Eurovision Dance Contest ������������ ����������� (original) (raw)

Eurovision Dance Contest Delivering news first! eurotanssit_tausta.jpg (19264 bytes) ������������ ����������� ������� ������� �������!

National pages with biographies and news:
1. Switzerland, 2. Russia, 3. The Netherlands, 4. UK, 5. Austria, 6. Germany, 7. Greece, 8. Lithuania, 9. Spain, 10. Ireland, 11. Poland, 12. Denmark, 13. Portugal, 14. Ukraine, 15. Sweden, 16. Finland

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Jump to the list of participants Jump to the latest news section or read...

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... Introduction ... ��������

Eurovision Dance Contest is the newest competition organized by European Broadcasting Union, which will be first aired live on 1st of September 2007, 21:00 CET. Organizer of the show will be British broadcaster BBC and first two yearly editions of the show will be hosted in London, though it is planned to start giving hosting of the contest in future to winning countries. It is planned that 16 countries will take part in 2007 edition of the project. The two-hour and 15 mins special will be presented from London BBC studios by Graham Norton, one of the best known presenters on British television who joined the BBC in 2004, bringing with him his own unique blend of humour also presenting Strictly Dance Fever, and Claudia Winkleman, British TV presenter, former host of Fame Academy and Strictly come Dancing: It Takes Two.

Main concept of the contest is similar to Eurovision Song Contest, with the only difference that it is dancing and not singing competition. Each couple, representing participating country, will perform two one and a half minute long dances: first of which will be traditional ballroom or Latin dance (Argentine tango, cha cha, foxtrot, jive, pasa doble, quickstep, rumba, salsa, samba, tango, Viennese waltz, waltz), while second will be freestyle dance, which will encourage the presentation of national characteristics and styles. Copyrights for soundtrack used should be cleared for EDC. Complete dance guidelines are available here.

Viewers will be asked to vote on the overall performance: dancing, choreography, costume and choice of music. There will be an expert commentator who will describe performance and artistic content. The contest will be broadcasted in English and French languages, with commentaries in national languages provided by participating broadcasters. Extracts of the rules are being provided by EBU here

Voting at the contest will be similar to Junior Eurovision, starting already at the beginning of the show with lines being open throughout performances till the end of the last re-cap. Voting is possible by telephone or SMS from one of 16 participating countries. Vote for the country you are calling or texting from is not possible. Correct televoting and SMS numbers at the bottom of the screen during the performances and during several re-caps. The number of calls per telephone line will be limited to 20, as with the Eurovision Song Contest. All votes will be processed by televoting partner Digame, under supervision of an independent auditor. Spokesperson from each participating country will then give 1 to 8, 10 and 12 points in Eurovision style. After 30 minutes of voting winner of the contest will become known.

The programme in association with the EBU will be produced for the BBC by Sunset+Vine, the largest independent producer of sports programming in the UK and Splash Media, whose owners created the enormously popular Strictly Come Dancing programme and format.

Eurovision Dance Contest is commissioned by Elaine Bedell, Controller, Entertainment Commissioning, and Peter Fincham, Controller, BBC One. "The Eurovision Song Contest has been a remarkable, long standing success on BBC One. Eurovision Dance Contest is its natural partner. I'm looking forward to an evening full of stars and sequins, and glitz and glamour � a great night of family entertainment on BBC One."

Participating Countries (in running order):
1. Switzerland (SRG-SSR), 2. Russia (RTR), 3. The Netherlands (NPB/TROS), 4. UK (BBC), 5. Austria (ORF), 6. Germany (ARD/WDR), 7. Greece (ERT), 8. Lithuania (LRT), 9. Spain (TVE), 10. Ireland (RTE), 11. Poland (TVP), 12. Denmark (DR), 13. Portugal (RTP), 14. Ukraine (NTU), 15. Sweden (TV4), 16. Finland (YLE).

Countries for the first contest were allowed by invitation only and during their selection organizers have been considering two factors: 1) invitation of these countries should give to the contest high professional level, 2) participating countries should be able to finance the contest. 16 countries signed contracts to take part in competition for at least 2 years. All other EBU members were invited to broadcast competition which was done by 8 of them (Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Israel, Iceland, FYR Macedonia). In future, if there will be considerable interest to take part in the contest - the number of participants may be increased.

National federations - members of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) in cooperation with national broadcaster will be assisting in selection of participating couples (each couple participating in international final should be accredited by IDSF) and also in the selection of dance expert, who will act as a co-commentator for each country. Each dance will be followed by 20 seconds recap when experts will be allowed to talk about performances and mention any irregularities in the dance as well. The commentators will be located in the studio next to the main event one.

National preselections should be concluded by 25th of August 2007, while changes to the dances, dancers, choreography, the choreographers, and/or to the music are allowed only until 27th of August. On Tuesday, 28th of August, delegations will gather at the London City Hall for the official Welcome Party. Rehearsals will take place on Wednesday and Thursday and dress rehearsals on Friday night and Saturday morning, before the live show on Saturday evening.

21.00 First round "Eurovision Dance Contest - Standard or Latin?!"
21.55 Second round "Eurovision Dance Contest - Freestyle!!"
Interval act will feature performance of the Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias with "Do You Know"
22.40 Voting announcement "Eurovision Dance Contest - The Decision"

It is possible to book tickets for Eurovision Dance Contest 2007 via online form at

the official website Application procedure starts on July 22nd, and ends on July 27th when all ticket holders will be notified. Tickets are free, though their number is very limited as capacity of studios is around 500 places. Note: All tickets for EDC 2007 have already been given out. Booking of dress rehearsal tickets is possible here.

August 17th is the deadline for accreditation of delegates and represetnatives of mass-media, who are asked to contact participating broadcasters in their countries for more information.

Eurovision Dance Contest should not be confused with Eurovision Young Dancers, contest which is part of Eurovision Young Musicians, where dancers aged 15-21 were taking part and which will not return in 2007 due to the creation of this new contest. It is also worth emphasizing that Eurovision Dance Contest is not professional Dance Sports competition, but an entertainment show.

Eurovision Dance Contest (������������ �����������, ������� ������� ������) - ����� ����������� ������������ ������������ �����, ������ ���� �������� ��������� 1�� �������� 2007 ���� � 23.00 ������. ������������� ��� ������ ���������� ������������ BBC � ������ ��� ��������� ������� ��� ������� � �������, ���� � ������� ����������� ������ ������ ����� ���������� �������� ���������� �������. � �������� 2007 ���� ������ ������� 16 �����. �������� 135-��������� ��� �� ���������� ������ BBC ������ ���� ������, ���� �� ����� ��������� ����������� ����������� �����������, ���������������� � BBC � 2004 ���� � ��������� � ����� ����������� ������������ ����� �����, ����� ������ ������� ������������� ��� ��� ��������� "������������ ���������", � ������� ��������, ������ ������� ����������� ������� "������� �����" � �������� "������ �� ��������". ****����� ��������� �������� ����� � "��������� ����� �����������", �� ����������� ����, ��� � ��� ������������� ����� �� �����, � ����������� ������� ������. ������ ����, �������������� ���� ������, ���������������� ��� ���������������� �����: ���� �� ������-��������� ��������� (������������ �����, �� ��, ��������, �����, ���������, ��������, �����, �����, �����, �����, ������� �����, �����) � ���� ����� ���������� �����, � ������� ���������� ������������� ������������ ���� � ������. ����� �� ������������ ������ ������ ���� ������� ��� ������������� �� �����������. ��������� �������, ����������� � ������ ������� �����

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�������������� ���, ��������� � ��� � BBC ����� �������� Sunset+Vine, ���������� ����������� �������� ���������� �������� �������������� � Splash Media, ��������� ����������� ��� Strictly Come Dancing � ������� ����� �� ��������.

������������� ���� �� ���������� ��� �� ������� BBC - ����� ����������� ������: "������� ����� ����������� �������� �������� ����������� �������� ��� �� ���������� BBC. ������������ ����������� - ��� ��� ���������� ���������. � � ����������� ��� ������, ������������ �������� � ���������, ����� � ������� - ������������ ���� ��������� ���������������� ��� �� BBC One".

������ - ��������� (� ������� �����������):
1. ��������� (SRG-SSR), 2. ������ (RTR), 3. ���������� (NPB/TROS), 4. �������������� (BBC), 5. ������� (ORF), 6. �������� (ARD/WDR), 7. ������ (ERT), 8. ����� (LRT), 9. ������� (TVE), 10. �������� (RTE), 11. ������ (TVP), 12. ����� (DR), 13. ���������� (RTP), 14. ������� (NTU), 15. ������ (TV4), 16. ��������� (YLE)

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23.00 ������ ����� "������������ ����������� - �������� ��� ������?!"
23.55 ������ ����� "������������ ����������� - ��������� �����!!"
�� ����� �������� ���� �������� ��������� ����� ������ �������� c ����������� "Do You Know".
00.40 ���������� ������� "������������ ����������� - �������"

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������������ ������� ����������� �� ����� ������ � ��������� Eurovision Young Dancers, ������ ������������ Eurovision Young Musicians, ��� ��������� ������� ������� � �������� �� 15 �� 21 ����, ���������� �������� � 2007 ���� ���� �������� � ����� � ��������� ������ ��������. ���������� ����� �����������, ��� ������������ ����������� �������� �� ���������� �����������, � ��������������� ���.

Participants / ���������:

1. Switzerland: Denise Biellmann (professional ice skater) and Sven Ninnemann (dancer, professional category, latin, retired from competing in 2006): pasodoble ("Malaguena" by Caterina Valente and 101 String Orchestra) / freestyle/swing ("Feeling Good" by Michael Buble).
2. Russia: Mariya Sittel (TV host) and Vladislav Borodinov (dancer, professional category, latin), participants of "Tantsy so zvyozdami" show: rumba ("Balcony Scene" by Craig Armstrong from "Romeo & Juliet" OST) / "tsyganochka" (little gipsy girl) Russian traditional dance (with paso doble elements) ("Zhestokiy Romans" movie OST by A.Petrov)
3. The Netherlands: Alexandra Matteman & Redmond Valk (dancers, amateur category, latin, 10 dance), preselection winners: cha cha cha ("Sexbomb" by Tom Jones) / rumba ("Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" by Amy Winehouse, "Bridget Jones" soundtrack)
4. United Kingdom: Camilla Dallerup & Brendan Cole (dancers, professional category, latin, split in 2004, Brendan retired from competing same year, "Strictly Come Dancing" pros): rumba ("The Way We Were" by Barbra Streisand) / freestyle (James Bond theme latin medley "Diamond Are Forever" by Shirley Bassey and "007 Theme Song" by Mobi).
5. Austria: Andy & Kelly Kainz (dancers, professional category, latin, retired from competing in 2004, "Dancing Stars" pros): jive (''Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy'' by choir and Stars Orchestra (original by Andrews Sisters)), pasodoble (''The Black Pearl'' from "Pirates of Carribean" OST by Klaus Badelt performed by Stars Orchestra)
6. Germany: Wolke Hegenbarth (actress, winner of national preselection) & Oliver Seefeldt (dancer, professional category, latin, retired from competing in 2005), "Let's Dance" couple: samba ("Lady Marmelade" from "Moulin Rouge" soundtrack by Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink) / freestyle (mix of samba, cha cha cha and exhibition dancing) (medley "Total Eclipse of the Heart"/"Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler)
7. Greece: Ourania Koliou and Spyridon Pavlidis (dancers, amateur category, latin): jive ("Everybody needs somebody to love" by Blues Brothers) / freestyle (with elements of pasodoble, sirtaki, modern and classic ballet dances) ("Zorbas" from "Zorba The Greek" OST by Mikis Teodorakis)
8. Lithuania: Gabriele Valiukaite & Gintaras Svistunavicius (dancers, professional category, latin) winners of national preselection: paso doble ("Carmen suita" by Georges Bizet and Rodion Shchedrin performed by "Virtuozy Moskvy" orchesta) / showdance (Mix of Lithuanian polka "Linksmoji seklycia" and "Cuban Pete" from "The Mask" movie soundtrack)
9. Spain: Amagoya Benlloch and Abraham Martinez (dancers, amateur category, latin), winners of "Mira Quien Baila a Eurovision" selection and pros of celebrity version: cha-cha ("Baila Morena" by Zucchero) / paso doble ("El Gato Montes" from opera by Manuel Penella)
10. Ireland: Mick Donegan & Nicola Byrne (professional Irish show dancers, Riverdance, "Celebrity Jigs & Reels" pros), preselection winners: jive ("Why do fools fall in love" by Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers) / Irish inspired dance Fandango
11. Poland: Katarzyna Cichopek (actress) and Marcin Hakiel (dancer, amateur category, latin), couple from "Taniec z gwiazdami" show: cha-cha ("Sway" by Michael Buble) / freestyle (rumba and samba elements) (mix of "Private Emotions" and "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin)
12. Denmark: Mette Elkjaer & David Jorgensen (dancers, amateur category, latin, standard, 10 dance), winners of national preselection: rumba ("Love Fool" by Olivia Ong (original by The Cardigans) / freestyle (including "Lovestoned/I think she knows" by Jastin Timberlake)
13.Portugal: Sonia Araujo (TV host) & Ricardo Silva (dancer, amateur category, latin), "Danca Comigo" couple: jive ("Hanky Panky" from "Dick Tracy" OST by Madonna - performed by Teresa Radamanto) / tango ("Libertango" from "Shall We Dance" OST by Astor Piazzolla - performed by Teresa Radamanto)
14. Ukraine: Ilya Sidorenko & Yuliya Okropiridze (dancers, amateur category, ballroom, latin, 10 dance), preselection winners: quickstep ("Istanbul (not Constantinople)" by J.Kennedy and N.Simon from "Mona Lisa Smile" OST) / freestyle with elements of trad. Ukr. dance gopak and paso doble ("Gop-tsya" by Vopli Vidoplyasova)
15. Sweden: Martin Lidberg (wrestler) & Cecilia Ehrling (dancer, amateur category, latin), "Let's Dance" couple: pasodoble ("Final countdown" by Europe) / disco fusion ("Disco Inferno" by The Trammps)
16. Finland: Jussi Vaananen & Katja Koukkula (professional dancers, latin, retired in 2005), winners of national preselection: rumba "All In Love Is Fair" by Carmen McRae / freestyle with pasodoble elements (Metallica band song "Unforgiven" played by Apocalyptica band)

1.���������: ����� �������� (�������� �������) � ���� ��������� (������ ���������������� ���������, ������, �������� ������� � 2006 ����): ��������� ("Malaguena" �������� ������� � 101 String Orchestra) / ��������� �����/����� ("Feeling Good" ������ �����)
2. ������: ����� ������� (�����������) � ��������� ��������� (������, ���������������� ���������, ������), ��������� ��� "����� �� ��������": ����� ("����� �� �������" ������ ���������� �� �/� "����� � ���������") / ������� �������� ����� "���������" (� ���������� ���������) (������ �� �/� "�������� ������", �.�������)
3. ����������: ������� ���� � ���������� �������� (������� ������������ ���������, ������, 10 ������), ���������� ���.������: ��-��-�� ("Sexbomb" ���� ������) / ����� ("Will You Love Me Tomorrow" ��� �������, ��������� � ������ "Bridget Jones")
4. ��������������: ������� �������� � ������� ���� (������� ���������������� ���������, ������, ���� ��������� � 2004 ����, � ���� �� ���� ������� �������� �������, ����. ��� "Strictly Come Dancing"): ����� ("The Way We Were" ������ ���������) / ����.����� (��������� ������� �� ����������� ��� ������� � ������� ����� "Diamonds are Forever" ����� ����� � "007 Theme Song" ����)
5. �������: ���� � ����� ����� (������� ���������������� ���������, ������, ��������� ������� � 2004 ����, ����. ��� "Dancing Stars"): ����� ("Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" ��� � Stars Orchestra (�������� Andrews Sisters)) / ��������� ("The Black Pearl" ��������� � "Pirates of Carribean" ������ ������� � ���������� Stars Orchestra).
6. ��������: ������ ��������� (�������, �������������� ���. ������) � ������ �������� (������ ���������������� ���������, ������, �������� ������� � 2005 ����), ���� �� ��� "Let's Dance": ����� "Lady Marmelade" �� ���������� � �/� "Moulin Rouge" / ����.����� (����� �����, ��-��-�� � ���-�����) (������� "Total Eclipse of the Heart"/"Holding Out For A Hero" ����� ������)
7. ������: ������ ����� � �������� �������� (������� ������������ ���������, ������): ����� ("Everybody needs somebody to love" Blues Brothers) / ����.����� (c ���������� ���������, �������, ������������ � ������������� �������� �����) ("Zorbas" �� ���������� "Zorba The Greek" ������ �����������)
8. �����: �������� ������������� � �������� ���������� (�������, ���������������� ���������, ������), ���������� ������������� ������: ��������� ("������ �����" ����� ���� � ������� ������� � ���������� �������� "�������� ������") / ����.����� (���� ��������� ������ "Linksmoji seklycia" � ���������� "Cuban Pete" � ������ "�����")
9. �������: ������� ������� � ������� �������� (������� ������������ ���������, ������), ���������� ������ "Mira quien baila a Eurovision" � ����. "��������" ������: ��-��-�� ("Baila Morena" �������) / ��������� ("El Gato Mortes" �� ����� ������� �������)
10. ��������: ��� ������� � ������ ���� (���������������� ����������� ����������� �����, Riverdance, ����. ��� "Celebrity Jigs & Reels", ���������� ���. ������: ����� ("Why do fools fall in love" ������ ������� � The Teenagers) / ����� � ��������� ����� ��������
11. ������: ��������� ������� (�������) � ������ ������ (������ ������������ ���������, ������), ��������� "Taniec z gwiazdami": ��-��-�� ("Sway" ������ ����� / ����. ����� (� ����. ����� � �����) (���� "Private Emotions" � "She Bangs" ����� �������)
12. �����: ����� �������� � ����� ��������� (������� ������������ ���������, ������, ��������, 10 ������): ����� ("Love Fool" ������ ��� (�������� - The Cardigans) / ����.����� (������� "Lovestoned/I think she knows" �������� �����������)
13. ����������: ���� ������ (�����������) � ������� ������ (������ ������������ ���������, ������), ��������� "Danca Comigo": ����� ("Hanky Panky" �� ������ "Dick Tracy" ������� - � ���������� ������ ���������) / ����� ("Libertango" �� ������ "Shall We Dance" ������ �������� � ���������� ������ ���������)
14. �������: ���� ��������� � ���� ����������� (������� ������������ ���������, ��������, ������, 10 ������), ���������� ���. ������: �������� "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" (�� ���������� "Mona Lisa Smile") / ����. ����� � ���������� ������ � ��������� ("���-��" ����� �����������).
15. ������: ������ ������� (�����) � ������� ������ (���������� ������������ ���������, ������), ���� �� ��� "Let's Dance": ��������� ("Final countdown" Europe) / ����� ����� ("Disco Inferno" The Trammps)
16. ���������: ���� �������� � ����� �������� (���������������� �������, ������, ��������� ������� � 2005 ����), ���������� ������������� ������: ����� "All In Love Is Fair" ������ ��� ��� / ����.����� c ����. ��������� (���������� "Unforgiven" ��.Metallica � ���������� ��.Apocalyptica)

photos: EBU, national broadcasters

Latest News / ������ �������

Join Youtube Eurovision Dance Contest group, where you can watch latest videos related to Eurovision Dance contest (including national preselections and other performances). Separate playlist of finalists (national selection performances) available here.

��������������� � ������ ������������ ����������� �� Youtube, ��� �� ������� ���������� ����� ������ �����, ��������� � ������������ ������������ (������� ������������ ������ � ������ �����������). ��������� �������� ���������� �������� (����������� �� ������������ �������) �������� �����.

Greece will air Eurovision Dance Contest on October 4th at midnight local time on NET channel and satellite ERT World. Due to fire disaster ERT didn't air the contest live. It is very important for promotion of dance sports in Greece that this contest will be broadcasted, as it is new kind of sports for the country and with show like that may attact new followers.

������ ������� ������������ ����������� 2007 4�� ������� � ������� �� �������� ������� �� ���������� NET � ����������� ERT World. ��-�� �������� � �������� � ������ ��� �� ������������ ������� � ������ �����. ��� ����� ������ ��� ��� �������� ������������� ������ � ������, ��� ������� ���-���� ����� �������, ��������� �������� ��� ����� �������� ������� � ���� ������, ��� ��� ������ ��� ���� ������.

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Ukrainian "1+1" channel launches international version of "Dances with Stars" - "Champions League". Inspired by Eurovision Dance Contest, private Ukrainian channel has invited foreign participants to join in the show, which will be hosted by Tina Karol (Eurovision 2006) and Yuri Gorbunov. Here is the list of participants:

  1. Italy - participants of Ballando con le Stelle: Pamela Camassa (singer, model) and Angelo Madonia
  2. Poland - Marcin Mroczek (actor) and Anna Pilipenko (participant of Ukrainian Dancing with Stars (Tancy s zirkami) 2)
    3) Austria - Manuel Ortega (singer, winner of Austrian Dancing Stars 2 dancing with Kelly Kainz, former Eurovision participant) and Yuliya Okropiridze (runner-up at Eurovision Dance Contest) 8th place
  3. Russia - participants of Tantsy so zvyozdami - Natasha Koroleva (singer) and Evgeniy Papunaishvili
  4. Ukraine - participants of Tancy s zirkami - Vitaly Kozlovski (singer) and Kseniya Horb
  5. Ukraine - Liliya Podkopaeva (guimnastics, winner of Ukrainian Tancy s zirkavi 2) and Kirill Hitrov
  6. Ukraine - Maxim Nelipa (TV host, participant of Tancy s zirkami 1) and Alyona Shoptenko (winner of Tancy s zirkami 1)
  7. Ukraine - Natalya Mogilevskaya (singer, participant of Tancy s sirkami) and Vladislav Yama.

During participation in Austrian "Let's Dance" Manuel Ortega claimed that in case of his victory, he will run nude in Vienna. He won and fulfilled his promise. He was asked whether he will run nude in Kiev in case of his victory in this show, he answered: "If weather will be nice". Manuel Ortega noticed Yuliya at Eurovision Dance Contest and requested that he will be dancing only with her. When he first saw Yuliya on the dancefloor in short skirt he asked: "How we will dance? I won't be able to take my eyes of you".

Jury of the contest will be also international: Grigoriy Chapkis, Vlad Borodinov (Russian representative at EDC 2007), Mihail Malitovski, Andrea Placidi and Nikolay Tsiskaridze.

���������� ������������ "1+1" ������������ ������������� ������ ������� "����� �� ��������" - "���� ���������". ������������� ������������ ������������ ������������ ��� �� ���� ������� ���������� ������ ���������� � ������� � ������� ����������� ����������. �������� ��� ����� ���� ������ � ���� ��������. ��� ������ ����������:

  1. ������ - ��������� Ballando con le Stelle ������ ������� (������, ������) � ������� �������
  2. ������ - ������ ������ (�����) � ���� ��������� (��������� ���������� ������ ������ �� �������� 2)
  3. ������� - ������� ������ (�����, ������ �������� �����������, ���������� ����������� ������ ������ �� �������� � ���� � ����� �����) � ���� ����������� (����������� ������ ������������� �����������) 8 �����
  4. ������ - ��������� ������� ������ ������ �� �������� ������ �������� � ������� ������������
  5. ������� - ��������� ���������� ������ ������ �� �������� ������� ���������� (�����) � ������ ����
  6. ������� - ����� ���������� (���������, ���������� 2�� ������ ���������� �������) � ������ ������
  7. ������� - ������ ������ (�����������, �������� ���������� ������) � ����� �������� (���������� 1�� ������ ������)
  8. ������� - ������� ����������� � ��������� ���.

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Meanwhile, Austrian dance couple Andy & Kelly Kainz by the end of the year will take part in two Dance Cruise with Gruber Travel: in Brac (Croatia) and Prague (Czech Republic).

Both Russian Vlad Borodinov and Ukrainian couple Ilya and Yuliya could have been seen in minor role in TV series of Russian TV "Derzhi menya krepche" devoted to ballroom dances. Russian Mariya Sittel is back to TV news hosting.

Dutch dance couple Redmond & Alexanda are seriosly concentrating on continuation of their dance career taking part in September-October in open championships of Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and Belgium.

Brendan and Camilla are back to Strictly Come Dancing. Brendan has been paired with Kelly Brook (model, actress and TV presenter), while Camilla will be dancing with Blue Peter presenter Gethin Jones. See BBC1 for the warm up show on the 29th October at 6pm.

British bookmakers SkyBet are accepting bets on whether winning couple of latest series of Strictly Come Dancing will be selected as British participants in Eurovision Dance Contest 2008? At the moment bet is 2/1.

��� ��������, ����������� ������������ ���� ���� � ����� ����� �� ����� ����� ���� ������ ������� � ���� ������������ ������, ������� �������������� �������� Gruber Travel: � ����� (��������) � ����� (�����).

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���������� ������������ ������� SkyBet ��������� ������ �� �� - ����� �� ����-���������� ������ ������ ������ �� �������� ������� ��������������� �������� �� ������������ ����������� 2008? �� ��������� ������ ������ 2/1.

Update: Armenian broadcaster has confirmed to ESCKaz that they plan to join the contest next year pending official acceptance from EBU. As contest 2007 was per invitation only, it is not yet known whether all EBU members will be invited to take part in 2008 edition of the show. Previously, Israel and Bosnia have confirmed their interest in joining the show in 2008. Cyprus has already listed show in the program list for 2008. Belarus broadcaster confirmed to ESCKaz that the question is seriously considered, but was not decided yet. It is expected that other countries that also broadcasted contest - Albania, Macedonia and Iceland will also express interest in joining in.

����������: ����������� ������� ����������� ESCKaz ���� ����� ������� � ������������ ����������� 2008, ��� ������� ������� � ������� � ��� ����� ����� ����������� ����������� ������. �� ������ ������ ���� �� ��������, ����� ���������� ����� ���������� ����� ���� �������� � ��������� ����. �����, � ����� ������ ������� � �������� ������� ������� � ������-�����������. ����������� ����� ��� �������� ����������� � ������ �������� �� 2008 ���. ������������ �������� ����������� ESCKaz, ��� ������ �� �� ������� �������� ���������������, �� ��� �� ��� ������������ �����. ���������, ��� � ������ ������, ����� ��������������� ������� - �������, ��������� � �������� ����� �������������� � ������� � ��� � ��������� ����.

Exclusive interview

Right after contest ESCKaz has talked to first ever winners of Eurovision Dance Contest Jussi and Katja:

- What were your first thoughts when you've realised that Finland has won the contest?
- THANK YOU EUROPE! We were just very very happy, thankful, delighted and even relieved.

- What do you think was the biggest component of your success?
- We would like to think it was our deep commitment to try to be real to the music, to the dance and to the audience. We had a story to tell and we wanted to tell it to the best of our abilities without compromising any of the integrity of the music, the dancing and our personal insight to what we felt was e.g "The Unforgiven". And we were not competing, but focusing only on performing.

- Were you satisfied by organization of the event by BBC, especially by dance floor and hall?
- We must take this opportunity to once again thank the BBC, and the Finnish Broadcasting Company for the great work they put in this production. The studio in London was designed extremely well, specially the set and lighting being nothing short of spectacular. Only downside thing that came up was that we preferred the all-black floor of the second camera rehearsals to the actual showtime floor, but obviously the black/silver squared floor had higher production value.

- Have you seen other performances, if yes, did you have any personal favourites?
- Actually we did not see to much of the others since we were concentrating on our own, but I really liked Andy's and Kelly's, the Austrians, free style paso when I saw it afterwards.

- What advice you can give to future EDC participants?
- Just be true to yourself regarding the way you feel about your dancing and pursue it. Of course it helps if you get some guidance from time to time...

- Had your after contest plans been changed now?
- It's still so early that we are just trying to come down from the hype and look at things realistically. We already have so many plans and projects on the table that we have to get going that the future will probably be even busier than we would like...

ESCKaz once again wishes all the best to the winners of the competition!

����� �� ����� ��������� �������� ESCKaz ��������� � ������� ������������ ������������� ����������� ���� � ������:

- ������ ���� ���� ������ �����, ����� �� ������, ��� ��������� �������� ������ �� ��������?
- �������, ������! �� ���� ����� ����, ����������, ��������� � ���� ������������� ��������� ����������.

- ��� �� �������� ���� �������� ����������� ������ ������?
- �� �� ������ ������, ��� ��� ���� �������� ����������� ���� ������������ � �������, ������ � ���������. �� ������ ���������� ������� � �� �� ������ ������� ��� � �������������� ���� ����� ������������, ����������� ������, ����� � ������ ������� ������� �� ������� "Unforgiven" (�����������). � �� �� �������, ��� ��������� � ��������, � �������������� ������ �� ����������.

- ���� �� �� �������� ������� ����������� BBC, � ��������� ����� � ��������?
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photo YLE

Extremely positive responces to the victory of Finnish couple were given by dance fans. In fact, it is hardly ever possible to find so unanimously positive responses coming from all countries to winner of any competition. Here are some of them collected at Eurovision Dance Contest Youtube group:

- It's so passionate and artistic, i had goosebumps while watching this. They ARE beauty

- It's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen

- I haven't seen anything with this kind of perfection for a long time. Song and dance and outfit and everything fits perfectly. The right couple won.

- They were my favorites the instant I saw them. They moved with such grace, they really looked like elves. It almost looked like ballet sometimes. Beautiful, congrats Finland.

- OMG, when i saw this performance, i couldn't believe my eyes - I thought it was a dream... I am really happy that they have won - they deserve it! And Jussi reminds me of an elf that directly jumped out of one of Tolkien's books!

- I was... stunned... really amazed... baffled didnt know WHAT the hell to say

- The choreography was EXCELLENT and the execution left me speechless. They truly deserved to win. Indeed the best dance in the contest.

- the blend of the song to the dance was fanstatic and the technical ability of it was superb.

- I love them, they make dancing look so easy, and their choreographies are SO beautiful!!

- The paso doble clearly secured their victory in its intensity and originality, but I find their rumba sublime. Katja has such an awesome range of flair in her moves, and as a couple they melt into each other effortlessly. I simply love the spin with Katja like a star, ending with her collecting herself, perched on Jussi's knee. Awesome. Douze points!

- I don't understand much about western dance, but I absolutely LOVED this and loved even more the Paso Doble: Apocalyptica and artistic dance.

- The most amazing dancers I've ever seen...

- god, I thought the performance was just AWESOME! The elegance of those two was just unequalled in the competition, the choreography was pitch perfect to the song, the two dancers delivered it so gracefully and dignified. I'm awed, really awed.

- You were great! And the choice of the music, oh god it was beautiful, and also the way you two danced it. There are no doubts, Finland is a country of heavy metal and good for you!!

- Wow - could feel the emotion through cyber space - well done you two !!

- I just love that dance... The symmetry! The dark strenght!

- Really, them dancing touch my heart deeply...also I cry..

- They looks like black swans!!! STUNNING!!!

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ESCKaz presents special feature on reactions of broadcasters and participants to the results of first Eurovision Dance Contest. Also below you can find information on teleratings of the show in broadcasting countries.

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Delivering news first

375000 people were watching live Eurovision Dance Contest in Finland and enjoyed Finnish victory in the competition. YLE considers this ratings as very good for the show starting at 10 pm. YLE also repeated the show on Sunday evening.

YLE's Director General was at the airport when Finnish delegation arrived home, so it is very highly appreciated in YLE. Finnish delegation also declared to be extremely satisfied with the job done by BBC. "The good thing absolutely is that now BBC knows next year what went OK and what went not so good. And we know the production team so you don't have to start al over again like with ESC", said YLE's Aila Havia-Venalainen.

YLE is also planning to broadcast special programme called Eurotanssivoittajien matkassa (In tour with the winners of EDC) on 9th of September, 20.10 local time at YLE TV2.

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Delivering news first

President of National Ukrainian broadcaster NTU Vitaliy Dokalenko has honoured winning couple Yuliya Okropiridze and Ilya Sidorenko with special diploma wishing them best of luck in their future career.

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photo: NTU

Ilya and Yuliya already were invited to the 3rd season of Ukrainian version of "Dancing With Stars" on "1+1" channel, but couple has not yet decided on their participation. They should have taken part in the 2nd season of the show - Yuliya started training with Alexandr Ponomaryov (Eurovision 2004), but then without any explanations was changed to Polina Komisova. Ilya started trainings with Liliya Podkopayeva, but he is 1.75 meters high and his partner requested to find more taller dancer. Prior to Eurovision Ilya and Yuliya took part in series "Dancefloor" for Russian RTR channel on Ukrainian studio "Ukrtelefilm", they portrait couple that doesn't qualify to the final of competition.

- On first rehearsal Ilya raised me, but couldn't hold. I felt on the floor and was hurt a bit. But prior to the final dance I read out a prayer and was not worried, explains Yuliya Okropiridze.
- And I hurt left foot five days before the national selection and on the next day couldn't step on it at all. Mostly for us was worried my grandfather, when contest was broadcasted on TV he had to take medicines not to be worried.

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Eurovision Dance Contest was in top 20 most viewed programs of Irish television of the week with 363.000 viewers following it live - 11% of the market share.

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Delivering news first

According to Polish tabloids the main contribution to the success of Polish couple made the fact that Kasia has flashed her nude breast for a second guring one of the dance figures. Actually, it seems that breast of Polish actress is the most loved story of Polish tabloids as they were speculating about it also prior to the contest giving it "legendary status". Kasia herself was rather short in comments: "We're absolutely happy, it is amazing that finally Polish performance has been appreciated by European viewers".

Eurovision Dance Contest broadcast have collected 4 mln of viewers (share 31.7%, rating 11.49%) beating Sopot Festival which managed to collect in average 11% of the market share, and entering top 10 most watched programs of the week, despite broadcasted on 2nd national channel.

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Delivering news first
Up to 678.000 Austrians watched Eurovision Dance Contest live from London which made 41% of market share on peak. Average audience for the show was 553.000 viewers - 31% market share. First part was watched by peak of 557.000 (average of 492.000, 25 %), and freestyle dances peaked up to 621.000 (586.000 on average, 34 % market share). The vote announcement reached peak value of the night (609,000 average). Documentary "The way to London" was watched in average by 402.000 viewers (21% market share).

Andy and Kelly were very satisfied by the result reached at the competition. Andy: "We are very satisfied with our achievement, place five is okay! Kelly: "I am very satisfied too, for Austria it is very good result. In addition I'm happy that the best dancers won - Finland!". Finland also received maximum points from Austria. Austria has received points from all 16 participating countries and maximum of 10 was given by Germany.

�� 678000 ���������� ��������� � ������ ����� �� ��������� ������������ ����������� � �������, ��� ��������� ���� � 41% ��������. ������� ��������� �������� ��� ���������� 553000 �������� - ���� � 31%. ������ �������� ��� �������� �� 557000 �������� (� ������� 492000, 25%), � ����� ���������� ����� �� 621000 �������� (� ������� 586000, 34%). �� ����������� ����������� ������� ������������ ����� �������� (609000 � �������). �� �������������� ������� "������ � ������" ������� 402000 �������� (���� � 21%).

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In Portugal Eurovision Dance Contest was the most watched program of the day, followed by 1.4 million of viewers - 43.7% share, even beating the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest. That paid out as country has reached it's best ever placing in Eurovision competitions.

"I'm extremely satisfied!" said the director of RTP, Nuno Santos, to the Portuguese newspaper "Correio da Manhe". The broadcaster director was there in London, sited in the audience, with a Portuguese flag in the hands. "This good score is not mine, credit goes directly to the couple because they made a wonderful job! Their talent and attitude were very important". Sonia and Ricardo confessed that they were not expecting such a high position, especially owing to the fact the majority of the couples were professional. "Top 8 was our dream", said Sonia, "And we were very nervous during televoting results announcement". About the victory of Finland, they agree that the result was fair, but, on the other hand, the Irish third place "was a surprise!"

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Photo: Alain Douit (� EBU) All rights reserved

Delivering news first

Ratings of the first Eurovision Dance Contest in Russia were pretty high - 5.9% rating, 24.5% share in Moscow and 4.6 rating, 24.6 share in Russia with show entering top 30 most popular broadcasts of the week. However, again as usual, both officials, participants and very patriotic public is trying to explain rather average result of Russian couple in the competition with political and unfair voting.

- We've seen rehearsals of other couples in competition and noticed that they are weaker than our couple, claimed Vlad Borodinov. - So we hoped to finish, well, may be not first, but in the top 3 for sure. And then this happened. I can not believe that whole this voting procedure was fair and objective.
- Two or three countries didn't give us a single point, seconds him coach Victor Nikovskiy. - That means in those countries not a single person voted for Russia. Technically this is impossible. I do not believe in the "Eurovision" result with such a political voting transferred to EDC from ESC.

���������� �������� ���� �������� ������������� ����������� � ������ - 5.9% �������, 24.5% ���� �� ������, 4.6% �������, 24.6% ���� �� ������, ��� ��������� ��� ����� � ��� 30 ����� ���������� �������� ������. ������, ��� ������ ������ ����� �������� ��� ����, ��� �� �����������, �� ����� ����������� ����������� ������� ������ �� ������ �������� ����������-�������� ���������� ���������� ���� �� ��������.

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3,1 million people watched the show in Germany - market share of 12.5 % (9.1% share for people aged 14-49) making it 3rd most popular show of the night, though beaten by football match. The pre-show hosted by Thomas Anders was watched by 2.61 million people - a market share of 10.2 %.

By the way: For the first time there were ten points from Austria for Germany!

On 23rd of September Wolke will take part in talk show "Zimmer Frei" on WDR, where she may talk about her Eurovision experience as well.

3.1 �������� �������� ��������� �� ��� � ��������, ��� ��������� ���� � 12.5% (9.1% ����� ��������� � �������� �� 14 �� 49 ���), ������ ��� 3� �� ������������ ���������� ������, ������ ���������� ���������� ����������� �����. ���-��� � ������� �������� �������� 2.61 �������� �������� - ���� � 10.2%

� ������, ������� ������� ���� �������� 10 ������!

23�� �������� ������ ������ ������� � ���-��� "Zimmer Frei" �� ���������� WDR, � ������� �������� ��� ��������� � � ����� ������� �� �����������.

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Delivering news first

TV ratings in Denmark were rather low, only 514.000 viewers watched the show. Similar program on channel TV2 "Vild med dans" (Danish version of Dancing with Stars) was able to get over 1.200.000 when it was running.

Mette and David were satisfied with their performance, "It was flawless: Most important thing to us was to perform as good as we can, and we did it. We hoped to satisfy European audience with that performance, and they put us on ninth place, we can live with it. It was good experience for us and we have learned both in skills and in attitude. We've also learned how to cope with cameras and media interest", says Mette Skou Elkjaer. More on Mette and David's blog

������������ ��� � ����� ���� �� ������� ��������, ������ 514.000 �������� ��������� �� ���. �������� ��������� �� ���������� TV2 "Vild med dans" (������� ������ ������ �� ��������") �������� � ���� ����� ����� 1.200.000 ��������.

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Poty, the choreographer of Spanish performance, who didn't go to London with dancers after result was announced said that he feels "very upset and disappointed because Spanish couple was the only one that had been doing show on stage and working specially on cameras, and not dancing as in regular sport competition". Anne Igartiburu, hostess of national selection also added that feature of all Eurovision events is points exchange between neighbour countries and Dance Eurovision was not difference. Mariano Mariano, juror of national preselection also expressed his feelings about result mentioning that "winning couple from Finland was very dangerous, they were not TV friendly but they were more professional. But it is a risk to send such a pair because they could get either Finnish or Lithuanian result, as there is no unifying criteria in Eurovision". Regarding Spanish pair he said that "they performed fantasticly, without any mistakes, they made it perfect and with a lot of expression".

"We think that there are countries that were positioned in front of us, but didn't deserve to be there", claimed Amagoya, who also has expressed unsatisfaction with "geographic voting". "We even though we could end without points at all because of that", added Abraham.

2.185 million people watched Eurovision Dance Contest in Spain - share of 21.1% (rating 5.2%) making the show 4th most viewed program of the day, loosing to The Simpsons. 2 hour long preview show collected 1.366.000 viewers - share of 12.1%

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Final of Eurovision Dance Contest was the most watched show on Lithuanian television for the whole week reaching share of 19.3%

After Eurovision Lithuanian dancers have appeared as guest stars in the opener of the show "Sokiu 10", Lithuanian version of "Dancing with stars".

����� ������������� ����������� ���� ����� ���������� �������������� ������ � �����, ��������� ���� � 19.3%.

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Delivering news first

Dutch couple feel that chaotic preparation is the reason of the poor result at the contest. "The Netherlands should have qualified in the top 5", says Cor van der Stroet, dance specialist and commentator. However, the preparations of the couple were spoilt by the fact that luggage of Alexandra was lost by air company. "Eventually it arrived, but the stress didn't lower, as I've got enormous lip fever, fortunately we could hide it with make up", explains Alexandra Matteman. The couple however is satisfied by their performance: "We've got the spark during the rumba, as three years before", said Matteman.

In the Netherlands 758,000 people watched the show - 13.9% share, 5.1% rating, finishing in top 10 of most watched programs of the day, but massively beaten by athletics championship. The pre-show documentary was watched by 631.000 viewers - 12.1% share, 4.2% rating.

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� ��������� �� ��� ������� 758.000 �������� - ���� � 13.9%, ������� 5.1%, ��� ��������� ��� ����� � ��� 10 ����� ���������� ������� ���, ������ ����������� �������� ���������� �� ������ ��������. �������������� ����� ����������� ����������� ���� �������� 631.000 �������� - 12.1 ����, 4.2 �������.

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Eurovision Dance Contest was not broadcasted in Greece and for that reason got almost no media attention, which is very unfortunate for this country making first steps in dance sports.

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Disappointment behind failure of Martin and Cecilia for Sweden. "We're almost exhausted, as we were training from mornings to evenings for two month time. It feels empty now. We have to rest now, lie on sofa and enjoy life", commented Martin. Martin is planning to release a cook book and work in his own "Rent a Worker" company, while Cissi will continue coaching.
"However, we've got a lot of compliments from other couples about the progress of turning wrestler into dancer", laughed Martin.
Final thoughts of the couple about contest are available at their blog.

1.36 mln viewers watched show on TV4 channel in Sweden, with 13% market share, which made it 4th most watched show of the week, beaten by broadcasts from Athletics championship. Junior national final was 10th on the same week.

�������� ���� ������ � ����� ������������ �����������. "�� ����������, �� ������������� � ���� �� ������ ����� ��� ������. ������ ��� ���� ������ ���������, ���������� �� ������ � �������� ������������ �� �����", ������ ������. �� ��������� � ������ ������� ������ ���������� ����� � �������� � ����� �������� "Rent a Worker", � ����� ��������� �������� �������� �� ������.
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1.36 ��� �������� ������� �� ��� �� �������� ������ TV4, ��� ��������� ���� � ������ 13%, ���� 4� ����� ���������� ���������� ������, �������� ������ ������� � ���������� �� ������ ��������. ����� �������� ������ ��� 10� �� ���� �� ������.

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Delivering news first

"The best dancers have won - but the best performers were Ukrainians", was short comment of BBC dance expert and co-commentator Bruno Tonioli.

Here is how Brendan Cole commented the show on his wesbite: "A big thank you to all of you who supported Camilla and myself for our last dance together. It was a very magical night for both of us and an incredible experience to be a part of. And a special thank you to all those who took time to email their congratulations, they are all very much appreciated."

The most exciting story for tabloids was whether couple will reunite? The Sun wrote "The were pressed up against the door and he had his arms round her. He was whispering in her ear and nuzzling her neck � they looked very close.�

The same Sun has also criticized organization of the show: "The first ever Eurovision Dance Contest was in chaos on Saturday when the BBC were unable to pull in a full studio audience despite offering FREE tickets. Red-faced bosses were forced to round up BBC staff to make up the audience and hastily distributed extra flags to give the impression of more people. Relieved executives managed to fill all the studio seats but were still embarrassed when just 12 people could be found to fill the 90-person balcony. A source said: "We always over-allocate but because the tickets are free people don�t always feel obliged to turn up. This would never happen on Strictly Come Dancing though � that�s always jam-packed. Eurovision just hasn�t been very popular."

On Saturday night 'The X-Factor' on ITV1 earned a 43.1% share of viewing and 8.7m viewers, easily overcoming 'The Eurovision Dance Contest' on BBC One, which achieved an 18.4% share and 3.8m viewers.

"������ ������� �������� ������ - �� ������ ������������ ���� ����������" - ����� ��� �������� ����������� ������������� �������� � ��-������������ ��� �� BBC ����� �������.

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����� ���������� �������� ��������� ��� ������ � ��������� ����������� ����. ����� ������ The Sun: "�� ������� � ����� � �� ����� ��. �� ���-�� ������ �� �� ��� - ��� ��������� ��� ����� ������� ����".

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����� ���������� ��� ���������� ������ � �������������� ���� "The X-Factor" �� ������ ITV1, ������� ������ 43.1% ��������� - 8.7 ��� ��������, � ��������� ����� ������������ ����������� �� BBC One, ������� �������� 18.4% ��������� � 3.8 ��� ��������.

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Photo: Alain Douit (� EBU) All rights reserved

Delivering news first

"Of course the result is disappointing, that after a lot of training we didn't receive a single point, but nevertheless it was a good experience to participate in the first Eurovision Dance Contest. After all, the whole delegation had a good time in London, even if Denise's problems with her shoulder made training the last days before the final almost impossible.", said SF spokesperson Marco Meroni.

"Compared to the competition, we weren't bad. It's like with Eurosong - it's only about politics", commented Denise Biellmann herself. "We can't complain that we didn't get any points from our neighbours if we criticize other countries that do", explained Marco Meroni.

353,000 people viewed the Swiss German broadcast of the programme on Swiss Television's SF1 (share 25.1%). Marco Meroni said: "It must be considered that at the same time SF2 was broadcasting match of Roger Federer. Considering the fact that in Switzerland we don't have any Dancing with Stars shows program in this new format got quite good ratings".

Italian language broadcaster TSI had an 18.1% share (a 4.7% rating) for the Eurovision Dance Contest - 15.000 viewers tuned in.

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353.000 �������� ��������� �� ������ ������������� ����������� �� SF1 (���� � 25.1%). ����� ������ ������: "���� ��������� �� �������� ����� ��� ����, ��� � ��� �� ����� SF2 ������������ ���� ���� ��������. �������� ����� ��� ����, ��� � ��� � ��������� ��� ��� �������� "������ �� ��������" - ��������� � ����� ������� �������� �������� ��������.

������������ ������������ TSI �������� ���� � 18.1 �������� (������� 4.7%) - ��� �������� 15.000 ��������.

Ratings of Eurovision Dance Contest 2007: Austria: share 41%, 0.68 mln, preview show 21%, 0.4 mln
Cyprus: share 25.4%
Denmark: 0.51 mln
Finland: 0.38 mln
Germany: share 12.5%, 3.1 mln, preview show 10.2%, 2.6 mln
Ireland: share 11%, 0.36 mln
Israel: share 8.3%, 0.08 mln
Lithuania: share 19.3%, ~0.65 mln
Netherlands: share 13.9%, rating 5.1%, 0.76 mln, preview show 12.1%, 0.63 mln
Poland: share 31.7%, rating 11.5%, 4 mln
Portugal: share 43.7%, 1.4 mln
Russia: 24.6% share, 4.6% rating, ~2.4 ���
Spain: share 21.1%, rating 5.2%, 2.2 mln, preview show share 12.1%, 1.4 mln
Sweden: share 13%, 1.4 mln
Switzerland: SF1 share 25.1% - 0.35 mln, TSI 18.1% share, 4.7% rating, ~0.02 mln
Ukraine: 8.3 share, 2.1 rating, ~0.3 mln
United Kingdom: share 18.4%, 3.8 mln
Total ~ 23 mln

It is possible to watch show again on Danish and Dutch national broadcasters websites.

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�����: 0.51 ���
���������: 0.38 ���
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�������: 8.3 ����, 2.1 �������, ~0.3 ���
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IDSF has issued press-statement on the outcome of first Eurovision Dance Contest. You can read it in complete form here and below we present it shortened.

1 September 2007-a day to remember for the IDSF, which introduced the first Eurovision Dance Contest. This resulted from a decision taken by the IDSF Presidium to mandate its Adviser, Richard Bunn, to pursue his idea to create and develop an international television programme that would build on the current interest in dancing and help in the promotion of DanceSport. Thanks to the production talents of Sunset and Vine and the creativity of Splash Media, both London based companies which are partners in this venture, and being able to convince the European Broadcasting Union that the Eurovision name and certain elements of the famous Song Contest could be the basis of the programme format, the project developed very rapidly.
The initial intention was to convince television companies from ten countries to participate in the Contest, but from the outset the interest exceeded this number. Finally a limit of sixteen nations was placed for the first contest, and a further six countries transmitted the event live.
When the first idea was elaborated, no one could have imagined the intensity and enthusiasm of public reaction to this television programme. Some countries had decided to organise national selection programmes and these had large audiences. Others chose their candidates and promoted their selection. The live television audience for the show itself was in the tens of millions.
This first Eurovision Dance Contest was a great success and the future can only be better. The dancers enjoyed the challenge and also making new friends, the production staff established the benchmark for future programmes and the viewing public were entertained for nearly two and a half hours. For the IDSF the development of DanceSport as a popular activity will be greatly enhanced by its association with the television show.

The television companies have committed for two more years to ensure the growth and development of this new programme. It is the intention of all involved that the Eurovision Dance Contest will become, like its elder sister the Eurovision Song Contest, a permanent part of European television culture and tradition.

EBU also was satisfied with the outcome of the show: "It was an exhilarating programme with an array of talented participants and renowned guests. All the couples were outstanding and should be congratulated for their performances", says Tal Barnea, executive supervisor of the Eurovision Dance Contest. Bjorn Erichsen, director of Eurovision TV, adds "we are very pleased with the successful outcome of this first Eurovision Dance Contest and look forward to an exciting future of dancing".

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Winners - Finland! / ���������� - ���������!
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jussikatjatowerbrigdesmall1.jpg (15432 bytes)Finnish couple Jussi Vaananen and Katja Koukkula have won inaugural Eurovision Dance Contest. The couple was considered one of pre-show favourites by ESCKaz being ranked in top 3 of our ranking. However, bookmakers were not so keen on the couple's chances and lucky are those who listened to us and managed to bet on Finns @ 18.0 a week before the final.
ESCKaz would like to sincerely congratulate Finnish couple and broadcaster YLE. With Finnish selection organized very late, just a week ago, on last Saturday - the couple had no time to do real EDC preparations, but showed that they are real professionals. You can find complete profile of winners on Finnish page and check interview with Jussi Vaananen, taken just prior to departure to London on Monday night. Finnish broadcaster YLE has shown the best professionalism in organization and especially in contacts with press. As organizers of "Heavy Metal Eurovision" we're also happy that hard rock music once again conquered European stage.

ESCKaz would also like to congratulate Ukrainian broadcaster NTU and Ukrainian couple with well deserved 2nd placing.

Find ESCKaz review a bit below.

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ESCKaz ����� �� �������� ���������� ������� �������� � ������������ YLE. ��������� ������� ����� ������ ��������� - ����� ������ ����� � ������� �������, � ���� �� ���� ���������������� ���������� ����� ������������� �������, �� ��� ������������������ ��������� ���������������. �� ������ ����� ������ ������� ����������� �� �������� ��������� � ��������� �������� � ���� ����������, ������ � ���� �� �������, ����� ����� ��������� � ������. ������� ������������ YLE ������������������ ��������� ��������������� � ����������� � � ����������� � ������� � �������. ��� ������������ "����������� � ����� ����-������" �� ����� ������ �� �������� ������� ���, ��� ������� ������ ����� ��������� ����������� �����.

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Runners-up - Ukraine! / 2-� ����� - �������!
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photo EBU

132 Finland/���������
121 Ukraine/�������
95 Ireland/��������
84 Poland/������
74 Austria/�������
74 Portugal/����������
72 Russia/������
59 Germany/��������

38 Denmark/�����
38 Spain/�������
35 Lithuania/�����
34 Netherlands/����������
31 Greece/������
23 Sweden/������
18 United Kingdom/��������������
0 Switzerland/���������

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Photo: Alain Douit (� EBU) All rights reserved's Andreas SCHACHT reports from the winner's press conference:

- We are actually feeling calm, happy and peaceful, maybe even a bit empty as everything is over now. We are waiting for the next things to happen now. When we arrived here, we didn�t think of this success really. Tonight we will celebrate together with YLE, the Finnish broadcaster. And remember, we�ll be boarding our plane tomorrow again and go back to Finland. We are a bit disappointed that Finland won't be hosting the Eurovision next year (it will take place in London again), but maybe our national broadcaster YLE feels happy about it! We would like to stress though that BBC did a great job hosting this event for the first time ever. It is important to try to be yourself, and try to be true to your dancing. We would like to thank YLE and BBC for all the help they gave us.

- We would like to stress that we danced to Apocalyptica�s The Unforgiven already 10 years ago with a different choreography and it�s a song very near to our hearts. And yes, heavy metal is cool! We started preparations for national selection at the beginning of June and picked the music in July, so roughly 5 weeks� time. We also had very good teachers, and one of them is dead already, so we keep him special in our minds.

������������� ������� ���� �������� � �����-����������� �����������:

- �� ��������� ���� ����� ������������, �� ������� ����, �� ����� ���� ������� ����������, ������ ��� ��� ��� �����������. �� ����, ��� �� ���������� ������. ����� �� �������� ����, �� � �� ������ � ���, ��� ��� ���� �����. ������� �� ����� �������� ������ � YLE, ������� �������������. � ���� ������� � ���, ��� ������ � ��� ������� � �� ������������ � ���������. �� ������� ������������ ���, ��� ��������� �� ����� ��������� ������� � ��������� ���� (�� ����� ������� � �������), �� ����� ���� YLE ���� �����! �� �� ������ �����������, ��� BBC ������� ��� ��������� ��� �������� ����������� ��������. ����� ����� ��� ����������� �����, � ���� ���������� ������ �����. �� �� ������ ������������� YLE � BBC �� ���������.

- �� �� ������ �����������, ��� ��������� ��� ���������� Unforgiven 10 ��� ����� � ������ ������������ � ��� ��� ����� ������ � ����� �������. �, ��, ����-������ - ��� �������! �� ������ ���������� � ������������� ������ � ���� � ��������� ������ � ����, ����� � ��� ���� ����� 5 ������ �������. � ��� ���� ����� ������� ������������� � ���� �� ��� ��� ���������, �� ������ �������� � ��� � ������.

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Switzerland - Denise has been injured less than week before the final, so the choreography had to be rearranged in a short time. Almost similar music was used by Lithuanian couple in national selection, and watching that you can see the difference between professionals and amateurs. 6/10

Russia - absolutely poor selection of the dance for the rumba, which was also wrongly credited in official materials to different compuser and not to Craig Armstrong. However, brilliant choreography helped to cover all disadvantages of celebrity couple. 8/10

The Netherlands - beautiful couple, nice choice of music, professiona... but total boring performance... 7/10

UK - probably most passionate and sincere dance of the night which made tears flowing from your eyes, and amazing level of performance 10/10

Austria - joined professionalism with the show, got real feeling of 50th music and dance performed on the highest level 9/10

Germany - wrong choice of music and technically very pure performances, with certain lack of understandment between couples... 5/10

Greece - uncharismatic performers not from first row of dance professionals, but this is where tune comes to rescue. It is difficult to make more perfect choice of music. 7/10

Lithuania - no doubts best paso of all performed on the night, the performers are truly outstanding. 10/10

Spain - One of the best latin dances of the night, professional performance and amazing interaction between couple and the audience. One of the best track choices as well. 9/10

Ireland - well, they've really struggled with jive having incorporated some Irish dance in it to make it easier. 6/10

Poland - absolutely unimpressive dance with no real mistakes, but no hook in it as well. 6/10

Denmark - young, sexy couple with well performed and rather boring dance 7/10

Portugal - second worst couple after Germany, the dance is very average and amateurish. One point added for costumes. 6/10

Ukraine - this is the way how turn very average dancers into huge favourites. Amazing selection of soundrack, choreography and costumes. 8/10

Sweden - brightest example what celebrity dancer can achieve with excellent track selection, costumes and choreography. Almost perfect. 9/10

Finland - 2nd best rumba and most passionate dance of the competition with perfect music choice and top performance 9/10

Switzerland - everything seemed OK there, Eurovision stripping, good soundrack, but really injury of female dancer did not let couple to shine. 7/10 Total: 13

Russia - for some reason this dance was totally different from the first one - good choice of soundtrack, but overall not very impressive performance which will be overshadowed by coming couples. 7/10 Total: 15

The Netherlands - we can repeat what we've said about first dance. This is the most beautiful female dancer of the contest, but performance is lacking something. The luggage of the couple has been lost with all costumes, so urgent change was made. 7/10 Total: 14

UK - this is professional, but not as impressive as their farewell rumba. 7/10 Total: 17

Austria - that was just brilliant. Amazing choice of track, costumes and great pasodoble/waltz choreography. 10/10 Total: 19

Germany - besides good music choice there is difficult to find any other words of praise. The dance is suitable for 14 year old teens party, but hardly for high level competition. 6/10 Total: 11

Greece - good music choice, respect for the olive ending, but otherwise it was just too simple to get high marks. 7/10 Total: 14

Lithuania - and here comes best dance of the night! Can not find enough superlatives to describe that, but it contrained mix of real professionalism and national flavour. Lithuanian couple was the best at the competition. 10/10 Total: 20

Spain - And Spanish paso didn't look sincere, probably because of huge smiles which are not really appropriate in this dramatic dance. 7/10 Total: 16

Ireland - and here comes the dance that brought 3rd place to this couple and Europe favourite Riverdance styled Fandango. This is the field they are real professionals in. 9/10 Total: 15

Poland - at least German dance had teen twist in it. Polish bottle is absolutely empty. A hint on what Polish national element is there might be helpful. 5/10 Total: 11

Denmark: This is still professional and boring, but at least it had some mirror story to back it. 7/10 Total: 14

Portugal: Ricardo was really saving that for Portugal. Some feelings at least! 7/10 Total: 13

Sweden: Another excellent dance selection well remembered from national Let's Dance show. But who on Earth was doing his haircut? 8/10 Total: 17

Finland: And a best way to end the show and become most memorable couple in competition. Hard rock all in black 10/10 Total 19.

No clear sign of political/diaspora vote in Eurovision Dance Contest: ESCKaz experts have analized the voting and came to the following conclusions:

  1. too little votes were cast in some countries making their vote a bit sporadic
  2. no or very little diaspora affect on the televoting for the reason of being new event and too little number of countries taking part
  3. no real conclusions can be drawn from result of JESC 2006 and EDC 2007 about new voting system
  4. one of the strongest couples have won!

Finland got their 12 marks from Austria, Netherlands and Sweden and 10s from from Denmark, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. Of those, only Sweden and Denmark are Finnish neighbours. Ukraine got their highest points from Finland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia and UK. Only Russia and Poland are neighbours. Greek 12 went to the Netherlands, Danish 12 to Ireland, Swiss 12 to Portugal. Only examples of Portugal giving 12 to Spain and Ireland to Lithuania are small examples of what can be called polictical voting.

� ������������ ����������� 2007 �� ���� ������� ����������� �������������/���������� �����������: ESCKaz ��������������� ����� �������� � ������ � ��������� �������:

  1. ������� ���� ������� ���� ������ � ���� ����� � �� �������� ����� ������ �����-����� ��������� ��������
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  3. ������ �� ����������� �������� ����������� 2006 � ������������� 2007 � ����� ������� ����������� ���� ������ ��������������
  4. ���� �� ���������� ��� ��������!

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Older news have been put into archive: part 1 (May, June), part 2 (July), part 3 (August 1-26), Euroweek (August 27 - September 1)

����� ������ ������� ���� ���������� � �����: ����� 1 (���, ����), ����� 2 (����),����� 3 (1-26 �������), ���������� (27 ������� - 1 ��������)

Additional recomended resources on Dance Sports and ballroom dances:

�������������� ������� � ������������ ������ � ������� ������:

Attention - the cases of copying news items and other information from ESCKaz pages are getting more and more frequent, as at the present moment ESCKaz is the only online mass-media with comprehensive coverage of Eurovision Dance competition. News with mark "Delivering News First" were published by ESCKaz earlier than by any other Eurovision related English language site. We're already aware about constant copying of all ESCKaz items by Greek tabloid website. We kindly ask our visitors to report such a cases to us. We remind all our colleagues that for legal use of ESCKaz materials not only a full clickable hyperlink to should be given, but also a written consent of ESCKaz administration received. All cases of reprinting without such a consent are clear violation of copyright rules and will be dealt as such.

EDC and EBU logos are properties of European Broadcasting Union. National logos are properties of national broadcasters. All rights reserved.

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