Vostok 10 (original) (raw)

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Vostok 10

Part of Vostok

Vostok Interior
Vostok Interior
Credit: © Mark Wade

Planned ten-day flight, science plus engineering tests of ion flow sensors to be used for orientation of later Soyuz spacecraft. All follow-on Vostok missions cancelled in spring 1964.

Launched: 1965 April. Number crew: 1 .

In the flight series originally planned in January-March 1963 this would have been flown by the end of 1963 and would have been an unmanned thirty day biosat flight. In the late 1963 - early 1964 series it was changed to a high altitude manned Vostok flight for extended scientific studies. Spacecraft would have been allowed to naturally decay to a re-entry after ten days. Purposes of these flights were to be: geophysical and astronomical research; photography of the solar corona; solar x-ray imagery; medical-biological research; detailed study of the effects of weightlessness on the human organism; dosimetry; and engineering tests of ion flow sensors to be used for orientation of later Soyuz spacecraft. All follow-on Vostok missions cancelled in Spring 1964.

More at: Vostok 10.

People: Komarov, Leonov. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Vostok.

1962 August 22 - .

1962 August 27 - .

1962 August 30 - .

1962 September 13 - .

1962 November 9 - .

1962 November 26 - .

1963 January 7 - .

1963 January 9 - .

1963 January 11 - .

1963 February 1 - .

1963 February 18 - .

1963 March 8 - .

1963 March 21 - .

1963 July 27 - .

1963 August 11 - .

1963 September 17 - .

1963 November 19 - .

1963 November 23 - .

1964 January 16 - .

1964 January 23 - .

1964 January 29 - .

1964 January 30 - .

1964 February 1 - .

1964 February 5 - .

1964 February 8 - .

1964 March 13 - .

1964 April 24 - .

1965 April - .

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