Wopke Hoekstra (original) (raw)
- فوبكه باستيان هويكسترا (بالهولندية: Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra) هو سياسي هولندي من حزب النداء الديمقراطي المسيحي ولد في يوم 30 سبتمبر 1975 في قرية في هولندا. درس القانون في جامعة لايدن. يشغل حالياً منصب وزير المالية في حكومة مارك روته منذ سنة 2017. في سنة 2020 أصبح زعيم حزب النداء الديمقراطي المسيحي. (ar)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (* 30. September 1975 in Bennekom) ist ein niederländischer Politiker der Partei CDA. Seit dem 26. Oktober 2017 war er Finanzminister im Kabinett Rutte III. Im Kabinett Rutte IV leitet er seit Januar 2022 das Außenministerium. (de)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Ede, 30 de septiembre de 1975) es un político neerlandés que ocupa el cargo de Ministro de Finanzas en el tercer gabinete de Mark Rutte desde el 26 de octubre de 2017. Es miembro del partido Llamada Demócrata Cristiana (CDA). (es)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (lahir 30 September 1975) adalah seorang politikus Belanda yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Perdana Menteri Belanda kedua dalam kabinet Rutte keempat sejak 10 Januari 2022. Ia adalah anggota Seruan Demokrat Kristen (CDA). Hoekstra adalah Menteri Keuangan dalam kabinet Rutte ketiga dari 2017 sampai 2022 dan Menteri Urusan Luar Negeri dalam kabinet Rutte keempat sejak 2022. (in)
- Wopke Hoekstra, né le 30 septembre 1975 à Bennekom, est un homme politique néerlandais, membre de l'Appel chrétien-démocrate (CDA), qu'il dirige depuis le 11 décembre 2020. Il est ministre des Affaires étrangères depuis le 10 janvier 2022 dans le quatrième cabinet de Mark Rutte. (fr)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (born 30 September 1975) is a Dutch politician who has served as second Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the fourth Rutte cabinet since 10 January 2022. He has also been Leader of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) since 2020. Hoekstra previously served as Minister of Finance in the third Rutte cabinet from 2017 to 2022. (en)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Bennekom, 30 september 1975) is een Nederlands politicus voor het Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA). Sinds 10 januari 2022 is hij minister van Buitenlandse Zaken en tweede vicepremier in het kabinet-Rutte IV. Sinds december 2020 is hij tevens politiek leider van het CDA. Eerder was hij minister van Financiën (2017-2022), fractievoorzitter in de Tweede Kamer (2021-2022) en lid van de Eerste Kamer (2011-2017). (nl)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Bennekom, 30 settembre 1975) è un politico olandese, Ministro delle finanze dei Paesi Bassi dal 26 ottobre 2017 al 15 gennaio 2021 e poi Ministro degli affari esteri oltre che Secondo Vice Ministro del Governo Rutte IV dal 10 gennaio 2022.. (it)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (ur. 30 września 1975 w w prowincji Geldria) – holenderski polityk i prawnik, członek Stanów Generalnych, w latach 2017–2022 minister finansów, od 2022 wicepremier oraz minister spraw zagranicznych, lider Apelu Chrześcijańsko-Demokratycznego (CDA). (pl)
- Вопке Бастіан Гукстра (нід. Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra; нар. 30 вересня 1975, Беннеком, Нідерланди) — нідерландський політик, член Християнсько-демократичного заклику (CDA). Заступник прем'єр-міністра Нідерландів та міністр закордонних справ із 10 січня 2022 року в четвертому кабінеті Марка Рютте. Міністр фінансів у третьому кабінеті Рютте з 26 жовтня 2017 по 10 січня 2022 року. Раніше був членом Сенату (2011—2017) та заступником голови фракції CDA. (uk)
- 1975-09-30 (xsd:date)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (en)
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__1
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__2
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__3
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__4
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__5
- dbr:Wopke_Hoekstra__Tenure__6
- https://www.eerstekamer.nl/persoon/mr_w_b_hoekstra_cda
- https://www.parlement.com/id/vimafx1q1ozj/w_b_wopke_hoekstra
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- dbr:Rome
- dbr:Rotterdam
- dbr:Royal_Dutch_Shell
- dbr:Multilateral_Investment_Guarantee_Agency
- dbr:2010_Dutch_general_election
- dbr:Ben_Knapen
- dbr:Bennekom
- dbr:Berlin
- dbr:Brexit
- dbr:De_Volkskrant
- dbr:Deputy_Prime_Minister_of_the_Netherlands
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_Italy
- dbr:House_of_Representatives_(Netherlands)
- dbr:Hugo_de_Jonge
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Lithuania
- dbr:Remonstrants
- dbr:Master_of_Business_Administration
- dbr:Propaedeutics
- dbc:Living_people
- dbr:McKinsey_&_Company
- dbr:Member_state_of_the_European_Union
- dbr:Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbr:Christian_Democratic_Union_of_Germany
- dbr:Gelderland
- dbr:Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Third_Rutte_cabinet
- dbr:2011_Dutch_Senate_election
- dbr:António_Costa
- dbr:Leiden_University
- dbr:Sigrid_Kaag
- dbr:Singapore
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_Singapore
- dbr:Federation_of_Dutch_Trade_Unions
- dbr:Master_of_Laws
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_Germany
- dbc:Leiden_University_alumni
- dbr:COVID-19_pandemic
- dbc:McKinsey_&_Company_people
- dbc:People_from_Ede,_Netherlands
- dbc:Recipients_of_the_Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise,_3rd_class
- dbr:Censure
- dbc:Dutch_columnists
- dbc:Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbc:Leaders_of_the_Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbr:2015_Dutch_Senate_election
- dbr:2017_Dutch_general_election
- dbc:1975_births
- dbr:Estonia
- dbr:European_Bank_for_Reconstruction_and_Development
- dbr:European_Investment_Bank
- dbr:European_Stability_Mechanism
- dbr:Eurozone
- dbr:Finland
- dbr:Fontainebleau
- dbr:Fourth_Rutte_cabinet
- dbc:People_from_Bussum
- dbr:Hamburg
- dbr:Ireland
- dbr:Bachelor_of_Laws
- dbr:TenneT
- dbr:Asian_Infrastructure_Investment_Bank
- dbc:Christian_Democratic_Appeal_politicians
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_France
- dbc:Dutch_management_consultants
- dbc:Dutch_nonprofit_directors
- dbc:INSEAD_alumni
- dbc:Members_of_the_House_of_Representatives_(Netherlands)
- dbc:Members_of_the_Senate_(Netherlands)
- dbc:People_named_in_the_Pandora_Papers
- dbc:Ministers_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbc:Remonstrants
- dbr:Jeroen_Dijsselbloem
- dbr:KLM
- dbr:Kajsa_Ollongren
- dbr:Latvia
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbr:Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise
- dbr:Mark_Rutte
- dbr:INSEAD
- dbr:Budget_of_the_European_Union
- dbr:Nederlands_Scheepvaartmuseum
- dbr:Netherlands
- dbr:New_Hanseatic_League
- dbr:Olaf_Scholz
- dbr:Senate_(Netherlands)
- dbr:World_Bank
- dbr:World_Bank_Group
- dbr:World_Economic_Forum
- dbr:Maiden_speech
- dbr:Excellency
- dbr:Air_France_KLM
- dbr:Royal_Order_of_the_Polar_Star
- dbr:File:Secretary_Blinken_Meets_with_Dutc...n_Minister_Hoekstra_(52004629179).jpg
- 1975-09-30 (xsd:date)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (en)
- Hoekstra in 2022 (en)
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- INSEAD (en)
- Leiden University (en)
- Wopke Hoekstra (en)
- dbr:Deputy_Prime_Minister_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- Member of the House of Representatives (en)
- Member of the Senate (en)
- Liselot Hoornweg (en)
- 2017-10-26 (xsd:date)
- 2022-01-10 (xsd:date)
- 2011-06-07 (xsd:date)
- 2017-10-26 (xsd:date)
- 2020-12-11 (xsd:date)
- 2021-03-31 (xsd:date)
- 2022-01-10 (xsd:date)
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbt:Ministers_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbt:Members_of_the_Senate_of_the_Netherlands,_2015–2019
- dbt:Third_Rutte_cabinet
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- dbt:Eurogroup
- dbt:Foreign_Ministers_of_NATO_member_states
- dbt:Foreign_Ministers_of_the_European_Union_member_states
- dbt:Members_of_the_House_of_Representatives_of_the_Netherlands,_2021–present
- dbt:Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbt:Fourth_Rutte_cabinet
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- 2022 (xsd:integer)
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- dbc:Living_people
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_Singapore
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_Germany
- dbc:Leiden_University_alumni
- dbc:McKinsey_&_Company_people
- dbc:People_from_Ede,_Netherlands
- dbc:Recipients_of_the_Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise,_3rd_class
- dbc:Dutch_columnists
- dbc:Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbc:Leaders_of_the_Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbc:1975_births
- dbc:People_from_Bussum
- dbc:Christian_Democratic_Appeal_politicians
- dbc:Dutch_expatriates_in_France
- dbc:Dutch_management_consultants
- dbc:Dutch_nonprofit_directors
- dbc:INSEAD_alumni
- dbc:Members_of_the_House_of_Representatives_(Netherlands)
- dbc:Members_of_the_Senate_(Netherlands)
- dbc:People_named_in_the_Pandora_Papers
- dbc:Ministers_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbc:Remonstrants
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- dbo:Species
- schema:Person
- dbo:Politician
- فوبكه باستيان هويكسترا (بالهولندية: Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra) هو سياسي هولندي من حزب النداء الديمقراطي المسيحي ولد في يوم 30 سبتمبر 1975 في قرية في هولندا. درس القانون في جامعة لايدن. يشغل حالياً منصب وزير المالية في حكومة مارك روته منذ سنة 2017. في سنة 2020 أصبح زعيم حزب النداء الديمقراطي المسيحي. (ar)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (* 30. September 1975 in Bennekom) ist ein niederländischer Politiker der Partei CDA. Seit dem 26. Oktober 2017 war er Finanzminister im Kabinett Rutte III. Im Kabinett Rutte IV leitet er seit Januar 2022 das Außenministerium. (de)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Ede, 30 de septiembre de 1975) es un político neerlandés que ocupa el cargo de Ministro de Finanzas en el tercer gabinete de Mark Rutte desde el 26 de octubre de 2017. Es miembro del partido Llamada Demócrata Cristiana (CDA). (es)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (lahir 30 September 1975) adalah seorang politikus Belanda yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Perdana Menteri Belanda kedua dalam kabinet Rutte keempat sejak 10 Januari 2022. Ia adalah anggota Seruan Demokrat Kristen (CDA). Hoekstra adalah Menteri Keuangan dalam kabinet Rutte ketiga dari 2017 sampai 2022 dan Menteri Urusan Luar Negeri dalam kabinet Rutte keempat sejak 2022. (in)
- Wopke Hoekstra, né le 30 septembre 1975 à Bennekom, est un homme politique néerlandais, membre de l'Appel chrétien-démocrate (CDA), qu'il dirige depuis le 11 décembre 2020. Il est ministre des Affaires étrangères depuis le 10 janvier 2022 dans le quatrième cabinet de Mark Rutte. (fr)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (born 30 September 1975) is a Dutch politician who has served as second Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the fourth Rutte cabinet since 10 January 2022. He has also been Leader of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) since 2020. Hoekstra previously served as Minister of Finance in the third Rutte cabinet from 2017 to 2022. (en)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Bennekom, 30 september 1975) is een Nederlands politicus voor het Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA). Sinds 10 januari 2022 is hij minister van Buitenlandse Zaken en tweede vicepremier in het kabinet-Rutte IV. Sinds december 2020 is hij tevens politiek leider van het CDA. Eerder was hij minister van Financiën (2017-2022), fractievoorzitter in de Tweede Kamer (2021-2022) en lid van de Eerste Kamer (2011-2017). (nl)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (Bennekom, 30 settembre 1975) è un politico olandese, Ministro delle finanze dei Paesi Bassi dal 26 ottobre 2017 al 15 gennaio 2021 e poi Ministro degli affari esteri oltre che Secondo Vice Ministro del Governo Rutte IV dal 10 gennaio 2022.. (it)
- Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra (ur. 30 września 1975 w w prowincji Geldria) – holenderski polityk i prawnik, członek Stanów Generalnych, w latach 2017–2022 minister finansów, od 2022 wicepremier oraz minister spraw zagranicznych, lider Apelu Chrześcijańsko-Demokratycznego (CDA). (pl)
- Вопке Бастіан Гукстра (нід. Wopke Bastiaan Hoekstra; нар. 30 вересня 1975, Беннеком, Нідерланди) — нідерландський політик, член Християнсько-демократичного заклику (CDA). Заступник прем'єр-міністра Нідерландів та міністр закордонних справ із 10 січня 2022 року в четвертому кабінеті Марка Рютте. Міністр фінансів у третьому кабінеті Рютте з 26 жовтня 2017 по 10 січня 2022 року. Раніше був членом Сенату (2011—2017) та заступником голови фракції CDA. (uk)
- فوبكه هويكسترا (ar)
- Wopke Hoekstra (en)
- Wopke Hoekstra (de)
- Wopke Hoekstra (es)
- Wopke Hoekstra (in)
- Wopke Hoekstra (it)
- Wopke Hoekstra (fr)
- Wopke Hoekstra (nl)
- Wopke Hoekstra (pl)
- Вопке Гукстра (uk)
- http://d-nb.info/gnd/1199462365
- http://viaf.org/viaf/194151246643844132227
- wikidata:Wopke Hoekstra
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p41319714X
- dbpedia-af:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-ar:Wopke Hoekstra
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/وپك_هويكسترا
- dbpedia-de:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-es:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-et:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-fr:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-fy:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-hu:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-id:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-it:Wopke Hoekstra
- http://li.dbpedia.org/resource/Wopke_Hoekstra
- dbpedia-nl:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-pl:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-simple:Wopke Hoekstra
- dbpedia-uk:Wopke Hoekstra
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/TWg6
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Secretary_Blinken_Mee...n_Minister_Hoekstra_(52004629179).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Wopke_Hoekstra_op_bezoek_op_het_ROC_Mondriaan_02_(cropped).jpg
- Wopke Hoekstra (en)
is dbo:leader of
is dbo:predecessor of
is dbo:successor of
- dbr:Jeroen_Dijsselbloem__Tenure__4
- dbr:Ben_Knapen__Tenure__1
- dbr:Hugo_de_Jonge__Tenure__4
- dbr:Kajsa_Ollongren__Tenure__2
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Prelude_to_the_2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:List_of_foreign_ministers_in_2022
- dbr:List_of_former_employees_of_McKinsey_&_Company
- dbr:2021_ban_of_Palestinian_human_rights_organizations
- dbr:2021–2022_Dutch_cabinet_formation
- dbr:2022_in_politics_and_government
- dbr:Ben_Knapen
- dbr:Deputy_Prime_Minister_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Hugo_de_Jonge
- dbr:Julius_Terpstra
- dbr:List_of_Ministers_of_Finance_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:List_of_current_foreign_ministers
- dbr:List_of_foreign_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War
- dbr:List_of_political_parties_in_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Urk
- dbr:Deputy_prime_minister
- dbr:Dutch_childcare_benefits_scandal
- dbr:Index_of_Singapore-related_articles
- dbr:International_Anti-Corruption_Court
- dbr:International_recognition_of_the_Donet...lic_and_the_Luhansk_People's_Republic
- dbr:International_sanctions_during_the_2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine
- dbr:International_sanctions_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War
- dbr:List_of_international_prime_ministerial_trips_made_by_Mark_Rutte
- dbr:List_of_international_trips_made_by_Maia_Sandu
- dbr:List_of_people_named_in_the_Panama_Papers
- dbr:List_of_people_named_in_the_Pandora_Papers
- dbr:Committee_of_Ministers_of_the_Council_of_Europe
- dbr:Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbr:Frank_Elderson
- dbr:Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Netherlands)
- dbr:2020_Christian_Democratic_Appeal_leadership_election
- dbr:Chinese_police_overseas_service_stations
- dbr:Sigrid_Kaag
- dbr:Emblem_of_Curaçao
- dbr:Bussum
- dbr:COVID-19_protests_in_Netherlands
- dbr:2021_Dutch_curfew_riots
- dbr:2021_Dutch_general_election
- dbr:2022_boycott_of_Russia_and_Belarus
- dbr:Fourth_Rutte_cabinet
- dbr:List_of_Dutch_politicians
- dbr:List_of_INSEAD_alumni
- dbr:Hans_Vijlbrief
- dbr:Henri_Bontenbal
- dbr:Jeroen_Dijsselbloem
- dbr:Kajsa_Ollongren
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Christian_Democratic_Appeal
- dbr:Hoekstra
- dbr:Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_Mahsa_Amini_protests
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi
- dbr:Mark_Rutte
- dbr:Cabinet_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Pieter_Omtzigt
- dbr:Sorbonne_University_Association
- dbr:Minister_for_Foreign_Trade_and_Development_Cooperation_(Netherlands)
- dbr:Next_Dutch_general_election
- dbr:Pieter_Heerma
- dbr:Short-haul_flight_ban
- dbr:Western_Sahara_Autonomy_Proposal
- dbr:Politics_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Raisina_Dialogue
is dbp:incumbent of
is dbp:leader of
is dbp:leader1Name of
is dbp:minister1Name of
is dbp:predecessor of
is dbp:reportsTo of
is dbp:successor of
is foaf:primaryTopic of