Chinastar (original) (raw)

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Zhongxing and Zhongwei (Chinastar) communications satellites were orbited by China Orient Telecommunications Satellite Company, part of the Chinese telecommunications ministry. A combination of indigenous and foreign satellites are used. Zhongxing 1 to 4 were apparently some of the earlier DFH-2 and DFH-3 satellites (although more than four reached geosynchronous orbit). Zhongxing 5 was the former Spacenet 1.

Country: China. Spacecraft: HS 376, DFH-3, AS 2100. Launch Vehicles: Chang Zheng 3, Chang Zheng 3A, Chang Zheng 3B. Launch Sites: Xichang. Agency: Chinasat, CASC, Lockheed.

1994 February 8 - . 08:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Xichang. Launch Complex: Xichang LC2. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 3A.

1998 May 30 - . 10:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Xichang. Launch Complex: Xichang LC2. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 3B.

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