United States S-class submarine (original) (raw)
- Die S-Klasse war eine U-Boot-Klasse der United States Navy. Insgesamt wurden 51 Boote der S-Klasse gebaut. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurden die inzwischen veralteten Boote hauptsächlich als Versorger und Aufklärer eingesetzt. Auch die Royal Navy und die Polnische Marine setzten im Krieg Boote der Klasse ein. Das erste S-Boot USS S-1 (SS-105) wurde 1920 in Dienst gestellt. Das letzte Boot der Klasse war USS S-47 (SS-158) und wurde 1925 in Dienst gestellt. Die Konstruktionsprinzipien basierten auf den Erfahrungen, die die US-Navy mit der G-Klasse gemacht hatte. (de)
- La Classe S est une classe de 51 sous-marins de l'US Navy conçus par General Dynamics Electric Boat et construits entre 1918 et 1925. (fr)
- The United States' S-class submarines, often simply called S-boats (sometimes "Sugar" boats, after the then-contemporary Navy phonetic alphabet for "S"), were the first class of submarines with a significant number built to United States Navy designs. They made up the bulk of the USN submarine service in the interwar years and could be found in every theater of operations. While not considered "Fleet Submarines" in the traditional sense of that term, they were the first submarines in the USN designed for open ocean, blue water operations. All previous submarines had been intended for harbor or coastal defense. These boats were intended to have greater speed and range than previous classes, with improved habitability and greater armament. The S-class were designed during World War I, but not completed until after the war. Many boats of the class remained in service through World War II. The United States Navy commissioned 51 S-class submarines from 1920 to 1925. The first boat in name sequence, USS S-1 (SS-105), was commissioned in 1920 and the last numerically, USS S-51 (SS-162), in 1922. Due to severe production difficulties encountered by one of the contractors, the production sequence was thrown into disarray and the last of the class actually commissioned was USS S-47 (SS-158) in September, 1925. The S class is subdivided into four groups of different designs: * Group I (S-1 class, or "Holland" type): 25 boats, S-1 and S-18 to S-41, built by Bethlehem Steel at Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts and Union Iron Works in San Francisco, California, as subcontractors for the designer, the Electric Boat Company. * Group II (S-3 class, or "Navy Yard" type): 15 boats, S-3 to S-17, built at the Portsmouth Navy Yard and Lake Torpedo Boat at Bridgeport, Connecticut. * Group III (S-42 class, or "2nd Holland" type): 6 boats, S-42 to S-47, built at Fore River. * Group IV (S-48 class, or "2nd Navy Yard" type): 4 boats, S-48 to S-51, built by Lake. S-2 was a prototype built by Lake, and was not repeated. The first three boats in name sequence, the S-1, S-2, and S-3, were prototypes authorized in Fiscal Year 1918 and were built to the same specifications: S-1 designed by Electric Boat, S-2 by Lake, and S-3 by the Bureau of Construction and Repair (BuC&R) (later Bureau of Ships). The Electric Boat and BuC&R designs were put into series production in later fiscal year appropriations. SS-159 to SS-168 (2nd Holland) and SS-173 to SS-176 (2nd Navy Yard) were cancelled and, contrary to later practice, the hull numbers were used for subsequent submarines. Some of the material for these was used by Electric Boat to build the Peruvian Navy's four R-boats. The first S-boat placed into commission was the S-3 on 30 January 1919, followed (in order) by S-4, S-5, S-6, and S-2. Electric Boat's contractors in Quincy and San Francisco worked in parallel, with the first unit, S-1, built in Quincy and commissioned on 5 June 1920, and the first unit from San Francisco being the USS S-30 (SS-135), commissioned on 29 October 1920. (en)
- La classe Sugar, o classe S, era formata da sommergibili americani costruiti immediatamente dopo la prima guerra mondiale, che furono usati con profitto nella seconda: il 10 agosto 1942, nelle ore immediatamente successive alla battaglia di Savo, l'unità USS S-44 (SS-155) sorprese e affondò con tre siluri l'incrociatore pesante giapponese Kako . Si trattava, fino a quel momento, del maggiore successo di un sommergibile della marina statunitense. (it)
- S級潜水艦 (S-class submarine) は、アメリカ海軍の潜水艦の艦級。しばしば「Sボート」と呼ばれた。海軍の設計による初の潜水艦の艦級であった。 (ja)
- Okręty podwodne serii S – amerykański typ okrętów podwodnych z dwudziestolecia międzywojennego i II wojny światowej, składający się z czterech nie związanych ze sobą typów zbudowanych według różnych konkurencyjnych projektów. Do roku 1925 ukończono budowę 51 okrętów tej serii, w tym 31 wybudowanych w stoczni Holland-EB według jej projektu EB73A, piętnaście okrętów typu S-3 (USN/PNY) oraz jeden okręt typu S-2 (Lake). Do służby w US Navy weszło 48 okrętów serii S. Jeden z okrętów typu S-1 - SS-130 - został przekazany w 1940 roku Royal Navy, a w konsekwencji polskiej Marynarce Wojennej jako ORP "Jastrząb" (P-551). (pl)
- S級潛艇有时又被称为S艇 或是 蜜糖艇,是美國海軍一款在第一次世界大戰尾聲時量產的柴電潛艇,共量產51艘。 S級潛艇在量產過程計分為四個批次: * 第一批次(S-1級,霍蘭型):生產25艘,編號S-1、S-18至S-41,由通用動力電船設計兼主承包商,伯利恆鋼鐵子公司福爾河造船廠與建造。 * 第二批次(S-3級,海軍造船廠型):生產15艘,編號S-3至S-17,由設計,與建造。 * 第三批次(S-42級,霍蘭型第二版):生產6艘,編號S-42至S-47,由福爾河造船廠建造。 * 第四批次(S-48級,海軍造船廠型第二版):生產4艘,編號S-48至S-51,由雷克魚雷艇造船公司建造。 其中,S-2號為雷克魚雷艇造船公司在本級艇競標時承造型號,但因品質不佳,沒能奪得訂單,在僅有生產原型艇的狀況下不算入S級潛艇量產批次之列。 除了美國海軍已服役的51艘外,還有一批曾簽訂但最後撤銷的訂單:SS-159至SS-168(霍蘭型第二版)、SS-173至SS-176(海軍造船廠型第二版),相關舷號最後挪用給後續艇級,並沒有作為空號保留;在訂單取消後,通用電船將一部分已經下訂的料件挪用給祕魯海軍訂購的使用。 (zh)
- S (тип підводних човнів США) — 51 однотипний підводний човен ВМС США. Ці човни були продовженням вдосконалення човнів типу «R». Несли службу у 1918—1946 рр. Будувалися чотирма серіями. До 1925 завершено будівництво 51 суден цього типу, в тому числі 31 побудованого на Electric Boat, 15 на General Dynamics, підводний човен на ) і на. Служили в складі ВМС США 48 човнів цього типу (і ще три човни було втрачено внаслідок аварій ще до передачі флоту). (uk)
- *Electric Boat *Fore River Shipyard *Union Iron Works *Portsmouth Navy Yard *Lake Torpedo Boat (en)
- owl:Thing
- schema:Product
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation
- wikidata:Q11446
- yago:WikicatSubmarineClasses
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Class107997703
- yago:Cognition100023271
- yago:Collection107951464
- yago:Communication100033020
- yago:Concept105835747
- yago:Content105809192
- yago:Feature105849789
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Idea105833840
- yago:Image105928118
- yago:Message106598915
- yago:Overview106469223
- yago:Property105849040
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:Representation105926676
- dbo:Ship
- yago:Statement106722453
- yago:Summary106467007
- Die S-Klasse war eine U-Boot-Klasse der United States Navy. Insgesamt wurden 51 Boote der S-Klasse gebaut. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurden die inzwischen veralteten Boote hauptsächlich als Versorger und Aufklärer eingesetzt. Auch die Royal Navy und die Polnische Marine setzten im Krieg Boote der Klasse ein. Das erste S-Boot USS S-1 (SS-105) wurde 1920 in Dienst gestellt. Das letzte Boot der Klasse war USS S-47 (SS-158) und wurde 1925 in Dienst gestellt. Die Konstruktionsprinzipien basierten auf den Erfahrungen, die die US-Navy mit der G-Klasse gemacht hatte. (de)
- La Classe S est une classe de 51 sous-marins de l'US Navy conçus par General Dynamics Electric Boat et construits entre 1918 et 1925. (fr)
- La classe Sugar, o classe S, era formata da sommergibili americani costruiti immediatamente dopo la prima guerra mondiale, che furono usati con profitto nella seconda: il 10 agosto 1942, nelle ore immediatamente successive alla battaglia di Savo, l'unità USS S-44 (SS-155) sorprese e affondò con tre siluri l'incrociatore pesante giapponese Kako . Si trattava, fino a quel momento, del maggiore successo di un sommergibile della marina statunitense. (it)
- S級潜水艦 (S-class submarine) は、アメリカ海軍の潜水艦の艦級。しばしば「Sボート」と呼ばれた。海軍の設計による初の潜水艦の艦級であった。 (ja)
- Okręty podwodne serii S – amerykański typ okrętów podwodnych z dwudziestolecia międzywojennego i II wojny światowej, składający się z czterech nie związanych ze sobą typów zbudowanych według różnych konkurencyjnych projektów. Do roku 1925 ukończono budowę 51 okrętów tej serii, w tym 31 wybudowanych w stoczni Holland-EB według jej projektu EB73A, piętnaście okrętów typu S-3 (USN/PNY) oraz jeden okręt typu S-2 (Lake). Do służby w US Navy weszło 48 okrętów serii S. Jeden z okrętów typu S-1 - SS-130 - został przekazany w 1940 roku Royal Navy, a w konsekwencji polskiej Marynarce Wojennej jako ORP "Jastrząb" (P-551). (pl)
- S級潛艇有时又被称为S艇 或是 蜜糖艇,是美國海軍一款在第一次世界大戰尾聲時量產的柴電潛艇,共量產51艘。 S級潛艇在量產過程計分為四個批次: * 第一批次(S-1級,霍蘭型):生產25艘,編號S-1、S-18至S-41,由通用動力電船設計兼主承包商,伯利恆鋼鐵子公司福爾河造船廠與建造。 * 第二批次(S-3級,海軍造船廠型):生產15艘,編號S-3至S-17,由設計,與建造。 * 第三批次(S-42級,霍蘭型第二版):生產6艘,編號S-42至S-47,由福爾河造船廠建造。 * 第四批次(S-48級,海軍造船廠型第二版):生產4艘,編號S-48至S-51,由雷克魚雷艇造船公司建造。 其中,S-2號為雷克魚雷艇造船公司在本級艇競標時承造型號,但因品質不佳,沒能奪得訂單,在僅有生產原型艇的狀況下不算入S級潛艇量產批次之列。 除了美國海軍已服役的51艘外,還有一批曾簽訂但最後撤銷的訂單:SS-159至SS-168(霍蘭型第二版)、SS-173至SS-176(海軍造船廠型第二版),相關舷號最後挪用給後續艇級,並沒有作為空號保留;在訂單取消後,通用電船將一部分已經下訂的料件挪用給祕魯海軍訂購的使用。 (zh)
- S (тип підводних човнів США) — 51 однотипний підводний човен ВМС США. Ці човни були продовженням вдосконалення човнів типу «R». Несли службу у 1918—1946 рр. Будувалися чотирма серіями. До 1925 завершено будівництво 51 суден цього типу, в тому числі 31 побудованого на Electric Boat, 15 на General Dynamics, підводний човен на ) і на. Служили в складі ВМС США 48 човнів цього типу (і ще три човни було втрачено внаслідок аварій ще до передачі флоту). (uk)
- The United States' S-class submarines, often simply called S-boats (sometimes "Sugar" boats, after the then-contemporary Navy phonetic alphabet for "S"), were the first class of submarines with a significant number built to United States Navy designs. They made up the bulk of the USN submarine service in the interwar years and could be found in every theater of operations. While not considered "Fleet Submarines" in the traditional sense of that term, they were the first submarines in the USN designed for open ocean, blue water operations. All previous submarines had been intended for harbor or coastal defense. These boats were intended to have greater speed and range than previous classes, with improved habitability and greater armament. (en)
- S-Klasse (United States Navy) (de)
- Classe S (sommergibile Stati Uniti d'America) (it)
- Classe S (sous-marin de l'US Navy) (fr)
- S級潜水艦 (アメリカ海軍) (ja)
- Amerykańskie okręty podwodne typu S (pl)
- United States S-class submarine (en)
- S级潜艇 (1918年) (zh)
- S (тип підводних човнів США) (uk)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:American_21-inch_torpedo
- dbr:Sargo-class_submarine
- dbr:List_of_World_War_II_ships_of_less_than_1000_tons
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1920
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1921
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1925
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1927
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1936
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1938
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1946
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1947
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1945
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1942
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1942
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1945
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1942
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1944
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1942
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1945
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1942
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1943
- dbr:USS_Dolphin_(SS-169)
- dbr:USS_Mackerel_(SS-204)
- dbr:USS_Marlin_(SS-205)
- dbr:USS_Ortolan_(AM-45)
- dbr:USS_Pelias
- dbr:USS_Rainbow
- dbr:USS_S-19_(SS-124)
- dbr:USS_S-1_(SS-105)
- dbr:USS_S-21_(SS-126)
- dbr:USS_S-22_(SS-127)
- dbr:USS_S-24_(SS-129)
- dbr:USS_S-27_(SS-132)
- dbr:USS_S-28_(SS-133)
- dbr:USS_S-33_(SS-138)
- dbr:USS_S-35_(SS-140)
- dbr:USS_S-36_(SS-141)
- dbr:USS_S-42_(SS-153)
- dbr:USS_S-44_(SS-155)
- dbr:USS_S-4_(SS-109)
- dbr:USS_S-51_(SS-162)
- dbr:USS_S-5_(SS-110)
- dbr:United_States_Asiatic_Fleet
- dbr:United_States_R-class_submarine
- dbr:United_States_ship_naming_conventions
- dbr:V-boat
- dbr:Deck_gun
- dbr:Depth_charge
- dbr:Destroyermen
- dbr:Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II
- dbr:List_of_ship_classes_of_World_War_II
- dbr:List_of_ship_commissionings_in_1923
- dbr:List_of_ship_launches_in_1921
- dbr:List_of_ship_launches_in_1922
- dbr:List_of_ship_launches_in_1923
- dbr:List_of_ship_launches_in_1924
- dbr:List_of_ships_of_the_Polish_Navy
- dbr:133_(number)
- dbr:134_(number)
- dbr:135_(number)
- dbr:161_(number)
- dbr:Salmon-class_submarine
- dbr:Navy_diver_(United_States_Navy)
- dbr:Polish_Armed_Forces_in_the_West
- dbr:Edward_Preston_Young
- dbr:Emory_S._Land
- dbr:Fremantle_submarine_base
- dbr:Gato-class_submarine
- dbr:Thomas_C._Hart
- dbr:Mackerel-class_submarine
- dbr:Silent_Hunter_(video_game)
- dbr:Mark_10_torpedo
- dbr:USS_Beaver
- dbr:USS_Cachalot_(SS-170)
- dbr:USS_Cuttlefish_(SS-171)
- dbr:Head_(watercraft)
- dbr:Lake_Torpedo_Boat
- dbr:3-inch/50-caliber_gun
- dbr:4-inch/50-caliber_gun
- dbr:AA-1-class_submarine
- dbr:Aleutian_World_War_II_National_Historic_Area
- dbr:Dutch_Harbor
- dbr:Fore_River_Shipyard
- dbr:HMS_P556
- dbr:Tambor-class_submarine
- dbr:Charles_A._Lockwood
- dbr:John_Anderson_Moore
- dbr:Bliss-Leavitt_Mark_9_torpedo
- dbr:Diesel–electric_transmission
- dbr:Portsmouth_Naval_Shipyard
- dbr:Naval_Base_Brisbane
- dbr:ORP_Jastrząb
- dbr:Ralph_Waldo_Christie
- dbr:Holland-class
- dbr:Holland-class_submarine_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Submarine
- dbr:New_London_Ship_and_Engine_Company
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_the_Pacific_Ocean
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_Asia
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_California
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_Florida
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_Oceania
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_submarine_classes
- dbr:List_of_submarine_classes_of_the_United_States_Navy
- dbr:List_of_submarines_of_World_War_II
- dbr:List_of_submarines_of_the_United_States_Navy
- dbr:Fleet_submarine
- dbr:Union_Iron_Works
- dbr:S-boat
- dbr:United_States_S_class_submarine
is dbp:shipClass of
- dbr:USS_S-21_(SS-126)
- dbr:USS_S-22_(SS-127)
- dbr:USS_S-24_(SS-129)
- dbr:USS_S-27_(SS-132)
- dbr:USS_S-28_(SS-133)
- dbr:USS_S-33_(SS-138)
- dbr:USS_S-35_(SS-140)
- dbr:USS_S-36_(SS-141)
- dbr:USS_S-42_(SS-153)
- dbr:USS_S-44_(SS-155)
- dbr:USS_S-4_(SS-109)
- dbr:USS_S-51_(SS-162)
- dbr:USS_S-5_(SS-110)
- dbr:ORP_Jastrząb