The Virtues List (original) (raw)

Sun, Dec. 14th, 2003, 02:37 pm

pthalogreen: The Virtues List

If you can think of things to add to this list, leave a comment!

  1. acceptance (of others and self) (Week 8)
  2. assertiveness
  3. beauty (Week 2)
  4. calmness
  5. caring (Week 7)
  6. charity
  7. cleanliness (Week 14)
  8. commitment (Week 17)
  9. common sense
  10. compassion
  11. compromise
  12. confidence (Week 18)
  13. consideration
  14. consistency
  15. contentment (Week 3)
  16. cooperation (Week 21)
  17. courage (Week 16)
  18. courtesy
  19. creativity (Week 1)
  20. detachment
  21. determination
  22. devotion (Week 11)
  23. diligence (Week 10)
  24. discernment
  25. enthusiasm (week 5)
  26. excellence
  27. faithfulness
  28. flexibility
  29. forgiveness
  30. fortitude
  31. friendliness
  32. generosity
  33. gentleness
  34. grace (Week 12)
  35. gratitude
  36. hard-work (Week 4)
  37. helpfulness
  38. honesty
  39. honour
  40. hope
  41. humility
  42. humour
  43. idealism
  44. integrity
  45. joyfulness (Week 6)
  46. justice
  47. kindness
  48. knowledge
  49. love
  50. loyalty (to others and self)
  51. mercy
  52. moderation (Week 20)
  53. modesty
  54. obedience
  55. objectivity (Week 9)
  56. orderliness
  57. patience (Week 19)
  58. peacefulness (Week 22)
  59. perseverance
  60. prayerfulness
  61. prudent
  62. purity
  63. purposefulness
  64. reliability
  65. respect
  66. responsibility
  67. reverence
  68. righteousness
  69. risk taking
  70. sacrifice
  71. self-discipline
  72. serenity (Week 15)
  73. service
  74. steadfastness
  75. tact
  76. thankfulness
  77. thoughtfulness
  78. tolerance
  79. trust
  80. trustworthiness
  81. truthfulness
  82. understanding
  83. unity
  84. wisdom
  85. wonder

Sun, Dec. 14th, 2003 08:19 am (UTC)


those are just the ones Linda Popov used in her various books, as a place to start off. We can discuss which ones to add to/remove from this list. I like your suggestions, *adds.* Some of them overlap (hard-working could be covered under mostly under diligence, with responsibility, commitment and self-discipline thrown in.) but I think overlap is okay, and virtues do that anyway. A lot of the ones on my list are covered under "love." :)

Sun, Dec. 14th, 2003 05:15 pm (UTC)


How about "consistency"?

Mon, Dec. 15th, 2003 09:42 am (UTC)


That's a good one. *adds*

Mon, Dec. 15th, 2003 05:23 am (UTC)


assertiveness is ok for now :)

Thu, Apr. 1st, 2004 05:59 am (UTC)


Well, I was thinking of something like "taking risks", maybe "daring", I suppose it could also be covered by courage. How about hope? Can hope be virtue? But then considering some of the things in the list like 'humour' (whee! you use British spelling!), which I wouldn't think to be virtues, maybe hope will fit.

Sat, Apr. 3rd, 2004 09:45 pm (UTC)


risk taking could definitely be a virtue. i think daring means almost exactly the same thing though. i'll add risk taking and hope. :) thanks!

Sun, May. 23rd, 2004 07:38 pm (UTC)


common sense