Nikolayev (original) (raw)

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Nikolayev, Andriyan Grigoriyevich

Chuvash-Russian pilot cosmonaut 1960-1982. First person to fly more than one day in space. Married Valentina Tereshkova, and fathered first child born to parents that had both flown in space.

Status: Deceased; Active 1960-1982. Born: 1929-09-05. Died: 2004-07-03. Spaceflights: 2 . Total time in space: 21.64 days. Birth Place: Shorshely, Chuvashia.

Nikolayev completed courses in forestry in at age 18 and then worked in forestry administrative work in Karelia until drafted into the Red Army in 1950. He was identified as a good pilot candidate, and after initial flight training entered the fighter pilot training school in Frunze in August 1951. He completed officer and flight training in 1954 and was assigned to fighter units in the Moscow area. In 1960 he was one of 20 pilots selected in the first group of Soviet cosmonauts. He made the world's first multi-day spaceflight aboard Vostok 3 in August 1962. Cosmonaut commander Kamanin found Nikolayev the calmest of the original cosmonauts, a good chess player, and one of only three cosmonauts kept current in three MiG fighter types.

After Valentina Tereshkova's triumphant return from her Vostok 6 flight in June 1963, a joke began circulating that she should marry Nikolayev, the only bachelor cosmonaut to have flown. Although he and Tereshkova did not dislike each other, there was no substance to the rumor of a romance. However the story eventually reached Khrushchev. He saw potential for big propaganda benefits, and began applying pressure through Kamanin, the commander of the cosmonaut detachment, for the couple to marry. They finally gave in and the marriage ceremony took place on November 3, 1963, at the Moscow Wedding Palace, with the wedding party at a governmental mansion set apart for state receptions. Khrushchev himself presided at the party, together with top government and space program leaders.

On June 8, 1964, Tereshkova gave birth to a daughter, Elena Andrianovna, who later went on to become a physician. But the marriage was in trouble almost from the beginning. Tereshkova's in-laws would pressure her to go over Kamanin's head, to higher governmental officials, to complain about Nikolayev's behavior. Once out of the limelight, the couple would divorce.

In 1966-1967 Nikolayev began training for L1 and L3 manned lunar flights. Nikolayev, along with other first group cosmonauts, was assigned to complete engineering graduate courses at the Zhukovskiy Test Pilot Engineering Academy. He obtained his degree in December 1968.

From February 1968 to 1974 he served as a Deputy Director for Training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre. He supervised cosmonauts training for L1 and L3 lunar, and Soyuz earth-orbit flights. He flew in the record-duration 18-day Soyuz 9 flight in 1970. Nikolayev and his crewmate were in extremely poor physical condition after their flight. In fact, no other crew on a flight of any duration has ever come back in such bad shape. At the time this called into serious question Soviet plans for long-duration space stations.

In 1974 Nikolayev was named as First Deputy for Training at the cosmonaut center, and stayed in that position until his retirement in 1982. This appointment was somewhat ironic since failure to follow the pre-flight and in-flight exercise regime was considered part of the reason for his extremely poor physical condition after Soyuz 9.

As a flown cosmonaut, and one that had been aboard two record-breaking flights, Nikolayev received innumerable honors, prizes, medals, and privileges. As a more enduring monument, a prominent lunar crater was named after him. Two books appeared under his name, Vstretimsya na orbite (Meeting in Orbit) and Kosmos - doroga byez kontsa (Space - Road without End).

He died of a heart attack, while judging the All-Russian rural sport games at Cheboksary, Chuvash Autonomous Republic. Nikolayev's cosmonaut call sign was Sokol (Falcon).

More at: Nikolayev.

Family: Cosmonaut. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Vostok. Flights: Vostok 2, Vostok 3, Soyuz A-1, Soyuz 2A, Soyuz 8, Soyuz 9. Agency: VVS. Bibliography: 206, 376, 5835.

Photo Gallery

Soyuz 9 Crew Soyuz 9 CrewSoyuz 9 crew before lift-offCredit: RKK Energia

Vostok 3 Vostok 3Nikolayev before entering spacecraftCredit: RKK Energia

Soyuz 9 Comm Soyuz 9 CommTereshkova and daughter and Khrunov communicate with Nikolayev during Soyuz 9.Credit: RKK Energia

1929 September 5 - .

1960 February 25 - .

1961 January 6 - .

1961 January 17 - .

1961 January 18 - .

1961 March 16 - .

1961 March 17 - .

1961 March 25 - . 05:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72K.

1961 April 10 - .

1961 August 6 - . 06:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72K.

1961 October 18 - .

1962 February 17 - .

1962 February 20 - .

1962 March 5 - .

1962 March 7 - .

1962 March 16 - .

1962 March 27 - .

1962 April 20 - .

1962 April 26 - . 10:02 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72K.

1962 August 2 - .

1962 August 4 - .

1962 August 5 - .

1962 August 7 - .

1962 August 8 - .

1962 August 8 - .

1962 August 9 - .

1962 August 10 - .

1962 August 11 - . 08:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72K.

1962 August 12 - . 08:02 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72K.

1962 August 13 - .

1962 August 14 - .

1962 August 15 - .

1962 August 15 - .

1962 August 16 - .

1962 August 17 - .

1962 August 18 - .

1962 August 20 - .

1962 August 21 - .

1962 December 22 - .

1963 January 12 - .

1963 January 17 - .

1963 October 7 - .

1963 October 29 - .

1963 October 30 - .

1963 October 31 - .

1963 November 2 - .

1963 November 3 - .

1963 November 5 - .

1963 December 7 - .

1964 January 16 - .

1964 January 23 - .

1964 March 21 - .

1964 April 4 - .

1964 April 8 - .

1964 August 17 - .

1964 August 18 - .

1964 October 13 - .

1964 November 3 - .

1964 November 4 - .

1964 December 24 - .

1965 January 11 - .

1965 February 2 - .

1965 March 29 - .

1965 April 20 - .

1965 August 20 - .

1965 September 1 - . LV Family: N1. Launch Vehicle: N1 1964.

1965 September 17 - .

1965 October 14 - .

1965 October 22 - .

1965 November 15 - .

1966 January 4 - .

1966 January 18 - .

1966 February 14 - .

1966 March 12 - .

1966 March 29 - .

1966 April 11 - .

1966 April 26 - .

1966 May 6 - .

1966 June 21 - .

1966 July 2 - .

1966 July 6 - .

1966 August 5 - .

1966 August 23 - .

1966 August 29 - .

1966 September 2 - .

1966 September 2 - . LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K.

1966 October 31 - .

1966 November 18 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.

1966 November 21 - .

1966 November 25 - .

1966 November 28 - .

1966 December 7 - .

1966 December 20 - .

1966 December 31 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.

1967 January 17 - .

1967 March 12 - .

1967 April - .

1967 August 2 - .

1967 October 15 - .

1968 February 8 - .

1968 May 11 - .

1968 July 3 - .

1968 July 18 - .

1968 October 1 - .

1968 October 19 - .

1968 December 15 - .

1969 January 23 - .

1969 February 10 - .

1969 April 26 - .

1969 August 21 - .

1969 September 12 - .

1969 September 18 - .

1969 September 25 - .

1969 September 28 - .

1969 October 13 - . 10:19 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz 11A511.

1969 December 30 - .

1970 February 2 - .

1970 March 18 - .

1970 May 16 - .

1970 May 19 - .

1970 May 20 - .

1970 May 21 - .

1970 May 24 - .

1970 May 25 - .

1970 May 27 - .

1970 May 28 - .

1970 May 30 - .

1970 May 31 - .

1970 June 1 - . 19:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz 11A511.

1970 June 2 - .

1970 June 3 - .

1970 June 4 - .

1970 June 5 - .

1970 June 6 - .

1970 June 7 - .

1970 June 8 - .

1970 June 9 - .

1970 June 10 - .

1970 June 11 - .

1970 June 12 - .

1970 June 13 - .

1970 June 14 - .

1970 June 15 - .

1970 June 16 - .

1970 June 17 - .

1970 June 18 - .

1970 June 19 - .

1970 June 19 - .

1970 June 22 - .

1970 June 23 - .

1970 June 26 - .

1970 June 27 - .

1970 June 30 - .

1970 July 3 - .

1970 July 6 - .

1970 July 10 - .

1970 July 11 - .

1970 July 14 - .

1970 July 16 - .

1970 July 28 - .

1970 July 30 - .

1970 September 16 - .

1970 September 25 - .

1970 October 14 - .

1970 October 28 - .

1970 November 16 - .

1970 November 26 - .

1970 November 27 - .

1971 January 15 - .

1971 March 31 - .

1971 April 13 - .

1971 June 11 - .

1971 June 16 - .

2004 July 3 - .

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