Volcanoes of Australia | John Seach (original) (raw)

Volcanoes of Australia | John Seach


Volcanoes in Australia are the result of hotspot activity.
Most volcanoes are extinct, but there is a province in Victoria which is dormant, and may erupt in the future.

Australia's currently active volcanoes are Heard Island, and McDonald Islands.

Kanawinka Global Geopark

Australian Islands Heard Island McDonald Island Lord Howe Island Norfolk Island Ridge Macquarie Island North Queensland Atherton Chudleigh McBride (Undara) McLean Nulla Piebald Sturgeon Wallaroo Central Queensland Bauhinia Buckland Hillsborough Hoy Mitchell Monto Nebo Peak Range Rockhampton Springsure Southern Queensland Brisbane Boyne Bundaberg Focal Peak Glass House Main Range Northern NSW Barrington Central Comboyne Doughboy Ebor Liverpool Range Nandewar Tweed Walcha Warrumbungle Central and Southern NSW Abercrombie Airly Bunda Bunda Byrock Canobolas Cargelligo Dubbo El Capitan Monaro Nerriga Snowy Mountains South Coast Southern Highlands Sydney Torres Strait Murray Islands South Australia Mt Gambier Mt Schank Victoria Aberfeldy Bacchus Marsh Bogong Bonang Flinders Gelantipy Howitt La Trobe Mt Eccles Mt Napier Neerim Toombullup Uplands Pacific Ocean Tasman Seamounts Tasmania volcanic regions North Northwest Western midlands Central East Southeast Tasman Sea Tasman Seamounts

Burning Mountain
Non-volcanic emissions of hot gas and sulphur in rural NSW, Australia.

Mystery Craters
Craters located near Bundaberg, which might have volcanic origin.

Recent Australian Tsunamis
Ancient Australian Tsunamis
Volcanic Tsunamis

Further reading
Sutherland 1995, The Volcanic Earth, UNSW Press, Sydney.