STS-89 (original) (raw)

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Part of Mir

Credit: NASA

First Uzbek astronaut. First flight of Block IIA SSME engines. Penultimate Shuttle mission to Mir.

AKA: Endeavour;Spacehab Double Module. Launched: 1998-01-23. Returned: 1998-01-31. Number crew: 6 . Duration: 8.82 days.

Penultimate Shuttle mission to Mir. Andy Thomas replaced David Wolf as the resident NASA astronaut. Endeavour docked with the SO module on Mir at 20:14 GMT on January 24, 1998.

Payloads included:

Despite fits problems with his Sokol emergency spacesuit, Andy Thomas replaced David Wolf as a Mir crew member on January 25. Endeavour undocked from Mir on January 29 at 16:57 GMT and made one flyaround of the station before departing and landing at Kennedy Space Center's runway 15 at 22:35 GMT on January 31.

NASA Official Mission Summary:

(8th Shuttle-Mir docking)
Pad A
89th Shuttle mission
12th flight OV-105
8th Shuttle-Mir docking
7th U.S. crew member on Mir
42nd KSC landing
Terrence W. Wilcutt, Commander
(3rd Shuttle flight)
Joe Frank Edwards Jr., Pilot (1st)
Michael P. Anderson, Mission Specialist (1st)
Bonnie J. Dunbar, Mission Specialist (5th)
James F. Reilly II, Mission Specialist (1st)
Salizhan Shakirovich Sharipov, Mission Specialist (1st space flight) (Russian Aviation and Space Agency)
Embarking to Mir - Mir 24/25 crew member: Andrew S. W.Thomas, Mission Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (2nd Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Returning from Mir - Mir 24 crew member: David A. Wolf, Mission Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (3rd Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Orbiter Preps (move to):
OPF 1 - March 28, 1997
VAB - April 8, 1997 (temporary storage)
OPF 3 - April 21, 1997
VAB - May 23, 1997 (temporary storage)
OPF 1 - June 4, 1997 (begin preflight processing)
VAB - Dec. 12, 1997
Pad - Dec. 19, 1997


January 22, 1998, 9:48:15 p.m. EST. Endeavour returned to space after completing its first Orbiter Maintenance Down Period, becoming first orbiter other than Atlantis to dock with Mir. On May 22, 1997, mission managers announced Endeavour would fly STS- 89 instead of Discovery. Launch originally targeted for Jan. 15, 1998, changed first to no earlier than Jan. 20 and then Jan. 22, per request from the Russian space program to allow completion of activities on Mir. First launch overseen by one of two new rotational launch directors, Dave King, following retirement of veteran Launch Director Jim Harrington.


January 31, 1998, 5:35:09 p.m. EST, Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Rollout distance: 9,790 feet (2,984 meters). Rollout time: One minute, 10 seconds. Mission duration: eight days, 19 hours, 46 minutes, 54 seconds. Landed on orbit 139. Logged 3.6 million statute miles. Landed on first opportunity at KSC, marking 13th consecutive landing in Florida and 20th in the last 21 missions.

Mission Highlights:

Docking of Endeavour to Mir occurred at 3:14 p.m., Jan. 24, at an altitude of 214 nautical miles. Hatches opened at 5:25 p.m. the same day. Transfer of Andy Thomas to Mir and return of David Wolf to the U.S. orbiter occurred at 6:35 p.m., Jan. 25. Initially, Thomas thought his Sokol pressure suit did not fit, and the crew exchange was allowed to proceed only after Wolf's suit was adjusted to fit Thomas. Once on Mir, Thomas was able to make adequate adjustments to his own suit (which would be worn should the crew need to return to Earth in the Soyuz capsule) and this remained on Mir with him. Wolf spent a total of 119 days aboard Mir, and after landing, his total on-orbit time was 128 days.

Hatches between the two spacecraft closed at 5:34 p.m., Jan. 28, and two spacecraft undocked at 11:57 a.m., Jan. 29. More than 8,000 pounds (3,629 kilograms) of scientific equipment, logistical hardware and water were taken from Endeavour to Mir. On Jan. 31, a new crew docked with Mir to begin a three-week handover. Thomas and his Mir 24 crewmates, Commander Anatoly Solvyev and Flight Engineer Pavel Vinogradov, greeted Mir 25 Commander Talgat Musabayev, Flight Engineer Nikolai Budarin and French researcher Leopold Eyharts following a soft docking on Jan. 31, just hours before the STS-89 crew touched down in Florida. Eyharts was to return to Earth Feb. 19 with the two Mir 24 cosmonauts, leaving Thomas, Musabayev and Budarin on Mir. Thomas, the last U.S. astronaut assigned to complete a lengthy stay on Mir, will return to Earth after a four-month stay as Phase I activities draw to a close.

More at: STS-89.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Anderson, Dunbar, Edwards, Joe, Reilly, Sharipov, Wilcutt. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Endeavour. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA, NASA Houston.

Photo Gallery

1998 January 23 - .

1998 January 23 - . 02:48 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39A. Launch Platform: MLP3. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

1998 January 24 - .

1998 January 25 - .

1998 January 26 - .

1998 January 26 - .

1998 January 27 - .

1998 January 28 - .

1998 January 29 - .

1998 January 29 - . 16:33 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-U-PVB.

1998 January 30 - .

1998 January 31 - .

1998 January 31 - .

1998 February 1 - .

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