AS 2100 (original) (raw)

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AS 2100

AS 2100 satellite
AS 2100 satellite
Credit: Lockheed-Martin

American communications satellite. Cost per satellite $100 million for the spacecraft including ground support equipment, but not including launch costs. 3-axis stabilized.

AKA: A2100;A2100A;A2100AX;A2100AXS;A2100M;ACES;AEHF;CLIO;Garuda;MUOS;N-SAT-110;Rainbow;SBIRS;Vinasat;Zhongwei 1. Status: Operational 1996. First Launch: 1996-09-08. Last Launch: 2015-09-02. Number: 51 . Gross mass: 2,760 kg (6,080 lb).

Two large solar arrays. 18 operational C-Band channels with 45 W amplifiers.16 Ku-Band channels with 85 W amplifiers.4 Ku-Band channels at 135 watts.

More at: AS 2100.


EchoStar 3, 4, 7 Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Dish Network Corporation (EchoStar), USA. Launched 1997 - 2002. Used the A2100AX bus.

Nimiq 1, 2 Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Telesat Canada, Canada. Launched 1999 - 2002. Used the A2100AX bus.

Telkom 1 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT Telkom), Indonesia. Launched 1999. Used the A2100A bus.

LMI Russian communications satellite. Lockheed Martin Intersputnik's LMI-1 satellite was a joint Russian-American venture. LMI-1 provided communications services to Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Lockheed Martin Intersputnik (LMI) > Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS), Russia. Launched 1999. Used the A2100AX bus.

NSS 7 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for New Skies, Netherlands. Launched 2002. Used the A2100AXS bus.

NSS 6 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for New Skies, Netherlands. Launched 2002. Used the A2100AXS bus.

AMC 15, 16 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for SES Americom, USA. Launched 2004. Used the A2100AXS bus.

EchoStar 10 Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Dish Network Corporation (EchoStar), USA. Launched 2006. Used the A2100AXS bus.

Astra 1KR Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for SES Astra, Luxembourg. Launched 2006. Used the A2100AXS bus.

Astra 1L Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for SES Astra, Luxembourg. Launched 2007. Used the A2100AXS bus.

BSat 3a, 3b Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (B-SAT), Japan. Launched 2007 - 2010. Used the A2100A bus.

AMC 14 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for SES Americom, USA. Launched 2008. Used the A2100AXS bus.

VINASAT 1 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) of Vietnam, Vietnam. Launched 2008. Used the A2100A bus.

AEHF The Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) satellite program was the next generation of global, highly secure, survivable communications system for all services of the US Department of Defense, replacing the Milstar series. The first was finally launched three years behind schedule at a cost that had doubled from the original $5 billion estimate. The satellite was based on the commercial AS 2100 satellite bus (see for launch record). Comsat satellite built by Lockheed Martin (Bus), Northrop Grumman (ex TRW) (Payload) for USAF, USA. Launched 2010 - 2013. Used the A2100M bus.

MUOS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Comsat satellite built by Lockheed Martin (Prime), Boeing, General Dynamics for US Navy, USA. Launched 2012 - 2016. Used the A2100M bus.

VINASAT 2 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) of Vietnam, Vietnam. Launched 2012. Used the A2100A bus.

GOES R, S, T, U Meteorology satellite built by Lockheed Martin for NOAA, USA. Launched 2016. Used the A2100A bus.

Agrani 1 Communicationsatellite built by Lockheed Martin for Afro-Asian Satellite Communications (Agrani). Used the A2100AXX bus.

BT-4 Pressure-fed liquid propellant engine developoed by IHI Aerospace of Japan. Originally developed for the cancelled LUNAR-A, later adopted internationally for use as the apogee engine for geostationary communications satellites (A2100 and GEOStar-2 buses), and the HTV and Cygnus automated cargo spacecraft. The thruster was built on the technology base from license build of the second stage attitude control system for the N-1 rocket in the 1970's, followed by the first indigenous-design Japanese thrusters for the ETS-4 (Kiku-3) satellite in the 1980's.

JCSat 17 Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, Japan. Used the A2100 (modernized) bus.

LEROS-1 First of a family of liquid propellant rocket engines manufactured by Moog-ISP at Westcott, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. LEROS engines have been used as primary apogee engines for telecommunications satellites such as the Lockheed Martin A2100 as well as deep space missions such as Juno. The LEROS 1 was developed and qualified in the 1990s by Royal Ordnance, later part of British Aerospace. The LEROS engines are made of niobium alloy, which is traditionally used for liquid rocket engines such as the main engine of the Apollo Lunar Module. More than 70 LEROS 1 series engines have been delivered and have flown successfully as of 2015.

Rainbow Ka-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Communication (Direct Broadcasting) satellite built by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems for Cablevision (Rainbow Media). Used the A2100AXS bus.

Family: Communications, Geosynchronous orbit, Surveillance. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Atlas, Proton, Ariane, Ariane 44LP, Ariane 44L, Ariane 42P, Atlas IIA, Ariane 42L, Atlas IIAS, Proton-K/DM-2M, Chang Zheng 3B, Ariane 5, Ariane 5G, Zenit-3SL, Atlas V, Proton-M/Briz-M, Atlas V 401, Ariane 5ECA, Atlas 3B, Atlas V 521, Atlas V 551, Atlas V 411, Atlas V 501, Atlas V 531. Projects: Americom, Anik, Astra, Chinastar, Intelsat, Palapa, Sirius. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral, Baikonur, Cape Canaveral LC36A, Baikonur LC81/23, Cape Canaveral LC36B, Cape Canaveral LC41, Baikonur LC81/24, Kourou, Baikonur LC200/39, Xichang, Kourou ELA2, Xichang LC2, Kourou ELA3, Kiritimati. Agency: Astro Space, Echostar. Bibliography: 2, 278, 4, 552, 554, 12065, 12066, 12067, 12068, 12069, 12070, 12071, 12072, 12073, 12074, 12075, 12076, 12077, 12078, 12079, 12080, 12081, 12082, 12083, 12084, 12085, 12086, 12087, 12088, 12089, 12090, 12091, 12092.

Photo Gallery

USA 235 USA 235Credit: Manufacturer Image

AMC-14 AMC-14Credit: Manufacturer Image

AMC-16 (GE-16) AMC-16 (GE-16)Credit: Manufacturer Image

Arabsat 6A Arabsat 6ACredit: Manufacturer Image

Astrolink 1 Astrolink 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

Astra 1KR Astra 1KRCredit: Manufacturer Image

Astra 1L Astra 1LCredit: Manufacturer Image

AS 2100 satellite AS 2100 satelliteCredit: Lockheed-Martin

BSAT-3A BSAT-3ACredit: Manufacturer Image

BSAT-3C BSAT-3CCredit: Manufacturer Image

Echostar 10 Echostar 10Credit: Manufacturer Image

Agrani 1 Agrani 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

GE 1 GE 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

GE 4 GE 4Credit: Manufacturer Image

GE 7 GE 7Credit: Manufacturer Image

GOES R GOES RCredit: Manufacturer Image

HellasSat 4/SaudiGeo HellasSat 4/SaudiGeoCredit: Manufacturer Image

Jabiru 1 Jabiru 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

JCSAT 10 JCSAT 10Credit: Manufacturer Image

JCSAT 13 JCSAT 13Credit: Manufacturer Image

JCSAT 9 JCSAT 9Credit: Manufacturer Image

Koreasat 3 / Mugungh Koreasat 3 / MugunghCredit: Manufacturer Image

MUOS 1 MUOS 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

Navstar 3 Navstar 3Credit: Manufacturer Image

Nimiq 1 Nimiq 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

N-SAT-110 N-SAT-110Credit: Manufacturer Image

NSS 6 NSS 6Credit: Manufacturer Image

NSS 7 NSS 7Credit: Manufacturer Image

Rainbow 1 (Cablevisi Rainbow 1 (CablevisiCredit: Manufacturer Image

Rainbow Ka-1 Rainbow Ka-1Credit: Manufacturer Image

USA 241 USA 241Credit: Manufacturer Image

Sirius 4 Sirius 4Credit: Manufacturer Image

Telkom 1 Telkom 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

Vinasat 1 Vinasat 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

Vinasat 2 Vinasat 2Credit: Manufacturer Image

Zhongwei 1 Zhongwei 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

1996 September 8 - . 21:49 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36B. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas IIA.

1997 January 30 - . 22:04 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 44L.

1997 September 4 - . 12:03 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36A. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas IIAS.

1997 October 5 - . 21:01 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36B. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas IIAS.

1998 May 7 - . 23:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

1998 May 30 - . 10:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Xichang. Launch Complex: Xichang LC2. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 3B.

1999 May 20 - . 22:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

1999 August 12 - . 22:52 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 42P.

1999 September 4 - . 22:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 42P.

1999 September 26 - . 22:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

1999 November 13 - . 22:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 44LP.

2000 February 12 - . 09:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

2000 September 14 - . 22:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5G.

2000 October 1 - . 22:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

2000 October 6 - . 23:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 42L.

2000 October 21 - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

2000 December 20 - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5G.

2002 February 21 - . 12:43 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36B. Launch Pad: SLC36B. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas 3B.

2002 April 16 - . 23:02 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 44L.

2002 December 17 - . 23:04 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 44L.

2002 December 29 - . 23:17 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/24. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-M/Briz-M.

2003 July 17 - . 23:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 521.

2004 February 5 - . 23:46 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36A. Launch Pad: SLC36A. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas IIAS.

2004 May 19 - . 22:22 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC36B. Launch Pad: SLC36B. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas IIAS.

2004 October 14 - . 21:23 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-M/Briz-M.

2004 December 17 - . 12:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 521.

2006 February 15 - . 23:35 GMT - . Launch Site: Kiritimati. Launch Pad: 0.0 N x 154.0 W. Launch Platform: Odyssey. LV Family: Zenit. Launch Vehicle: Zenit-3SL.

2006 April 12 - . 23:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Kiritimati. Launch Pad: 0.0 N x 154.0 W. Launch Platform: Odyssey. LV Family: Zenit. Launch Vehicle: Zenit-3SL.

2006 April 20 - . 20:27 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 411.

2006 August 11 - . 22:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2006 December 8 - . 22:08 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2007 May 4 - . 22:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2007 August 14 - . 23:44 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2007 September 5 - . 22:43 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-M/Briz-M. FAILURE: Second stage engine failure soon after ignition.. Failed Stage: 2.

2007 November 17 - . 22:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-M/Briz-M.

2008 March 14 - . 23:18 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-M/Briz-M. FAILURE: Premature shutdown of Briz upper stage due to escape of turbine gases through a thin-walled tube.. Failed Stage: U.

2008 April 18 - . 22:17 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2009 August 21 - . 22:09 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2010 August 14 - . 11:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 531.

2010 October 28 - . 21:51 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2011 May 7 - . 18:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 401.

2011 August 6 - . 22:52 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2012 February 24 - . 22:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 551.

2012 May 4 - . 18:42 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 531.

2012 May 15 - . 22:13 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.

2013 March 19 - . 21:21 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 401.

2013 July 19 - . 13:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 551.

2013 September 18 - . 08:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 531.

2014 September 17 - . 00:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 401.

2015 January 21 - . 01:04 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 551.

2015 September 2 - . 10:18 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 551.

2016 June 24 - . 14:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 551.

2016 November 19 - . 23:42 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 541.

2017 January 21 - . 00:42 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC41. Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC41. LV Family: Atlas V. Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 401.

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