά από την , και OS X από την . Το παιχνίδι δημοσιεύθηκε από την Electronic Arts. Είναι η συνέχεια του παιχνιδιού . (el)
- El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey es un videojuego de acción hack and slash en tercera persona lanzado en 2003, basado en El Señor de los Anillos: las dos torres y El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey, segunda y tercera partes de la adaptación cinematográfica de Peter Jackson de El Señor de los Anillos. El juego fue publicado por EA Games; desarrollado por EA Redwood Shores y lanzado para PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox y Microsoft Windows. Se desarrolló también para Game Boy Advance una versión en estilo videojuego de rol. El juego es similar a su predecesor, El Señor de los Anillos: las dos torres, pero se diferencian en la inclusión de varias líneas de historias, utilización de más personajes e incremento de la interacción con los diferentes ambientes. El videojuego sigue tres arcos de historias diferentes basadas en los sucesos ocurridos en el filme. Un modo de juego cooperativo está disponible para algunas misiones. El retorno del Rey fue desarrollado en estrecha colaboración con New Line Cinema, usando muchas de las fotos de referencia actual, bocetos, modelos y otros artículos de los filmes. El juego fue recibido con críticas positivas: su gráfico, audio y modo de juego fueron elogiadas; pero se criticó el control de la cámara. (es)
- Le Seigneur des anneaux : Le Retour du Roi est un jeu vidéo de 2003 de type beat them all en vue à la troisième personne, développé par EA Redwood Shores et édité par Electronic Arts. Il est basé sur les deuxième et troisième volets de l'adaptation cinématographique par Peter Jackson du roman Le Seigneur des anneaux de J. R. R. Tolkien : Les Deux Tours et Le Retour du roi, mais sa sortie a été coordonnée avec celle du troisième film, fin 2003. Le Retour du Roi a été développé en collaboration avec New Line Cinema qui détient la franchise des films. Le jeu est proche de son prédécesseur, Le Seigneur des anneaux : Les Deux Tours, mais son scénario se divise en trois branches ; il y a aussi plus de personnages jouables, et une plus grande interactivité avec l'environnement. Deux joueurs peuvent jouer dans un mode coopératif sur certaines missions. Le jeu a été développé par le studio EA Redwood Shores et publié sous la marque EA Games. Multi-plateforme, il est sorti sur plusieurs consoles de salon (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox) et sur ordinateur personnel (Windows, Mac OS) ; une adaptation est sortie sur console portable Game Boy Advance. Le jeu a reçu des critiques positives. Ses graphismes, son ambiance sonore et son gameplay ont été bien accueillis ; le contrôle de la caméra a par contre été critiqué. (fr)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a 2003 hack and slash action game developed by EA Redwood Shores for the PlayStation 2 and Windows. It was ported to the GameCube and Xbox by Hypnos Entertainment, to the Game Boy Advance by Griptonite Games, to mobile by JAMDAT, and to OS X by Beenox. The game was published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the 2002 game The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. The game is an adaptation of Peter Jackson's 2002 film The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and his 2003 film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which was released shortly after the game. As it is not an adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's 1954 novel, The Return of the King, the third volume in Lord of the Rings, anything from the novel not specifically mentioned or depicted in the films could not be represented in the game. This is because, at the time, Vivendi Universal Games, in partnership with Tolkien Enterprises, held the rights to the video game adaptations of Tolkien's literary works, whilst Electronic Arts held the rights to the video game adaptations of the New Line Cinema films. The game is similar to its predecessor in basic gameplay, but differs by adding multiple storylines, more playable characters and increased interaction with environments. A two-player co-op mode is also available for some missions. As with The Two Towers, The Return of the King was developed in close collaboration with the filmmakers, using many of the actual reference photos, drawings, models, props and other assets from the film. The game was met with positive critical reception for its graphics, audio, and gameplay, although its camera positioning and short length were criticized. (en)
- 반지의 제왕: 왕의 귀환(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)은 EA 레드우드 쇼어에서 플레이스테이션 2와 마이크로소프트 윈도우용으로 제작한 핵 앤드 슬래시 액션 비디오 게임이다. 가 닌텐도 게임큐브와 엑스박스용으로, 그립토나이트 게임이 게임보이 어드밴스로, JAMDAT가 모바일로, 비녹스가 맥 OS용으로 개발하였다. 이 게임은 피터 잭슨의 반지의 제왕 삼부작을 각색한 것으로 J. R. R. 톨킨의 문학 작품과는 관련이 없다. 이는 당시 비방디 게임스가 톨킨 엔터프라이즈와 협력하여 톨킨의 문학 작품의 비디오 게임 각색에 대한 권리를 보유하고 있는 반면 일렉트로닉 아츠의 게임들은 뉴 라인 시네마 영화의 비디오 게임 각색에 대한 권리를 보유하고 있기 때문이다. 왕읙 귀환은 전작 반지의 제왕: 두 개의 탑과 기본 게임 플레이가 비슷하지만, 더 많은 캐릭터와 다양한 미션과 내용이 추가되었다. 반지의 제왕: 두 개의 탑와 마찬가지로 왕의 귀환은 영화 실제 참조 사진, 그림, 모델, 소품 및 기타 자산을 사용하여 영화 제작자와 긴밀한 협력을 통해 개발되었고, 이 게임은 카메라 위치와 짧은 길이가 비판을 받았지만 그래픽, 오디오 및 게임 플레이에 대해 긍정적인 평가를 받았다. (ko)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is een computerspel uit 2003 ontwikkeld en uitgegeven door Electronic Arts voor Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube en Microsoft Windows. Het spel werd uitgebracht in Europa op 14 november 2003. Het spel is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King uit 2003. Een reeks gevechten uit de film komt ook voor in het spel, zoals de strijd op de Velden van Pelennor en Isengard. (nl)
- Il Signore degli Anelli: Il ritorno del re (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) è un videogioco d'azione tratto dal terzo ed omonimo film della saga cinematografica di Peter Jackson, a sua volta tratta dai libri di John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Il videogioco ha uno sviluppo lineare, nel quale è necessario avanzare attraverso livelli di gioco diversi, uccidendo ogni nemico che ci si trova davanti e guadagnando in tal modo "esperienza" che potrà essere utilizzata al termine di ogni livello di gioco per potenziare il personaggio. Sono venti i livelli massimi raggiungibili da ciascun personaggio. Andando avanti nel livello si sbloccheranno di volta in volta contenuti extra. Completando invece la trama principale si sbloccheranno due "livelli segreti", i palantír, dove il giocatore dovrà resistere a venti ondate di nemici di vario tipo, tutti appartenenti alla trama principale (orchetti, orchi, non morti, troll, ecc). (it)
- Władca Pierścieni: Powrót króla – przygodowa gra akcji wydana przez Electronic Arts w 2003 na PC, Game Boy Advance, PS2, GameCube oraz Xbox, stanowiąca kontynuację gry . Stworzona na podstawie filmu filmu pod tym samym tytułem. (pl)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King är ett 2003 action/hack 'n slash datorspel. Spelet bygger på Peter Jacksons 2002-film Sagan om de två tornen och hans 2003-film Sagan om konungens återkomst, som släpptes strax efter filmen. (sv)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King — компьютерная игра в жанре экшн по мотивам фильмов «Властелин колец: Две крепости» и «Властелин колец: Возвращение короля». Разработана EA Redwood Shores и выпущена Electronic Arts 31 октября 2003. (ru)
- 《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》(英語:The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)是2003年跨平臺第三人稱hack and slash電子遊戲,遊戲改編自彼得·傑克森的《魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀》和《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》。遊戲由EA Redwood Shores開發,美商藝電發行於PlayStation 2、GameCube、Xbox和PC。另有一開發於Game Boy Advance的hack and slash角色扮演遊戲。 遊戲和前作《》相似,但加入了多人情節、更多的可操作角色以及增强了和環境的交互。遊戲零散的取用了電影的情節,並非問三個獨立的故事線。在一些任務中可以使用雙玩家合作模式。 《王者再臨》的開發和新線影業進行了密切合作,使用了許多實際引用的照片、製圖、模型、小道具及其他電影資產。遊戲在畫面、音效、遊戲性方面獲得了媒體的正面的評價,而視角控制則受到批評。 (zh)
- dbr:Beat_'em_up
- dbr:Roger_L._Jackson
- dbr:Rohan_(Middle-earth)
- dbr:Saved_game
- dbr:Ent
- dbr:Mobile_game
- dbr:Mordor
- dbr:Éowyn
- dbc:Video_game_sequels
- dbr:Barrie_M._Osborne
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Hornburg
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Pelennor_Fields
- dbr:Beenox
- dbr:Beyond_Good_&_Evil_(video_game)
- dbr:Billy_Boyd_(actor)
- dbr:Dead_or_Alive_Xtreme_Beach_Volleyball
- dbc:Games_with_GameCube-GBA_connectivity
- dbr:Aragorn
- dbr:Hobbit
- dbr:Howard_Shore
- dbr:John_Rhys-Davies
- dbr:List_of_minor_places_in_Middle-earth
- dbr:Peregrin_Took
- dbr:Peter_Jackson
- dbr:Peter_Jackson's_King_Kong
- dbr:Cutscene
- dbr:Ubisoft
- dbr:Uruk-hai
- dbr:Viggo_Mortensen
- dbr:Visceral_Games
- dbr:Vivendi_Games
- dbc:JAMDAT_Mobile_games
- dbr:Boss_(video_gaming)
- dbc:2003_video_games
- dbc:Beenox_games
- dbc:Cooperative_video_games
- dbc:GameCube_games
- dbc:MacOS_games
- dbc:Multiplayer_and_single-player_video_games
- dbc:PlayStation_2_games
- dbc:Video_games_based_on_films
- dbc:Video_games_developed_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Video_games_featuring_female_protagonists
- dbc:Windows_games
- dbr:Combo_(video_gaming)
- dbr:One_Ring
- dbc:Hack_and_slash_games
- dbr:Christopher_Lee
- dbr:Electronic_Arts
- dbr:Electronic_Entertainment_Expo
- dbr:Electronic_Gaming_Monthly
- dbr:Elijah_Wood
- dbr:Enter_the_Matrix
- dbr:GameCube
- dbr:GameCube_–_Game_Boy_Advance_link_cable
- dbr:GameSpot
- dbr:GameSpy
- dbr:Game_Boy_Advance
- dbr:Game_Informer
- dbr:Game_engine
- dbr:Gauntlet_(1985_video_game)
- dbr:Gimli_(Middle-earth)
- dbr:Gondor
- dbr:Mouth_of_Sauron
- dbr:Cooperative_video_game
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the_King
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Two_Towers
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Two_Towers_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings_(film_series)
- dbc:Video_games_with_isometric_graphics
- dbc:Xbox_games
- dbr:Andy_Serkis
- dbc:Visceral_Games
- dbr:Storyboard
- dbr:Collision_detection
- dbr:Computer_graphics_lighting
- dbc:Hypnos_Entertainment_games
- dbr:Frodo_Baggins
- dbr:Polygon
- dbr:Stunt_double
- dbr:Middle-earth_Enterprises
- dbr:Treebeard
- dbr:Action_game
- dbc:Griptonite_Games
- dbr:USB
- dbr:War_of_the_Ring
- dbr:Weta_Workshop
- dbr:Game_Link_Cable
- dbr:Gandalf
- dbr:Glen_Schofield
- dbr:Hack_and_slash
- dbr:Minas_Tirith
- dbr:Academy_of_Interactive_Arts_&_Sciences
- dbc:Game_Boy_Advance_games
- dbc:Aspyr_games
- dbc:Mobile_games
- dbr:EA_Games
- dbr:EA_Mobile
- dbr:EA_Sports
- dbr:Eurogamer
- dbr:Experience_point
- dbr:Fangorn
- dbr:PC_Gamer
- dbr:PGA_Tour_(video_game_series)
- dbr:Faramir
- dbr:Frame_rate
- dbr:Gollum
- dbr:Isengard
- dbr:Legolas
- dbr:Mount_Doom
- dbr:Samwise_Gamgee
- dbr:Video_game_graphics
- dbr:The_Return_of_the_King
- dbr:Harad
- dbr:Helm's_Deep
- dbr:Isometric_video_game_graphics
- dbr:J._R._R._Tolkien
- dbr:The_Association_for_UK_Interactive_Entertainment
- dbr:Artificial_intelligence
- dbc:Video_games_based_on_adaptations
- dbc:Role-playing_games_based_on_Middle-earth
- dbr:King_Kong_(2005_film)
- dbr:THX
- dbr:Dominic_Monaghan
- dbr:PlayStation_2
- dbr:Spike_Video_Game_Awards
- dbr:IGN
- dbr:Ian_McKellen
- dbr:Meriadoc_Brandybuck
- dbr:Metacritic
- dbr:Michel_Ancel
- dbr:Microsoft_Windows
- dbr:Nazgûl
- dbr:New_Line_Cinema
- dbr:OS_X
- dbr:Orc_(Middle-earth)
- dbr:Orlando_Bloom
- dbr:Sean_Astin
- dbr:Witch-king_of_Angmar
- dbr:Xbox_(console)
- dbr:File:ROTK-VG-comparison.jpg
- dbr:File:ROTK-osgiliath-PC.jpg
- dbr:Motion_capture
- dbr:Texture_mapping
- dbr:Sauron
- dbr:Virtual_camera_system
- dbr:Voice_acting
- dbr:Saruman
- dbc:The_Lord_of_the_Rings_(film_series)_video_games
- dbr:Shelob
- dbr:Multiplayer_video_game
- dbr:Griptonite_Games
- dbr:Single-player_video_game
- dbr:D.I.C.E._Summit
- dbr:List_of_Middle-earth_rivers
- dbr:Easterling_(Middle-earth)
- Outstanding Achievement in Character Performance: Male (en)
- Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design (en)
- Wireless Game of the Year (en)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (en)
- Το The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King είναι βιντεοπαιχνίδι δράσης που αναπτύχθηκε από την EA και κυκλοφόρησε για το PlayStation 2 και Microsoft Windows το 2003. Είχε κυκλοφορήσει στο GameCube και στο Xbox από την , για το Game Boy Advance η , για κινητά από την , και OS X από την . Το παιχνίδι δημοσιεύθηκε από την Electronic Arts. Είναι η συνέχεια του παιχνιδιού . (el)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is een computerspel uit 2003 ontwikkeld en uitgegeven door Electronic Arts voor Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube en Microsoft Windows. Het spel werd uitgebracht in Europa op 14 november 2003. Het spel is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King uit 2003. Een reeks gevechten uit de film komt ook voor in het spel, zoals de strijd op de Velden van Pelennor en Isengard. (nl)
- Władca Pierścieni: Powrót króla – przygodowa gra akcji wydana przez Electronic Arts w 2003 na PC, Game Boy Advance, PS2, GameCube oraz Xbox, stanowiąca kontynuację gry . Stworzona na podstawie filmu filmu pod tym samym tytułem. (pl)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King är ett 2003 action/hack 'n slash datorspel. Spelet bygger på Peter Jacksons 2002-film Sagan om de två tornen och hans 2003-film Sagan om konungens återkomst, som släpptes strax efter filmen. (sv)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King — компьютерная игра в жанре экшн по мотивам фильмов «Властелин колец: Две крепости» и «Властелин колец: Возвращение короля». Разработана EA Redwood Shores и выпущена Electronic Arts 31 октября 2003. (ru)
- 《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》(英語:The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)是2003年跨平臺第三人稱hack and slash電子遊戲,遊戲改編自彼得·傑克森的《魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀》和《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》。遊戲由EA Redwood Shores開發,美商藝電發行於PlayStation 2、GameCube、Xbox和PC。另有一開發於Game Boy Advance的hack and slash角色扮演遊戲。 遊戲和前作《》相似,但加入了多人情節、更多的可操作角色以及增强了和環境的交互。遊戲零散的取用了電影的情節,並非問三個獨立的故事線。在一些任務中可以使用雙玩家合作模式。 《王者再臨》的開發和新線影業進行了密切合作,使用了許多實際引用的照片、製圖、模型、小道具及其他電影資產。遊戲在畫面、音效、遊戲性方面獲得了媒體的正面的評價,而視角控制則受到批評。 (zh)
- El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey es un videojuego de acción hack and slash en tercera persona lanzado en 2003, basado en El Señor de los Anillos: las dos torres y El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey, segunda y tercera partes de la adaptación cinematográfica de Peter Jackson de El Señor de los Anillos. El juego fue publicado por EA Games; desarrollado por EA Redwood Shores y lanzado para PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox y Microsoft Windows. Se desarrolló también para Game Boy Advance una versión en estilo videojuego de rol. (es)
- Le Seigneur des anneaux : Le Retour du Roi est un jeu vidéo de 2003 de type beat them all en vue à la troisième personne, développé par EA Redwood Shores et édité par Electronic Arts. Il est basé sur les deuxième et troisième volets de l'adaptation cinématographique par Peter Jackson du roman Le Seigneur des anneaux de J. R. R. Tolkien : Les Deux Tours et Le Retour du roi, mais sa sortie a été coordonnée avec celle du troisième film, fin 2003. Le Retour du Roi a été développé en collaboration avec New Line Cinema qui détient la franchise des films. Le jeu est proche de son prédécesseur, Le Seigneur des anneaux : Les Deux Tours, mais son scénario se divise en trois branches ; il y a aussi plus de personnages jouables, et une plus grande interactivité avec l'environnement. Deux joueurs peuve (fr)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a 2003 hack and slash action game developed by EA Redwood Shores for the PlayStation 2 and Windows. It was ported to the GameCube and Xbox by Hypnos Entertainment, to the Game Boy Advance by Griptonite Games, to mobile by JAMDAT, and to OS X by Beenox. The game was published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the 2002 game The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. (en)
- Il Signore degli Anelli: Il ritorno del re (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) è un videogioco d'azione tratto dal terzo ed omonimo film della saga cinematografica di Peter Jackson, a sua volta tratta dai libri di John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Il videogioco ha uno sviluppo lineare, nel quale è necessario avanzare attraverso livelli di gioco diversi, uccidendo ogni nemico che ci si trova davanti e guadagnando in tal modo "esperienza" che potrà essere utilizzata al termine di ogni livello di gioco per potenziare il personaggio. Sono venti i livelli massimi raggiungibili da ciascun personaggio. (it)
- 반지의 제왕: 왕의 귀환(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)은 EA 레드우드 쇼어에서 플레이스테이션 2와 마이크로소프트 윈도우용으로 제작한 핵 앤드 슬래시 액션 비디오 게임이다. 가 닌텐도 게임큐브와 엑스박스용으로, 그립토나이트 게임이 게임보이 어드밴스로, JAMDAT가 모바일로, 비녹스가 맥 OS용으로 개발하였다. 이 게임은 피터 잭슨의 반지의 제왕 삼부작을 각색한 것으로 J. R. R. 톨킨의 문학 작품과는 관련이 없다. 이는 당시 비방디 게임스가 톨킨 엔터프라이즈와 협력하여 톨킨의 문학 작품의 비디오 게임 각색에 대한 권리를 보유하고 있는 반면 일렉트로닉 아츠의 게임들은 뉴 라인 시네마 영화의 비디오 게임 각색에 대한 권리를 보유하고 있기 때문이다. (ko)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Elijah_Wood_filmography
- dbr:List_of_Xbox_games_compatible_with_Xbox_360
- dbr:List_of_beat_'em_ups
- dbr:List_of_cooperative_video_games
- dbr:List_of_games_ported_by_Aspyr
- dbr:Middle-earth_in_video_games
- dbr:Beenox
- dbr:Billy_Boyd_(actor)
- dbr:David_Wenham
- dbr:John_Rhys-Davies
- dbr:List_of_Xbox_games
- dbr:List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_2_video_games
- dbr:List_of_video_games_based_on_films
- dbr:D.I.C.E._Award_for_Outstanding_Achievement_in_Audio_Design
- dbr:Visceral_Games
- dbr:Index_of_Windows_games_(L)
- dbr:Essentials_(PlayStation)
- dbr:Clint_Bajakian
- dbr:Alexandre_Gillet
- dbr:GameCube_–_Game_Boy_Advance_link_cable
- dbr:Game_Audio_Network_Guild_Awards
- dbr:Gondor
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Third_Age
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Two_Towers_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings_(film_series)
- dbr:Ian_McKellen_on_screen_and_stage
- dbr:Platinum_Hits
- dbr:G-Phoria
- dbr:Gandalf
- dbr:Glen_Schofield
- dbr:7th_Annual_Interactive_Achievement_Awards
- dbr:8th_Golden_Satellite_Awards
- dbr:D.I.C.E._Awards
- dbr:Daisuke_Namikawa
- dbr:Andy_Serkis_filmography
- dbr:Nintendo_Selects
- dbr:Christopher_Lee_filmography
- dbr:Faramir
- dbr:List_of_Electronic_Arts_games:_2000–2009
- dbr:List_of_GameCube_games
- dbr:List_of_Game_Boy_Advance_games
- dbr:List_of_Middle-earth_video_games
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_games_(L–Z)
- dbr:ROTK
- dbr:1st_British_Academy_Games_Awards
- dbr:2003_in_video_games
- dbr:Jared_Emerson-Johnson
- dbr:Charles_Martinet
- dbr:BigHit_Series
- dbr:THX
- dbr:The_Return_of_the_King_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Dominic_Monaghan
- dbr:PlayStation_Experience
- dbr:Spike_Video_Game_Awards
- dbr:Greatest_Hits_(PlayStation)
- dbr:Orlando_Bloom
- dbr:Satellite_Award_for_Interactive_Media
- dbr:Outline_of_Middle-earth
- dbr:Return_of_the_King_(game)
- dbr:Return_of_the_King_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Return_of_the_King_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the_King_(Game_Boy_Advance)