Mangabeira deposit, Monte Alegre de Goiás, Goiás, Brazil (original) (raw)


Formula: Ag2S


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: FeAsS

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Pb2(Cu,Fe)22-24S15


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Bi


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Bi2S3

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu5FeS4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: SnO2

Description: In greisens.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu2S


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: CuFeS2

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu2Fe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: CuS

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu9S5


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: In(OH)3

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu3AsS4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

'Feldspar Group'

Description: Microperthite microcline.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

'Feldspar Group var. Perthite'

Description: Microperthite microcline.


Formula: FeWO4

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Formula: Cu2FeSnS4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: CaF2

Description: In greisens.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: PbS

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: AlCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6 · 3H2O


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Fe2+TiO3

Description: In Li-siderophyllite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: KFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)6



Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: FeAs2

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4

Description: In Li-siderophyllite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2 · 8H2O


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: K(AlSi3O8)


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

'Monazite Group'

Formula: REE(PO4)

Description: In Li-siderophyllite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Description: Aluminium-phengite in Li-siderophyllite granite. Phengite replaces Li-siderophyllite. Lithium-phengite in topaz-albite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

Muscovite var. Phengite

Formula: KAl1.5(Mg,Fe)0.5(Al0.5Si3.5O10)(OH)2

Description: Aluminium-phengite in Li-siderophyllite granite. Phengite replaces Li-siderophyllite. Lithium-phengite in topaz-albite granite.


Formula: KFe3+4(AsO4)3(OH)4 · 6-7H2O


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Be2SiO4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: FeS2


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: SiO2


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: CuInS2

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Ca(WO4)


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Fe3+AsO4 · 2H2O

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: PbFe3+3AsO4(AsO3OH)(OH)6


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: KFe2+2Al(Al2Si2O10)(OH)2

Description: Lithium-siderophyllite.


Formula: ZnS

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Cu2FeSnS4

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

'Stannite Group'

Formula: A2DEX4


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

'Tennantite Subgroup'

Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)As4S12S

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Al2(SiO4)(F,OH)2


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: (Ba,K)Fe3+6(AsO4)5(O,OH)3 · 3H2O


Formula: Sn9Fe8(AsO4)4O24 · 9H2O

'Unnamed (Sn-Fe Arsenate-Hydrate)'

Formula: Sn3Fe2(AsO4) · 3H2O

'Wolframite Group'


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010

Yanomamite (TL)

Formula: InAsO4 · 2H2O

Type Locality:

Description: In quartz-topaz rock (topazite).


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Description: In topaz-albite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010


Formula: Zr(SiO4)

Description: In Li-siderophyllite granite.


Moura, Márcia A., Botelho, Nilson F., Olivo, Gema R., Kyser, Kurt, Pontes, Rodrigo M. (2014) Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 60. 36-49 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.12.010