Burnazyan (original) (raw)

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Burnazyan, Avetik Ignatyevich

Russian bureaucrat. Deputy Minister of Health from 1947. Involved in Voskhod crew selection.

Born: 1906-04-20. Died: 1981-10-25.

Biography: Organizer of the Soviet military-medical service, the Deputy Minister of Health (1947-1972), PhD, Lieutenant General of the Medical Service of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and State prizes; participant in the development of the first Soviet atomic bomb, and the elements of the "nuclear shield" in the USSR, the first head of the State Service for radiation safety and health service, a veteran of World War II, with his direct participation created Clinical Hospital Number 6 as the base hospital of the health system of the Third Main Directorate of the Ministry of Health; born April 20th 1906, 1930: graduated from the Military Medical Academy named after SM Kirov in Leningrad; in 1935: graduated from the Military Academy named after Frunze; from 1935 to 1940. - led the military health departments in the Moscow Regional Clinical and First Medical Institutions; 1939-1940 - deputy chief and later head of the Medical Division of the 10th Army; in 1941-1943 he headed the medical service of the Kalinin Front; 1945 - Head of of Medical Administration, Far Eastern Front, organization of medical support for the war against Japan; from 1946 - Chief Medical Officer of the 1st Main Directorate of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; from 1947 - sent to serve in the Ministry of Health, where he led a number of departments and for 25 years was a deputy minister and a member of the board of the Ministry of Health of the USSR; 1947-1972 - Deputy Minister of Health; Major-General of Medical Service on 31 March 1943 .; Lieutenant-General of Medical Service - June 19, 1945. He died October 25, 1981. FGUZ "Clinical Hospital N FMBA 6" named after Avetik Ignatievitch Burnazyan (order of the Moscow Government N 1299-p dated July 7, 2006); Order of the FMBA of Russia (N 310 dated November 16, 2007) approved the Regulations on the badge "AI Burnazyan" is a departmental insignia of the agency.

Country: Russia. Bibliography: 474.

1906 April 20 - .

1966 May 10 - .

1966 June 21 - .

1966 July 4 - .

1966 July 30 - .

1966 August 11 - .

1966 August 23 - .

1981 October 25 - .

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