Twelve-Mile Circle (original) (raw)
12マイル円(じゅうにマイルえん、英語: Twelve-Mile Circle)は、アメリカ合衆国のペンシルベニア州とデラウェア州との州界を確定するために定められた円弧である。円弧の全てが州界になっているわけではなく、飛び飛びに使われている。 12マイル円は、デラウェア州ニューキャッスルを中心とした半径12マイル(約19キロメートル)の円弧である。実際には、正確な円弧ではなく一部歪んでいる。1750年、円弧の中心はニューキャッスル郡裁判所の頂塔と定められた。12マイル円はデラウェア川に入るまで続いている。12マイル円の一部はメイソン=ディクソン線とともにデラウェア州とメリーランド州の州界を形成しており、そこでは12マイル円は「円弧線」(Arc Line)と呼ばれている。1934年に、デラウェア川の対岸部の2箇所で、12マイル円の一部をデラウェア州とニュージャージー州の州界とすることが定められた。「(緯線や経線を使ったものを除いて)円弧を使った境界線はアメリカ合衆国では12マイル円が唯一である」としばしば主張されるが、メキシコとテキサス州の境界にはいくつかの円弧が含まれているほか、南部の都市(ジョージア州プレーンズなど)には円弧を使った境界を持つものが多くある。
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | La frontière entre le Delaware et la Pennsylvanie est une frontière intérieure des États-Unis délimitant les territoires du Delaware à l'ouest et le Pennsylvanie à l'est. Son tracé constitué par un arc de cercle baptisé en anglais Twelve-Mile Circle, baptisé ainsi parce le centre de cet arc de 12 miles (moins de 20 km) de rayon, se trouve à New Castle (Delaware), ville située sur les rives du fleuve Delaware.Cet arc débute sur le rivage gauche du fleuve pour se termine au nord de la ville de Newark par l'extrémité septentrionale de la ligne Mason-Dixon 39°43'20" de latitude Nord. * Portail du Delaware * Portail de la Pennsylvanie * Portail des frontières (fr) The Twelve-Mile Circle is an approximately circular arc which forms most of the boundary between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Delaware in the United States. It is not actually a circle, but rather a combination of different circular arcs that have been feathered together. It is nominally a circle with a supposed—yet in fact only approximate and variable—12-mile (19 km) radius, centered in the town of New Castle, Delaware. In 1750, the center of the circle was fixed at the cupola of the courthouse in New Castle. The Twelve-Mile Circle continues into the Delaware River. A small portion of the circle, known as the "Arc Line," also forms part of the Mason-Dixon line, separating Delaware and Maryland. Two other small portions, although not actually demarcated until 1934, form parts of the boundary between the states of Delaware and New Jersey. Although the Twelve-Mile Circle is often claimed to be the only territorial boundary in the United States that is a true arc, many cities in the South (such as Plains, Georgia) also have circular boundaries. Its existence dates back to 1681, when Charles II granted a deed to William Penn north of the already chartered Maryland. Charles created an exception, consisting of 12 miles around the town of New Castle and extending down the peninsula, as these lands were held by the Duke of York, who had won them in conquest from the Dutch colonists. Later, on August 24, 1682, the Duke granted these lands to Penn as well, giving him: All that the Towne of Newcastle otherwise called Delaware and the fort therein or thereunto belonging scituate lying and being between Maryland and New Jersey in America. And all that Tract of land lying within the Compasse or Circle of twelve miles about the said Towne Scituate lying and being upon the River Delaware and all islands in the said River of Delaware and the said River and Soyle thereof lying North of the Southernmost part of the said Circle of twelve miles about the said Towne. And all that Tract of Land upon Delaware River and Bay beginning twelve miles South from the said Towne of Newcastle otherwise called Delaware and extending South to Cape Lopen [Henlopen]. The boundaries of the circle were the focal point of the eighty-year Penn–Calvert Boundary Dispute. The fact that the circle extends into the Delaware River makes for an unusual territorial possession. Most territorial boundaries that follow watercourses split the water course between the two territories by one of two methods, either by the median line of the watercourse (the Grotian Method, after Hugo Grotius) or, more often, the center of the main flow channel, or thalweg (the lowest point in the stream channel). However, due to the text of the deed, within the Twelve-Mile Circle, all the Delaware River to the low-tide mark on the east (New Jersey) side is territory of the state of Delaware (a similar condition exists between the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, with the border being defined as the west bank of the Connecticut River, leaving the river - and bridges - in sole possession of New Hampshire). New Jersey has often disputed this claim, as the rest of its territorial boundaries along the Delaware River are determined by the midline and thalweg methods. In 1813, Delaware's legislature passed an act deeding Pea Patch Island to the United States government, and in 1820 New Jersey disputed that they owned the island since it was primarily on the New Jersey side of the river. Attorney General William Wirt sided with Delaware. In the 1840s, the Pea Patch Island disagreement led to two conflicting circuit court decisions—the circuit of Delaware ruling that the entirety of the river (and its islands) belonged to Delaware, and the circuit in New Jersey ruling that the island had belonged to New Jersey, which had deeded it to Dr. Henry Gale, a citizen of New Jersey. At the recommendation of President James K. Polk, the parties agreed to arbitration, which resulted in a confirmation of Delaware's claim. The arbitration did not ultimately resolve the dispute, and it has been brought to the Supreme Court of the United States on several occasions (all titled New Jersey v. Delaware), most notably in 1877, 1934, 1935, and 2007. The court's opinion for the 1934 case contained an extensive history of the claims to this territory, and the 1935 opinion memorably enjoined New Jersey and Delaware from ever disputing their jurisdictions again. Regardless of the Supreme Court's admonition to the two states against further litigation on this subject, they were back before the court as late as November 2005, when New Jersey's desire to approve plans by BP to build a liquefied natural gas terminal along the New Jersey shore of the Delaware River fell afoul of Delaware's .The court on January 23, 2006, appointed a special master to study the border dispute, and on March 21, 2008, it upheld his report, which largely supported Delaware's authority.Meanwhile, the Delaware House of Representatives considered a (symbolic) bill to call out the National Guard to safeguard the state's interests, while New Jersey legislators made comments about the battleship New Jersey, moored upriver from the site. (en) De Twelve-Mile Circle is een denkbeeldige cirkel die als basis is gebruikt voor gedeeltes van de staatsgrenzen van de Amerikaanse staten Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland en New Jersey. De cirkel heeft een radius van 12 mijl, oftewel circa 19,3 kilometer en heeft als middelpunt New Castle. In 1750, bij het instellen van de cirkel, werd de koepel van het gerechtsgebouw gekozen als middelpunt. Het ontstaan van de cirkel stamt uit 1681 toen Karel II van Engeland een akte verleende aan William Penn voor het stichten van een kolonie ten noorden van Maryland. In de akte werd een uitzondering gemaakt voor een zone van 12 mijl rondom New Castle en het land ten zuiden van New Castle, aangezien dit land in handen was van Jacobus II van Engeland, die dit gebied van Nieuw-Zweden had veroverd op de Nederlanders. De Twelve-Mile Circle reikt in het noordoosten tot aan de kustlijn van New Jersey, waar de staatsgrens de kustlijn van de rivier Delaware volgt, in tegenstelling tot vele staatsgrenzen die in het midden van een rivier liggen, naar ideeën van Hugo de Groot. Dit was lange tijd een groot twistpunt tussen beide staten. Aan de zuidzijde van de cirkel, vormt de cirkel voor een klein gedeelte eveneens de staatsgrens tussen Delaware en New Jersey. Hierdoor wordt een gedeelte van een schiereiland afgesneden van New Jersey. In het westen sluit de lijn aan bij de Mason-Dixonlijn. (nl) 12マイル円(じゅうにマイルえん、英語: Twelve-Mile Circle)は、アメリカ合衆国のペンシルベニア州とデラウェア州との州界を確定するために定められた円弧である。円弧の全てが州界になっているわけではなく、飛び飛びに使われている。 12マイル円は、デラウェア州ニューキャッスルを中心とした半径12マイル(約19キロメートル)の円弧である。実際には、正確な円弧ではなく一部歪んでいる。1750年、円弧の中心はニューキャッスル郡裁判所の頂塔と定められた。12マイル円はデラウェア川に入るまで続いている。12マイル円の一部はメイソン=ディクソン線とともにデラウェア州とメリーランド州の州界を形成しており、そこでは12マイル円は「円弧線」(Arc Line)と呼ばれている。1934年に、デラウェア川の対岸部の2箇所で、12マイル円の一部をデラウェア州とニュージャージー州の州界とすることが定められた。「(緯線や経線を使ったものを除いて)円弧を使った境界線はアメリカ合衆国では12マイル円が唯一である」としばしば主張されるが、メキシコとテキサス州の境界にはいくつかの円弧が含まれているほか、南部の都市(ジョージア州プレーンズなど)には円弧を使った境界を持つものが多くある。 (ja) Il Cerchio delle Dodici Miglia è un arco quasi circolare che costituisce gran parte del confine tra il Commonwealth della Pennsylvania e lo stato del Delaware, negli Stati Uniti d'America. Effettivamente non si tratta di un confine circolare, ma è piuttosto una combinazione di diversi archi di circonferenza che sono stati uniti tra loro. Nominalmente si tratta di un cerchio con un supposto raggio approssimativamente lungo 12 miglia, con centro nella città di New Castle. Nel 1750 il centro del cerchio fu fissato presso la cupola del Tribunale di New Castle (anche se le successive modifiche hanno basato i calcoli su un diverso centro, qualche centinaia di metri più a nord-ovest del tribunale). Il Cerchio delle Dodici Miglia continua anche nel fiume Delaware; una piccola porzione del cerchio, chiamata "Linea dell'Arco", forma anche la Linea Mason-Dixon, che separa il Delaware dal Maryland. Due altre piccole porzioni, che non sono state definite fino al 1934, formano parti del confine tra Delaware e New Jersey. Nonostante il Cerchio venga spesso definito l'unico confine territoriale negli USA con la forma di un arco (ad eccezione di quelli che seguono gli archi di latitudine e longitudine), in realtà il confine tra Messico e Texas comprende diversi tratti con la forma di arco, e molte città del Sud (come Plains in Georgia) hanno confini circolari. La sua esistenza risale al dono a William Penn da parte di Giacomo, Duca di York del 24 agosto 1682, che concesse a Penn: Il fatto che il cerchio si estenda anche nel fiume Delaware rende il confine insolito; molti confini territoriali che seguono i corsi d'acqua, dividono infatti le acque tra i due territori o tramite una linea mediana (il metodo groziano, derivato da Ugo Grozio), oppure, più spesso, il confine sorge al centro del principale canale del flusso d'acqua, o talweg. Tuttavia, a causa del testo sopra citato, entro il cerchio delle 12 miglia sorge tutta la parte del fiume Delaware fino al confine con il New Jersey. Il New Jersey ha spesso messo in discussione il confine, dato che il resto del confine territoriale lungo il fiume Delaware è determinato dalla linea mediana e dal metodo thalweg. La disputa è arrivata fino alla Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti in tre occasioni (tutte chiamate New Jersey v. Delaware), nel 1934, 1935 e 2007. La prima sentenza della corte contiene una dettagliata storia della disputa sul territorio, mentre la seconda imponeva a New Jersey e Delaware di non sollevare più dispute sulla giurisdizione del territorio. Ignorando l'ammonizione della Corte Suprema ai due stati, Delaware e New Jersey si ripresentarono in tribunale nel novembre 2005, quando il desiderio del New Jersey di approvare i progetti della British Petroleum per costruire un impianto di liquefazione del gas naturale lungo la costa dello stato sul fiume Delaware, incorse nel Coastal Zone Act del Delaware.La Corte nominò un arbitro speciale il 23 gennaio 2006, per studiare la disputa sul confine, e il 21 marzo 2008 fu consegnato il rapporto, che sosteneva l'autorità del Delaware.Nel frattempo, la Camera dei rappresentanti del Delaware approvò una legge simbolica per richiamare la Guardia Nazionale per difendere gli interessi dello stato, mentre i legislatori del New Jersey si lamentarono per la USS New Jersey (BB-62), ormeggiata a monte del sito. (it) Двенадцатими́льный круг (англ. The Twelve-Mile Circle) — традиционное название линии, формирующей бо́льшую часть границы между американскими штатами Пенсильвания и Делавэр и являющийся, говоря точнее, совокупностью нескольких дуг окружности. (ru) Дванадцятимильне коло (англ. The Twelve-Mile Circle) — окружність радіусом 12 миль (19 км 312 м), центр якої знаходиться у центральній частині міста , штат Делавер. Фрагмент цієї окружності утворює більшу частину кордону між американськими штатами Пенсільванія і Делавер. (uk) |
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink | dbr:David_Rittenhouse dbr:Delaware dbr:Delaware_House_of_Representatives dbr:Delaware_River dbc:Geography_of_New_Castle_County,_Delaware dbr:Pea_Patch_Island dbr:Pennsylvania dbr:USS_New_Jersey_(BB-62) dbr:United_States dbr:Vermont dbc:Borders_of_Maryland dbr:Connecticut_River dbr:Maryland dbc:Geography_of_Cecil_County,_Maryland dbc:Geography_of_Delaware_County,_Pennsylvania dbr:Circle dbc:Geography_of_Maryland dbr:Arc_(geometry) dbr:William_Penn dbr:BP dbr:William_Wirt_(Attorney_General) dbr:Liquefied_natural_gas dbc:Borders_of_Pennsylvania dbc:Border_irregularities_of_the_United_States dbc:Internal_territorial_disputes_of_the_United_States dbr:Cupola dbc:Geography_of_Chester_County,_Pennsylvania dbc:Geography_of_Salem_County,_New_Jersey dbr:Radius dbr:James_II_of_England dbr:James_K._Polk dbr:Thalweg dbr:Charles_II_of_England dbr:Killcohook_National_Wildlife_Refuge dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States dbr:Wedge_(border) dbc:Borders_of_Delaware dbc:Borders_of_New_Jersey dbr:Plains,_Georgia dbr:Special_master dbr:Circular_arc dbr:Hugo_Grotius dbr:New_Castle,_Delaware dbr:New_Hampshire dbr:New_Jersey dbr:New_Jersey_v._Delaware dbr:Mason-Dixon_line dbr:Penn–Calvert_Boundary_Dispute dbr:Transpeninsular_Line dbr:United_States_National_Guard dbr:New_Castle_County_Court_House dbr:Coastal_Zone_Act dbr:File:Twelve-mile-circle.gif dbr:File:Delaware-wedge.svg |
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rdfs:comment | 12マイル円(じゅうにマイルえん、英語: Twelve-Mile Circle)は、アメリカ合衆国のペンシルベニア州とデラウェア州との州界を確定するために定められた円弧である。円弧の全てが州界になっているわけではなく、飛び飛びに使われている。 12マイル円は、デラウェア州ニューキャッスルを中心とした半径12マイル(約19キロメートル)の円弧である。実際には、正確な円弧ではなく一部歪んでいる。1750年、円弧の中心はニューキャッスル郡裁判所の頂塔と定められた。12マイル円はデラウェア川に入るまで続いている。12マイル円の一部はメイソン=ディクソン線とともにデラウェア州とメリーランド州の州界を形成しており、そこでは12マイル円は「円弧線」(Arc Line)と呼ばれている。1934年に、デラウェア川の対岸部の2箇所で、12マイル円の一部をデラウェア州とニュージャージー州の州界とすることが定められた。「(緯線や経線を使ったものを除いて)円弧を使った境界線はアメリカ合衆国では12マイル円が唯一である」としばしば主張されるが、メキシコとテキサス州の境界にはいくつかの円弧が含まれているほか、南部の都市(ジョージア州プレーンズなど)には円弧を使った境界を持つものが多くある。 (ja) Двенадцатими́льный круг (англ. The Twelve-Mile Circle) — традиционное название линии, формирующей бо́льшую часть границы между американскими штатами Пенсильвания и Делавэр и являющийся, говоря точнее, совокупностью нескольких дуг окружности. (ru) Дванадцятимильне коло (англ. The Twelve-Mile Circle) — окружність радіусом 12 миль (19 км 312 м), центр якої знаходиться у центральній частині міста , штат Делавер. Фрагмент цієї окружності утворює більшу частину кордону між американськими штатами Пенсільванія і Делавер. (uk) La frontière entre le Delaware et la Pennsylvanie est une frontière intérieure des États-Unis délimitant les territoires du Delaware à l'ouest et le Pennsylvanie à l'est. Son tracé constitué par un arc de cercle baptisé en anglais Twelve-Mile Circle, baptisé ainsi parce le centre de cet arc de 12 miles (moins de 20 km) de rayon, se trouve à New Castle (Delaware), ville située sur les rives du fleuve Delaware.Cet arc débute sur le rivage gauche du fleuve pour se termine au nord de la ville de Newark par l'extrémité septentrionale de la ligne Mason-Dixon 39°43'20" de latitude Nord. (fr) The Twelve-Mile Circle is an approximately circular arc which forms most of the boundary between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Delaware in the United States. It is not actually a circle, but rather a combination of different circular arcs that have been feathered together. The boundaries of the circle were the focal point of the eighty-year Penn–Calvert Boundary Dispute. (en) Il Cerchio delle Dodici Miglia è un arco quasi circolare che costituisce gran parte del confine tra il Commonwealth della Pennsylvania e lo stato del Delaware, negli Stati Uniti d'America. Effettivamente non si tratta di un confine circolare, ma è piuttosto una combinazione di diversi archi di circonferenza che sono stati uniti tra loro. La sua esistenza risale al dono a William Penn da parte di Giacomo, Duca di York del 24 agosto 1682, che concesse a Penn: (it) De Twelve-Mile Circle is een denkbeeldige cirkel die als basis is gebruikt voor gedeeltes van de staatsgrenzen van de Amerikaanse staten Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland en New Jersey. De cirkel heeft een radius van 12 mijl, oftewel circa 19,3 kilometer en heeft als middelpunt New Castle. In 1750, bij het instellen van de cirkel, werd de koepel van het gerechtsgebouw gekozen als middelpunt. (nl) |
rdfs:label | Frontière entre le Delaware et la Pennsylvanie (fr) Cerchio delle Dodici Miglia (it) 12マイル円 (ja) Twelve-Mile Circle (nl) Двенадцатимильный круг (ru) Twelve-Mile Circle (en) Дванадцятимильне коло (uk) |
owl:sameAs | freebase:Twelve-Mile Circle yago-res:Twelve-Mile Circle wikidata:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-fr:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-it:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-ja:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-nl:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-ru:Twelve-Mile Circle dbpedia-uk:Twelve-Mile Circle |
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is foaf:primaryTopic of | wikipedia-en:Twelve-Mile_Circle |